In light of the recent
lawsuit filed by the single minority shareholder (who feels as though the majority owners are enriching themselves rather than paying him) against Tree House Brewing, I thought it's time to ask a question that has been on my mind for several months. Has Tree House jumped the shark? Tree House continues to make tree-mendous beers, of that there is no dispute. But I have grown tired of the silly hoops they make you go through to get them. The only availability at the brewery, the wrist bands, the artificial limits on purchases, the standing in lines, the drink tickets, etc. Standing in line for 45 minutes to pay $8 for a 12 oz. beer put me over the edge. During COVID, I put up with the rules, heck I even followed the rules to buy toilet paper from Costco. In a post-COVID world, playing these games has outweighed the enjoyment of drinking the beer. I'll drink Bud before I visit Tree House again. (OK, that's a lie. I'll never drink a Bud. But I'm still annoyed at Tree House)