BE interim commish speaks | The Boneyard

BE interim commish speaks

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Aug 26, 2011
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What he's saying is, we formed this conference to develop schools to join the "big boys". As for us, we are still there because all the other schools were big before us and did their time helping "lower prorgrams" develop. Now, they move onto all-out prestige. (Not sure what's prestigious about a 2-13 BCS record. That's about the only area the ACC sucks.) Our time will come. We'll go to the ACC or B1G. We're the only ex-New England Conference/ex-Yankee Conference school that played in a BCS bowl. And won national titles in Division 1 basketball.
Aug 26, 2011
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When you get a Happy Meal do you get the girl toy or the boy toy?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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There really are some ridiculous answers:

A. But the stickiness is sport. Sport transcends divides, it is a powerful teacher and it brings communities together that nothing else on the face of the earth can do.

Yes that is why San Diego State and Seton Hall - two teams who won't actually play each other are under the Big East banner. Not because it's maximizes both their revenues.

A. I believe in the idea of “dual capability” which is fancy consultant speak for balance. No matter what the Big East is known for today, it will be known for in the future as continually improving across all sports and as a laboratory for leadership.

This really is getting embarrasing for the league. Carl or Dan would do a better job. When asked how will you replace Syracuse - they would actually talk about how much better Boise and Houston are at football than Syracuse. They wouldn't make a ridiculous comment about Syracuse being accepted into a new community.

How can the presidents of these schools continue to allow this?
Aug 27, 2011
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His answers were fine. Some of you always want to be critical of everything that comes out of the BE office.
Aug 30, 2011
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I have a problem with the guy asking the questions. The biggest loss is Syracuse? Try West Virginia dude. Syracuse football is weak and has adequately been replaced by Temple, i'm not kidding when I say that either.

Hoops wise the league has enough depth to offset the loss. Hoops will be fine. Memphis is passionate about basketball, there's your replacement for Syracuse. If Memphis hoops can be that successful in CUSA, imagine what they can do in the Big East.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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His answers were fine. Some of you always want to be critical of everything that comes out of the BE office.

Are you kidding me? His answers are a world class crap fest. Time after time softballs were lobbed over the plate for him to crush. It's not even like swung and missed. It's like he caught the ball and rolled it back to the pitcher.

Every one of his answers ought to promote the conference. The Cuse question was begging him to talk favorably about our new conference members. His answer was like a girl who was dumped, complaining that the new girlfriend won't love the guy like she did.

That's some lame ass crap. This guy needs to go.
Sep 15, 2011
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Is he the comisioner of the BE or some olympic bureaucrat? He sure sounds like the later. Living in the south I read multiple of interviews with comisioners from the SEC, ACC every year. Don't remember every having read so much drivel.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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Joe Bailey Big East Interim Commisioner said:
Q. You have now been sitting in the Commissioner’s chair for a while, albeit as an interim. What has been the biggest positive and the biggest misconception you have found about where The Big East is today?

A. The deep affection for the BIG EAST. It is as though it is human. Everywhere I go, people really care about an institution the way you care about members of your family

Are you f'ng serious? This is his answer? Is this some interview on Lifetime? The Big East was gutted and now it is ignored unless someone stops to kick it around for and giggles.
Aug 29, 2011
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I have to say that whenever I read this guy's comments, I am reminded of Moe's response to Curly about thinking..."Don't think, every time you do it weakens the nation." That applies to the current Big East commissioner in a big way...But I suppose we should be happy that he didn't say his priority was whether St Johns wore names on its basketball uniforms, right Carl?
Aug 28, 2011
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this guy is just plain embarrassing. the interviewer asked him leading questions that literally walked him into answers about how the BE has improved and he still didn't say anything positive. hey Bailey, here's a hint, when the interviewer says that the PAC12 has been trying to expand east, but only the BE has truly reached a national footprint, say something like, "yeah, we reach fans across the whole country and should be attractive to marketers/TV for that reason and we will be able to leverage national interest into a great media deal", not "Big East is more diverse today, more inclusive and way more interesting and will be very proactive in delivering our messages." delivering messages? how about delivering quality sports.

and you have to roll your eyes at this one:" Syracuse has traded one community for another. Only time will tell whether it will be embraced and loved as it was by the Big East". so instead of saying that we replaced Cuse with better teams, he only says that Cuse may live the regret their decision b/c they won't get as many hugs in the ACC? this guy is ineffective and worthless and the fact that the BE hasn't found a permanent replacement yet makes me think every University President in the BE is also ineffective and worthless. how can you blame schools for leaving?
May 7, 2012
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Hey Skippy! Good to hear from you. That's sarcasm btw.....

Anyway, the irony of your post is borderline hysterical, although I'm sure you missed it.


I missed it just as much as I am sure you missed that 90% of posters in this thread seem to agree with me that the BE commissioner and what he said are a joke.
Aug 24, 2011
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Of course you missed it.

Just like you miss the fact that just because folks agree with your repeated post on the subject doesn't mean they don't think your a duck'n loon.

Dense as pounded whale .............
May 7, 2012
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Of course you missed it.

Just like you miss the fact that just because folks agree with your repeated post on the subject doesn't mean they don't think your a duck'n loon.

Dense as pounded whale .............

I had thought of saying that your post was something childish that a petulant 12 year old would post but that would insult 12 year olds everywhere.

Your parents must be so proud, all that money spent on your education and the best 'argument' you can come up with is to call someone a duck'n loon.

Now be sure to come back with something even more childish, I know you can do it.
Aug 29, 2011
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The guy's job is almost done. He's not the future of the Big East, he's not the past. He's a bridge,an dby all accounts the big east will announce the next commish by the end of the month, and that person will be in position for long haul.

And he likes a rub out on the green.

What I see is conference that's finally realized that it can't manage a business the size, scope and reach of the Big East conference, with the Providence small office management style that existed for so many years.

There's nothing to do or say publicly right now, except maintain company security and facetime until the bargaining tables open up for media rights. That's exactly what he did. There's nothing he said that isn't true. People that really care about the Big East (and I do) do think of it the way he described. I thought the ACC sucked a year ago, and I still do. I want nothing more than to kick the living hell out of the two current and two future ACC programs that we face on the gridiron this fall. I took great pleasure in seeing West Virginia hang 70 points on the #1 team in the ACC, in their precious Orange Bowl. West Virginia had a hell of time going 5-2 in our league.

I'm more confident this year, that we will put the hammer down on the ACC in football, than I was about our team last year. As for hoops? 3 national championships in men's b-ball and counting.

We owe everythign we've become as the top public institution in the northeast - to our relationship with the big east. THere's a lot of good, that's come with the bad, and there's a lot more of both to come I'm sure, with the good having a huge run ahead of it for all that's happened lately, and where we sit right now with the conference going forward.

Anyway, we just need to go out and continue to win games.
Aug 24, 2011
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I had thought of saying that your post was something childish that a petulant 12 year old would post but that would insult 12 year olds everywhere.

Your parents must be so proud, all that money spent on your education and the best 'argument' you can come up with is to call someone a duck'n loon.

Now be sure to come back with something even more childish, I know you can do it.

Look, you are here to break the balls of a fanbase that is largely dissatisfied with the way conference realignment has broken so far. For some sick reason you get enjoyment out of it and you post repeatedly on this issue. And you think folks here don't know your gig.

So yeah, I think your pretty much a spineless duck'n loon.

......and Skippy, my folks didn't pay for my education, I did that all on my own. You living in the basement or your old room?

May 7, 2012
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Look, you are here to break the balls of a fanbase that is largely dissatisfied with the way conference realignment has broken so far. For some sick reason you get enjoyment out of it and you post repeatedly on this issue. And you think folks here don't know your gig.

So yeah, I think your pretty much a spineless duck'n loon.

......and Skippy, my folks didn't pay for my education, I did that all on my own. You living in the basement or your old room?


BTW, it is "...I think you're pretty much..." not your.

Maybe you can get a refund on that vaunted education.
May 7, 2012
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Thanks. You are correct. You are a spineless duck'n loon. shooting fish in a barrel..........

Wake me up when you have an intelligent argument to offer as opposed to just childish name calling. Until then please STFU.


Aug 24, 2011
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when i got hammered last night around 130 ish i went to carlos the bar tender at the bar down the street and asked him to cash me out(left a card-high roller). right ass i was in the middle of that simple request a kid gave me a bit of a left elbow which didn't even move my arm a inch. he had a superfan shirt on. he then says "hey bar guy, 2 bud lights". carlos kinda laughed at him, grabbed my tab all set then got the kid his beers. i was hammered and was just textin on my phone and i yelled " observer dude". my friends were like, hes gone. were 5 houses down from this place, who is dragging his ass home. they have no clue who u are and in the morning they asked me about that and i couldn't figure out wtf they were talking about to i just read the last couple posts off this thread. observer.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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when i got hammered last night around 130 ish i went to carlos the bar tender at the bar down the street and asked him to cash me out(left a card-high roller). right ass i was in the middle of that simple request a kid gave me a bit of a left elbow which didn't even move my arm a inch. he had a superfan shirt on. he then says "hey bar guy, 2 bud lights". carlos kinda laughed at him, grabbed my tab all set then got the kid his beers. i was hammered and was just textin on my phone and i yelled "Fecunditying observer dude". my friends were like, **** hes gone. were 5 houses down from this place, who is dragging his ass home. they have no clue who u are and in the morning they asked me about that and i couldn't figure out wtf they were talking about to i just read the last couple posts off this thread. Fecunditying observer.

Besides the "Fecunditying observer" part, I have absolutely no idea what you typed. I'm guessing I caught the important part of the story, though...
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