BC Interruption Suggest PP as Interim HC | The Boneyard

BC Interruption Suggest PP as Interim HC

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Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Enough Is Enough: It’s Time For Steve Addazio To Go

Article suggests that Addazio has no right to finish the season. Sure, I can get on board with that. At the end of the article they suggest that PP should replace him as interim ASAP. Could you imagine? I am almost crying thinking about heading to Boston next week to square off against a BC team led by interim coach Paul Pasqualoni.
Jan 15, 2014
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Since joining the ACC, BC football has a better record than UNC in football. Maybe its time to " do something about UNC football " ( and a few other ACC schools that BC has a better overall football record since BC joined the ACC... haha!). That said, BC football and Basketball are at their worst collective combined stage at the moment in over half a century, no doubt about it. AD Bates, Addazio , Christian will be history soon enough, and they'll begin anew. In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that the BC football program is such a complete and utter mess at the moment.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Since joining the ACC, BC football has a better record than UNC in football. Maybe its time to " do something about UNC football " ( and a few other ACC schools that BC has a better overall football record since BC joined the ACC... haha!). Thast said, BC football and Basketball are at their worst collective combined stage at the moment in over half a century, no doubt about it. AD Bates, Addazio , Christian will be history soon enough, and they'll begin anew. In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that BC football is such a complete mess at the moment.

We'll find some excuses. There is about a 3% chance of us beating BC. We are that bad.
Jan 15, 2014
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We'll find some excuses. There is about a 3% chance of us beating BC. We are that bad.
I hear you. Maybe the Fuse Netwook will pick up this game for a 4am live showing. This way the nation won't have to be subjected to watching these horrid football teams, and the ones in the stands can sleep under their blankets, and at least can tell their friends that they were there when nobody else was.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I hear you. Maybe the Fuse Netwook will pick up this game for a 4am live showing. This way the nation won't have to be subjected to watching these horrid football teams, and the ones in the stands can sleep under their blankets, and at least can tell their friends that they were there when nobody else was.

I'm actually impressed at how quickly you pounce on a BC related thread here. They are few and far between, but you seem to always be on the lookout.
Dec 1, 2014
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Since joining the ACC, BC football has a better record than UNC in football. Maybe its time to " do something about UNC football " ( and a few other ACC schools that BC has a better overall football record since BC joined the ACC... haha!). That said, BC football and Basketball are at their worst collective combined stage at the moment in over half a century, no doubt about it. AD Bates, Addazio , Christian will be history soon enough, and they'll begin anew. In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that the BC football program is such a complete and utter mess at the moment.

Like a siren calling a sailor, one mere mention of Boston College and here you are. Seriously, do you get alerts on your phone and/or computer every time the BY mentions BC?
Dec 1, 2014
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I hear you. Maybe the Fuse Netwook will pick up this game for a 4am live showing. This way the nation won't have to be subjected to watching these horrid football teams, and the ones in the stands can sleep under their blankets, and at least can tell their friends that they were there when nobody else was.

You can do better than this!! Money Mayweather said it best: "Step ya game up!!"


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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We'll find some excuses. There is about a 3% chance of us beating BC. We are that bad.

We are that bad, but how funny would it be if we end up being the reason they can't go to a bowl! It would make me feel so much better if we could leave the taste of UConn in their mouths...


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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We are that bad, but how funny would it be if we end up being the reason they can't go to a bowl! It would make me feel so much better if we could leave the taste of UConn in their mouths...
Funny we play spoiler as a loser
Oct 28, 2014
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Since joining the ACC, BC football has a better record than UNC in football. Maybe its time to " do something about UNC football " ( and a few other ACC schools that BC has a better overall football record since BC joined the ACC... haha!). That said, BC football and Basketball are at their worst collective combined stage at the moment in over half a century, no doubt about it. AD Bates, Addazio , Christian will be history soon enough, and they'll begin anew. In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that the BC football program is such a complete and utter mess at the moment.

We'll take your mess and raise it one clusterduck
Oct 3, 2016
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I don't see BC beating Wake and that would be their 7th loss. Going to a bowl with a 5-7 record is absurd.

As far as BC's long term problems, it's their president and BOT that have zero interest in athletics. They will forever be the Vanderbilt and NW of the ACC as long as this is the case.

UCONN has a clearer path in that winning the AAC gives us a decent chance for a New Years 6 bowl. Teams like BC and Rutgers will never sniff a big time bowl game because they will never win their divisions let alone the title game in their conferences.
Aug 28, 2011
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Since joining the ACC, BC football has a better record than UNC in football. Maybe its time to " do something about UNC football " ( and a few other ACC schools that BC has a better overall football record since BC joined the ACC... haha!). That said, BC football and Basketball are at their worst collective combined stage at the moment in over half a century, no doubt about it. AD Bates, Addazio , Christian will be history soon enough, and they'll begin anew. In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that the BC football program is such a complete and utter mess at the moment.
The fact they were good coming out of the Big East only shows how long and hard they have fallen. Since they left the BE, BCU has one of the worse trajectories in the history of sports.

BCU is the Rutgers of the ACC.
Aug 24, 2011
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Was looking forward to this game, but I doubt UCONN has much of a chance given the way the offense is playing. BC's strength is the front seven of the defense and they come of the edge like nobody's business. I just don't see us running the ball or getting time to get Thomas open. UCONN will be at least a 10 point dog.

Will be there. Shame this is representative of big time college football in New England.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tough times at BC. Fortunately, they "own" New England and enjoy its undivided attention and support.
Yes they do. There is a Trump like wall around New England that is all BCU. One exception Storrs and the Eastern half of Mansfield. That's 100% UConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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The fact they were good coming out of the Big East only shows how long and hard they have fallen. Since they left the BE, BCU has one of the worse trajectories in the history of sports.

BCU is the Rutgers of the ACC.
They are not that good.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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In the meantime, there are no more excuses for Uconn football not to beat BC next week, now that the BC football program is such a complete and utter mess at the moment.

Dude, we sahq too. I'm pretty sure BC will open as a fairly heavy favorite. Our offense? Worst in the country. It's not an "excuse", just a recognition that our two teams might very well be the two worst teams in all of college football at the moment and whoever wins will be because of sheer, dumb luck probably.
Jan 15, 2014
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Tough times at BC. Fortunately, they "own" New England and enjoy its undivided attention and support.
Not really. With BC and Uconn football both boring and losers, and Uconn basketball losing now to the likes of Honus Wagner U, and BC basketball losing to the likes of St. Nichols State, neither Uconn nor BC own even the Fishing Rights for flounder off Gloucester, or Long Island Sound anymore.
Jan 15, 2014
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We'll take your mess and raise it one cluster

You'd be surprised with the number of BC football fans that will be rooting for Uconn to beat BC this Sat. They figure thats the only embarrassment that will get them what they want for Christmas.... Their Gym Coach fired before the snow flies.
Aug 24, 2011
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Not really. With BC and Uconn football both boring and losers, and Uconn basketball losing now to the likes of Honus Wagner U, and BC basketball losing to the likes of St. Nichols State, neither Uconn nor BC own even the Fishing Rights for flounder off Gloucester, or Long Island Sound anymore.

Good lord! Did you just compare BC hoops to UCONN hoops?
Jan 15, 2014
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Good lord! Did you just compare BC hoops to UCONN hoops?
You probably have a point.. Uconn just lost to a Honus Wagner U. program that is better than a Jack Nicholson State U that BC just lost to. In retrospect, that is perhaps bit unfair in the loss comparison that I just made, as Honus Wagner U. is probably better than Jack Nicholson State U. at the moment, it would seem.
Aug 24, 2011
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You probably have a point.. Uconn just lost to a Honus Wagner U. program that is better than a Jack Nicholson State U that BC just lost to. In retrospect, that is perhaps bit unfair in the loss comparison that I just made, as Honus Wagner U. is probably better than Jack Nicholson State U. at the moment, it would seem.

Actually, I was referring to the four national championships, five final four appearances and countless conference championships. But you either knew that or you are the most myopic person to ever abuse a keyboard.
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Jan 15, 2014
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We'll find some excuses. There is about a 3% chance of us beating BC. We are that bad.
Both Nate Silver & the NY Times are projecting that BC has an 85% chance of winning vs. Uconn Saturday

Which.. I know... probably is good news for you guys, and means now that Uconn will probably win the game.
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