BC Interruption: " it, Time to Play UConn in Football" | Page 2 | The Boneyard

BC Interruption: " it, Time to Play UConn in Football"

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Oct 4, 2013
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My wife and I were at both games, UConn Friday night and UMass Saturday. I can say quite confidently that UConn could and probably would beat BC. Despite the loss I saw a lot I liked about UConn. Just the difference in play between the first half and the second half speaks volumes as to how they will look as the season goes on. Coach D will continue to get more comfortable as will the team. The depth chart will stabilize and the wins will come.
I'm not going to bore you with what happened at Gillette against BC but I will say that at the half UMass had held BC to 2 field goals. As the game went on the defense was on the field for too long and wore down. But what I saw from BC was not that impressive. They are fairly one dimensional offensively with the QB from Florida. He's a good runner and plays the read option well. Shut that down and they don't have much else. Their skill position players are all inexperienced. I would love to see UConn kick their pompous a**es.
Aug 30, 2011
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I see you didn't watch the game (I don't blame you, no one else outside of Foxboro watched that curbstomping). Midway through the third quarter BC had out-gained UMass on the ground 302-0. It was every bit the virtual FBS/FCS matchup it was billed to be. Well, I mean, for most FBS teams. Didn't mean to reopen old wounds.

Anyway I didn't realize getting bent over by BYU at home coming off a 3-9 season suddenly made you guys super t3h awesomez.

You probably should have put together a different retort. Good luck against Stony Brook though.
Can you please just help us to understand where this sense of superiority comes from? We get it, Doug Flutie played there 30 years ago but aside from that? UConn isn't a powerhouse football program but at least we're sane enough to understand that, whereas almost all BC fans seems to have delusions of greatness. BC athletics is a joke from top to bottom (well I guess hockey is something....). Your own conference-mates don't even want you guys because you drag the conference down in pretty much every sport. The do-over that conference wishes they had...
Aug 26, 2011
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BC bragging about beating UMass. Even UMass fans think that is dumb. I'd rather play UMass every year. They would be a more reliable partner.
Aug 30, 2011
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It comes from distance, not having to back the words up on the field. The punk talking trash while standing behind a big dude.
Alright that one gave me an audible chuckle. To me, they're like that childhood friend of one of the popular kids at school, who isn't really popular themself. Their self-worth is built on being in the ACC but the rest of the ACC just sits around going, "why are they here?".


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Im torn on this at this point -

I dont think they help our SOS compared to some of the other OOC teams we are playing and have lined up -

Boise St

It should be a geographical rivalry but since they think they belong in a southern conference I dont really care anymore - let them wallow with the others who broke up the big east. It would be like us having a rivalry with Wake. Actually they should just move the campus to North Carolina.
(I know WVA is NOT Big 10 but would love to get them on schedule)

I would rather see Rutgers, Penn St (If possible), even West Virginia/Maryland on our schedule. Keep putting Big 10 teams on our schedule (Indiana and Illinois upcoming).

We recruit just fine in Mass - I dont think beating them in Football helps us much in that regards.

Them beating anything UConn is a feather in their cap.
Jan 12, 2013
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I've had an account since 2012. First post tho.

Both written by me. I'm the one who wants to play you guys, after all.

I don't think me making fun of you on BCI (because really, who really cares what goes on at BCI?) makes you relevant tho.
Grant, I guess my point should be...Anytime BCI posts a story about UConn, it receives a ton of responses from your fans. Many BC fans will say that a game between the two would not generate interest. The fact that even an article about UConn generates the interest that it does on a BCI site is kind of proof that the game between the two would definitely be worth the price of admission. My comment was less about your article and more about the interest is drums up.
Feb 4, 2012
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I see you didn't watch the game (I don't blame you, no one else outside of Foxboro watched that curbstomping). Midway through the third quarter BC had out-gained UMass on the ground 302-0. It was every bit the virtual FBS/FCS matchup it was billed to be. Well, I mean, for most FBS teams. Didn't mean to reopen old wounds.

Anyway I didn't realize getting bent over by BYU at home coming off a 3-9 season suddenly made you guys super t3h awesomez.

You probably should have put together a different retort. Good luck against Stony Brook though.

I watched the game, on ESPN3 as soon as I seen your ridiculous post, and apparently, we didn't watch the same game. I was not impressed at all, quite honestly, I was freaking bored. BC managed to score 6 points in the first half against a Umass team that only won TWO games In 2yrs. BC scored there first touchdown with 3 + minutes left of the 3rd quarter. The only thing superior BC has over UConn is conference. The only thing.

Super t3h awesome??? Whatever... we played against a great BYU team that I'm sure would have bent BC over all game with the performance I saw against Umass. BC would of had no chance.
Aug 26, 2011
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Remember that time when BC played in a BCS bowl game? Me either.

BC, 12 years in BE.... one 4-way tie for conference championship and no BCS bowls (I think Diamond Ferri just scored again)
UConn, 8 years in BE, as a newly upgraded FB program... two co-conference championships and one BCS bowl appearance
Aug 24, 2011
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The arrogance over at BCI is mindboggling.

They help blackball us from the ACC over lawsuit spite and more importantly because we were a threat to their recruiting ground. So they have to wait until we're at our low point (post-PP/GDL and CR apocalypse) until they want to play us again so they can "bully us around?" Bunch of ' wusses.

Congrats to them though on all their wonderful athletic contributions to the ACC. I'm sure the rest of the conference holds them in high regard.
Aug 5, 2013
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The arrogance over at BCI is mindboggling.

They help blackball us from the ACC over lawsuit spite and more importantly because we were a threat to their recruiting ground. So they have to wait until we're at our low point (post-PP/GDL and CR apocalypse) until they want to play us again so they can "bully us around?" Bunch of ' wusses.

Congrats to them though on all their wonderful athletic contributions to the ACC. I'm sure the rest of the conference holds them in high regard.

When was the last time we feared a team we didn't play?

DeFilippo does not deny that BC opposed the inclusion of UConn.

“We didn’t want them in,’’ he said. “It was a matter of turf. We wanted to be the New England team.’’



The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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What an awful thread. I swear we are as bad as they are. BC would be favored over UConn in football right now, by more than a touchdown, and deservedly so. While the recent past at BC isn't great (and neither is ours), they are trending up and certainly have a much better football history than UConn, end of story.

Unfortunately, Flipper was a freaking moron who didn't realize that the most vital thing to keep football relevant in Boston was a New England rival. Whether he was afraid (doubtbful) or merely a spiteful (more likely) he didn't want to play UConn. But as of now, both schools would be helped tremendously by an annual game, rotating between Chestnut Hill, The Rent and Gillette. It's time to put this petty crap aside and do what would help both schools.


Deep in enemy territory
Nov 29, 2012
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Grant, I guess my point should be...Anytime BCI posts a story about UConn, it receives a ton of responses from your fans. Many BC fans will say that a game between the two would not generate interest. The fact that even an article about UConn generates the interest that it does on a BCI site is kind of proof that the game between the two would definitely be worth the price of admission. My comment was less about your article and more about the interest is drums up.
Oh, well, hey, you'll get no argument from me there.

What an awful thread. I swear we are as bad as they are. BC would be favored over UConn in football right now, by more than a touchdown, and deservedly so. While the recent past at BC isn't great (and neither is ours), they are trending up and certainly have a much better football history than UConn, end of story.

Unfortunately, Flipper was a freaking moron who didn't realize that the most vital thing to keep football relevant in Boston was a New England rival. Whether he was afraid (doubtbful) or merely a spiteful (more likely) he didn't want to play UConn. But as of now, both schools would be helped tremendously by an annual game, rotating between Chestnut Hill, The Rent and Gillette. It's time to put this petty crap aside and do what would help both schools.
Preach, Husky.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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@HuskyHawk Just won the thread. The game would generate a lot of interest and while BC would win this season, for the most part the games should be close ( much like our games with Rutgers).

I try not to think of "what if" too much because it's honestly depressing but the fact we should be in the big east playing our local regional rivals in bc, rutgers, cuse, pitt, wvu, etc. every season is just a shame.

This game easily becomes a highlight of our the season and probably even a rational bc fan would say a top 5 game for BC ( behind ranked fsu, clemson, vt, Miami I would imagine).


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Win the thread? Pfffffft....


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Because he got props from the BCU fan or because he said we are as bad as they are?

No. Just for pointing out the sheer fact that us not playing is dumb and both fans bases puffing out their chests is even dumber.

They are a better historical program than us and they are currently better than us. You can't really argue either point.

Was it that hard to understand?
Sep 11, 2011
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"Your blood pressure will be through the roof all week until we can hang 50 on them and shut them up for the year."

This jerk thinks "hanging 50 on us" will actually shut us up for the year?
Aug 2, 2013
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They didn't want to play us when they were a winning program, either.

But, bloggers aside, a competitive nature is not something in great supply in Chestnut Hill, so this isn't likely to happen.

Which is sad. Both schools would benefit from the rivalry.
Sep 21, 2011
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BC and Syracuse have no reason to play us and won't until they have to.

They are hoping to run out the clock on our football program. We are in quicksand and need to find a rope from the B1G or the ACC or our football program is done in the next 5-10 years and we are back to the Big East.

Time is running out and there is only one man who can save us.


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