After looking into the issue of Navy letting an athlete go directly to the Patriots, I happened to come across a discussion on the issue on the Army board. Of particular interest was a post by a long-time officer at the Naval Academy who at one time was its Director of Admissions. Prior to that, he flew fighter planes and later served as Commanding Officer of their Test Pilot School, among other things. Also his father was Navy's A.D. at one time, so he has an extensive background on the issue. His comments:
All three Service Academiss seem to be in a race to the bottom to allow top athletes to avoid their military commitment. I'm sure it's good for athletic recruiting but it strikes me as a gross violation of what we (the SA's) are supposed to be and stand for. I'm sure I'll be dismissed as an old fossil but once you start down the slippery slope it's hard to know when to stop and even harder to do so. Bellino and Staubach both did their full military obligations. I can live with two years active duty and an extended reserve obligation as long as the kid isn't playing pro sports in those two years and is actually learning a military skill. Anything that let's a kid go straight to the pros while simultaneously putting on a uniform occasionally is a total joke. My two cents.
BTW.I'm not slamming Minato.....I'm indicting ALL THREE SA's. Navy is now as bad or worse than Air Force or Army.The excuse that we (Navy) had to do it to keep up doesn't wash with me..not that anyone cares.