This is the money quote for me:
“Conditioning wise, we have to be make sure that she’s can go 30 minutes but more importantly, be able to go five, six, seven minutes in a row and not have three great minutes and then start to dip a little bit,” Auriemma said. “Last year when she was good, she was amazing. But then when the fatigue factor came in, it really affected her.”
It also gives me a new respect for Olivia, whose conditioning never seemed to slip. And I’m reminded of something Andrea Hudy said about working hard with Aaliyah to recover her conditioning last fall.
Sometimes we blow teams out in the first quarter. But our hallmark has always been that we wear them out in the second half because our conditioning is good, and because it’s so tiring to try to run with us. This is what I’m hoping to see again this year.