apply to the SEC right now | The Boneyard

apply to the SEC right now

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Aug 24, 2011
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why the fruck not? whats the worst that can happen? they say no and no one finds out?!??!?! or a newspaper does and what? we have to say yes, we didn't get itno the sec. thats a win pr wise before its a loss no matter the answer they give....

lets see what heads roll and what the SEC says. i want the acc, b10, b12 and espn and fox to know we have big dreams and dont give a fruck about them messing with us. i would have to bet nyc peaks there interest ofr a second or 2 and so does the bball games angle for there new network coming soon. enough where they atleast look at our application.

maybe they have 20 teams on a list and were not even on it. thats fine, but give me a reason we shouldnt make heads roll with something like this.


Addicted to all things UCONN!
Aug 26, 2011
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I see you are well into your 3rd bottle of whiskey already tonight, huh?!;)
Aug 26, 2011
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Aug 24, 2011
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I see you are well into your 3rd bottle of whiskey already tonight, huh?!;)

apply to the pac 2. again i ask, whats the negatives of this? did we waste enough paper in faxes where uconn loses its eco freindly tag or something? i mean why not heck not?!?!?!!?

its pretty obvious if u sit back and watch whats going on in CR that the goal is 3 monter leagues who each contol a certain section of the country with the other leagues being smaller and disadvantaged. we have had to many hints to not see this coming. there is reason why espn way over bid for the playoff and sevral other key signs.

the pac, sec and b10 will all have 20 teams becuase thats max inventory and max potential but completely possible logistics wise. fball plays its own division, bball round robins and so on with that stuff. we know thats how u can sell not 1 but 2 networks and max tv$ out in tier 2 while also getting big time tier 1 deals with fox/espn types. this has been slowly spilled to us publically over the past 10 years. schools who jump to the acc or who are in the b12 now are all acting funny for a reason. they are each saving themselves short term hoping long term they survive but they are willing to last every day they can until the day comes when major shifts happen.

by having 3 big boys and 3-6 smaller confs, the big boys get everything they want and thru the open slot, theres always the opportunity for the ncaa underdog so there will never be a issue. the splitting is a huge bargain chip to fix fball how they want and whn they finish the split talk will get even louder. why? so that the big boys get a bigger cut of the ncaa bball $. i'm not sure how but i bet they will want rights to ncaat games that there members play in. how so? imagine indiana is a 5 seed in the tney and draws st marys from cali 1st round. if the b10 had rights to that game, then in order for ppl to see it they would have to have the b10 network. see the $ in that?

what your going to see is those 3 leagues work together on some type of overall package. they wont do it until things are settled and they can't be challange by any 1 4th league trying to join the power. what they will do is once they get ncaa $ and some type of agreement, then they will make some type of friendship pact where if u carry my netowrk u alo carry these 2 so now all 3 will be on every cable box. for 10 cents. then it becomes up to each conf to see how much $ they can get and where. the b10 network will be woth a dollar in boston and maybe 25 cents in miami. who knows but thats then the next war between confs.

why will the ncaa shake hands? becuase what the big boys will threaten is to not split, but split and invite. what they will do is split and invite the rest of d1 fball becuase there is $ to be made. then they will invite a league like the c7 or zagas league in bball and others becuase there money to be made. what they will threaten is taking d1 football, all that matters in that sport and the top 50% of bball programs. what they would leave the ncaa with is red tape asap. thats how.

the question is how we get to the big 60 and small 60 as they will eventually be called. my guess?


locks to fill the 20 slots left in the big 60?
texas, ttech, ok, okst, kan, wvu, byu, fsu, gtech, clem, ncst, unc, vt, uva

not locks?
bay, tcu, bsu, kst, ist, miami, wake, duke, cuse, pitt, bc, lville, cincy, uconn, usf, ucf, memphis

-in this world nd can forever live as a indy in fball with a 5 game type deal with the b10 and other sports...
-texas schools will go mwc
-acc/nbe/cusa will be a big south basically, nothing old be/acc about it imho

so i see 6 slots for the not locks to grab. u could argue tcu and miami are locks and make it slimmer but the future is big public so i'm not sure if they can be locks at this point. tcu is new and miami is about to get hammered.
-can kan take kst west? possibly
-tcu and baylor work together? prob

sec+ncst/vt/fsu/wvu. they could add clem/gt or bay/tcu
b10+unc/uva. then who? gtech? uconn? bc? cuse? pitt? could they get kansas? if so then the pac adds who? thats another slot....

-kst/bsu took slots

see the issue? we are stuck in a fight and were quiet as hell in the corner. we need to get lound and start turning heads.
Sep 14, 2011
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why the fruck not? whats the worst that can happen? they say no and no one finds out?!??!?! or a newspaper does and what? we have to say yes, we didn't get itno the sec. thats a win pr wise before its a loss no matter the answer they give....

lets see what heads roll and what the SEC says. i want the acc, b10, b12 and espn and fox to know we have big dreams and dont give a fruck about them messing with us. i would have to bet nyc peaks there interest ofr a second or 2 and so does the bball games angle for there new network coming soon. enough where they atleast look at our application.

maybe they have 20 teams on a list and were not even on it. thats fine, but give me a reason we shouldnt make heads roll with something like this.

This idea should NOT be laughed off. It has as much merit as FSU to the B1G. Lots of talk about how rational that is on here lately. It puts the SEC in contention for a larger market than Florida ever will be. The B1G wants to start Armageddon when its own house isn't in order? Maybe Slive says "game on." Maybe he needs to look at NC State, Va Tech, Temple, UConn and BC. Thrusts a spear right at the heart of the B1G's strategy. Not the team I would prefer but, over all, they come in with the superior product.

Now let's see all those arguments about how those last three schools don't fit in the SEC but FSU, GaTech, and UNC fit in the B1G. What audience share does the B1G expect in Florida putting FSU against Fla, in Georgia with GaTech against UGA and North Carolina with NC State against UNC? That last one is more difficult to predict than it might appear. UNC is more popular but it will be playing mostly inferior, northern competition.

I'll play this game. The B1G gets a presence in Va, NC, GA, and FL. The SEC gets a presence in NC, VA, Philly (SE Penna, SJ, Del.), NYC, and New England.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dan, I love ya, but you've got to stop inhaling the fumes when you fire up your snowblower.


Aug 26, 2011
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Ok, SEC and PAC-whatevernumber are long shots... Even insane. But the general point our guy HFD makes is sound : if there are going to only be 60 "haves"... We better make damn sure we aren't a "have-not". 60 isn't a given, but it's better to be safe than sorry. No, we can't make the B1G invite us, but we gotta full court press, make ourselves as attractive as possible, to land not just anywhere- but somewhere stable.

There are signs of life- the $2B pledged to UConn amongst others- but it's more of a brisk walk than a full court press, and that's where HFD becomes unhinged.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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You don't apply for membership to get into a conference, you are elected to a membership position by existing members. Big difference there. If elected, then you're notified to fill out paperwork if you're interested.

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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I don't think the SEC is insane especially if the go to 20 and come up as far north as VA Tech. I think it's insane to think we could compete in that league in football though. We'd have a better shot at winning the B1G.

We would dominate basketball in any league though.

The Pac though is insane unless they setup an East Coast outpost -- us, Syracuse, Pitt, BC, Wake, -- whatever the leftovers.

I'm still hoping for B1G. Maybe we have a shot at being team #16, but more likely somewhere 17 thru 20.
Sep 1, 2011
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careful Dan, i said the same things a few months ago and got blasted


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
Aug 26, 2011
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Why not apply to every conference in existance? That way we can get a well deserved reputation as the team that absolutely nobody wants? Some real cache there! (BTW, can I get some of what you are smoking?)
Sep 27, 2011
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You don't apply for membership to get into a conference, you are elected to a membership position by existing members. Big difference there. If elected, then you're notified to fill out paperwork if you're interested.

Actually, no, that's really not the case.

Or, more accurately, both situations are true. Teams can, and do, apply for membership in conferences. Conferences do also, by the vote of their members, extend invitations to other potential members.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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Actually, no, that's really not the case.
I'm kinda incredulous at this response.

It is exactly like I stated. Not sure why you are confused, but you're definitely confused. Maybe there are some who really do think joining a conference is like joining AARP?

Certainly there are phone calls made if a school feels it has a chance of being voted in to a desired conference, but it's the vote of the members that gets the school in, not the application. It's a little bit silly to even bring up the concept of "application" considering how these things get done.
Sep 27, 2011
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I'm kinda incredulous at this response.

It is exactly like I stated. Not sure why you are confused, but you're definitely confused. Maybe there are some who really do think joining a conference is like joining AARP?

Certainly there are phone calls made if a school feels it has a chance of being voted in to a desired conference, but it's the vote of the members that gets the school in, not the application. It's a little bit silly to even bring up the concept of "application" considering how these things get done.

You're conflating "applying for membership" with "receiving membership".

Yes, a vote has to happen for someone to join.

NO, a vote does not have to happen for someone to apply. The association also has no compunction to treat the application with any more respect than using it as a drink coaster.


Mar 30, 2012
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I think UConn should certainly let the B1G, SEC, Pac, B12 know that we want to play football and other sports at the highest levels and that if they are interested in us, we are interested in them.

Then we should do our damndest to make ourselves the most attractive university in the country, in sports and academics both.
Sep 14, 2011
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Why not apply to every conference in existance? That way we can get a well deserved reputation as the team that absolutely nobody wants? Some real cache there! (BTW, can I get some of what you are smoking?)

The way I read things, we were all set for an ACC invite until Louisville showed up with a compelling case. We got out maneuvered. That's what I heard. In other words, minds were changed by others then but we should sit back and accept our fate now. I have no interest in the SEC. I think our chances of ending up there are next to zero. Still, how about we stir the soup a little with the intention of creating doubt, of elevating the perceived risk of heading southeast?

I don't know what war games Delany's got the Whopper number crunching at the moment. But what if one of them isn't an SEC push to Boston? What if somebody asks the question: Since we're moving into SEC territory, maybe we should add a little weight to the possibility they might try the same thing with us? If the assumptions for their acquisition model get changed enough, the results might change dramatically. Their vulnerability in the northeast might be hammered home more effectively causing them to reconsider where to place UConn on their acquisition hierarchy chart.

I know, I know, haha, the SEC up the North Atlantic coast is redonculous while the B1G push down the South Atlantic is so eminently rational. But who has more to lose if those two scenarios are played out? Easily it is the B1G. The South Atlantic coast is already owned by the SEC. The B1G's damage in NC, GA, and FL will be little more than a surface scratch that Slive can buff out. The North Atlantic coast is a whole different animal. It really isn't "owned" by anyone at the moment. The B1G has the advantage for sure. But the SEC would arrive with a better product. The Northeast would shape up as much more of a donnybrook. Once again, why would Delany pick that fight now? Secure the Northeast, that's the sensible first move. Anything we can do to make that case strengthens our value to the B1G..

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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I think UConn should certainly let the B1G, SEC, Pac, B12 know that we want to play football and other sports at the highest levels and that if they are interested in us, we are interested in them.

Then we should do our damndest to make ourselves the most attractive university in the country, in sports and academics both.
And that's really all that we can do at this point.
Sep 14, 2011
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You don't apply for membership to get into a conference, you are elected to a membership position by existing members. Big difference there. If elected, then you're notified to fill out paperwork if you're interested.

I think Dan was using the phrase colloquially. I took his meaning to be make a case for membership.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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The SEC will never consider moving into the NYC or northeast market. Their rational will be simple: they don't need to.

UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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The SEC will never consider moving into the NYC or northeast market. Their rational will be simple: they don't need to.
If they get a network carriage fees would be worth considering.


Aug 24, 2011
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If they get a network carriage fees would be worth considering.

exactly. 10 cents a cable box when sny touches is a ton of $ for the sec from uconn....the sec doesn't need fball help. were never going to be a bama/fl level but we can be a 2nd tier team in the sec. we can handle vandy and compete with usc types. the sec needs major bball help. just imagine uk, fl and bama coming up to nyc once a year to recruit. game changer...
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
why the fruck not? whats the worst that can happen? they say no and no one finds out?!??!?! or a newspaper does and what? we have to say yes, we didn't get itno the sec. thats a win pr wise before its a loss no matter the answer they give....

lets see what heads roll and what the SEC says. i want the acc, b10, b12 and espn and fox to know we have big dreams and dont give a fruck about them messing with us. i would have to bet nyc peaks there interest ofr a second or 2 and so does the bball games angle for there new network coming soon. enough where they atleast look at our application.

maybe they have 20 teams on a list and were not even on it. thats fine, but give me a reason we shouldnt make heads roll with something like this.

I was able to apply on-line so I pulled the trigger. I had to use my personal credit card and so I will have to be reimbursed by UConn for the application fee and to the extent there is an acceptance fee.
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