An open letter to UCONN alumni | The Boneyard

An open letter to UCONN alumni

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Aug 29, 2011
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In the spirit of open letters going around, about the idiocy of a CEO - not liking fat people, young adults finding their way in life at college age - not liking a picture logo, a popular icon for teen pregnancy - making a flick?

I'm writing mine.

An open letter to UCONN alumni.

As UCONN has found ourselves in 2013, aligned with a hodgepodge, rag tag, group of institutions spread across the U.S. east of the continental divide. We look for guide posts in the landscape, by which to find our way moving forward.

The real mess that the intercollegiate world has right now, the ultimate symptom of the television arms race that sprang forth in the early 1980s, and has the most wide ranging potential major earthquake causing potential, is the Ed O'Bannon lawsuit v. NCAA. Athletes, that come to college to play sport, see the obscene $ amounts being paid by company's like Disney and NewsCorp and simply are asking now - where's my share? Who's got it? Why? The NCAA is scheduled to be on trial to answer those questions in 2014, and that, more than anything else, could mean the end of the NCAA. in any shape way or fashion we've known it for over a century.

THe University of Connecticut, we find ourselves looking at ourselves, and trying to figure out who our friends are. Who are we going to get along with? Who do we BeLong with?

Here's Jim Delany's statement on the situation from March 2013:

Is he bluffing? Or would he really follow the Ivy league model and de-emphasize the television aspect and revenue streams of football? He's pretty clear about every school in a group, going to back to ownership of their OWN media rights.....complete opposite of the Disney model of the television world. (Schools own their own media rights, rather than conferences taking ownership of their individual institutions rights, and selling them to the highest bidder? ).

For those that don't know much about Jim Delany - and you choose to only read one link I put up here today -

Please read this:

He hasn't changed his outlook in the past 16 years, and just put a sworn statement into the court systems a few weeks ago, that essentially says the Big 10 will follow the Ivy model if the courts determine that student - athletes own their own rights, and can sell them for profit, (and they've got the institittutions, STATE FLAGSHIP PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS with the $ endowments to do it). This is the type of group of institutions, where UCONN's mission falls in line.

UCONN Alumni - Contribute financially to your university - regularly.

That's what Pay to Play is really about - for us. We need to establish ourselves, with like minded institutions, and that means we need to build a financial endowment base to our university, that is stable. We need the letter after the number to be a B, and not an M. THe university administration is doing it, and the state itself government, has actually kicked in a lot of money going forward and the graduates of this univeristy, need to kick it up too!

I'm doing my part - UCONN alumni - are you?

Carl Spackler
Head Grounds Keeper
Bushwood Country Club
Aug 29, 2011
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I won't be there, but I hear the Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bent, and northern California sensemilia hybrid is well worth the trip.
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