Half the team is made up of Euros. This is likely a coincidence, but I don't know the inside scoop, and I can't say I care to know.
I remember the Celtics used to be accused of racism in the 80s because they did send an all-white team out there (non-starting) composed of Ainge, Bird, McHale and sometimes Walton and Sichting would be out there. But the coach was African-American and the guy who ran the team was notable for having the first all-black team in the history of the NBA. That team won in the 1960s with a lot of black players, and they won in the 1980s with a lot of white players. The common denominator: WINNING. So it was ludicrous to accuse them of racism.
Across town, however, the Red Sox had huge problems with racial issues, and the owners were n record for being just this side of the Marge-Schott-line of outright seething.
In other words, some owners really do have a problem with race, while other owners don't but are accused of having such a problem.
I also note that a lot of sports commentators have started to pick up on the fact that the New England Patriots have 2 white WRs, 2 white TEs, an all white OL other than backups. (Of course, the Patriot defense is almost entirely black other than Ninkovich). So, what do the journalists do? They root for an almost all-black Baltimore Ravens team. It's downright stupid and silly.