After viewing the game yet again on SNY..... | The Boneyard

After viewing the game yet again on SNY.....

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Aug 28, 2013
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I have come to a conclusion that TJ was so engrossed talking upstairs on his headset, that he literally didn't know the time on the clock in the last minute of play..After watching the replay..Tj doesn't even look at the clock and UConn lost 12 seconds, going from 19 seconds after the catch to 7 seconds when the time out was called. We lost a least two plays if not three.Bad clock management but also a telling sign.If you're trying to win the head coaching job. You would think that you would do everything to save time on the clock and give yourself and your team a chance to win or tie the game...If I'm the AD a big ? has to go up and you have to ask, is this the guy we want.......
Aug 26, 2011
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Were also short two coaches. But yeah, I agree with hour overall point. He mismanaged the time badly there. At worst, we should have attempted a play or two to the sidelines to try and set up a tying fg.
Aug 26, 2011
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Write Warde a note of concern... ;)

Coach owned up to the mistake multiple times since the game ended. Complete man about it. Bad timing (pun intended) for it to happen the first game.
Aug 28, 2013
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But I do think we could have a least been in FG range with the better clock management and tried to tie the game to send it in OT...I know there are alot of ifs and buts...that somehow need to be sorted out..I'm a optimists and hope things change fast...
Aug 29, 2011
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Would have also made a lot more sense to let that punt drop, instead of catch it, right before the last possession.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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Good news.. Realize how few things people have been griping about. It was a much better effort that most of us didn't hate. After the last 16 games we nit picked the cr@p out of every little thing.

And of the major concerns from this game, good analysis has been made and published, and the right people have stepped up. The O-Line, the new QB, the new IHC, the lead wide receiver.

I am drinking from the hope-fountain. I have hope for progress.
Aug 27, 2011
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I have come to a conclusion that TJ was so engrossed talking upstairs on his headset, that he literally didn't know the time on the clock in the last minute of play..After watching the replay..Tj doesn't even look at the clock and UConn lost 12 seconds, going from 19 seconds after the catch to 7 seconds when the time out was called. We lost a least two plays if not three.Bad clock management but also a telling sign.If you're trying to win the head coaching job. You would think that you would do everything to save time on the clock and give yourself and your team a chance to win or tie the game...If I'm the AD a big ? has to go up and you have to ask, is this the guy we want.......

I was at the game and have not seen any replays of the last minute. My impression was that after the last first down catch, the officials did not stop the clock to move the chains. By the time we realized they were not stopping the clock, 10 seconds ran off. I thought the officials would review that and put the time back on the clock. Could you tell if there was a clock stoppage to move the chains?
Dec 25, 2011
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We still needed to get inside the 30 to have a chance and unfortunately chad is not automatic even at that distance.

And then hope there is not a pothole in the field the size of my car where the ball would be kicked from...
Aug 26, 2011
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He messed up and admitted it.

Pasqualoni screwed up 3 times every game and blamed the players.
Aug 29, 2011
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I was at the game and have not seen any replays of the last minute. My impression was that after the last first down catch, the officials did not stop the clock to move the chains. By the time we realized they were not stopping the clock, 10 seconds ran off. I thought the officials would review that and put the time back on the clock. Could you tell if there was a clock stoppage to move the chains?

I was at the game and watched replays. THe clock did stop after the last first down. It stopped for about 3-4 seconds or so, which seemed short for the distance. You'd want your home clock guy, if you can, to have a slow finger there. I have no idea who provides the official clock control guy for our home games......but if you can, you want your guy to have a slow finger on the switch there. BUt it did stop.

That is situational football. Nobody in that huddle, on the play prior, was prepared for what to do if the play went for a long first down.

The thing that killed me about that drive - (other than how lucky Boyle was not to have this game end 20-10 on a pick 6 - three times - let's hope he didn't use it all in one game - *fingers crossed, salt over shoulder....) was that we finished that drive at the 49 of USF. We started the drive at our own 4 after McCombs made live catch at the 6.

we've been through the discussion elsewhere around here, that you can't predict what would happen had one play turned out differently during the course of a game - but the decision to catch that punt - I understand players wanting to make plays - we've been through that before wiht the field goal debacle earlier in the season - but at some point reason and coaching needs to take over. Buggs is getting a pass on some very head scratching kick return decisions.

Hypothetically, theoretically, had that ball been allowed to drop, and bounced into the endzone, we start at the 20, a 52 yard drive puts us at the USF 28 yard line with enough time to kick, even with the time clock debacle. I know it's all hypothetical - but every inch on the football field counts toward getting a win.

The risks of catching that ball and trying to make a play by McCombs on the punt, far BY FAR outweighed the benefits of letting it drop in that situation, and that IMNSHO, is probably the biggest play in the sequence of the game, that could hve been changed with coaching, that made it hardest for us to pull out the win. Because there was plenty of time left on the clock after every other mistake.

Buggs has got to work on his thought processes for returning kicks. We've made some real strange decisions through the course of the season.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thanks for the input. You are right about Buggs. Although, the worst decision of the many strange ones on special teams this year was, of course, the ridiculous field goal return against Maryland. OMG!
Aug 28, 2011
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This was a game where Lemelle could have made a huge difference in the punt game. McCombs had a tough time back there. If Lemelle doesn't get hurt early on.....but that's how you go 0-5.

Heck, if Lemelle came in for Foxx in the second half......
Aug 29, 2011
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Thanks for the input. You are right about Buggs. Although, the worst decision of the many strange ones on special teams this year was, of course, the ridiculous field goal return against Maryland. OMG!

True - I don't get it. I was actually surprised that McCombs was back there in the first place. There was a decent rush on that punt.

Personally, I bring all 11 on the punt block in that situation, and take the ball wherever it lands if they get it off. The quality of special teams play, is a big reason why won a lot under Edsall, and a big contributor to why we aren't winning now.

This team just needs to learn how to win again, and that means doing all the little things right, as much as possible - from everybody.
Aug 29, 2011
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This was a game where LeMelle could have made a huge difference in the punt game. McCombs had a tough time back there. If he doesn't get hurt early on.....but that's how you go 0-5.

Lemelle got hurt in the game, that's why McCombs was returning. I'm 99% sure about that.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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Were also short two coaches. But yeah, I agree with hour overall point. He mismanaged the time badly there. At worst, we should have attempted a play or two to the sidelines to try and set up a tying fg.

He did. I can give him a pass if he learns from it. I have seen Les Miles and Nick Saban make similar or worse mistakes early on, and they are decent coaches. All you want to see from a coaching staff is the ability to adapt and learn from mistakes. Obviously, those two elements were missing under the previous coaches.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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I was at the game and have not seen any replays of the last minute. My impression was that after the last first down catch, the officials did not stop the clock to move the chains. By the time we realized they were not stopping the clock, 10 seconds ran off. I thought the officials would review that and put the time back on the clock. Could you tell if there was a clock stoppage to move the chains?

There was, but today's college football only stops the clock for about 4 seconds. Then it runs. TJ was just a little too slow in his decision making. It happens to all new HCs at some point. it is a critical learning experience. I expect he'll be more prepared next time.
Aug 28, 2013
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In response to all of you..In the replay of the game that I saw..They had a close-up of TJ and he was busy talking to someone on the headset (probably trying to figure out what to do). He never looked up at the clock. He was yelling to Boyle and Boyle is motioning to the clock as it ticks down..It went from 19 seconds when the clock stopped for the completion to running down to 5 or 6 seconds, which the ref said put 7 seconds back on the clock..There could have been definitely two and possibly three plays before a FG attempt could of have been taken...
Aug 26, 2011
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In response to all of you..In the replay of the game that I saw..They had a close-up of TJ and he was busy talking to someone on the headset (probably trying to figure out what to do). He never looked up at the clock. He was yelling to Boyle and Boyle is motioning to the clock as it ticks down..It went from 19 seconds when the clock stopped for the completion to running down to 5 or 6 seconds, which the ref said put 7 seconds back on the clock..There could have been definitely two and possibly three plays before a FG attempt could of have been taken...

Discussion w/ video on last series starts @ 4:05-5:30.
Aug 27, 2011
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But I do think we could have a least been in FG range with the better clock management and tried to tie the game to send it in OT...I know there are alot of ifs and buts...that somehow need to be sorted out..I'm a optimists and hope things change fast...

I can only imagine had we got to a 45 yard FG and CC missed it where the BY would have gone...
Sep 15, 2011
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Good news.. Realize how few things people have been griping about. It was a much better effort that most of us didn't hate. After the last 16 games we nit picked the cr@p out of every little thing.

And of the major concerns from this game, good analysis has been made and published, and the right people have stepped up. The O-Line, the new QB, the new IHC, the lead wide receiver.

I am drinking from the hope-fountain. I have hope for progress.

Be careful my friend, I have it on good authority that SH has switched all the drinking fountains on campus to Kool-Aid.
Nov 25, 2012
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Christen's range maxes out at about 25 yards these days anyways. Had a ways to go for FG range.
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