Stress is a very individual thing, and what brings it on changes for each person throughout their life. Most kids in moderate or better income families do not have a lot of stress about financial issues, but check back with them a few years out of college and that may have become one of their major stress areas. Playing a sport in front of a full house can be stressful for some, for others it is a great source of energy and motivation. Being called on in class, taking a standardized test, making a toast at a wedding, performing in a play, leading a business meeting, standing in an open field, or on the edge of a cliff, or being in a large crowd, or a dark room, or ....
We all react differently, and how we react can change as we age or get treatment or repeatedly face and pass or fail our individual stress tests.
For some recruits the 'stress' of being compared to DT might be unappealing, while others might love the idea of following in DT's footsteps. But really - for most of the top recruits, they have never known a situation where they were not consistently the best player on the court and I doubt they would recognize the 'stress' of any college situation as being a factor in their decision.
The most common refrain in decision making for recruits that choose a school that has never (or at least not in years) reached the final four/won a NC is that they want to play the role that Lobo did for Uconn of leading the team to the mountain top. certainly not that playing for Uconn or Baylor, or TN is 'too stressful'. Might stress or a lack of confidence in themselves be a factor subconsciously, maybe, but most kids don't really think that way, and certainly not the ones that have already won so much acclaim as the top recruits have.