A successful 2021 UConn football season would be | Page 2 | The Boneyard

A successful 2021 UConn football season would be

Nov 20, 2018
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Just give me something that resembles a competent FBS-level football team and we'll go from there. Everything since 2016 has been unwatchable.
All the comments on this thread have been very good, but this might be the best one just because it puts everything so succinctly and to the point.
Nov 20, 2018
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Just give me something that resembles a competent FBS-level football team and we'll go from there. Everything since 2016 has been unwatchable.
and the unwatchable part is the big problem. That means less people attending games and watching games and has lead to less money. If UConn had a mix of 4 win-6 win seasons since 2015 without any blowouts, they would still be in the AAC. As it stands now at least, the AAC was too big time and to tough for UConn football.
Dec 11, 2013
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1) 4 wins +, and also being able to say at the end of the year 2) they didn’t suck, 3) they should be to be even better in the short term, and 4) the foundation is there so they are not going to suck again in the foreseeable long term
Nov 30, 2013
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I really only see 2 almost positive blowout losses on the schedule. That's UCF and Clemson. Purdue and Houston have the chance to be blowouts, but I think we can hang with them if the Oline gets some holes for the RBs.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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it's already a successful season cuz anytime in life that you can get up off of the canvass, walk away from a deadly car crash, or this,

then u win!
i ain't greedy, and i well recall the end of the world talk from, like yesterday.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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and the unwatchable part is the big problem. That means less people attending games and watching games and has lead to less money. If UConn had a mix of 4 win-6 win seasons since 2015 without any blowouts, they would still be in the AAC. As it stands now at least, the AAC was too big time and to tough for UConn football.
The move away from the AAC had everything to do with: men's basketball, men's basketball, women's basketball and then the crappy AAC contract that would have put both of those teams behind ESPN +. Oh, add in the savings of expenses - football wins and losses had nothing to do with the move. Had we won 7 games a year in the AAC, the outcome would have been the same.
Nov 20, 2018
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The move away from the AAC had everything to do with: men's basketball, men's basketball, women's basketball and then the crappy AAC contract that would have put both of those teams behind ESPN +. Oh, add in the savings of expenses - football wins and losses had nothing to do with the move. Had we won 7 games a year in the AAC, the outcome would have been the same.
When I think about it you are correct, hardcorehusky. I forgot about the lousy AAC contract, the paywall behind ESPN+, and the travel savings for all the other sports teams. If UConn had won 7 games a year in the AAC, UConn most likely would have made the move to the Big East anyways, but I think the administration would've had to think about it more if the PAWS were filled to capacity or close to it as moving on the ticket sales and from a bowl tie in with the conference would be a harder decision.
The point I should've made, but didn't, was regardless of moving to the Big East, AAC football is too tough of a conference for UConn football now. It's like playing video game at a high difficulty level of a 9 when you first get the game only to realize you need to lower the level to a 3 or 4. Going independent and having a softer schedule (with exception of Clemson) might be what the doctor ordered. I just think the fans need to see some semblance of winning regardless of who it's against.
Sep 11, 2011
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At this point I’ll settle for a few games where we roll up 400+ yards of offense before garbage time. A couple of wins would be nice too.

Our descent into football hell started when the O line collapsed under PP and GD. Remember zone blocking? We have never fixed that problem although Lashley and Grimes did manage to get the most out of the linemen we had at the time. Until the O line improves a lot, we are screwed. If they can come together, we may yet be able to salvage something of this season. Let the OC focus on the O line exclusively because that is what needs to be fixed first.
Sep 5, 2021
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Vanderbilt lost their opener to East Tennessee State by 3 touchdowns. Add them to the list of games where you guys should have a fighting chance.

I think Army's smash-mouth running game will eat you guys alive. The Wyoming and Yale games at home should both be competitive as should the UMass game in Amherst.

Losing to a Patriot League school stings, even knowing coming into the game that it was basically a toss-up I'm sure. But here's my glass half full thought:

Your entire team, talent wise, has the look of an average CAA team or a 6/7-win Ivy League team. It is what it is. You guys are very weak on the lines and have no ground-breaking athletic talent to speak of at the skill positions. QB play I think will get better week by week. However, one thing I noticed yesterday is that once your offense was able to get going and cross mid-field, Zergiotis and co. were able to finish drives and get touchdowns. The ability to consistently get 7 when you're in the RZ as opposed to 3 is something that will give you guys the opportunity to win close games. It definitely was not an "all is lost" day for the offense. The biggest problem is that your running game absolutely stinks for an FBS team so opening anything up downfield or over the middle will be a huge challenge.

I'm predicting 2 wins for the Huskies this year.

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