Warde just announced that Nike has written new words to the Fight Song to reflect the impressive changes he brought to UConn Athletics. Changes are minor.
U Conn Husky, symbol of might to the foe.
Fight, fight Connecticut UConn, it's victr'y, Let's go
ConnecticutUConn U Conn Husky, victr'y again for the White and Blue and Red and Grey and whatever other Color we decide to use from time to time
So go, go, go Connecticut, UConn, UConnConnecticut U. Hi!
C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I C-U-T U-C-O-N-N. Connecticut UConn,UConn UConn
ConnecticutUConn Husky,
ConnecticutUConn Husky, ConnecticutUConn U C-O-N-N-U. Hi! (repeat)
They are also working on a rewrite to the Alma Mater. They are having a problem with the name, "Old Connecticut." Susan prefers "New UConn" but Nike wants "Nike UConn" They agree that the final line will be changed from "our fairest White and Blue" to "our fairest White, Blue, Red, Grey, Silver, Black, and maybe some Mauve and Puce if we think it looks kewell."