I have to do this tonight! I vowed no more procrastinating... the credit card is on the desk! I want to watch tomorrow’s game!
I come from a generation where getting sports reception involved climbing the roof and installing an “aerial” with a motorized gizmo that could rotate it for the best reception ($50, total). If you could get off the roof without breaking any bones, it was a good deal. -)
But, I’m at a loss with these streaming services. The simplest for me seems to be Hulu that has a plan where you can see Fox, Espn and ABC for $90/mo, or- Slate has a combo orange/blue plan offering the same service for $60./mo.
Does anyone have experience using these services? If so, iyo, which service is better? And am I right that I will get the girls games with either of these services?
It would be better to pay Slate just $60/mo- four month season- that’s pizza money. Well, a couple, I guess.
In perspective, the guy risking his life with the aerial, he scored big time because he could get an 18 inch pie made with real Italian soul by immigrants like “Pepe” himself for $3-4. That was pizza! You never had to say to yourself after----I just paid $25.00 for this piece of cardboard).
Thanks in advance for any reply.... -)
I have to do this tonight! I vowed no more procrastinating... the credit card is on the desk! I want to watch tomorrow’s game!
I come from a generation where getting sports reception involved climbing the roof and installing an “aerial” with a motorized gizmo that could rotate it for the best reception ($50, total). If you could get off the roof without breaking any bones, it was a good deal. -)
But, I’m at a loss with these streaming services. The simplest for me seems to be Hulu that has a plan where you can see Fox, Espn and ABC for $90/mo, or- Slate has a combo orange/blue plan offering the same service for $60./mo.
Does anyone have experience using these services? If so, iyo, which service is better? And am I right that I will get the girls games with either of these services?
It would be better to pay Slate just $60/mo- four month season- that’s pizza money. Well, a couple, I guess.
In perspective, the guy risking his life with the aerial, he scored big time because he could get an 18 inch pie made with real Italian soul by immigrants like “Pepe” himself for $3-4. That was pizza! You never had to say to yourself after----I just paid $25.00 for this piece of cardboard).
Thanks in advance for any reply.... -)