I remember, before her injury, he was definitely praising her as a highly skilled player that was going to make a difference. I think her struggles this past season can largely be attributed to the injury and that, had the injury not occurred, we would have seen a much different Ice in her freshman year.
As for Jana, those of us who are hyping her are doing so because even though the competition was not the best we still can take away certain things that lead us to believe she is going to be very good. She has good handles, she runs like a deer, she can shoot all the way out to the arc, she’s big, and she very obviously loves the game and can’t wait to play! She’s also been practicing and/or watching for a year and a half now. Surely she is learning throughout all of that? Do I think she will be an All American this coming season? No, but I do expect she will be one in a couple of years.
Sarah’s credentials speak for themselves. I believe she will be, at minimum, similar to Booker at Texas in her first season. I think she will very quickly become one of our best, most effective players and is very likely a starter from day one.