The Red Sox tried stacking their line-ups with right handed power for 84 years. What did it get them? Mostly, 25 players, 25 cabs. Then a 28 year old Yale wunderkind comes along, armed with the knowledge that there is more to baseball than the Homerun, RBI, stolen base, and to which pitcher a win is credited.
Fenway is actually better suited for a lefty line drive hitter. Yes, straight away right field is 380 ft. but for hitters like Williams, Lynn, Boggs, Buckner, Vaughn, Nixon, Damon, and Papi, going the other way off the wall is nearly as good as going over the wall. If there is a man on, he almost definitely scores, and it keeps the pitcher in the stretch, when they would most definitely rather pitch from the wind up. Even relievers who pitch exclusively out of the stretch would rather have the bases clear than man on 2nd.