2014 Recruit Jordan Fuchs Decommits? | The Boneyard

2014 Recruit Jordan Fuchs Decommits?

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Aug 26, 2011
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JShankerESPN 4:13pm via Web
Post-grad prospect Jordan Fuchs is no longer committed to UConn following the dismissal of Paul Pasqualoni espn.go.com/college-sports…

RivalsFriedman 4:14pm via Web
Confirmed through his father, Jordan Fuchs has decommitted from #UConn. sports.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/…

Geez - Thought a January enrollment was still the plan after leaving Milford Academy?
Aug 29, 2011
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These kinds of things happen. Especially with a new head coach at this point in time. The player apparently had a bad experience at Milford Academy and probably was already half way over the fence. Unfortunate.
Oct 8, 2011
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That sucks. Until he enrolls elsewhere, I would remain in contact with him.
Hopefully our new coach will go after him hard.
Aug 26, 2011
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The sucky part is the two they've lost so far because of the Coach P firing are both blockers(OT and TE) which is the one thing UConn needs more than anything right now. Hopefully Weist can squeeze out enough wins to get the Huskies into a bowl....any bowl at this point. It's gonna be tough for him to put together a recruiting class when he doesn't even know if he'll be here next year or not(or if he even wants to be). Somebody has got to want to play for the Huskies that can block. Where the heck are they?
Nov 8, 2011
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There are only a few power FB Prep Schools that HS Recruits consider here in NE. Milford has for years been one of them. Back in the day when I was deciding on FB programs, and deciding on a PG year, I took a tour of that place and said F'that! I ended up at Worcester Academy, but my point is that a bad experience during a PG year can make you reevaluate everything. Milford is a * Hole, not surprising at all. I think the kid wants a fresh start.
Nov 8, 2011
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The sucky part is the two they've lost so far because of the Coach P firing are both blockers(OT and TE) which is the one thing UConn needs more than anything right now. Hopefully Weist can squeeze out enough wins to get the Huskies into a bowl....any bowl at this point. It's gonna be tough for him to put together a recruiting class when he doesn't even know if he'll be here next year or not(or if he even wants to be). Somebody has got to want to play for the Huskies that can block. Where the heck are they?

Listen, I know everyone here likes the "rah rah Uconn will prevail" crap on this board.... but let me be clear.... Even if Saban or any other coach on the planet was the coach here right now, WERE NOT GOING TO A BOWL!!!!!!!! AND that absolutely sucks!!
Aug 26, 2011
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who is the OL we lost ???
The Kevin Wilkins kid out of NJ(OG-300+lbs). At one time he was real high on UConn and Deleone but since GD is gone he has decided on Rutgers.
Aug 29, 2011
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There are only a few power FB Prep Schools that HS Recruits consider here in NE. Milford has for years been one of them. Back in the day when I was deciding on FB programs, and deciding on a PG year, I took a tour of that place and said F'that! I ended up at Worcester Academy, but my point is that a bad experience during a PG year can make you reevaluate everything. Milford is a Hole, not surprising at all. I think the kid wants a fresh start.

Interesting - Milford was actually a decent place up through the 1970s early 80s. It was turning into a dump when I had my run through when it was still in Milford, CT. I have never actually been to the new (well a decade now new) place in NY, but I had been under the impression that Chaplick is doing good things there, so I wonder what actually happened with this Fuchs kid, but it's not for me to know anything about it that you can't find with an internet link.

This is interesting though - popped up on my quick search on Chaplick as top link. Must have picked up UCONN because of the fancy things that computers do when searching. It's dated October 13, 2003 as a letter of recommendation on the move to NY.

October 13, 2003

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter in support of Milford Academy and Mr. William Chaplick.

I believe that both the educational institution and the person Bill Chaplick will bring life and excitement to your community.

As a graduate of The University of Connecticut I have been familiar with Milford Academy for the past 25 years. In fact, many of my college teammates were graduates of Milford and went on to have successful careers in College as students and athletes. Milford Acadmey has enhanced the educational experience for thousands of young men since its inception. It has made college a reality for young men who need an extra year in the classroom before moving on to college.

Bill Chaplick is a fine man with a heart as big as the state of New York. The only thing he cares about is making sure his students have a positive experience in the classroom and on the football field.

As the Head Coach of the University of Iowa we have had the opportunity to recruit there over the years. Our experience has always been positive and beneficial in every regard. Fred Russell, our starting running back is a graduate of Milford Academy. Bill Chaplick still stays in touch with Fred (4 years later) on a weekly basis.

Fred would describe Coach Chaplick as a teacher, coach, mentor, and friend. While Fred's year at Milford was a challenge he would be the first to tell you that he would never have had the chance to play in the Orange Bowl if it wasn't for Milford Academy and Bill Chaplick.

Education is all about helping kids reach their full potential. Your community with the addition of Milford Academy will have a chance to impact many young lives in a positive way. I whole-heartedly recommend that you support Bill Chaplick and Milford Academy and welcome them to your community with open arms.


Kirk Ferentz
Head Football Coach

Anyhoo----signing day is a long way away.
Aug 26, 2011
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There's no kids in CT or MA that are D-1 quality guards or tackles?(besides the kid out of the Kent School)
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting - Milford was actually a decent place up through the 1970s early 80s. It was turning into a dump when I had my run through when it was still in Milford, CT. I have never actually been to the new (well a decade now new) place in NY, but I had been under the impression that Chaplick is doing good things there, so I wonder what actually happened with this Fuchs kid, but it's not for me to know anything about it that you can't find with an internet link.

This is interesting though - popped up on my quick search on Chaplick as top link. Must have picked up UCONN because of the fancy things that computers do when searching. It's dated October 13, 2003 as a letter of recommendation on the move to NY.

October 13, 2003

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter in support of Milford Academy and Mr. William Chaplick.

I believe that both the educational institution and the person Bill Chaplick will bring life and excitement to your community.

As a graduate of The University of Connecticut I have been familiar with Milford Academy for the past 25 years. In fact, many of my college teammates were graduates of Milford and went on to have successful careers in College as students and athletes. Milford Acadmey has enhanced the educational experience for thousands of young men since its inception. It has made college a reality for young men who need an extra year in the classroom before moving on to college.

Bill Chaplick is a fine man with a heart as big as the state of New York. The only thing he cares about is making sure his students have a positive experience in the classroom and on the football field.

As the Head Coach of the University of Iowa we have had the opportunity to recruit there over the years. Our experience has always been positive and beneficial in every regard. Fred Russell, our starting running back is a graduate of Milford Academy. Bill Chaplick still stays in touch with Fred (4 years later) on a weekly basis.

Fred would describe Coach Chaplick as a teacher, coach, mentor, and friend. While Fred's year at Milford was a challenge he would be the first to tell you that he would never have had the chance to play in the Orange Bowl if it wasn't for Milford Academy and Bill Chaplick.

Education is all about helping kids reach their full potential. Your community with the addition of Milford Academy will have a chance to impact many young lives in a positive way. I whole-heartedly recommend that you support Bill Chaplick and Milford Academy and welcome them to your community with open arms.


Kirk Ferentz
Head Football Coach

Anyhoo----signing day is a long way away.

The coach is not the problem - it's the rundown, outdated facilities.
Aug 26, 2011
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Listen, I know everyone here likes the "rah rah Uconn will prevail" crap on this board.... but let me be clear.... Even if Saban or any other coach on the planet was the coach here right now, WERE NOT GOING TO A BOWL!!!!!!!! AND that absolutely sucks!!

Saban would go 7-2
Jul 30, 2012
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Jordan had to decommit due to the uncertain coaching choice. Can't sit around and wait till December to find out who the coach will be especially when he is to start school in January
Coach pp was fair and honest that's what was why we loved him he didn't bs. Uconn is a great place and great school. Uconn is still number one on our list
Aug 26, 2011
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>>Can't be mad at ex coach he was doing what he thought was right for the
University and for Jordan. However. Not knowing who the coach is going to be is a concern
We can't sit on sidelines waiting and wondering. That isn't fair for the recruit
Ex coach pp was a straight shooter and fair man. Once a coach is picked we would want to
Be recruited by uconn. It's a great school and great environment. Starting school in January it is right around the corner. So this de commitment had to be done. Uconn is still at the top of the list. Coach wholly is also a top level man. This is just normal procedure following a coaches dismissal.

COOSCOOS13, 20 minutes ago<<

Stand-up people. Unfortunate collateral damage. Hope things work out.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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that is the tough part of the transition... we are projecting uncertainty. This will sting for a few years, ahead but will be worth it if we land the right energetic coach.

Best of luck to Jordan, I hope he still considers the school, especially the commitment that our leadership is showing to put a good product on the field.

And I hope guys in the NFL!
Aug 14, 2012
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Based on the lack of Good OL play over the last 2 years and 4 games how did he get them to believe that he could lead them to the next level. What the hell did GDL promise these recruits, a Boxed set of his DVD collection? Some Parents hated him after their sons got to campus. I would think with Coach Foley taking over again it would be a good sign to prospective recruits, back to Smash mouth football. TE will be at a premium and for someone who thought about playing 2 sports I would imagine that he will be making up his mind towards UCONN after watching our next few games. Hopefully they will be electric! Sometimes I thought the only connection to PP's coached team and football was the equipment. Can't wait for Noon on Saturday, a new beginning. Go Huskies!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 30, 2012
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Jordan had to decommit due to the uncertain coaching choice. Can't sit around and wait till December to find out who the coach will be especially when he is to start school in January
Coach pp was fair and honest that's what was why we loved him he didn't bs. Uconn is a great place and great school. Uconn is still number one on our list

Makes sense, find out what Jordan's choices are. Hope he still considers UConn #1 come January.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Hope to see Jordan come January at Storrs.
Aug 29, 2011
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The coach is not the problem - it's the rundown, outdated facilities.

I know that happened when it was actually a true boarding school in Milford CT. It was still pretty decent in the mid 80s, that's when I had my run around in football, I didn't go there, for high school, or prep, but I was acquainted with players who did, but by the mid 90s was falling apart, and was a rat hole by 2000 and closed their doors for good by 2002.

I have never been to the NY location. It's unfortunate if the same kind of deterioration that happened in CT, is happening there with facilities. Chaplick is a football guy through and through though. I matched up with Ansonia as a high school kid in the NVL, and that town is one of the few around that produces football playerr,and footblal coaches, and football booster organizations, and does it like they do in places like Texas...etc. THe program I played for actually managed to beat them a few years in the 80s.

It's a tough business, at that level - between high school and college, and if that is the case, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they move again - like locusts?
Aug 26, 2011
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The Kevin Wilkins kid out of NJ(OG-300+lbs). At one time he was real high on UConn and Deleone but since GD is gone he has decided on Rutgers.

Stretching it a bit to count a kid who was never committed, just to suit your needs but whatever.

Good luck to Jordan, hope you rethink it and come back.
Aug 28, 2011
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Jordan has to do what's best for Jordan, but I've always believed you don't commit to a coach, you commit to a school. Coaches get fired or other offers all the time, you've got to be sure at the place you want to be, not with the person you want to play for.

If my information is correct, then my two cents is Jordan would be better off coming to UConn in January. Weist is on record saying each recruit's scholarship offer would be honored. Jordan can get on campus, get an elite nutrition and strength training program, start learning the playbook and adjusting to college life while earning college credits. If he doesn't mesh well with Weist, or whomever the new coach is, he can still leave in the summer. His clock will have started because he participated in spring ball, and he'd have to sit a transfer year, but he can use that as his redshirt year anyway. After sitting his transfer year, he would still have 4 years to play starting in the fall of 2015. It's possible he doesn't see the field at UConn until the fall of 2015 anyway, but enrolling in January would increase the likelihood he plays in 2014, not reduce it.

JMHO. I hope we can get him on our team, but if not, I wish him the best of luck. Unless he goes to Rutgers. ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the coach and the guy who runs the school are one in the same.

Yeah and the Board of Trustees from that perspective. No financial resources. Gotta wonder how long they can hang on.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I just can't bring myself to get upset over losing recruits because they were attached to PP. In my opinion, anyone who truly loved the guy can go their own way as well. The guy was horrible for this program. He may be a stand up individual but his schemes didn't translate with this program so kids who connected with him through that aren't players I'd want on this team.

That being said, it sounds like Jordan and his family really liked PP but also really liked UConn. I hope for his sake that he still keeps UConn as a top option as I remember him wanting to possibly play bball here as well and no matter who comes in to coach football, I know if I had a son who had a chance to play for KO, I'd jump at that in a heartbeat! Hopefully Jordan takes to UConn and gets over the fact that PP is gone. Our depth chart is bare at TE and if he were to come in January he'd have a leg up on any incoming frosh we may have next year. Good luck to the kid and I hope he decides that UConn IS the place for him.
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