2012 Roster -- Receivers | The Boneyard

2012 Roster -- Receivers

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Aug 24, 2011
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For the last few years now, we've been relying on the combination of Ryan Griffin and John Delahunt at TE. Both are now RS Seniors and back for one more year. Griffin has a great combination of height and speed, enough so that he has played a lot of WR at times when we've had injuries there, but has not developed to the point I thought he would have by now when we first saw him. I don't think he's as consistent or as dominating a blocker as we'd like (and I think the biggest proof of this has been the new staff's unwillingness to designate him as the clear #1) and I think they'd like him to be more dominant in the passing game (although how much of that is on QB play, who knows). Delahunt is not as big a target, and can't stretch the field as much vertically, but is a really solid blocker and a solid, if not spectacular, receiver. This position, even with Moore, last year's #3 but a guy who played a material amount, not having come back for his RS Sr. season, should be improved over last year but it could be improved a lot. If Ryan plays every down to the best of his ability, we could have an All-American TE and a really, really solid experienced backup who will play plenty in two TE sets.

Behind the two of them, and for next year, the picture is less clear. Shortell, Widmer's teammate at Juco, wasn't on the roster, now is on the roster but there have been discussions here about whether he's in camp. Even if he is, with both Griff and Delahunt gone next year I could see redshirting Shortell this year and give him two years to have an impact at TE. Hansson is not on the roster. We knew he was an academic casualty for the season, but Michael Smith was on the roster last year -- just not eligible. So I don't know what we know. The others at the position are the Glastonbury kid Sean McQuillan, now a RS Frosh, whose ability to contribute at least on specials would help preserve Shortell's redshirt (if that is an issue). There are also two walk-ons on the roster who I have not heard anything about -- Horan and Parker.

WR is one of the more interesting stories of this year, because we lost both starters (Kash and I. Moore) but yet hope to be stronger here. I. Moore developed an awful lot from when he came to Storrs to when he left, and had a 100 yard game against ISU, and last year was consistent but not consistently impactful. Kashif had more speed, and got far more snaps over his career here, and had far more big plays here (especially his sophomore year when we were throwing successfully), but even he was not a consistent impact player last year. Was that them or the lack of talent around them in the passing game? It was at least partially the latter. But was that all of it? Who knows.

In any event, I think there is hope that this position can take a step forward this year. Reason one is Phillips, the RS Soph from NJ by way of a cameo on Chestnut Hill. A big body, well thought of coming out of high school, played as a frosh at BC but didn't have huge accomplishments, and we saw him have a big spring game. I know that, if we get good (meaning Big East average) QB play, he could be the best WR we've had since Marcus Easley. But will it be right away or take time? We also have Michael Smith, who was arguably our best WR in the run to the Fiesta Bowl in 2010, but then had to sit out last year for academic reasons. Smitty is now a RS Sr., and we know that, at the very least, he can have as good a year as any WR here has had since Easley. He runs routes well and always seemed to me to get open more consistently than anyone else we had, though his hands, while he's made some difficult catches over the years, have never caught everything that he can touch. We also return our starting 3rd (and slot) WR from last year, Nick Williams, now a Senior. Last year was the first year that Nick played a material amount at WR. He did not make a ton of plays, but he made a disproportionate amount of big plays. I think there is some struggling of the staff to figure out if he's fast enough to get open, notwithstanding the fact that he seems able to get open as consistently as anyone else we've been playing. Obviously, when he gets the ball in his hands he is very difficult for DBs to contain. He also, with good QB play, could have a very big season for a 3rd WR.

There is also plenty of depth at WR. Kamal Abrams, who only played a handful of snaps last year, played the slot in the 4 WR set, largely at the goal line, and is back as a true Soph. Geremy Davis and Tebucky Jones are both back for their RS Soph seasons at WR. Both showed glimpses as Frosh last year, but neither showed enough to demand more snaps. They both played, but played sparingly. We've heard good things said about them by P, but to me the jury is still out. Add the converted TB Deshon Foxx, who can run but is small, incoming frosh Gutierrez (who we are hearing positive things about) and Green, and walk-ons Guardi (who by all reports the coaches were one injury away from putting on the field last year), Allen and Matson, and even without McNeil from Clemson the position has plenty of depth. I don't think losing McNeil to grad school admission policy hurts us from a depth point of view -- I think it hurts us because I thought the chances were strong that he would be one of our three best receivers. Both Foxx and Abrams played last year as true frosh, although each played so little it makes you wonder. I can't imagine that one of them won't be redshirted this year. Unless Foxx wins a starting job returning kickoffs, I would think it would be him. That gives him time to learn the new position, saves him eligibility while we wait for Nick Williams to move on and leaves Abrams, who was a HS QB, available to run snaps from a wildcat formation if McCummings isn't back on the team. I would also not be shocked if Gutierrez beats out either Davis or Jones for a spot on the two deep and has the RS come off.

The bottom line on WR is that both starters are gone, so there is no guaranty that it won't take a step back this year, but I anticipate it will instead be somewhat better with Smith and Phillips stepping in for the Moores and the depth behind them greater and more experienced. But if we don't get better QB play and better pass protection (although those two factors are clearly related), we may not be able to tell. Again.
Aug 24, 2011
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Where's the abridged version? I don't know how you could indicate that the staff has not designated Ryan as the clear number 1 TE when he had 33 receptions for 499 years vs Delahunt's 6 receptions for 43 yards, the numbers speak for themselves. I think Ryan is on a watch list and not Delahunt, but over all nice effort put to this.
Aug 24, 2011
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Where's the abridged version? I don't know how you could indicate that the staff has not designated Ryan as the clear number 1 TE when he had 33 receptions for 499 years vs Delahunt's 6 receptions for 43 yards, the numbers speak for themselves. I think Ryan is on a watch list and not Delahunt, but over all nice effort put to this.

Look at the depth chart in the media guide. The two of them are listed as "or." As they were almost all of last year. You are saying what I was trying to say -- Griffin gets more snaps, and is the #1 TE, but the staff will not designate him publicly as a clear #1.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nice post. Agree with almost all of it.

Things could've been significantly worse had Phillips not transfered in and Smith wasn't an academic casualty last year.

Let's hope those blocking schemes are being picked up this year......
Aug 28, 2011
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With decent QB play, suddenly our WRs will show tremendous improvement. Funny how that works.

I will say right now, after watching him for an hour in the spring game, Phillips is a star.

BTW, just get Nick Williams the damn ball.
Oct 14, 2011
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I realize the depth chart in the media guied is the only look at the 2 deep, but it is inaccurate. I'd say it is 70% correct.
Aug 24, 2011
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I realize the depth chart in the media guied is the only look at the 2 deep, but it is inaccurate. I'd say it is 70% correct.

You will note that I'm using it very selectively. I did find the Griffin-- Delahunt "or" worth pointing out only because the staff used it all of last year. So there must be a message there somewhere.
Aug 30, 2011
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They did that to Griffin last year too. Motavational tool, he's good and they expect more from him. Like to see Foxx RS if possible. Phillips is Whitmer's room mate too. Hoping for Davis to step up, good size.
Aug 30, 2011
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Phillips is an ox. He looks like he is about 15 pounds away from being a TE. There should be a lot of YAC from him. Geremy Davis was active at practice the other day and he also looks very strong for a receiver, he did drop a couple though.

There should be a lot of Easley like physicality from our receivers this year, that is something we did not have last year. We are probably lacking a speed guy (maybe Foxx) but we have the big bruisers.

Whitmer will make everyone look better.

Gutierrez just has the look, a fluid athlete with very long arms that make him look taller then his 6 foot listing. Ray Allen in pads.
Aug 24, 2011
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Phillips is an ox. He looks like he is about 15 pounds away from being a TE. There should be a lot of YAC from him. Geremy Davis was active at practice the other day and he also looks very strong for a receiver, he did drop a couple though.

There should be a lot of Easley like physicality from our receivers this year, that is something we did not have last year. We are probably lacking a speed guy (maybe Foxx) but we have the big bruisers.

Whitmer will make everyone look better.

Gutierrez just has the look, a fluid athlete with very long arms that make him look taller then his 6 foot listing. Very skinny right now.

Does Gutierrez have the bulk to play this year? From his printed height and weight, he must look like a toothpick.
Aug 30, 2011
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Does Gutierrez have the bulk to play this year? From his printed height and weight, he must look like a toothpick.

He's skinny. Darius Butler like. Butler played WR at his weight though and G is taller/longer

From Dez in Feb:

UConn Coach @PaulPasqualoni said WR Ricky Gutierrez missed seven games which is why he was off the radar but when saw him he was excited
Aug 29, 2011
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What it looks like to me that we've got is what passes the eye test for a prototypical X (Smith) a prototypical Z (Philips) and prototypical Y (N. Williams). I think you've got depth lining up behind them, that look just like them.

I see a roster that has been molded all over the place, from 2011 to 2012, to have very specific physical characteristics. It's exactly what P said he was going to do.

It's nice to see, and it's all fine and dandy, and I'm happy to see the kinds of guys we've got lining up all over the field, over what we've gone to the field with before....but it's all kind of meaningless if we don't win games.

Many folks will say that football is a "show me" kind of game. I'm ready for them all to show me they can win.
Jan 29, 2012
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Bottom line is they have to produce, catch the damn ball. Excited to see what phillips, smith, williams, and griffin can do on the field together. I think this is the first time ever, that the offense has favorable matchups and weapons at all positions including McCombs. With Chandler getting the ball out early look for Griffin and Williams to have a big year. I also think a few more long td passes from Wildcat McCummings to Phillips and Smith. On paper this is the most explosive I ever seen a Uconn offense. Lets hope they can produce and shock some teams.
Aug 26, 2011
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BL, love your analysis, look forward to it. I will miss it after this year. I agree with everything you said, and you are spot on when it comes to the coaches having two (or) tight ends. Ryan has started pretty much since he took the field, and the coaches have the luxury of John Delahunt, a very talented and capable tight end, with great hands, to push my son. If John was blessed with a couple of more inches of height, he would have been the one on the Mackey List the last three years.

Football is the game that we love because the guy who shares the locker next to you will take your job if you let him. I had a boss once who loved to tell me that unless your are the lead dog, the view never changes. Competition breeds perfection.
I tell my son never to make excuses, but I have to point out one BIG fact you are omitting. The qb carousel which has taken place over Ryan's entire career here at UConn. Not placing any blame on coaches, much of this happened under HCRE's tenure, and all of it was beyond his control due to bad judgment on the player's behalf, and the injury factor.
I like to think how different his experience would have been had he been able to develop the timing needed with one man consistently behind center. I look at his film, and it is staggering to see the number of over and under throws and missed openings. If you really look at his stats, YAC and important first down catches in key situations, he was a big contributor to our recent success. He has consistently been on the Mackey Award list, but this year made the Lombardi list for linemen, which speaks to his blocking ability, which I think is overlooked when I break down film. Apparently, someone else recognized it. He has some pretty heady company on that list, as well as the Mackey.
He has minuses like everyone else on the team, I would like to see him catch EVERY pass, make EVERY block and score more TD's. Here's hoping for a great year from him, and the entire team and staff. We have the talent to go somewhere. Keep up the good work. Go Huskies.
Aug 29, 2011
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Bottom line is they have to produce, catch the damn ball. Excited to see what phillips, smith, williams, and griffin can do on the field together. I think this is the first time ever, that the offense has favorable matchups and weapons at all positions including McCombs. With Chandler getting the ball out early look for Griffin and Williams to have a big year. I also think a few more long td passes from Wildcat McCummings to Phillips and Smith. On paper this is the most explosive I ever seen a Uconn offense. Lets hope they can produce and shock some teams.

The passing offense in the Tom Jackson years was pretty good, totally diferent system than what Skip Holtz did to have a pretty darn good passing offense at UConn too. Holtz didn't have much else. Kind of ignored the defensive side of the ball at that stage of his coaching career. Orlovsky was a great QB with a great arm, but terrible footwork - didn't get that really fixed until a few years into the NFL - i think.... and the offense under Edsall/Wilson again, was totally different than what the two previous coaches had installed. The passing offense from 2005-2010? Well, we'll skip those years.

It's no surprise that when you look at the historical leaders for QB's and WRs in the UConn record books, they are who they are, and when they played. You need a QB that can find the open man and deliver a catchable ball, and you need receivers that can catch, and an OL that can block. The system doesn't really matter that much, any system will work, if you can do those three things.

We saw what the Deleone system can do last year, as far as producing open receivers on the field. Got to have an OL to give them time to the QB, and a QB that can get the ball there this year, and then receivers catch it. Its really not a hard game.
Aug 24, 2011
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BL, love your analysis, look forward to it. I will miss it after this year. I agree with everything you said, and you are spot on when it comes to the coaches having two (or) tight ends. Ryan has started pretty much since he took the field, and the coaches have the luxury of John Delahunt, a very talented and capable tight end, with great hands, to push my son. If John was blessed with a couple of more inches of height, he would have been the one on the Mackey List the last three years.

Football is the game that we love because the guy who shares the locker next to you will take your job if you let him. I had a boss once who loved to tell me that unless your are the lead dog, the view never changes. Competition breeds perfection.
I tell my son never to make excuses, but I have to point out one BIG fact you are omitting. The qb carousel which has taken place over Ryan's entire career here at UConn. Not placing any blame on coaches, much of this happened under HCRE's tenure, and all of it was beyond his control due to bad judgment on the player's behalf, and the injury factor.
I like to think how different his experience would have been had he been able to develop the timing needed with one man consistently behind center. I look at his film, and it is staggering to see the number of over and under throws and missed openings. If you really look at his stats, YAC and important first down catches in key situations, he was a big contributor to our recent success. He has consistently been on the Mackey Award list, but this year made the Lombardi list for linemen, which speaks to his blocking ability, which I think is overlooked when I break down film. Apparently, someone else recognized it. He has some pretty heady company on that list, as well as the Mackey.
He has minuses like everyone else on the team, I would like to see him catch EVERY pass, make EVERY block and score more TD's. Here's hoping for a great year from him, and the entire team and staff. We have the talent to go somewhere. Keep up the good work. Go Huskies.

Thank you for the good post. I think it goes without saying (although I also think I said it) that we will never know how much better any of our receivers over the last few years might have been with different, better and settled QB play. Hopefully we get a taste of it three weeks from today.

Best of luck to you and your son beyond UConn, and feel free to continue to be a contributor on this board.
Aug 29, 2011
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BL, love your analysis, look forward to it. I will miss it after this year. I agree with everything you said, and you are spot on when it comes to the coaches having two (or) tight ends. Ryan has started pretty much since he took the field, and the coaches have the luxury of John Delahunt, a very talented and capable tight end, with great hands, to push my son. If John was blessed with a couple of more inches of height, he would have been the one on the Mackey List the last three years.

Football is the game that we love because the guy who shares the locker next to you will take your job if you let him. I had a boss once who loved to tell me that unless your are the lead dog, the view never changes. Competition breeds perfection.
I tell my son never to make excuses, but I have to point out one BIG fact you are omitting. The qb carousel which has taken place over Ryan's entire career here at UConn. Not placing any blame on coaches, much of this happened under HCRE's tenure, and all of it was beyond his control due to bad judgment on the player's behalf, and the injury factor.
I like to think how different his experience would have been had he been able to develop the timing needed with one man consistently behind center. I look at his film, and it is staggering to see the number of over and under throws and missed openings. If you really look at his stats, YAC and important first down catches in key situations, he was a big contributor to our recent success. He has consistently been on the Mackey Award list, but this year made the Lombardi list for linemen, which speaks to his blocking ability, which I think is overlooked when I break down film. Apparently, someone else recognized it. He has some pretty heady company on that list, as well as the Mackey.
He has minuses like everyone else on the team, I would like to see him catch EVERY pass, make EVERY block and score more TD's. Here's hoping for a great year from him, and the entire team and staff. We have the talent to go somewhere. Keep up the good work. Go Huskies.

If you don't mind, me saying, IMO, if there's one play that you could put up to describe the kind of player that Ryan is - it's running the entire play from snap to finish, that was the run down for the tackle that he made to stop the TD, on the turnover recovery that WVU had against us last year.

Here's to a great 2012 season.
Aug 26, 2011
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BL, love your analysis, look forward to it. I will miss it after this year.

You're more than welcome to keep rooting for the team. I don't even know anybody who plays for the team. ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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You're more than welcome to keep rooting for the team. I don't even know anybody who plays for the team. ;)
Oh, don't worry I will follow this team and root for them. Uconn football will always have a place in my heart. If Ryan gets to the next level, I hope to do some Sat. traveling to slightly bigger venues which will be just fine. I also plan to be at the Rent for at least a couple a year, made some great friends here.
Jan 29, 2012
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Would love to see Ryan with Giant Blue next year, catching passes from Eli. You heard it here first.
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