12-21 213 yds, 2 td 0 int A few tough runs | The Boneyard

12-21 213 yds, 2 td 0 int A few tough runs

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Aug 26, 2011
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Going in I'd a taken that no question. A little more protection and Mac is even better.

He did what QB's are supposed to do. He managed the game.

Give me 15-25, 250 yds, 2 td, 0 int for W Mich....you gonna take it? I am. That's only a modest improvement

Pray to God Mac improved enough for PP to let him take the reigns. The others aren't ready......yet

Mac has the same thing the other QB's have. No playing time.

For those who say Frazier is a lot better than Mac. LOL. Frazier had a solid OL with an NFL RB. Mac...not so much
Aug 26, 2011
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Good post. I'm watching the game now. He just almost had a pass picked off. I was impressed by the runs, would like to see him hook slide. JMac is as good as you can expect from a walk on, and he really looks like our best option. Like you said, he needs game reps.
Sep 3, 2011
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Stats are deceiving. Nick Williams made two giant plays on what should have been small gains had the Buffalo players been able to tackle. It wasn't even that NW was allusive, it was horrible tackling.
Aug 26, 2011
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Stats are deceiving. Nick Williams made two giant plays on what should have been small gains had the Buffalo players been able to tackle. It wasn't even that NW was allusive, it was horrible tackling.

Dude pour out the Haterade. NW made two clutch, game-changing plays. They were little nothing passes, and he broke tackles and found seams. Props to him.
Aug 26, 2011
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Going in I'd a taken that no question. A little more protection and Mac is even better.

He did what QB's are supposed to do. He managed the game.

Give me 15-25, 250 yds, 2 td, 0 int for W Mich....you gonna take it? I am. That's only a modest improvement

Pray to God Mac improved enough for PP to let him take the reigns. The others aren't ready......yet

Mac has the same thing the other QB's have. No playing time.

For those who say Frazier is a lot better than Mac. LOL. Frazier had a solid OL with an NFL RB. Mac...not so much

I agree, great game for McEntee. I'm happy that we pulled out a game on the road, regardless of opponent. Here is what troubles me: subtract the two plays that were 100% nicky WIlliams, and you have 10-19, 107. You have 3-10 pts through 55 minutes against a Mid-level MAC team. More importantly, you have an offense that cannot create yards on the ground, and need a more mobile option at QB.
Aug 28, 2011
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A BCS qb's completion percentage should be 60-65 %, IMO.

The key, no question, was zero turnovers. Do that every game and that is a huge start.

There is a lot to take from this game regarding passing. Stick with short/intermediate passes. I would go three step drop. 5 step drops are a disaster as McEntee has very poor pocket presence (can't identify where the rush will come from, doesn't step hard into the pocket).

Starting to see some flashes from McEntee. He needs to build on this.
Aug 27, 2011
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Dude pour out the Haterade. NW made two clutch, game-changing plays. They were little nothing passes, and he broke tackles and found seams. Props to him.

Nick Williams never looks impressive when he scores, but he scores an awful lot and at some point you have to admit its not just luck.

The kid seems to have a really good center of gravity - when those tackles get missed, he's immediately accelerated and off to the races. He doesn't take that split second to ready himself like most players do.
Aug 26, 2011
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Stats are deceiving. Nick Williams made two giant plays on what should have been small gains had the Buffalo players been able to tackle. It wasn't even that NW was allusive, it was horrible tackling.
It is what they call FOOTBALL - do you watch the NFL - missed tackles all the time.
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess Nick was lucky last year when all those missed tackles allowed him to lead the country in punt returns. Poor tackling my ass.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree, great game for McEntee. I'm happy that we pulled out a game on the road, regardless of opponent. Here is what troubles me: subtract the two plays that were 100% nicky WIlliams, and you have 10-19, 107. You have 3-10 pts through 55 minutes against a Mid-level MAC team. More importantly, you have an offense that cannot create yards on the ground, and need a more mobile option at QB.
Subtract Tom Brady's 99 yd completion to Wes Walker week one and he doesn't throw for 500 yds. I'm not comparing Mac to Brady, but you get the point. The offense is a work in progress. Right now all the QBs are getting reps, and the coaches feel Mac is the best prepared of the bunch and gives us the best chance to win.
Aug 30, 2011
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I guess we should subtract out all of those big yardage games Endres and Frazer had when they were throwing to Easley. That was all Easley.


Gotham Husky Fanatic
Aug 26, 2011
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Stats are deceiving. Nick Williams made two giant plays on what should have been small gains had the Buffalo players been able to tackle. It wasn't even that NW was allusive, it was horrible tackling.

Nick has great vision, finds the seams in the defense, makes quick cuts, has good balance and is difficult to knock down. Judging from the catches he made, he also has good hands. His performance had nothing to do with horrible tackling.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm actually somewhat happy with the progression of improvement that Mac has shown so far. That may have something to do with the quality of the opponents but he looked like crap at Vandy (who did just pick off four passes against South Carolina as well), looked a little bit better against Iowa State (his one pick was when he got hit in the motion of throwing) and actually looked somewhat serviceable against Buffalo (no picks but threw one that should have been). His pocket presence has definitely improved a bit. He still took a few sacks but I put those squarely on the OL since he literally got hit as soon as he finished his drop-back on most of them. He actually ran the ball when there was room up the middle. I also liked the way he set up and threw the screen pass which took place right before the Nick Williams big catch and run right before the half. Where has that play call been?

There is definitely a ceiling however. The flea flicker pass just didn't have the legs to get far enough to lead I. Moore. I'll be really interested to see how this progression continues. Fingers crossed that we can prove enough on the field to get those safeties to back up at least a little bit.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Looking back on the game I'm more impressed with McEntee sensing pressure, moving the pocket and scrambling a few times.

That bought him time and extended plays and that was supposed to be his weakness.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I know! Let's just subtract all the big plays from every team's offensive numbers... that makes perfect sense. Christ... game changer/big play players are SUPPOSED to make plays like that. We finally get a couple of big plays and some breaks and we're somehow supposed to be pissed off because if they didn't happen the game would have sucked even more. :rolleyes:

Even in the two losses McEntee put together a couple of extended drives. He's got the ability to manage the game and be effective... If he continues to not throw picks it's a move in the right direction.

I am intrigued by Nebrich like everyone else and agree that he hasn't had a lot of time to prove himself... but while he is in there he looks like a freshman... he looks nervous as hell... has happy feet.
Sep 27, 2011
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Nick Williams never looks impressive when he scores, but he scores an awful lot and at some point you have to admit its not just luck.

Nick Williams has 3 career touchdowns...a kickoff return for 100+ early against Rutgers, a huge 95 yarder againt Pitt that changed the game, and a quick slant turned into a 50 yard game sealer Saturday. The Buffalo td was his second reception of the year, his first being the first slant that led to our first touchdown. Everytime this kid gets the ball people get excited, but you're definitely on spot...he never looks impressive.
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