I really like F68 the last couple years, still do, and definitely will, but I think I've OD'd on content because I am cringing 1/2 the time the last few days. I won't blame it all on them, I definitely recognize there is a "me" component to this, and that component is I've personally reached saturation point.
It's hard to hold against them when they are delivering at least 4 hours of content daily for the last few weeks. That's a lot of time to fill and remain sane (or interesting).
They are terrible at trolling. That's fine, I don't listen to them for that anyway. Goodman provides no value to anything, anywhere.
The one thing I will always maintain is that Goodman sucks. TO is great. Dauster is good (and gets an elevation for being as crazy a Husky fan as all of us) , they get good guests, do a good job and I like Fanta. Greg Waddell is what Imus would call an "empty suit" . Zero value there.
A very annoying thing is their production values are pretty sloppy. Mics not working, mic levels set wrong, sloppy edits coming in an out of the commercial bumpers.... etc....etc.....
Plus there are 409 times per show where all 4 people are eating their microphones and all screaming at the same time. Digital distortion. It hurts.