What's up, HuskyNation? | The Boneyard

What's up, HuskyNation?

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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Wow, it seems that we're going from outrage to outrage these days. What's up with that? From Warlick to Wiggins to Mulkey, I've seen a lot of anger, bitterness, and genuine, well, outrage. We've got people leaving the board, trying to make basketball some kind of allegory for politics, and just being belligerent. Is it the impending time change? Angst over a potential loss by our beloved heroines after a surprising undefeated season? Spring fever? Talk to me.
Aug 27, 2011
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Seems reflective of a disturbing wide spread national phenomena that's pervading America's culture right now Nan. Watched the nightly news lately?; Not a good trend IMO.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think we are in an interesting moment as a nation. We are in a moment where sharp divisions are being drawn. Sensitivities are raw. There are many who feel they should speak out to share their concern and defend those who are marginalized.

The recent comments of Wiggins and Mulkey seem to reprise unfortunate attitudes towards two groups who fight to have their voices heard and taken seriously. Two groups who have been subject to having their presence minimized. So when Wiggins makes sweeping and potentially homophobic comments about gay athletes without giving any specifics and Mulkey makes comments that are highly insensitive to women who have claimed to be assaulted and raped, temperatures rise and blood begins to boil. Both sets of comments help perpetuate unfortunate tropes – the scary predatory lesbian and the assaulted woman whose experience should be ignored.

What for me makes it worse is that both sets of comments seemed to be (or should have been) carefully thought out. In my view, Mulkey’s statement was certainly contrived for the moment (the mike drop included) so she should have thought more carefully about what she was saying and the implications of it. Wiggins was talking to a reporter and should have understood that her comments would appear in print for all to see and comment upon. These were not comments made to friends in a bar that slipped into the public domain. They were intended to reach the public domain.

All this leads to good and healthy (in my view) debate although it does get more heated than the general discussion of which Husky should be All-American (a debate I’ve participated in also).
Aug 26, 2011
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Seems reflective of a disturbing wide spread national phenomena that's pervading America's culture right now Nan. Watched the nightly news lately?; Not a good trend IMO.

Agree Sonny. I find I am in a much better mood if I limit exposure to national news of any stripe, from any "side", or any platform.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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To be honest, I have not seen any belligerence on this board. I think that compared to other boards, we are very calm and civil in debate. Of course, when divisive and destructive events occur, we should talk about them.

1) Not sure what the Warlick issue is? We should comment on how the LV's generally underachieve in comparison to their talent (although last nights win at MSU may start to turn it around?) and wonder how they continue to attract so much talent. Rest assured, we are much more civil than Volnation on this issue.

2) When Wiggins without any evidence as far as I can see basically attacks the core of the WNBA, we should comment. Unless we want to destroy the WNBA which is the best goal to motivate our sport to improve? Even here, many took Wiggins issues seriously and want to conduct a calm investigation to see if there is some truth to these allegations.

3) When Mulkey says such insensitive nonsense, we should be outraged and say what is on our minds. As far as I know, now one was saying she should lose her job so our reaction was fairly measured imho. Pretty reasonble compared to the Baylor board.

What really surprised me was the actual warmth and supportiveness of the board. Being new to the board, I had expected significant outrage (or at least concern) to the near loss at Tulane but this board was very supportive of our team and the players and helped me back from the ledge. :)
May 12, 2014
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A bit of cabin fever, even though the weather is mild. I will say that nationally kindness seems to be in short supply. People seem frustrated that our leaders ignore us at every turn and do it so openly. It was such a heartening Senior night celebration as we got to express appreciation for all the hard work of two pretty impressive kids. Not superstars, but hard working, genuine individuals who don't have an ounce of quit in them. A proud tradition carries on as our 'long blue line' addstwo more worthy members.
Jul 13, 2013
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Speaking personally of course.
Warlick doesn't really draw "outrage"
from this board. I think the general attitude toward her here is one of benign indifference. She's Tennessee's problem, not ours. Tennessee fans may be a different story.
Wiggins Is the one displaying outrage.
Her allegations have been duly considered and, by and large, have been summarily dismissed,
Mulkey. Now we have some meat to chew on.
The outrage here, imo, was generated from her apparent tone deafness to the plight of the assault victims and her poor choice of words (knock in the face). She has subsequently apologized for both.
What I find more interesting is the response, in near total unanimity, in favor of Mulkey's initial statements by Baylor fans on the Baylor board.
While I don't think that Mulkey actually advocates violence toward a parent who expresses concern of their daughters safety if she should attend Baylor, that IS what she said.
It was, in fact, a poor choice of words.
Again, she has since apologized for her poor choice of words.
While it is difficult if not nearly impossible to find support for what she said anywhere else in the entire country, Baylor fans can't get enough of Kim's "defense" of their university.
Thete is no better example of the "siege mentality" than the one that is currently being displayed there.
They went so far as to admonish the only, imo, reasonable Baylor fan (of those that posted) who initially stated that perhaps Mulkey did use a poor choice of words and that she probably would regret it.
How do I explain what you perceive to be our current outrage ?
If it does exist I can only use the analogy of a team taking on the personality of its coach. [edited political comment]
Now I'm really outraged.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Did I mention how much I'm enjoying this year's version of UCONN WBB?
Everything else is just a momentary distraction.
[edit: political]
Candice disappointed me-she was not the first, won't be the last.
Warlick- always entertained by TN's misery-extension for Holly please!
Kim's comment disappointed me, she won't be the last to disappoint.
Very disappointed (sort of) in WCBB for being unable to efficiently challenge UCONN this year.
Did I mention how happy I am that Megan Walker signed with UCONN?
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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I apologize to all for opening this topic then locking it.

It appears the general turmoil in society is spreading to the 'yard. I understand where people are coming from. I, personally, have been using the deep breathing exercises on my Fitbit more frequently these days. How about everyone take some deep breaths before diving into threads? I'd like to keep the family together and stop losing Boneyarders because of things happening elsewhere.
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