What Are Your Thoughts On The Possibilities Of The New B(ig)east? | The Boneyard

What Are Your Thoughts On The Possibilities Of The New B(ig)east?

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Sep 21, 2011
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The word is out that the BE presidents have voted unanimously to extend invitiations to all-sport and fb only members. They didn't name the specific teams, but lets take an educated guess at just who might comprise NEW B(ig)EAST.
Let's start with Boise State, Air Force, and Navy. All three have strong national followings, and are certain to increase the chances of getting a more favorable sports media deal. Next up is SMU, Houston and UCF. These three are all located in top-20 television markets. Dallas is No. 5, Houston is No. 10 and Orlando is No. 19. And if it's decided to add one more team to the conference, the one team that seems to have the best chance at getting an invite is Memphis. If Louisville's bb Coach Petino has his way, he thinks Memphis should be added to the mix citing their longtime rivalry that could just spill over to fb.
Aug 26, 2011
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I hate it and want to leave asap. SMU, Houston, and UCF dont excite me at all.
Aug 26, 2011
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The big east should just die and not try to linger on. At least then Notre Dame would then have to pick a conference to go into. Don't think any other conference would be willing to give ND such a one-sided deal that the domers had in the BEast. Hate all this scrambling around trying to patch it up. What would the conference be called if it does manage to limp on... the Big Whatever???
Aug 26, 2011
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Not trying to be negative but don't count Boise, , etc until they are invited and actually commit. Providence leadership has been so $&€£¥$&@ up that at this point I don't assume anything until it's confirmed.
Aug 27, 2011
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Big East needs to get out of the football business. It was born out of hoops and that's what the focus should be. Let the hoops onlies go and do their thing and let the football playing members go out and seek a partnership with other institutions who share their academic and ATHLETIC missions.

I don't want any part of Memphis whatsoever. Garbage school, garbage football.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm cool with it. It is what it is....so let's make the best of it and roll on.
Aug 28, 2011
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i know i'm probably in the minority, but i'd rather be in the new BE than the ACC assuming we end up with one of the more decent options that's being thrown out there and we keep our BCS bid. the idea of being in the ACC makes me nauseous. i'd rather sit in this mess with keep my fingers crossed for an eventual B1G invite that may never come than join those d-bags
Aug 27, 2011
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I am all for it. Since we haven't been invited to another conference it's time for all the members to come together and redo the BE. Fb should be stronger with the new members, we will have a championship game, BB will be weaker but still one of the best conferences if still not the best in the nation. We still play our BB tour. At MSG. I expect we will still get a VG media contract. We will never be the best FB conference but we should be decent. We still have a good chance to be the best BB conference. Remember NYC, Philly, NJ kids want to play near their home and not down south. BE will be fine.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Unless the ACC or Big 10 have slipped an invitation under our door, we are in the Big East. UConn fans need to stop whining about it.

I look at the combined league and think we are the 10th or 11th best team in the league. This program has some work to do.
Aug 24, 2011
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Unless the ACC or Big 10 have slipped an invitation under our door, we are in the Big East. UConn fans need to stop whining about it.

I look at the combined league and think we are the 10th or 11th best team in the league. This program has some work to do.

Yes. And last year we would have been 2d.

This is not a structural problem with our program. This year's team just isn't good through this part of the season.
Aug 31, 2011
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What do you do when the power goes out - complain about CL&P or make the best of it?

What do you do when cable goes out? Find an alternative or whine about Comcast?

None of us like what happened, but we are in a bad spot and we can either keep crying about what happened to the league or make the most out of it.

The kids on this team have been thru enough turmoil and upheaval; how about showing up saturday and focusing on them for 3+ hours


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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It's the best we can do, it is an attempt to replicate the move when Cincy, Louie and USF were brought in. Football wise it's probably comparable to that, but the downside is the loss of eastern identity. I can live with that, grudgingly. If UConn has to stay in this conference for more than 5 years, I suppose it would help if we still get a fat TV contract. I will admit I will miss playing fellow eastern schools and mostly original BE members SU, Pitt and WVU far more than Miami and VTech, for both FB and MBB. And I can only hope that all of the new additions don't wind up sucking at say, a Wannstache or GRob level, but also don't beat the crap out of us every year.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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It's the best we can do, it is an attempt to replicate the move when Cincy, Louie and USF were brought in. Football wise it's probably comparable to that, but the downside is the loss of eastern identity. I can live with that, grudgingly. If UConn has to stay in this conference for more than 5 years, I suppose it would help if we still get a fat TV contract. I will admit I will miss playing fellow eastern schools and mostly original BE members SU, Pitt and WVU far more than Miami and VTech, for both FB and MBB. And I can only hope that all of the new additions don't wind up sucking at say, a Wannstache or GRob level, but also don't beat the crap out of us every year.

I come off as a jackkkasss whenever I mention this, but remember, to most of the country, eastern identity for football means PSU. Otherwise eastern football isn't on the national radar.
Aug 26, 2011
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i've said it several times before, and i'll say it again. the big east is looking at the available teams the wrong way. they need to get the teams with the highest upside, not the teams that are the best right now. if i were the big east, i would go after all the division 1a florida teams: ucf, florida atlantic, florida international. those teams aren't good now- except ucf which is decent- but they're in florida. in five years, they'll be competitive. remember, usf didn't even have a football program until recently. also, being in florida will attract more floridian recruits to the big east, thus making the big east better in terms of the quality of football. that's the only way the big east can have any chance of not being the "big least" (or non-existant or non-bcs qualifying).
Aug 24, 2011
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Granted it's the best the BE can do given the current predicament, I see this NBE plan as fragile and always being fragile. Even if the newbies become a done deal, they and the current BE members will always be a threat to leave for greener pastures if the big boy conferences come calling. As for UConn, the ACC is still and will probably always be the better and more stable & viable option than anything the BE can put together.
Sep 16, 2011
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I hate this as well... I will wine all I want and blame the stuck up upper brass at bcu for all of this...hopefully we get out of this mess that is the big east. Our only hope is the formation of the super conferences.
Aug 26, 2011
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If this is the hand we're dealt, it's not so bad, especially if we keep the BCS bid. We'll just have to continue to build our football brand.

Going to the ACC right now would be like wrestling with the pig (Gene Di and the BC administration). When you wrestle with a pig both sides get dirty, but the pig likes it. I have no problem with the rest of the ACC members and have alot of respect for them (okay, except Miami). We have more in common with them than BC does, or SYRACUSE OF WESTERN NEW YORK STATE does. I'm sure the ACC is still fuming over his comments, it made his backstabbing way of doing business embarrassingly public for the league as a whole.

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Aug 26, 2011
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What do you do when the power goes out - complain about CL&P or make the best of it?

What do you do when cable goes out? Find an alternative or whine about Comcast?

None of us like what happened, but we are in a bad spot and we can either keep crying about what happened to the league or make the most out of it.

The kids on this team have been thru enough turmoil and upheaval; how about showing up saturday and focusing on them for 3+ hours

Aug 31, 2011
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Another positive - some interesting road trips for those who like to travel. Dallas over Pittsburgh; Annapolis over Syracuse; Orlando over WVU. Again, not the outcome any of us desires, but it could be worse. And let's remember that big glass house we are standing in front of - our school has been fairly transparent about its desire to take the first bus out of the conference formerly known as the BE.
Sep 3, 2011
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Have to make the best of it. I hope in terms of divisional alignment they send Navy out west so that we can continue our rivalry with Louisville. It makes more sense scheduling wise too as you won't have to have permanent crossover games like -Navy or UL-UC

East: UConn, RU, UC, UL, USF, UCF
West: BSU, BYU/Memphis, , Navy SMU, UH
Aug 26, 2011
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If this is the hand we're dealt, it's not so bad, especially if we keep the BCS bid. We'll just have to continue to build our football brand.

Going to the ACC right now would be like wrestling with the pig (Gene Di and the BC administration). When you wrestle with a pig both sides get dirty, but the pig likes it. I have no problem with the rest of the ACC members and have alot of respect for them (okay, except Miami). We have more in common with them than BC does, or SYRACUSE OF WESTERN NEW YORK STATE does. I'm sure the ACC is still fuming over his comments, it made his backstabbing way of doing business embarrassingly public for the league as a whole.

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I hope we wrestle that pig and make some bacon..... soon. Bacon tastes good! Pork Chops taste good! This new new Big East (assuming all invitees accept) serves its purpose of giving us a lifeline, but long term I hope we end up in the B1G or ACC.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Golly gee, how exciting, the Big Blob Conference. All those great, historical local rivalries. Maybe we can play Rutgers several times just to keep the commutes down. Where the hell is the Yankee Conference when you need it?


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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When you wrestle with a pig both sides get dirty, but the pig likes it.

Who says the person can't enjoy some good ole pig wrasslin'? Especially if Flipper is still the head hog.


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN needs to find a way into the ACC and the Big East should disappear into history. If that is not possible, change the conference name for God's sake. The Big EAST???? How about the Big Country Conference. We can have Bryant Reeves as commissioner for good measure. Like I've posted previously, when is Hawaii getting a BE invite. These desparate moves need to stop.
Sep 3, 2011
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The Big Deceased is falling apart and will continue to be the waiting room for programs until some better offer comes along. In the meantime:

1. Throw Notre Dame out ASAP. They have sat by (sucking dry the benefits of conference play in all other sports) while the BE has disintegrated in stages. They are never, will never join BE football. So kick them out on general principle. Maybe this forces them to join another conference and puts the wheels in motion for UConn to get into another conference. BTW, what are the chances of another BCS conference letting in ND as everything but football. . . .Zero.

2. Stop thinking Eastern Football. That means nothing and to some extent got the "'Deceased'" into this mess. Boise State, Air Force and Navy are a good start. The SMU, Houston, Central Florida, etc. Stop the parochial perspective.

3. Hope for an ACC bid. And keep reminding the world of UConn's Hoops and other non football sports.

4. Hope for an ACC bid then jump all over it. Run,don't walk.

5. Stop urning for the Big Ten, unless of course a slot is offered. Then proceed quickly to exit BE.

6. commit to playing exciting offensive-oriented football.
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