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Aug 26, 2011
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Awful, awful performance. '99 title team in the house, crowd fired up, major opportunity to climb up a few spots in the polls and earn a protected seed, and we just lay an absolute egg. As much as I love Ollie, this loss has to fall on the head coach first and foremost. He didn't put his players in a position to succeed today, and it was obvious to anybody watching the game who the Hall of Famer was.

There have been some concerning trends cropping up for a while now. Even the Memphis win - which many of us thought was a turning point for this team - should have raised some question marks. Napier and Boatright put the team on their backs in the second half, but for much of the first half and early second half it was a layup drill for the Tigers. The Temple game was also dis-concerting, but many of us shrugged it off as a typical trap game. UConn's offense was extremely lethargic and unsettled against a brutal defensive team, and if Temple had been able to throw it in the ocean at all, we would have had a brawl on our hands into the final two minutes.

There are clearly some flaws in the roster that restrict our ability to score against elite defensive teams, today being exhibit A. Good defensive teams like Cincinnati, SMU, and Louisville don't let one or two players beat them, it has to be a collective, well-coordinated execution of the offensive sets. If you're going to come down the court and run pick and roll every time - and although that wasn't all we ran, it was basically what are offense devolved into after we got down double digits in the second half - good defensive teams are going to be able to figure it out at some point. Earlier in the season, I talked about trust as possibly the most essential component of an efficient offensive attack. The Memphis win back and January gave me hope that this offense was beginning to turn the corner in that regard, but this game tempered those beliefs and then some.

The lack of trust isn't entirely the fault of Boatright and Napier, though they do share some of the responsibility. It speaks more to the fact that our forwards - Giffey and Daniels, especially - can't take more than two dribbles without turning it over or dishing it back out to re-set the offense. I'm sure there will be a lot of chatter on this board about how Daniels doesn't have a killer instinct or whatever, but the bigger problem is the guy simply can't dribble or make a play in traffic. Something as simple as Giffey and Daniels being able to converge the defense and kick the ball out would help this offense immensely. Kromah was able to elevate the offense a bit earlier in the year with his complementary ball-handling and play-making ability, but unfortunately defenders are now daring him to shoot, and in games like this where he can't throw it in the ocean, we really have no choice but to sit him down.

The bottom line is great defenses force offensive players into doing things they aren't comfortable doing, which is why the most well-rounded and balanced offenses are generally the best. Teams are swarming Boatright and Napier on ball screens, and they don't have the confidence in their teammates to dish it into the middle of the floor and allow the forwards to make a play. So yeah, you can blame the guards some, but this has been a problem with UConn offenses that really dates all the way back to 2010 now, and I'm hopeful that the recruitment of more mobile, diversely skilled wings like Daniel Hamilton will resolve this problem as shortly as next year.

Over-helping continues to be a problem on the other end. There's absolutely no excuse for a team like SMU to shoot 47% against us. Pack the paint and make them hit mid-range jump shots - it's really not that complicated, and the fact that they don't have basic concepts like this down at this point is mind-boggling. Layups and open three's will doom any defense, and this team simply allows way too many of them. Despite these continuing problems, there's still a ton of defensive talent on this roster, and they morph into a borderline dominant unit when Brimah plays. For as maddening as this team is, they're going to stay in games for that reason.

Player notes:

Bazz - He picked a bad time to play possibly his worst game of the season. 5 of 16, 2 assists, 5 turnovers...that pretty much speaks for itself. He played hard, and it looked for a minute like he might will us back into the game in the second half, but he just made too many mistakes, and, as much as I rarely say this about Shabazz, he looked for his own shot rather than making the right play a bit too much today. He'll be back.

Boat - 11 free throws is highly encouraging. He's noticeably more aggressive than he was earlier in the year, and he's possibly been the most consistent defensive player on the team (something I never would have thought before the season). He still makes mistakes and has his flaws, but I didn't have a huge problem with the way he played today.

Lasan - Might be the worst game he's played in a Husky uniform. He missed four of his five shots - which were all wide open - and really allowed the SMU defense to pack it in. I didn't think his defense was as good, either, but I'd have to watch again to be sure. Curious to see what others think about his defense today.

Omar - Thought he actually played really good defense today in the minutes he got. If he continues to do that, he'll have a chance to get at least a few minutes a game. He's also a 30% three point shooter in his career at UConn on 200+ attempts - at what point do we either A) tell him to stop shooting or B) re-model his stroke? He kind of has that low release that has the tendency to be problematic in the face of pressure, and there are a lot of moving parts to his release. As somebody who had a similar release to Omar in his playing days - though obviously not against near the same level of competition - I can at least guess what the problem might be. The low, mechanically flawed release points can be fine when you're shooting in a gym by yourself, with ample time to set up, but when you need to get the shot off in a split second, it has a funny way of sailing off mark. I was one of those kids who could hit 20 3's in a row in a shoot-around, but in the games I was largely mediocre from three. I could be reaching with the personal anecdote, but it's something to consider.

Giff - He played OK, I guess. Not one of his finer performances defensively, I didn't think. He was, at least, semi-aggressive on offense, and we'll need more of that moving forward. I think Giffey is a real good role player who is great to have on the team. Can you win six in March with him playing 30 minutes? I don't know. Maybe if Kemba Walker's on the team.

DD - We all were in agreement before the season that this guy was going to determine the fate of our season, and I think that has pretty much held true. It was nice to see him at least hit the glass today, and I thought the defense was exposed when he went to the bench with foul trouble mid-way through the second half. Clearly, though, he just doesn't give us enough in games like this. He needs to get to the next level soon.

Nolan - Again, he's just limited. He'll be a nice third big man for the next two years, but he's not much more than that right now. He's had his moments against inferior competition, but he just doesn't provide enough rim protection or offense to be a consistent contributor in games like this.

Tyler - This was definitely a game where we should have seen Tyler more, IMO, especially in the first half when the offense was setting the program back decades. Unlike Nolan, Brimah, and even Daniels, Tyler can actually catch the ball, face the basket, and at least keep the ball moving without everything going to hell. The offense clearly moves more smoothly when he's on the floor, and in games like this, I'd probably be willing to sacrifice a little defense for that - there's no point in re-iterating his weaknesses here.

Brimah - As much as games like this demonstrate how far he has to go, they're equally encouraging in terms of his ability to impact a game. Eight rebounds and three blocks is nice production considering he battled foul trouble for most of the game (as he always is). We just have to be patient with, I'd be shocked if he wasn't a great player in two years.

This is the third home game we've lost this season, and the second against an unranked team. SMU is good, but they had no business coming into Gampel on a day that was meant to celebrate the history of the program and thoroughly outplaying us. We have to protect our home court better than this. This loss will see us fall from the rankings, and tumble into the seven and eight seed territory that we're trying to avoid. If we have to play Duke in North Carolina or Kansas in Wichita, I don't want to hear any complaining. You gotta win these games to stay out of spots like that. We've got a lot of basketball left to play this season, but in all likelihood we are going to finish in fifth place in the AAC. That's a major disappointment. Until Wednesday.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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It was apparent that UConn didn't learn from the first SMU game.

UConn consistently got shooters open. But instead of catching and shooting, there was hesitation and over passing. SMU is a very sound and physical defensive team. You aren't going to wear them down. They get back on defense so you aren't going to rack up a ton of fast break points.

This game begged for shooters to take the first open shot they get.

SMU's defensive strategy is predicated on the opponent not having enough players savvy enough to recognize when they are in the best scoring position for that possession.
Aug 25, 2011
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Good write-up. I think Coach Brown had something to do with our loss. Bazz just didn't have it today, which does prove we can't win without him. I just hope other teams don't take notice of that fact.

As for the others players by now should be able to compensate our star player's off game, but they didn't and that is alarming. We need a consistent 3rd scorer and quickly.
Nov 19, 2011
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Good write-up. I think Coach Brown had something to do with our loss. Bazz just didn't have it today, which does prove we can't win without him. I just hope other teams don't take notice of that fact.

As for the others players by now should be able to compensate our star player's off game, but they didn't and that is alarming. We need a consistent 3rd scorer and quickly.

Larry Brown is not the only good coach we will face from here on out so if good coaching can render us ineffective we are really in trouble.

We have won games this year where Bazz did not shoot great or score well. We can win without him doing everything. But too many guys did not have it today. UConn for whatever reason did not look prepared to be successful against this opponent.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Good write up.

My feeling is this team has played beyond the sum of their parts this season. That's good coaching not bad. KO probably got more than can be expected from the five position. Teams can exploit UConn with this front court and it's a testament to the staff that the number of times the front court has been exploited is far less than we've seen.

The front court would be less of a liability if the guards were more athletic and taller. But that was the hand KO was dealt and we all knew this when he inherited JC's players. I would say our disappointment is more because we have increased our expectations to a point that is more than what this team can reasonably give.

You recommended the team should have collapsed defense and let SMU make the mid range shots. Well that's what LK and NG did and SMU made too many of those shots.

UConn couldn't buy baskets. It was one of those games. SN goes for a lay up and AB basket interferes a shot that might have gone in. SN has a free run to the basket with about a minute to go and overshoots a lay up. DD, NG and LK have wide open looks from three and needed only to make a couple to cause SMU to change their defensive play and unfortunately all three decent shooters chose to have an off night shooting.

The failure was 6-21 from the three point line. Most of those threes were in the flow of the offense and the players had really good looks. You can't win if you only shoot 30% in a game. Particularly if you lack the bigs to get easy points.
Aug 26, 2011
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Guys like kromah Giffey and Daniels need to be knock down shooters ( as their %'s WOULD indicate) for our offense to be effective. They were not
Aug 26, 2011
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Good write up.

My feeling is this team has played beyond the sum of their parts this season. That's good coaching not bad. KO probably got more than can be expected from the five position. Teams can exploit UConn with this front court and it's a testament to the staff that the number of times the front court has been exploited is far less than we've seen.

The front court would be less of a liability if the guards were more athletic and taller. But that was the hand KO was dealt and we all knew this when he inherited JC's players. I would say our disappointment is more because we have increased our expectations to a point that is more than what this team can reasonably give.

You recommended the team should have collapsed defense and let SMU make the mid range shots. Well that's what LK and NG did and SMU made too many of those shots.

UConn couldn't buy baskets. It was one of those games. SN goes for a lay up and AB basket interferes a shot that might have gone in. SN has a free run to the basket with about a minute to go and overshoots a lay up. DD, NG and LK have wide open looks from three and needed only to make a couple to cause SMU to change their defensive play and unfortunately all three decent shooters chose to have an off night shooting.

The failure was 6-21 from the three point line. Most of those threes were in the flow of the offense and the players had really good looks. You can't win if you only shoot 30% in a game. Particularly if you lack the bigs to get easy points.

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure I'd say the team has played beyond the sum of their parts. My feeling all along has been that this is a decently talented UConn team that is fairly well-coached, and the result is about what you'd expect, a top 25ish team. I think Ollie has done a solid job with this team, but he's still got a ways to go as a coach (which was to be expected). I'd say he's top class as far as young coaches are concerned - he's already a better coach than Pastner, and when you watch other teams with young coaches, you gain an appreciation for what Ollie's been able to do in such a short period of time. His inexperience is noticeable, though, against Hall of Fame coaches like Pitino and Brown. He's not on that level, though he has shown the ability to match wits with them, as his wins over Hall of Famers Izzo, Boeheim, and Donovan would suggest.

I do think you under-sell the pieces on the team a bit. Between Daniels, Napier, and Boatright, you're talking about two four stars and a five star, all of whom are upper-clansman. Add that to solid, experienced role players in Giffey and Kromah, and I think the "doing more with less" argument is tougher to make this year. This team has a fair amount of talent, and certainly more than some of the teams we've lost to this season (SMU X2, Houston, Stanford, maybe Cincinnati). Those losses weren't a matter of talent, IMO, those games were lost because of sporadic execution, and some of that has to fall on the head coach.

We shot 6-21 from the three point line, which didn't help, but a lot of those looks were contested or forced. I don't think you can simply chalk this game up to a poor shooting effort; SMU took us out of our offense. They had a few good looks - some of which were generated by good play calls from Ollie - but as a whole I thought we struggled to get clean looks.

As for the defense, I don't agree that SMU made too many mid-range shots. Simply by scanning the play by play sheet, SMU made only five two-point jumpers the entire game. Contrast that to nine layups, six three pointers, and sixteen free throws, and it's easy to see why SMU's offense was so efficient.
Aug 26, 2011
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yeap boatright is quoted as saying the only reason they lost was because of missed shots. Giffey is making an effort to do stuff off the bounce, daniels however is allergic to contact in anyway. kromah as well seems to be in a funk. we should be shooting the lights out @ gampel.
Aug 26, 2011
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I know were arent supposed to credit the other team but I was at the game and I was impressed as hell with SMUs defense. I looked up their defensive stats and I think they are #2 in the country in FG% defense. Man oh man Napier could not get an open look. I will say this - we missed about 5 wide OPEN threes today and hitting only 2 or 3 would have really helped. Looks like SMU is simply a tough match up for us. Must win on Wednesday.

Agree with some others above - Daniels needs to come back. He has not been anywhere near consistent this season.
Aug 28, 2011
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Omar - He's also a 30% three point shooter in his career at UConn on 200+ attempts - at what point do we either A) tell him to stop shooting or B) re-model his stroke?

This summer, Option B needs to happen. He shoots at the start of his jump, I don't think I've ever seen a basketball player do that. Sure, guys shoot set-shots where they basically don't jump but it's more of a fluid motion.

Omar basically starts his release as soon as he jumps. I'd love to see a minor adjustment first like shooting at the peak/just before the peak of his jump. The rest of his form is fine. Physics are just working against him when he shoots at the start of his jump.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Brown is no genius. He is on the level of Boeheim.
He did what most coaches should do. He challenged our 3, 4 and 5 players to beat them. He cut off our head (Bazz and Boat) by putting a speedy small on Boat and a taller guard on Bazz.
Our 3, 4 and 5s did nothing today. Once they showed that they could do nothing offensively, SMU left them and ganged up on Boat and Bazz. DD showed everyone that he will run and hide if put in the spotlight and if things get a little physical. LK is in a huge shooting slump and has decided he is now a standup jump shooter rather than a slasher that gave him success in the past. Giffs is not a problem offensively but has decided that playing defense does not mean getting your hands up and leaving your responsibility by being constantly lured away. I won't comment on Omar, we all know his shtick. The bigs are young, have no hands and don't know how to play with their feet and use their heads.
Bazz and Boat cannot carry this team in the next few weeks, teams will be playing desperate and defense becomes much tougher.
Daniels is the one who could be the difference yet I see no reason to believe he has the will, determination or the attitude to decide to mix it up and take charge. He is Rudy Gay with a lot less of a scorers attitude.
SFU is a very difficult team at home. Cinci is going to be an angry beast on Saturday and we do not match up well vs Lville.
The next 2 weeks is put up or shut up.
Bazz can't play for POY or AA or Wooden awards, he needs to lead and kick teammates asses who fail to give 100%
Can UConn be a factor? Sure Can they fade away? Unfortunately that is also a possibility.
Nov 19, 2011
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Of course Brown is a good coach.

But he was not good enough for his team to win at South Florida or Temple this year.

I think people are falling back on the Brown just came up with a brilliant game plan excuse a little too hard.

UConn did not look prepared or ready for their opponent today. That was evident by not scoring a basket until 6:30 into the game. Ollie in the post game believes the team was prepared for what SMU threw at them. They didn't make the shots and they weren't mentally tough enough at both ends in his mind. That's a problem at this point. Fixable. But very disappointing considering there are only 4 teams in this league you really need to show your mettle against. UConn is 2-4 in those opportunities with 2 tough ones left.
Sep 2, 2011
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Once again and I have been crucified for saying it before but Bazz tends to try to do too much instead of letting the game come to him. He does it when he goes against top point guards from other teams and I think the pressure of the '99 team being there pushed him in to trying to do too much. Way too many crazy shots and out of control penetration where he gets caught in the air and throws it away. I love the guy and he is our all-American player and we are not where we are without him, but it's these things that I see too often that makes we worry come March. He has to stay in control.

This was just a horrible team effort today and very disappointing since they lost to this team last time. Thought they would have brought a little more intensity.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Curious, he's a better coach than ours so then who's level do you put Ollie?
More experience doesn't make a man a genius, better yes
KO is a novice who will be an outstanding coach based on his knowledge gained through his NBA experience of learning from diverse sources.
He's at a far inferior level to Brown but Brown is not at the top level by any means - him in the HoF is puzzling
Aug 25, 2011
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Once again and I have been crucified for saying it before but Bazz tends to try to do too much instead of letting the game come to him. He does it when he goes against top point guards from other teams and I think the pressure of the '99 team being there pushed him in to trying to do too much. Way too many crazy shots and out of control penetration where he gets caught in the air and throws it away. I love the guy and he is our all-American player and we are not where we are without him, but it's these things that I see too often that makes we worry come March. He has to stay in control.

This was just a horrible team effort today and very disappointing since they lost to this team last time. Thought they would have brought a little more intensity.

I wish we had 12 problems like Shabazz.
Aug 25, 2011
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Brown is not at the top level by any means - him in the HoF is puzzling

You can't really mean this. There's nothing remotely puzzling about Larry Brown being in the hall of fame.
Sep 2, 2011
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And one more thing. In a game like this where we had guys who were going through the emotions and not bringing their energy, why do we not see one minute from Samuel or Facey? It's a game like that where I feel they can come in off the bench and provide some spark. Just don't get why neither played.
Aug 26, 2011
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He is a good coach but not a genius
Not WAY off
Sorry son. Brown is a phenomenal coach. He is not simply a "good coach". You are WAY WAY off.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Sorry son. Brown is a phenomenal coach. He is not simply a "good coach". You are WAY WAY off.
Calling someone son is very demeaning, I am entitled to my opinion.
There are as many people who agree with me as there are those who side with you.
But the use of phenomenal???
Lets look at the phenomenal record - Pro Basketball 30 seasons Reg season - .568 winning percentage .511 playoff record in 30 years - 2 conference championships and 1 NBA title and 1 COY Award
His college record has been very good - 8 seasons at .700 and coming in at established schools UCLA and Kansas so that doesn't hurt
His job at SMU has been impressive
Pros = 30 years of .500 ball with 2 conference championships? College= Very Good


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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You can't really mean this. There's nothing remotely puzzling about Larry Brown being in the hall of fame.
please, 8 years of college coaching and 30 years of mediocrity in the pros = look at his record
He's there because he lasted so long
Aug 26, 2011
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please, 8 years of college coaching and 30 years of mediocrity in the pros = look at his record
He's there because he lasted so long

There is absolutely nothing mediocre about winning 57% of your games in the NBA. He won a national title in college. He won the only NBA championship ever with no HOF on the roster. It's taken him two years to build an irrelevant SMU program into a team that is going to contend for a national title next season. He's easily a Hall of Famer.
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