The View From Section 241 | Page 3 | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241

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Aug 29, 2011
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This Nebrich redshirt discussion is so tired and old. The kid is the backup quarterback for a division 1-A/BCS football team. Not only is he backing up 1 guy, he's backing up two QB's running different offenses. One of the QB's recruited ahead of him, was booted out of the program, the other recruited ahead of him, he beat out for the backup position, and until a few weeks into the regular season, was still competing for the #1 overall position. I suppose that's the biggest hangup for most people, the fact that the coaches actually felt that he was good enough to put on the field in actual games at all, in limited basis, rather than giving him a redshirt. Although I can't imagine how this makes sense to anyone, b/c if the kid was able to take a luxury redshirt instead of actually compete on the field in actual games, which means the coaches felt he had the capability to contribute to wins.....he would have been better off NOT playing?

Lament the loss of a redshirt year if you want, but if your'e going to throw blame around, blame Endres for his habits, blame Box for not being good enough to beat out a true freshman, blame Edsall for recruiting those guys. There's no reason to assume that the kid's 5th year of eligibility is gone anyway.

And let's talk about development for a second. This staff took a nice prospect out of high school, and in 8 months had him competing for a starting spot for a 1-A/BCS program, taking snaps in games against the likes of Iowa State and Vanderbilt, and a kid clearly earned the #2 spot on te roster, the most improtant #2 spot on a roster IMO.

Let's think about development of the QB position over the past 12 years at UConn. Let's look at this statemetn about te 2010 ACC rookie of te year at QB position.

"Again, I think sometimes that expectations on young people can make it tough as well. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job of minimizing expectations for him [Danny O'Brien]. So again, I think those are things we all can learn from. The only thing that you can do is go out and do your best. Some days, you're going to be good. Some days, you're not going to be good.

I expect Nebrich to MAXIMIZE his expectations for himself and his performance for the team, and so far he hasn't disappointed at all, and he's never more than one snap away from being in that spotlight.

I trust guys that have actually developed QB's with their decision making, and I can only conclude that the opinion that anything that has happened around Nebrich is a negative thing comes from the conditioning that was built up over the past 12 years.
Aug 27, 2011
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Like Johnny Mac has set the bar so high that Nebrich can't possible do better? Nebrich doesn't have to be the best QB in D1, he just has to be more PRODUCTIVE than McEntee. That's all.
Well obviously he is not or cannot or he would be. I am just saying that it is hard to throw a freshman in there despite talent level.
Aug 27, 2011
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This Nebrich redshirt discussion is so tired and old. The kid is the backup quarterback for a division 1-A/BCS football team. Not only is he backing up 1 guy, he's backing up two QB's running different offenses. One of the QB's recruited ahead of him, was booted out of the program, the other recruited ahead of him, he beat out for the backup position, and until a few weeks into the regular season, was still competing for the #1 overall position. I suppose that's the biggest hangup for most people, the fact that the coaches actually felt that he was good enough to put on the field in actual games at all, in limited basis, rather than giving him a redshirt. Although I can't imagine how this makes sense to anyone, b/c if the kid was able to take a luxury redshirt instead of actually compete on the field in actual games, which means the coaches felt he had the capability to contribute to wins.....he would have been better off NOT playing?

Lament the loss of a redshirt year if you want, but if your'e going to throw blame around, blame Endres for his habits, blame Box for not being good enough to beat out a true freshman, blame Edsall for recruiting those guys. There's no reason to assume that the kid's 5th year of eligibility is gone anyway.

And let's talk about development for a second. This staff took a nice prospect out of high school, and in 8 months had him competing for a starting spot for a 1-A/BCS program, taking snaps in games against the likes of Iowa State and Vanderbilt, and a kid clearly earned the #2 spot on te roster, the most improtant #2 spot on a roster IMO.

Let's think about development of the QB position over the past 12 years at UConn. Let's look at this statemetn about te 2010 ACC rookie of te year at QB position.

"Again, I think sometimes that expectations on young people can make it tough as well. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job of minimizing expectations for him [Danny O'Brien]. So again, I think those are things we all can learn from. The only thing that you can do is go out and do your best. Some days, you're going to be good. Some days, you're not going to be good.

I expect Nebrich to MAXIMIZE his expectations for himself and his performance for the team, and so far he hasn't disappointed at all, and he's never more than one snap away from being in that spotlight.

I trust guys that have actually developed QB's with their decision making, and I can only conclude that the opinion that anything that has happened around Nebrich is a negative thing comes from the conditioning that was built up over the past 12 years.

Well said Carl!

We all have similar questions but believe your assessment is how the coaches have handled Michael's situation. You are so right to point out all the positives...there are many. Like I have said before on this board, Michael has been doing very well at practices. It amazes me how quickly people jump to conclusion that if he is NOT playing it must mean one thing or another. Coach P confirmed what I and others have said in that Michael has and is doing very well. Period. We have to trust that the coaches have his interest and the interest of the team in mind. I think a lot of folks are going to be surprised when he does get his shot. Michael is a very motivated and dedicated player far beyond his age. We all have to be patient (believe me it's been tough). But he will get his shot and when he does, he won't disappoint. For now, I like all the positive things you have written. You are spot on! Thanks Carl!
Aug 29, 2011
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I can understand the frustration that many feel in watching this team, all around, and the things happening around the QB position. Lord knows I've felt it, and I bet the coaches can't sleep at night with many of the inconsistencies. The funny thing is that, IMO, the offense is pretty far ahead in development as compared to the defense. We're having big problems in consistency in pass coverage on defense, but we made a lot more plays on D, than we failed to make last week. As for QB, this is just my opinion, but I believe that what you do around that position is the most important thing to the success of any team. That guy is the important piece on the field. He's the one that needs to have control of the other 10 guys in the huddle and have a really good understanding of what all 22 pieces on the gridiron are doing at any one time, and on, and on. On the other side of the ball, the most effective way to stop an offense, is to knock that QB's you know what in the dirt over and over. That guy out there in that role, needs to know that all the players around him, and the coaches above him in the chain are all on board 100%. When things are going bad, the worst thing you can do is make an impulse decision to pull a QB or start jerking around the depth chart for motivational purposes and/or game planning distractions for opponents, as was the MO for years prior to this one. McEntee earned the starting job. FOr several weeks, he was on a clear upward projection in performance that has since leveled off.

My gut tells me that he's right back to where he was every week in the spring and summer, having to compete with the other QB's. I don't have any inside info, nor do I want it, but I'd be surprised, if for the past week, and at least one of the next two weeks, that all 3 QB's on this roster are essentially splitting reps again in practices.

The thing about making a QB switch, and we've got coaches that have seen it and done it the lowest to highest levels, is that once you do it, there's no turning back. Because the 3-5 seconds when the QB drops back to throw, or hands off, is the tip of the iceberg as to what surrrounds that position on the field.

I remember talking to Deon Anderson several years ago when he made the Cowboys roster and started seeing the field. He said that the hardest thing for him was just understanding the play calls. Romo kept getting on his ass b/c he never knew what to do and if it was for injury to players ahaed of him, Deon probably never sees the field as a starting fullback. Marion Barber would point out to Deon what hole he was going to in the backfield. The offenses we used to run under Edsall were very, very simplistic. I'm very sure we've got all kinds of route trees worked into this offense, all kinds of blocking schemes and it's going to take a QB that can process a TON of info to run it effectively in those 3-5 seconds on each snap. That's a lot to expect from an 18 year old kid coming out of high school.
Aug 28, 2011
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I believe the frustration comes from the fact that Mac did not "earn" the job with his on-field play or his production.

Nebrich started the second quarter against Vandy and was pulled after one series. He never got back in although Mac was flat out awful and single-handedly (Mac's words) lost the game.

Nebrich never got a real chance, even as Mac lost game after game and proved to be one of the worst QBs in FBS.
Aug 26, 2011
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Is it just me, or does it seem that Carl is getting a pass on the 1800 character rule :)? What's your secret Carl?

Good post btw. I am frustrated with the QB play, and I think Nebrich should have gotten more time under center in the first few games b/c I believe we would be further ahead with on the field performance (maybe no different W-L record, but further ahead with a longer runway of potential), but we are where we are. Well said.
Aug 29, 2011
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I believe the frustration comes from the fact that Mac did not "earn" the job with his on-field play or his production.

Nebrich started the second quarter against Vandy and was pulled after one series. He never got back in although Mac was flat out awful and single-handedly (Mac's words) lost the game.

Nebrich never got a real chance, even as Mac lost game after game and proved to be one of the worst QBs in FBS.

All I can say is that to sum up what I wrote before, consistency at the QB position is probably the most single important thing to the success of any football team, IMO. That was the reason given by the coacchin staff then, and all along, They decided they had the best chance to win with McEntee, and they chose to remain consistent on the field in the game referenced.

That word 'consistent' has nothing to do with the 3-5 seconds that the QB has the ball in his hands. That consistency is the other 2 hourse and 50 minutes that goes into every gagme, and the other 25 hourse + of prep time that goes into every 1-week season.

Jerking around a QB position on a roster, is a bad thing. Making a change is a HUGE impact on a team, and it better be done for the right reasons.
Aug 29, 2011
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Anyway - I've said my piece. All that matters to me right now is 26-0.

Every single one of these guys better strap it up, prepare like hell, and defend home field and kick the tar out of those red birds in 10 days.

The amazing thing, and it's what I'll miss most about a reconfigured big east, is that with this game in front of us, and the way the deck is stacked, if the cards (no pun intended) but if those cards flop right in the next 10 days, there just might, just might, be a big east championship game in our future in December.

We fans can look ahead, but they need to take care of business today, and tomorrow, and that louisville game is all that matters.

I like what P said the other day in the press. Sometimes you can forget September, and sometimes you can even forget October, but you can NEVER forget November.

This is our time. As for the BL's summary, very nice as always and something many obviously look forward to reading., including me.

One thing to add on the game. Special teams? I saw energy there that wasn't so obvious before, and special teams, kick covereages and returns is 100% about energy. Keep it up.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree with you on this. I think that when you change quarterbacks you rarely end up better off...oh it happens and those are the ones people remember, but most of the time there is a reason that the #2 is the #2. As for the current situation, I continue to think that Nebrich is the future of the program at quarterback. By all reports he is a talented kid and more importantly he is the type of quarterback that Deleone has had great success with over his career. But I also think that an experienced coaching staff made a real rookie mistake by not redshirting him. If at some time in the future a change needs to be made, you can always make it. But in 98% 0f cases, freshmean, especially freshman quarterbacks redshirt. As I've said 100 times, the benefits of a fifth year senior almost always outweigh the benefits of starting a true freshman.
By the way, it is a bye week and the only other thing to discuss is conference we might as well argue about handing of quarterbacks...
Aug 29, 2011
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On this whole red shirt thing, you're regurgitating 12 years of Randy Edsall football thought process. There are other ways to coach and develop players and teams than the way Edsall did it. Edsall's way was perfect for UCOnn from 1999 to about 2007-2008. UConn fans in the d-1 era are conditioned by Edsall's system that a 5th year is extremely important, and is essential in player development. Edsall built his system that way aroudn recruiting. Players always needed time to develop, physically most of the time, coming in. Edsall was perfect for this program, coming from where ti did, to get where it's gotten, but we need to continue growing, and the way redshirts are handled is one of those ways, and it goes to recruiting and quality of depth chart, not development of individual players to get to the level to actually step on the field and compete. Players need to be ready to compete as soon as they get on campus, and Nebrich proved he was, which is a good thing, because the depth chart basically demanded it.

Redshirts exist primarily as a medical consideration for injured players, and when used as not a medical, are a luxury product of a deep depth chart. If players are getting redshirted regularly becuase they're phyisically not ready to play? How is this a good thing? It is highly desireable to luxury red shirt a QB as a freshman, for the all reasons I've written in detail, because to play that position you need to know more about what's happening on the field than anybody else, but our depth chart, and the kid's actual performance on the field didn't warrant it.

I wonder how you feel about greg llyod's last year of eligibility. I was more pissed about that than you can imagine.
Aug 26, 2011
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I believe the frustration comes from the fact that Mac did not "earn" the job with his on-field play or his production.

Nebrich started the second quarter against Vandy and was pulled after one series. He never got back in although Mac was flat out awful and single-handedly (Mac's words) lost the game.

Nebrich never got a real chance, even as Mac lost game after game and proved to be one of the worst QBs in FBS.

I agree. This whole consistency at QB thing is a joke. How consistent is it to have SMc come in and run plays as the starting QB waddles to the bench. After the Vandy game (actually in the game and 2nd half), needed to give someone else a chance. If the top team in the country could pull its quarterback twice after picks and beat the # 2 team in the country; I think Uconn could pull JMc and put in the #2 QB who by the head coaches story " been practicing well".

I want consistently too, but would prefer to avoid consistently BAD! JMc is the 95th rated QB in efficiency rating, and that's not counting his running ability (or lack there of). Name one team AQ or not the JMc would start on.
Aug 29, 2011
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btw - I'm 99% sure that Nebrich fit that profile of a recruit coming in that needed the extra year of physical development time to get game ready to compete. It's a credit to that kid that he was able to physically develop his body as far and as fast as he did, because at UConn, they don't incorporate funny chemistry, I'm sure he was on a protein diet, and consuming enough protein shakes to make the strongest stomachs sick. My guess is that his footwork and throwing mechanics are probably thrown off a bit from what he was able to do in high school becuase of it. When you add 25-30 lbs in 6 months, and you're starting from only a buck 70 or whatever, you're changing your body structure by 15-20%. That's absolutely going to have an effect on how you move your body in a complicating motor pattern, and maybe a big reason why he was overthrowing a lot of balls when he got into the games, going to take time to adjust - development time.

When you're a 270 lb lineman, and you put on 15-20 lbs of muscle, it doesn't change your movement patterns much, but for the smaller players on the field, that need to make very agile movements in open spaces, physical size, and changes in your body and how you move your body is a big issue. the same kind of thing happened to Frazer a while back, he bulked up to like 245 or something after the 2009 season and his game went to hell.

I just hope the kid keeps pushing, it's not easy to impress a guy like Deleone, who it's been said about, gets physically sick thinking about relying on freshman, and he did enough to get where's he at so far.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree. This whole consistency at QB thing is a joke. How consistent is it to have SMc come in and run plays as the starting QB waddles to the bench. After the Vandy game (actually in the game and 2nd half), needed to give someone else a chance. If the top team in the country could pull its quarterback twice after picks and beat the # 2 team in the country; I think Uconn could pull JMc and put in the #2 QB who by the head coaches story " been practicing well".

I want consistently too, but would prefer to avoid consistently BAD! JMc is the 95th rated QB in efficiency rating, and that's not counting his running ability (or lack there of). Name one team AQ or not the JMc would start on.
I agree. This whole consistency at QB thing is a joke. How consistent is it to have SMc come in and run plays as the starting QB waddles to the bench. After the Vandy game (actually in the game and 2nd half), needed to give someone else a chance. If the top team in the country could pull its quarterback twice after picks and beat the # 2 team in the country; I think Uconn could pull JMc and put in the #2 QB who by the head coaches story " been practicing well".

I want consistently too, but would prefer to avoid consistently BAD! JMc is the 95th rated QB in efficiency rating, and that's not counting his running ability (or lack there of). Name one team AQ or not the JMc would start on.

Everything I wrote flew right over your head. Hopefully there are others out there that get it. Your opinion does not impress me. The scooter guy has a sound thought process, but it's based on where this program was 10 years ago, not now in 2011.

Name on program that Johnny Mac would start on? Seriously, that's easy - there is only one - UConn, and he's starting. Think about it. The guy is giving everything he's got, the team and coaches support him, cut him some slack.
Aug 26, 2011
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Everything I wrote flew right over your head. Hopefully there are others out there that get it. Your opinion does not impress me. The scooter guy has a sound thought process, but it's based on where this program was 10 years ago, not now in 2011.

Name on program that Johnny Mac would start on? Seriously, that's easy - there is only one - UConn, and he's starting. Think about it. The guy is giving everything he's got, the team and coaches support him, cut him some slack.

Not on him, its on coach P for putting him out there. Your writing didn't fly over my head, just that the nonsense made my head hurt. Body growth mumbo jumbo. Not trying to impress you with anything I say, actuall if you agreed would have to double check to see where had gone wrong. I suspect that if Delone was any kind of an offensive coach he would be sick relying on JMc.
Aug 27, 2011
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That naked bootleg off of the play fake they kept running was killing us. My friend asked me how to defend it and I could only say "don't bite on the play fake and run like hell with your man". Finally, we were able to when it mattered most.

But that was really a nicely designed play.
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