The View From Section 241 -- Preseason | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- Preseason

Aug 24, 2011
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I have largely not gotten into discussions about how I expect us to play this season. Why? Because this season is so completely unprecedented that anyone who thinks they really know something about how this will go is blowing smoke up everyone's butt. But this is what I know:

1. As a full blown apologista (if you haven't been on this board for at least a decade, look it up) HCRE 2.0 has been an utter disaster for three years (I'm not counting last year as anything). Unacceptable record, unacceptable computer rankings, unacceptable product on the field, and in the second year literally the worst defense in the history of college football, and probably by a lot.

2. That having been said, and as frustrating and enthusiasm-draining as it was, while the magnitude of the disaster was worse than anyone hoped, the fact that it was going to be a really ugly rebuild should have surprised no one. When you combine a roster that was just not anywhere near a FBS level, a conference situation that was dreadful and a coach who everyone should have understood (both from his first tenure here and at Maryland) was not going to put in place shortcuts to squeeze out an extra win or two the first few years, but was going to build the program his way, those three years were going to be really really bad. Could a better coach -- heck, maybe even a different coach playing more for the short term -- squeezed out an extra win or two, by not imposing his will on the program but trying to give more snaps to upperclassmen not buying into the program but still better than HCRE's first few classes of youngsters? Absolutely. But the University knew who they were hiring and what the plan was. It is what it was.

3. So what do I expect this year, now that Edsall is in his 5th year of coaching our roster? Frankly, I expect that we will be significantly better. What will that mean on the field? With the year off, with the lack of a conference, with a schedule that has a good number of games that I don't think we'll be competitive in, frankly, I don't know. Do I expect to start winning games against FCS clubs more easily than we have since Edsall left the first time? Yes. Do I expect to be limited to zero or 1 wins against FBS opponents? No, I don't. But we've been so bad for so long, that wins and losses alone really won't tell the story. No more than Fiasco squeezing out a 6-6 record with 5 wins against horrendous teams in 2015 told us anything. The eye test is subject to differing interpretations, but I expect to be materially better in the computer rankings than we were. So what will tell me we're on track? At a minimum, I need 4 wins and a 25-30 point jump in computer rankings. I'd like much better, but a jump of that level will at least make me hope we're on the right track. And hopefully the eye test makes me think those numbers aren't a mirage.

4. While our offense has been far from good enough under HCRE2.0, it has been Texas Tech compared to our defense. We need to be competent defensively. I don't need us to be good yet. But I need our defense to not be a total joke. The fact that players who I thought were among our best defenders two years ago may not be starters this year gives me hope. On offense, I think the "it's all about the QB mentality" caused people to be way too harsh on Zergiotis two years ago. This kid walked onto campus HAVING NEVER PLAYED A GAME OF AMERICAN RULES FOOTBALL WITH 11 PLAYERS and showed some moxie and some talent. In home games. On the road, saying he played like a deer in headlights would be diminishing the capacity of a deer stuck in headlights to make a decision. But, he was a true freshman from another country. I'm guessing that 2 years later we'll see more of the moxie and talent and less fear and mistakes. I think we'll be o.k. at the skill positions. The OL -- based on what we've seen, who knows, but given HCRE's history I'm guessing two years to develop folks can get us to competent.

5. This will be our first season as an independent. I did not think it was a good long term play. Now, it didn't hurt recruiting, and it might have so far benefitted recruiting. But I still think the difficulty in making schedules and the lack of the intensity of playing a conference schedule for a conference championship is going to hurt us long term. Hope I'm wrong, but of course none of that will become clear this season. And between the independence, the being horrific for so long, and now the increasing threats from the pandemic, I'm not even going to predict if anyone will be showing up at home games. Frankly, I'm not totally sure I am o.k. being in that large a crowd yet. Not going to make that decision until after SAturday's game. (And I'm not going to panic if we get blown out. Fresno is a better squad and a better program, at home, with less rust than us. We will all need to give this a few weeks to really know where we are.)

Here's hoping.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks BL, accurate assessment. The Fresno game may not be too pretty, tough opener against a veteran team in a tough environment. I'm sure Randy would've preferred an easier first game. One thing about Randy, he's going to do things his way. I do expect a much more competitive team, especially by mid-season.
Aug 24, 2011
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That's a very fair assessment. My major criticism of Edsall since he has been back was first hiring Crocker and letting him put that defensive scheme in place and then keeping him around for another season to really solidify the total and complete disaster that was our defense. The defense improved in 2019, but from the absolute abyss. As for the talent Edsall inherited it was obvious there was a lot of work to do and the rebuild would take time. I honestly don't know if Diaco had any idea what he was doing with recruiting. The kids may very well have assessed he was a few eggs short of a dozen and blew him off.....wouldn't surprise me. He was that bad.

We're going to get knocked around pretty good on Sat. As long as Edsall can hold the locker room together there are Ws to be had this season and invaluable development to take place. Keeping the team focused and motivated will be a big part of the challenge.

I'm actually liking the independence. I think we're in for seismic shifts in college athletics and given that we are not in the P4 (not 5 anymore) I'm not sure we have much to lose. I do know this - put a winning product on the field and the fanbase follows and your options expand.
Jun 9, 2017
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I’m excited to see the UConn play football again...having said that, we haven’t played in over a year, and our roster is filled with freshman and sophomore kids. The schools on the schedule have rosters chalk full of 5th and 6th year seniors, who are grown men. This’ll sound like little league, but let’s just have fun watching the school play a sport we love and hope that this season provides some sort of foundation for future success
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree with your assessment bl. I truly believe that Edsall knew what he was getting into and AD Dave knew who he was getting and this rebuild was a 5 year plan. We will see what last year did to that. Tough to really say. Agree especially with your assessment of Zirgiotis. I thought he showed a lot of moxie against Illinois in his first start against a Big 10 team with all the issues you mentioned. He had us driving late then threw a pick. But he had us driving late with a chance.

I also agree that long term Independence is probably not a great solution. I sort of hope that it is a 5- year solution of sorts where we have time to rebuild, get competitive then in an ideal world get picked up by the ACC, or maybe less ideal but more feasibly have a behind the scenes deal for a football only return to the AAC. With what is going on, who knows and maybe there is some kind of opportunity for an “association” with the remnants of the B12, too.

On the defensive side, I agree that the Crocker experiment just didn’t work and went on too long. I actually thought on a conceptual level it has some legitimacy in the current era of high octane offenses. But you need a bunch of superior athletes who are basically all strong safeties with skills of cornerbacks. And a couple of big guys upfront to control the line without lots of help. We obviously didn’t Have any of that. It was sort of Steve Martin’s what to do with a million dollars. Step 1 get a million dollars. We had $1.25. From what I’ve read on the current DC, he is a crazy dude, but has really improved the defenses wherever he has been. So I’m hopeful that will be a turnaround.

As to Fresno, I have no idea. I don’t love traveling across the country to play in 104 degree heat. They are older more experienced but we’ve seen crazy thing before. I’m kind of hoping for a game like BYU a few years ago, where it was tied at the end of 3 and even close midway through the 4th before giving up some late scores, or Missou when we went in over matched but had a shot ( but Disaster decided to try the fake that everybody in the stadium and at home knew was coming). Even though both were losses, they gave me hope, if ultimately it was dashed!
Sep 18, 2011
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I agree with BL points and I am excited to see UConn football again.

Although the defense was bad in 2018 (trying not to be an apologist), the 2018 schedule was very difficult to start the season. Think about this: UCF 12-1 ranked 12, @Boise 10-3 ranked 24, URI, @Syracuse 10-3 ranked 15, Cincinnati 11-2 ranked 23, @Memphis 8-6, @USF 7-6. And, some scoring offense ranks for the season: UCF 1, Memphis 2, USF 10, SMU 12. The schedule got easier later in the season, but the team was spent. People forget how young the defense was. Against Boise, the defensive starters were 5 true FR, 2 RFr, 2 SOPH, 2 RSo.

This season? Who knows. We do know that the players are bigger, faster, and stronger than the other teams during Edsall 2.0, but the roster is still young. I was very hopeful on the season until I saw the 2 deep and saw how few upper classmen are going to contribute. But, kids I thought would start aren't which is a good sign that depth is better. We all know the rebuild could have gone faster with transfers and JUCOs, but the team would not have been on a solid foundation for the future.

For the season, I think being competitive is most important, but I think UConn could win 4 to 5 games which would be a big improvement. I'm actually more comfortable with the defense this year over the offense. The defense is bigger, faster, stronger and they have a proven college DC. I though they improved in 2019 over 2018. On offense, we have an unknown at QB and an unknown OC.
Aug 29, 2016
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The point about Jack Zergiotis's Canadian roots I think is just a tad overdone. With only three downs they pass a LOT in Canadian football. The point about him being a true frosh in his first season is on the mark, however. And he has now had two years to learn the playbook and how to be deceptive with his progressions. The WR depth should help too.
Aug 24, 2011
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The point about Jack Zergiotis's Canadian roots I think is just a tad overdone. With only three downs they pass a LOT in Canadian football. The point about him being a true frosh in his first season is on the mark, however. And he has now had two years to learn the playbook and how to be deceptive with his progressions. The WR depth should help too.

You really don't think there's a difference between having grown up playing Canadian football versus American football? For a QB?

You are entitled to your opinion, but that I don't get. If that was true, why aren't there U.S. bred QB prospects who go to prep school in Canada to develop?
Aug 27, 2011
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I have largely not gotten into discussions about how I expect us to play this season. Why? Because this season is so completely unprecedented that anyone who thinks they really know something about how this will go is blowing smoke up everyone's butt. But this is what I know...
I'm in the unusual position of saying I agree and that's a pretty fair assessment of things. I do worry about the sustainability of an independent program from any number of perspectives, especially with the ACC, B1G, and PAC closing ranks on scheduling. Combine that with the paltry $4M with the NBE move and we are in a serious predictament. Plus, we get hammered if we leave to greener pastures and football cant join a P5 under the NBE deal. I truly wonder who cuts these deals, high school business admin students?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Ah... just as the swallows returning to Capistrano is a a sign of Spring, BL returning to 241 is a sign that the football season is upon us. As always, he does a great job breaking out the pros and cons... and the unknowns in a unbiased (and accurate) fashion. I will note that BL had had the 241 beaten out of him 2 years ago, so just the fact that he's back in the saddle again I take as a hopeful sign.

You know me, I hate to tempt fate, but this schedule has plenty of winnable games in it for a decent team. Like BL I have no idea what we are going to look like, but I am hoping that the days of being mismatched at virtually position are behind us. Six months ago I was pretty unsure about this season, but I've drank the whole Koolaid pitcher and I'm feeling, well if not confident, at least not hopeless and that's something right? This weekend will tell us a lot about the effects of having an off year. !
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm in the unusual position of saying I agree and that's a pretty fair assessment of things. I do worry about the sustainability of an independent program from any number of perspectives, especially with the ACC, B1G, and PAC closing ranks on scheduling. Combine that with the paltry $4M with the NBE move and we are in a serious predictament. Plus, we get hammered if we leave to greener pastures and football cant join a P5 under the NBE deal. I truly wonder who cuts these deals, high school business admin students?
This has been my complaint for a while about the NBE move. I would leave in a heartbeat for a P5 ( yes even a B12) offer, but I have heard guys who say they would be against ANY move from the NBE. I am hoping we are trying to make some kind of deal to play as an affiliate of some sort long term.

As an aside, I’m not sure the ACC-Big 10-PAC deal is anything though. Mostly a PR thing I think. Maybe it makes it a little tougher to schedule but the mid/lower tier P5 teams are still going to want to fill 3 spots and they DONT want to schedule up. BC, Syracuse, Purdue all have their hands full with their league opponents. Maybe they fill one game with a BIG or ACC opponent. Not 4.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Quite rational. In regards to #3, I always shudder a bit any time someone suggests programs can be expected to improve with just another year or two when in college football there is no such guarantee. In fact, I think it's hard just to maintain as we found out from 2011 on.

Unlike professional sports you can't just draft/recruit a QB or any other building block and hold onto them until the rest of the pieces can be filled in. Each player has a 4-5 year shelf life. Even good to very good programs have to get lucky enough to have enough talent in enough positions with enough experience at the same time to win championships.

We aren't winning championships. RE 1.0 was selling something different than he is selling now. He was able to win a few key games, get some players drafted, and showed progress toward an automatic BCS bid and they got lucky with a veteran team, watered down schedule, and a 52 yard field goal coupled with a head to head win with WV to get there. Those results would have allowed him to maintain some creditability until at least we ended up in the AAC.

Now, I think the ceiling is a lot lower because what his is selling is less valuable in the recruiting marketplace. Yes, he can still coach and develop players, even NFL players if they are talented enough.

I just don't think we will see as big a bump from winning a few games as we did back then and those roster holes will be more difficult to fill and align. Hopefully, I'm wrong but this (or next) years squad could very well be the pinnacle of RE 2.0 with a full complement of his recruits and 2 years of straight development for this season and a veteran squad for next season. What more can RE legitimately ask for in terms of process?

There are a few no chance to win games on the schedule but shouldn't we expect to be competitive in all the others and win more of them than we lose?

Do we really deserve to have to sweat games agaisnt Wyoming, Army, Vanderbilt and MTSU, forget UMass, Yale and HC? Heck, we used to be able to assume wins vs middling Big Ten teams like Purdue and count on a split vs teams like UCF and Houston.

I want to see a legit run at 6 wins.
Aug 26, 2011
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The point about Jack Zergiotis's Canadian roots I think is just a tad overdone. With only three downs they pass a LOT in Canadian football. The point about him being a true frosh in his first season is on the mark, however. And he has now had two years to learn the playbook and how to be deceptive with his progressions. The WR depth should help too.
Between the Canadian game's much bigger field and the fact that receivers can be running toward the line at the snap the defensive backs are forced to play off the ball and give bigger cushions thus giving the QB easier reads and a bigger margin for error on the throw.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Just to add: Zergiotis also broke his leg and couldn't practice before coming to UConn- so we can add that to everything else. If he has learned how to read defenses especially near the red zone, we will have something here.

I judged my opinions on the eye test. Seeing how much bigger and stronger the kids were, told me about their commitment to turning this around. How few key players left is another important key. We have a very good DC who can now do more with better players and if the O line is decent, Giufre can do more as well.

I have been saying 7 wins consistently over the last few months. Seeing how RE V1 jelled up close as the talent level increased, this has the same feeling. Fresno might be an issue but by Purdue, I expect us to really turn it on.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Good post @businesslawyer , I remember in our mid to late 00s heyday I used to really look forward to reading the view when we were playing competitive football. Hopefully we get back to that sooner than later.
Aug 26, 2011
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Nice deep dive BL.

I am actually looking forward to the season. I don’t think wins losses tell the story. We could be 3-9 and terrible or 3-9 and promising. We’ll find here very soon.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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The defense improving to the point of being "competent".

I've mentioned in a few other threads, if the defense can get to the point where the opponents first team offense is actually running plays in the fourth quarter, that is a massive improvement. No more 2nd and 3rd stringers running out the clock. Make the opponent have to run offense the entire game.
Aug 29, 2011
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Just to add: Zergiotis also broke his leg and couldn't practice before coming to UConn- so we can add that to everything else. If he has learned how to read defenses especially near the red zone, we will have something here.

I judged my opinions on the eye test. Seeing how much bigger and stronger the kids were, told me about their commitment to turning this around. How few key players left is another important key. We have a very good DC who can now do more with better players and if the O line is decent, Giufre can do more as well.

I have been saying 7 wins consistently over the last few months. Seeing how RE V1 jelled up close as the talent level increased, this has the same feeling. Fresno might be an issue but by Purdue, I expect us to really turn it on.
I think this season has a feel of maybe a solid run for a change. All the things you listed plus a far more manageable schedule. Other than the obvious ones, UCF and Clemson, who do is so good that you’d be shocked if we won? Not to say we will beat them but if we snuck out a 27-24 win over Fresno because they played badly in their opener would you be shocked ? More like mildly surprised. I don’t expect it, but there have been bigger upsets in college football history. I sort of feel that way about a bunch of the games on the schedule. Purdue is a Big 10 team but the difference between them and Ohio State is pretty vast. Though not as vast as that between Vanderbilt and Alabama. My feeling about those games is kind of similar. We will be underdogs, deservedly probably, but if we win them it won’t be AP State over Michigan level upset. It will be more like when we beat Iowa State.
Aug 29, 2016
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You really don't think there's a difference between having grown up playing Canadian football versus American football? For a QB?

You are entitled to your opinion, but that I don't get. If that was true, why aren't there U.S. bred QB prospects who go to prep school in Canada to develop?
Completely analogous to playing hockey on Olympic ice vs NHL ice. Tactics slightly different. Skillset the same. Still gotta make the throws, still gotta time them perfectly. Passing statistics may be enhanced a little but college hockey players go back and forth between rink sizes all the time without making a big deal about it.
Aug 29, 2011
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Completely analogous to playing hockey on Olympic ice vs NHL ice. Tactics slightly different. Skillset the same. Still gotta make the throws, still gotta time them perfectly. Passing statistics may be enhanced a little but college hockey players go back and forth between rink sizes all the time without making a big deal about it.
DickI live ya, but I don’t think it is analogous. Maybe if when you played on Olympic ice you went 5-5 and the goal was 6 inches wider and no off sides were called.
Aug 29, 2016
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DickI live ya, but I don’t think it is analogous. Maybe if when you played on Olympic ice you went 5-5 and the goal was 6 inches wider and no off sides were called.
You do know that Canadian FB is 12 v 12, right? I do understand that it is a 22% increase in width for football and only 18% increase for hockey. But multiply that 22% by 11/12 and the players per width bring it down to only a 12% relative normalized increase. So the bigger effect is in hockey.
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A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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All I know is Vegas has is two wins only for the Rover and under I bet on two over. I just think this is the year we win five or six games maybe more if we're lucky turnovers matter whose quarterback matters and how's the offensive line we will see. But I do feel better about the game the week after


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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Thanks BL for the thoughtful write-up. I concur with most of your comments. The only thing I push back on is conference affiliation. I work at BC and have seen their football trajectory blast through the toilet like a Sunday morning bean n' cheese burrito since they joined the ACC. Same with Cuse. Independence is treating us well for recruiting and scheduling. I like the cut of AD Dave's jib regarding this decision. Let's go!

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