Some Signs for Optimism | The Boneyard

Some Signs for Optimism

Sep 18, 2011
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Although the game was closer than expected, there were some signs of optimism.

Offense total yards: 439, higher than any game last year and the most since 528 against USF in 2015. Since 2011, there have only been 3 games with more total offense.

Points: The 27 points tied for the most points scored in a game last year.

Comebacks: The 13 point comeback was the biggest since Weist led 21 point comeback in 2013 against Temple. Before that, the biggest comeback was 14 points vs Pitt in 2006.

Punt returns: UConn returned 2 punts for 18 yards vs 3 punts for 21 yards all last season.

First Quarter scoring: UConn scored 7 points vs 9 points in the 1st Quarter all of last year.

The offense seems to be developing and in the 4th Quarter, the offense actually looked good. My biggest concern is defense as the team is not built to play a 3-3-5 and we have too many injuries at LB.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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We've been really, really bad. The 4th quarter looked like a legit BCS team playing a FCS team. That is about as good a sign of optimism as I think we can pull from the HC game. If that were the case for the first 40 minutes, then the last 20 would have been clearing the bench.
Oct 9, 2015
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It's going to be a long year but the weirdo is gone and we are finally rebuilding. I agree with your positives and hope we can build off them. I was bummed about losing EJ and Vontae and then dam man Junior goes down and Luke got dinged up. Santana looked good though and played with energy. I think Swann will make me forget Nick Williamx and Robbie Frey before he leaves. I also thought kickoff and punt did a great job. Let's get in games early, be very very loud and stay till the victorious fight song is played. Go Huskies
Aug 30, 2011
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Although the game was closer than expected, there were some signs of optimism.

Offense total yards: 439, higher than any game last year and the most since 528 against USF in 2015. Since 2011, there have only been 3 games with more total offense.

Points: The 27 points tied for the most points scored in a game last year.

Comebacks: The 13 point comeback was the biggest since Weist led 21 point comeback in 2013 against Temple. Before that, the biggest comeback was 14 points vs Pitt in 2006.

Punt returns: UConn returned 2 punts for 18 yards vs 3 punts for 21 yards all last season.

First Quarter scoring: UConn scored 7 points vs 9 points in the 1st Quarter all of last year.

The offense seems to be developing and in the 4th Quarter, the offense actually looked good. My biggest concern is defense as the team is not built to play a 3-3-5 and we have too many injuries at LB.

Just imagine how good this offense can be when they get all of the kinks straightened out and really start to open up the playbook.

Nate Hopkins has an outstanding football IQ and vision.
Aug 29, 2011
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Excellent recap Jim. I fear for our D, too many weaknesses which cannot be fixed quickly.
Sep 11, 2011
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Although the game was closer than expected, there were some signs of optimism.

Offense total yards: 439, higher than any game last year and the most since 528 against USF in 2015. Since 2011, there have only been 3 games with more total offense.

Points: The 27 points tied for the most points scored in a game last year.

Comebacks: The 13 point comeback was the biggest since Weist led 21 point comeback in 2013 against Temple. Before that, the biggest comeback was 14 points vs Pitt in 2006.

Punt returns: UConn returned 2 punts for 18 yards vs 3 punts for 21 yards all last season.

First Quarter scoring: UConn scored 7 points vs 9 points in the 1st Quarter all of last year.

The offense seems to be developing and in the 4th Quarter, the offense actually looked good. My biggest concern is defense as the team is not built to play a 3-3-5 and we have too many injuries at LB.

The best thing we have going for us on O is Rhett Lashlee. He will coach the players well and demand they perform at their highest possible level. This will lead to a degree of success we have not had here in years. Success will bring confidence and with confidence will come even greater success. There will be a ceiling to what can be achieved until we recruit more talent, but I believe the ship will turn this year.

On D I am less optimistic. Hopefully we can buy some time for the D as the O solidifies and starts scoring touchdowns with some consistency, as I believe it will, and specials start to contribute with field position and a score here and there. It used to be the D kept us in games - this year we may need the O and specials to do that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Agree with all. The late 3rd and 4th ought to give us great optimism for seeing a functionally decent offense for the first time in 6 years (carving out Weist games).

The D scares the hell out of me. We will get a real read this week.
Jan 13, 2014
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The D is undermanned but this is a new system. When we got pressure on the QB there were some throws that should have been ints, soft floaters that we couldn't reach.

Once our LBs and Dbacks understand where they need to be when we bring pressure you will start to see better pass coverage. We did shut them out after minor halftime adjustments. Lots to work on after film review.

Offense - I sat in 102 behind the HC bench. Their LBs were rotating out on almost every play, trying to keep from being worn down. Once Sheriffs came in it looked like he took advantage. HC made the personnel changes but the were not ready and BS made them pay.
Aug 27, 2011
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Defense - too many yards, but only TDs we gave up were short field after turnovers. Reminds me a lot of Edsall's old Ds - bend but don't break. For a team that moved the ball around on us, they didn't get much to show for it, other than what we handed them.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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As bad as things were... if we don't put the ball on the ground twice inside our 50... it's a completely different game. They didn't score a touchdown when they didn't have a absurdly short field.
Aug 28, 2011
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The best thing is that the youngsters on defense got to play at game speed in a win. I expect them to take a step forward against USF. Even though USF is a better, faster team, the most important thing for these players is concentrating on themselves and their jobs. Making their reads second nature and trusting their eyes.
Aug 28, 2011
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Excellent recap Jim. I fear for our D, too many weaknesses which cannot be fixed quickly.
We're gonna need some young pups to step up in our front 7 (Brouse, Freeborn, Gilmartin, Sterling). We got no choice. Hope they can contribute. At least for a few snaps to spell the others.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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As maligned as our secondary was they were very close to 2 or 3 picks. Hopefully they start making those plays.

Specials (outside of the double fumble and missed PAT) looked good.

Shirreffs put up 3 TDs in about 6 minutes. Pretty good I'd say? Remember the Navy game where he did the same thing? He got the brutal rib injury the following week vs UVA and his game was never the same. Maybe he's healthy and back to being a TD machine? (I still think Pindell gets the start with a short leash though).
Aug 26, 2011
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FYI - Shirreffs has already been named starter


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Any worries or doubts I had evaporated as soon as I saw Fishcake Batman's press conference in Nebraska.

It'll take some time for Edsall to repair all the damage, but if Diaco were still the coach, we would have lost to Holy Cross by a couple of touchdowns.
Aug 22, 2016
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As bad as things were... if we don't put the ball on the ground twice inside our 50... it's a completely different game. They didn't score a touchdown when they didn't have a absurdly short field.

You're right it is a completely different game. We're actually leading 7-6, so do we still go for it on 4th down or kick the field goal? Not having the 2 turnovers means 2 more chances for a DP scoring drive. Is DP still pulled from a game UConn is up in? Yes? Is he pulled as soon? Most likely there are no BS heroics, our point total is not 27 and it's a whole diff convo on who the starter is this week. We'd be none the wiser but I'm not sure I like not knowing BS's command of the O.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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if Diaco were still the coach, we would have lost to Holy Cross by a couple of touchdowns.
And he would have thanked them for it. Nothing if not gracious.

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