Price can't handle the heat from Eck | The Boneyard

Price can't handle the heat from Eck

Sep 16, 2011
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Didn't realize this guy is such a p r i ck. Read this story and and a couple others today. Buddy of mine who works at ESPN says he knows a beat reporter for the Tigers who says Price is the most arrogant and self-entitled/absorbed athlete he's met in 40+ years of covering sports.
Aug 31, 2011
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Didn't realize this guy is such a p r i ck. Read this story and and a couple others today. Buddy of mine who works at ESPN says he knows a beat reporter for the Tigers who says Price is the most arrogant and self-entitled/absorbed athlete he's met in 40+ years of covering sports.
He can't handle the post-season either. Is he the most over-paid athlete in baseball?


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I like a lot of guys on the Sox, but this team seems like a sensitive lot. You can have a couple of those guys, especially if they're really freakin good, but gimme the Trot Nixon's of the world.

Pedey doesn't seem to fit on this team haha.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Farrell's the one that doesn't fit.

He's just not very good. Been apparent for a long time. Biggest mistake the Sox made was letting Tory Lovullo go. That was their manager.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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At the age of 31, his stuff will start to diminish. He is coming to the crossroads for a pitcher. This season or most likely next his fastball will drop in speed and his control may start to diminish. He has experienced injuries and that is a bad sign.

If he is as arrogant as some say, his fall is going to come faster than many fans think.
Aug 31, 2011
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He's just not very good. Been apparent for a long time. Biggest mistake the Sox made was letting Tory Lovullo go. That was their manager.
Agree with you on that. Lovullo really had the team playing well when Farrell was battling illness. Perhaps the biggest mistake was not retaining both Theo and Tito.
Aug 31, 2011
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I like a lot of guys on the Sox, but this team seems like a sensitive lot. You can have a couple of those guys, especially if they're really freakin good, but gimme the Trot Nixon's of the world.

Pedey doesn't seem to fit on this team haha.
It is a team with several good young players but it is lacking a leader. It has several head cases and no one to keep them under control. Hanley is a problem waiting to happen. Have you noticed that he does not run hard to first on ground balls anymore and there is no one to call him out. Hanley, the Panda and David Price were all bad signings.
Apr 6, 2014
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Eck has his problems and may at times be too outspoken, but he doesn't deserve to be humiliated. Many on the Sox need a wake-up call...starting with Price. If he's going to remain a cancer, trade him for some value now and move on toward a winning season....with renewed positive morale and professionalism!


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Agree with you on that. Lovullo really had the team playing well when Farrell was battling illness. Perhaps the biggest mistake was not retaining both Theo and Tito.

Agree there, and both have proven that in their stints after Boston. But I'm not sure how long they could have held on to either, even if they made it a priority. It's clear that running things in Boston is a wearing and often miserable experience. Tito's health wasn't gonna get any better. Going to Cleveland probably prolonged his career.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Eck has his problems and may at times be too outspoken, but he doesn't deserve to be humiliated. Many on the Sox need a wake-up call...starting with Price. If he's going to remain a cancer, trade him for some value now and move on toward a winning season....with renewed positive morale and professionalism!

At his age, Price is too expensive to trade. No team is going to take on his salary especially when is production has been questionable. Boston has done a few "Steinbrenner" deals lately. Hasn't worked out too well. Its like the Yankees needing to unload Ellsbury - ain't goin' to happen!


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Perhaps the biggest mistake was not retaining both Theo and Tito.
It took Dombrowski coming to get rid the horrible Larry Lucchino. That's a big plus for the guy already.
Feb 13, 2014
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It made me sick reading this story. This is one of my least favorite Sox teams and it has nothing to do with W/L's. Price is such a mental midget and in an all time dumb move puts himself against the Boston media and doesn't back it up on the field. Farrell should have made him apologize on the spot but it doesn't surprise me he and the organization let this grow into what it is today.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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It made me sick reading this story. This is one of my least favorite Sox teams and it has nothing to do with W/L's. Price is such a mental midget and in an all time dumb move puts himself against the Boston media and doesn't back it up on the field. Farrell should have made him apologize on the spot but it doesn't surprise me he and the organization let this grow into what it is today.

Hard to say it, given that they've helped bring the city 3 titles, but the ownership kinda blows in many ways. They created that culture.
Aug 26, 2011
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Pretty simple Price is an a**wipe. No respect for a guy who was better then he's even been - win a game in the postseason for crying outloud.
Aug 28, 2011
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Eck hardly criticized him, imagine if Arod reacted the way Price does to the media.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Eck hardly criticized him, imagine if Arod reacted the way Price does to the media.

ARod was always great with the media. It's why he's doing well now. His problem was he had no idea how to market himself so that he wouldn't seem like a total . And he acted like a pvssy on the field. And he took a bunch of steroids.

Price is just wound too tight for Boston. I don't even think he's a bad dude per se. He's just so uptight and p rickly. He's also extremely tone deaf.

Ortiz was uptight, but he knew how to handle it for the most part. A lot of Latin players are like this. Hot like fire.
Aug 26, 2011
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ARod was always great with the media. It's why he's doing well now. His problem was he had no idea how to market himself so that he wouldn't seem like a total . And he acted like a pvssy on the field. And he took a bunch of steroids.

Price is just wound too tight for Boston. I don't even think he's a bad dude per se. He's just so uptight and p rickly. He's also extremely tone deaf.

Ortiz was uptight, but he knew how to handle it for the most part. A lot of Latin players are like this. Hot like fire.

Agree with the ARod minus the "" part, not sure where that comes from? I mean you throw Ortiz in the same sentence but one guy played the field and the other didn't. And outside of Boston I promise most thought Ortiz was a /Fake (minus the other Latin players) the way he acted and he took a bunch of steroids too. It can't be the one time he tried to knock the ball out of the glove can it? I hope not.
Feb 13, 2014
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Agree with the ARod minus the "*****" part, not sure where that comes from? I mean you throw Ortiz in the same sentence but one guy played the field and the other didn't. And outside of Boston I promise most thought Ortiz was a /Fake (minus the other Latin players) the way he acted and he took a bunch of steroids too. It can't be the one time he tried to knock the ball out of the glove can it? I hope not.
Is there any proof other players outside of Boston didn't like Ortiz? I have to think that would be a hard find and isn't true. Ortiz had his moments but league wide was respected as being the ambassador for not only the latin players but also the city of Boston. The team being a complete drama show at the moment is a direct result of management not having a plan to replace his leadership in the clubhouse.
As for ARod I think he was known as a me first guy but in reality I think most teammates would agree he was a good guy, Texiera on PMT recently said he used to buy the call ups new suits and equipment knowing they had basically nothing from years in the minors. Also maybe I'm in the minority but i don't care at all about the PED's seeing how the league turned a blind eye for years and most of the guys caught or suspected using are a result of them trying to keep up.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Agree with the ARod minus the "*****" part, not sure where that comes from? I mean you throw Ortiz in the same sentence but one guy played the field and the other didn't. And outside of Boston I promise most thought Ortiz was a /Fake (minus the other Latin players) the way he acted and he took a bunch of steroids too. It can't be the one time he tried to knock the ball out of the glove can it? I hope not.

Had nothing to do with playing the field or talent or anything like that. Both really talented guys. I mean, who cares about that? Last time I checked DH remains a position in baseball. If you are that against guys who play it, fine, campaign to have it removed. I personally think both leagues should have DHs. Makes for a more fun game. The strategy thing is overrated. I could program Microsoft Excel to give me the right move in just about any situation. It's basic.

"That one time" was emblematic of who Arod was in baseball. There's also the "ha mine" incident which was another gem. Classic Arod: "Jeter's been blessed with great talent around him," Rodriguez said. "He's never had to lead. You go into New York, you wanna stop Bernie (Williams) and (Paul) O'Neill. You never say, 'Don't let Derek beat you.' He's never your concern."

Joe Torre: “Alex monopolized all the attention. We never really had anybody who craved the attention. I think when Alex came over he certainly changed just the feel of the club,” Torre said in the book. Torre also wrote that when Rodriguez was at the plate in an important situation he was worried about “how it looks” rather than “concern himself with getting the job done.”

I mean, that's from an ALL TIME manager right there. Not a good look.

Arod was never lauded by his teammates universally as being a great teammate and the heart of an organization. As the one who teammates go to for hitting or life advice. Ortiz was. You don't get that kind of respect if you are a bad guy or have a bad personality. That's a false narrative. Were there things Ortiz did in public that I thought were lame? Of course. Same thing with a guy like Jim Calhoun though. The good FAR outweighed the bad both on and off the field.

Arod couldn't even get respect from Jeter in later years, when they were friends as younger guys. You really think him and Jeter got on well or were friends at that point? If you can't be friends with Jeter, there's something wrong with you.

Funny, you say nobody liked Ortiz, but I know tons of tons of non Sox fans on the West Coast who enjoyed him. People who are into the personalities of the game do. The more boring guys are fine, but you don't really enjoy them as icons unless they're on your team.

And Ortiz was loved by the vast majority of players throughout the game, with the exception of a few small tiffs. Where is all the evidence that players disliked him? Damn near everyone who played with him has great things to say about him. And as I think you were hinting at, Latin players universally laud him as the 'big brother' of the modern Latin scene - pure respect.

Coming from New York, the bias is so strong against Sox stars from that era, that you can't offer an objective opinion. I mean, you guys don't even like Pedro. It works the same for Sox fans in the opposite direction as well mind you. There's not a Sox fan alive who SHOULD dislike Jeter. Dude was class through and through. But plenty do.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Also maybe I'm in the minority but i don't care at all about the PED's seeing how the league turned a blind eye for years and most of the guys caught or suspected using are a result of them trying to keep up.

Yeah, I always find it laughable that guys get fired up about the steroid era. I mean, it's hypocritical to point to someone else's team and say 'cheaters'. Truth is, probably half your team (whoever that is) was juiced up as well. Just the nature of that era. I mean, Yankees fans love to bark about Ortiz or Manny, but they had more guys implicated in known steroid issues than any other team. They had guys injecting themselves in the toilets, or others come specifically to the clubhouse to inject dudes. But who really cares? It doesn't matter in the end. The results were what they were. And really, because baseball turned a blind eye, the playing field was actually even in a way.
Aug 26, 2011
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Had nothing to do with playing the field or talent or anything like that. Both really talented guys. I mean, who cares about that? Last time I checked DH remains a position in baseball. If you are that against guys who play it, fine, campaign to have it removed. I personally think both leagues should have DHs. Makes for a more fun game. The strategy thing is overrated. I could program Microsoft Excel to give me the right move in just about any situation. It's basic.

"That one time" was emblematic of who Arod was in baseball. There's also the "ha mine" incident which was another gem. Classic Arod: "Jeter's been blessed with great talent around him," Rodriguez said. "He's never had to lead. You go into New York, you wanna stop Bernie (Williams) and (Paul) O'Neill. You never say, 'Don't let Derek beat you.' He's never your concern."

Joe Torre: “Alex monopolized all the attention. We never really had anybody who craved the attention. I think when Alex came over he certainly changed just the feel of the club,” Torre said in the book. Torre also wrote that when Rodriguez was at the plate in an important situation he was worried about “how it looks” rather than “concern himself with getting the job done.”

I mean, that's from an ALL TIME manager right there. Not a good look.

Arod was never lauded by his teammates universally as being a great teammate and the heart of an organization. As the one who teammates go to for hitting or life advice. Ortiz was. You don't get that kind of respect if you are a bad guy or have a bad personality. That's a false narrative. Were there things Ortiz did in public that I thought were lame? Of course. Same thing with a guy like Jim Calhoun though. The good FAR outweighed the bad both on and off the field.

Arod couldn't even get respect from Jeter in later years, when they were friends as younger guys. You really think him and Jeter got on well or were friends at that point? If you can't be friends with Jeter, there's something wrong with you.

Funny, you say nobody liked Ortiz, but I know tons of tons of non Sox fans on the West Coast who enjoyed him. People who are into the personalities of the game do. The more boring guys are fine, but you don't really enjoy them as icons unless they're on your team.

And Ortiz was loved by the vast majority of players throughout the game, with the exception of a few small tiffs. Where is all the evidence that players disliked him? Damn near everyone who played with him has great things to say about him. And as I think you were hinting at, Latin players universally laud him as the 'big brother' of the modern Latin scene - pure respect.

Coming from New York, the bias is so strong against Sox stars from that era, that you can't offer an objective opinion. I mean, you guys don't even like Pedro. It works the same for Sox fans in the opposite direction as well mind you. There's not a Sox fan alive who SHOULD dislike Jeter. Dude was class through and through. But plenty do.

Nope I respect most Sox stars, may not like them but respect them. My opinion is objective with Papi and Schilling but the bias may lie in your view of them no? They are the one's who stand out with me. One's a liar the other just never shut up. Both great players in their own right though. Arod obviously not a great guy especially early in his career but he matured and has become a decent guy but I see everyone's point on him. Honestly never thought much of him "as a Yankee" anyway. But to me he and Papi are very similar in many respects, either like him or hate him.

I like Pedro and while he threw at my guys he was a great great pitcher and overall a good guy. Heck I laugh at the Zimmer classic headlock.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, I always find it laughable that guys get fired up about the steroid era. I mean, it's hypocritical to point to someone else's team and say 'cheaters'. Truth is, probably half your team (whoever that is) was juiced up as well. Just the nature of that era. I mean, Yankees fans love to bark about Ortiz or Manny, but they had more guys implicated in known steroid issues than any other team. They had guys injecting themselves in the toilets, or others come specifically to the clubhouse to inject dudes. But who really cares? It doesn't matter in the end. The results were what they were. And really, because baseball turned a blind eye, the playing field was actually even in a way.

Never said we didn't, sure we had quite a few. Jim Leyritz had a forehand like MT Rushmore after he came up to the bigs suddenly LOL, and Chad Curtis had a year like never before. Everyone had them, but if you really remember it was the Sox fans asking to take the championships away with Leyritz, Andy and Rocket etc etc, little did they know 2004 doesn't happen without the needle either. It is baseball and it looks like for good now they can't seem to stay ahead with the testing. But no matter it would be fun to have the Yanks-Sox battling to the end of September for the East again, no one would care who's doing what would they?

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