Our Freshmen at South Carolina | The Boneyard

Our Freshmen at South Carolina

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Jan 5, 2016
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What did Auriemma say he would tell his freshmen, Katie Lou Samuelson and Collier, as they prepared to play their first 1-2 game?
"I tell them to come up with the flu so they can stay home, so they don't have to put up with getting their [butts] beat," Auriemma said. "Either come to the game ready to go or stay home. And that's the same thing I would tell all of my freshmen in this situation. Come to the game ready to really play. If you're going to act like a freshman, stay home. If you are going to get on the bus and plane, then you better be ready because this isn't a high school game we're playing Monday night."
Collier played only four minutes. Samuelson took just one shot in 22 minutes and had four fouls.

It did seem that Napheesa never got her head in the game, but that might be because she was thrown in suddenly. But Lou seemed poised and playing quite well. The last foul (maybe another as well) was a clear charge that was miscalled (surprise!). She passed well, defended excellently--causing a couple of turnovers--cut the angles, made it very hard to inbound. On offense, she made her drive. She was never passed the ball when she was in position to launch a 3. Clearly, the plan was to get it inside to Stewie and Morgan, and Lou wasn't trying to create shots for herself by penetrating. Both these freshmen will play huge next year.
Mar 23, 2014
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To be fair to Lou for only taking 1 shot, South Carolina decided it would be better to cling to her and limit her shots and allow Morgan, Stewie, and Mo to attack the hoop without offering any defensive help. Seems like a great strategy to leave the 3 best players in the country free to roam...
Oct 5, 2015
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I think a lot of coaches try to down play big games to try and relax the players. Geno does just the opposite. This is a big game and you had better be ready! He is a master.
Aug 27, 2011
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What did Auriemma say he would tell his freshmen, Katie Lou Samuelson and Collier, as they prepared to play their first 1-2 game?
"I tell them to come up with the flu so they can stay home, so they don't have to put up with getting their [butts] beat," Auriemma said. "Either come to the game ready to go or stay home. And that's the same thing I would tell all of my freshmen in this situation. Come to the game ready to really play. If you're going to act like a freshman, stay home. If you are going to get on the bus and plane, then you better be ready because this isn't a high school game we're playing Monday night."
Collier played only four minutes. Samuelson took just one shot in 22 minutes and had four fouls.

It did seem that Napheesa never got her head in the game, but that might be because she was thrown in suddenly. But Lou seemed poised and playing quite well. The last foul (maybe another as well) was a clear charge that was miscalled (surprise!). She passed well, defended excellently--causing a couple of turnovers--cut the angles, made it very hard to inbound. On offense, she made her drive. She was never passed the ball when she was in position to launch a 3. Clearly, the plan was to get it inside to Stewie and Morgan, and Lou wasn't trying to create shots for herself by penetrating. Both these freshmen will play huge next year.
Yea, my mother told me to look on the bright side too.:rolleyes:
Apr 13, 2015
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UConn has about 10-12 more games where the bench can get some minutes. Those minutes will all be in the bank for next year.
Like Gabby last year, Collier-Chong-& Butler will get minutes in these next 10-12 games, however, when crunch time comes (basically the last three games of the season) there will be precious few minutes for those three bench players.
IMHO Geno now knows that he has six players who he can trust in the big games--the current starters plus Gabby. Collier might get some tine if there is foul trouble--otherwise-nada minutes. Remember, Gabby was playing pretty good last year off the bench (better than anyone this year) and she got NO time in the crunch games.
IMO (and it seems obvious after the SC game) there will be a 6 player rotation whenever the game is tight (which means 10 to 15 point lead or less.) It's funny how Geno has created the expectations of a double digit win. Many of us start sweating when it gets to a 10 point lead--and forget single digits. With a 12 point lead, for example, ND could hit 4 straight three's and still not have the lead. Geno likes that emergency 12 point cushion.
Anyway, like the many past years, UConn goes to a tight rotation of 6 or 7 players---and everybody will be very happy with another NC.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Geno is right in terms of getting them to step up and not be timid or deferential. I didn't notice enough about Napheesa in her cameo appearance, but I thought Lou played well, even if she was not aggressive offensively. The game plan was centered around the Big 3. Lou is a good ball handler and passer, and she uses her height to be disruptive on defense. At least one of the foul calls against her was bogus.

Looking back at last year's freshmen, Kia was nervous in the Final Four, and Gabby got just a few minutes in the NC game. Against SC this week, Kia and Gabby were both very good. Kia played almost the entire game, and Gabby played about half, recording 10 rebounds. Lou and Napheesa will be just fine next year. Hopefully, they will make progress between now and April.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn has about 10-12 more games where the bench can get some minutes. Those minutes will all be in the bank for next year.
Like Gabby last year, Collier-Chong-& Butler will get minutes in these next 10-12 games, however, when crunch time comes (basically the last three games of the season) there will be precious few minutes for those three bench players.
IMHO Geno now knows that he has six players who he can trust in the big games--the current starters plus Gabby. Collier might get some tine if there is foul trouble--otherwise-nada minutes. Remember, Gabby was playing pretty good last year off the bench (better than anyone this year) and she got NO time in the crunch games.
IMO (and it seems obvious after the SC game) there will be a 6 player rotation whenever the game is tight (which means 10 to 15 point lead or less.) It's funny how Geno has created the expectations of a double digit win. Many of us start sweating when it gets to a 10 point lead--and forget single digits. With a 12 point lead, for example, ND could hit 4 straight three's and still not have the lead. Geno likes that emergency 12 point cushion.
Anyway, like the many past years, UConn goes to a tight rotation of 6 or 7 players---and everybody will be very happy with another NC.
What are single digits? I think I remember that concept from long ago, maybe before the Maya Moore era. ;)
Aug 15, 2014
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Geno is right in terms of getting them to step up and not be timid or deferential. I didn't notice enough about Napheesa in her cameo appearance, but I thought Lou played well, even if she was not aggressive offensively. The game plan was centered around the Big 3. Lou is a good ball handler and passer, and she uses her height to be disruptive on defense. At least one of the foul calls against her was bogus.

Looking back at last year's freshmen, Kia was nervous in the Final Four, and Gabby got just a few minutes in the NC game. Against SC this week, Kia and Gabby were both very good. Kia played almost the entire game, and Gabby played about half, recording 10 rebounds. Lou and Napheesa will be just fine next year. Hopefully, they will make progress between now and April.
Couldn't agree more....last year Gabby played 4 forgettable minutes , the same as NC this year. This year Gabby was, along with Stewie, the games leading rebounder. Bringing the frosh along is a process and Geno almost always gets it right. KLS passed her test with flying colors and that will pay huge dividends in NCAA tournament.
Nov 16, 2015
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Geno is right in terms of getting them to step up and not be timid or deferential. I didn't notice enough about Napheesa in her cameo appearance, but I thought Lou played well, even if she was not aggressive offensively. The game plan was centered around the Big 3. Lou is a good ball handler and passer, and she uses her height to be disruptive on defense. At least one of the foul calls against her was bogus.

Looking back at last year's freshmen, Kia was nervous in the Final Four, and Gabby got just a few minutes in the NC game. Against SC this week, Kia and Gabby were both very good. Kia played almost the entire game, and Gabby played about half, recording 10 rebounds. Lou and Napheesa will be just fine next year. Hopefully, they will make progress between now and April.

I'm in agreement with you that Kia did very well against SC. However, I'm a little perplexed at that these so called "basketball heads" on the ESPN discussion board who said that Kia had a bad game and she turned the ball over a lot. I'm sorry, but if your teammate throws you the ball while a defender is running next you and they steal it, the turnover should not be counted against you. I've seen Geno scream at players for putting their teammates in unfavorable positions to turn the ball over (yes the veterans do it, too). Although Kia didn't have a good shooting night, she didn't have to with the Big 3 holding it down. I know that a miss is a miss, but she took great shots in the flow of the game. They weren't forced shots. It's not like she was throwing up bricks like the opposition and praying for it to go in. They say that defense is the best offense. If I'm not mistaken, SC guards shot 7-31 from the field. Suffice it to say, Kia and Mo had something to do with that. Geno knows that Kia played her fanny off. If not, he wouldn't have played her 39 minutes. Kudos to you Kia!!!!


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I'm in agreement with you that Kia did very well against SC. However, I'm a little perplexed at that these so called "basketball heads" on the ESPN discussion board who said that Kia had a bad game and she turned the ball over a lot. I'm sorry, but if your teammate throws you the ball while a defender is running next you and they steal it, the turnover should not be counted against you. I've seen Geno scream at players for putting their teammates in unfavorable positions to turn the ball over (yes the veterans do it, too). Although Kia didn't have a good shooting night, she didn't have to with the Big 3 holding it down. I know that a miss is a miss, but she took great shots in the flow of the game. They weren't forced shots. It's not like she was throwing up bricks like the opposition and praying for it to go in. They say that defense is the best offense. If I'm not mistaken, SC guards shot 7-31 from the field. Suffice it to say, Kia and Mo had something to do with that. Geno knows that Kia played her fanny off. If not, he wouldn't have played her 39 minutes. Kudos to you Kia!!!!
I agree with everything you are saying except this: " but if your teammate throws you the ball while a defender is running next you and they steal it the turnover should not be counted against you".
The definition of a turnover is universal in every sport and is always counted against the player that last had possession of the ball. Kia last had possession of the ball she did not have to dribble it.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought the starters all played well. Lou was active and involved, and Kia was a terror on defense. And Gabby played well of the bench. I think what Geno said regarding Chong also holds for Collier and Butler - when he looked at who he might take off the floor for someone on the bench, he just decided he preferred to keep them on the floor. They didn't seem to need a rest and they were all playing well. The one time he went to Collier it was because of Morgan's two fouls.
I like this team a lot and I think Lou is proving her worth each game with or without scoring points, just like Kia does. She was very disruptive defensively, especially in that first quarter.
Nov 16, 2015
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I agree with everything you are saying except this: " but if your teammate throws you the ball while a defender is running next you and they steal it the turnover should not be counted against you".
The definition of a turnover is universal in every sport and is always counted against the player that last had possession of the ball. Kia last had possession of the ball she did not have to dribble it.

CocoHusky, there was no way that she could have stopped on a dime on that particular possession. She was running full speed near half court. Whomever made the pass didn't see Mitchell streaking on Kia's blind side. I've seen offensive possessions where other teams would make those types of careless passes, but UConn rarely does. That was one of those rare cases.
Feb 24, 2015
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UConn has about 10-12 more games where the bench can get some minutes. Those minutes will all be in the bank for next year.
Like Gabby last year, Collier-Chong-& Butler will get minutes in these next 10-12 games, however, when crunch time comes (basically the last three games of the season) there will be precious few minutes for those three bench players.

Also Ekmark needs more game time. She was hailed as a sharpshooter (and it would be helpful to have another accurate outside shooter) but has not had the consistency I expected. She needs more game minutes and to squeeze the trigger more often. I have heard she is much better in practice than in the limited game time so far this season.


Nexus 6 Leader
Aug 26, 2011
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To be fair to Lou for only taking 1 shot, South Carolina decided it would be better to cling to her and limit her shots and allow Morgan, Stewie, and Mo to attack the hoop without offering any defensive help. Seems like a great strategy to leave the 3 best players in the country free to roam...
I didn't see it that way. I love Lou. I believe in Lou. She's a stud and gonna be a great one for us. But there were at least 3-4 times that she received the ball in position to take shots she's been taking all year, but passed up shooting. I know this because I was screaming at the TV telling her to shoot each time. And most of these opportunities came in the 3rd quarter IIRC, and at a time when they could've been daggers. Freshman nerves.

I even posted in the game thread for Geno to insert Gabby if Lou wasn't going to take shot opportunities. This was with Wilson out and Coates having to sit after picking up her 3rd foul. Next stoppage a few seconds later Geno subbed Gabby in for Lou.

Lou's defense was very good and a few fouls she picked up were highly questionable.
Last edited:
Mar 9, 2015
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I didn't see it that way. I love Lou. I believe in Lou. She's a stud and gonna be a great one for us. But there were at least 3-4 times that she received the ball in position to take shots she's been taking all year, but passed up shooting. I know this because I was screaming at the TV telling her to shoot each time. And most of these opportunities came in the 3rd quarter IIRC, and at a time when they could've been daggers. Freshman nerves.

I even posted in the game thread for Geno to insert Gabby if Lou wasn't going to take shot opportunities. This was with Wilson out and Coates having to sit after picking up her 3rd foul. Next stoppage a few seconds later Geno subbed Gabby in for Lou.

Lou's defense was very good and a few fouls she picked up were highly questionable.
I agree. There was one time when KLS had an open 3 opportunity from the corner. Instead of taking the shot she drove the baseline and turned the ball over.
Jul 19, 2013
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I agree. There was one time when KLS had an open 3 opportunity from the corner. Instead of taking the shot she drove the baseline and turned the ball over.
If the baseline is open, wouldn't that result in a much higher percentage shot? I like the 3, but if you can cut the distance of the shot in half, I say go for it!
Jan 5, 2016
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I didn't see it that way. I love Lou. I believe in Lou. She's a stud and gonna be a great one for us. But there were at least 3-4 times that she received the ball in position to take shots she's been taking all year, but passed up shooting. I know this because I was screaming at the TV telling her to shoot each time. And most of these opportunities came in the 3rd quarter IIRC, and at a time when they could've been daggers. Freshman nerves.

I even posted in the game thread for Geno to insert Gabby if Lou wasn't going to take shot opportunities. This was with Wilson out and Coates having to sit after picking up her 3rd foul. Next stoppage a few seconds later Geno subbed Gabby in for Lou.

Lou's defense was very good and a few fouls she picked up were highly questionable.
Having rewatched the game now that it's been posted, I agree with you, Replicant. She was in position 3 or 4 times to take a shot, but didn't. On the other hand, she distributed the ball well on offense and played a good defensive game (a couple of times I wish she had put her body into a rebound); one, possibly two, of the fouls called on her were bad calls.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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IMHO Geno now knows that he has six players who he can trust in the big games--the current starters plus Gabby. Collier might get some tine if there is foul trouble--otherwise-nada minutes.
Sort of disagree. I think Geno knows the team is thin in the post and will give Napheesa a try. If she doesn't have it that night, she'll sit but I do think she'll get a chance. Ditto Saniya if Lou is having an off night.


Count of Monte UConn
Feb 15, 2015
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To be fair to Lou for only taking 1 shot, South Carolina decided it would be better to cling to her and limit her shots and allow Morgan, Stewie, and Mo to attack the hoop without offering any defensive help. Seems like a great strategy to leave the 3 best players in the country free to roam...
You are correct, but with her height, I would like to see Lou get more involved inside offensively.
Earlier in the year Geno pleaded with her to do this, and she did, but that was against inferior opponents. She has too much talent not to improve.
Dec 29, 2015
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It is clear we love all our UCONN players, but some more than others. It is great reading the positives and negatives of one's favorite player(s) especially the freshmen since there is still so much more to experience with them in the future. One mostly unconscious factor is operative in particular when discussing a favorite player: it is called bias. It is virtually impossible to be really objective when describing someone that you admire and root hard for their success. It is like a newly wed trying to objectively trying to describe their beloved. None the less, it is gratifying to have a game like SC because it allows for experiencing exhilarating moments to bask and ample data to explain away any short comings. All in all, it is really great to be a UCONN women's basketball team fan and live and die with the success or , dare I say, shortcomings of our favorites.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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CocoHusky, there was no way that she could have stopped on a dime on that particular possession. She was running full speed near half court. Whomever made the pass didn't see Mitchell streaking on Kia's blind side. I've seen offensive possessions where other teams would make those types of careless passes, but UConn rarely does. That was one of those rare cases.
In your haste to defend Kia your are overlooking somethings and not giving enough credit to 3 other players. KLS battled and did an outstanding job against 3 South Carolina players to get the steal and get the ball to Kia. KLS did not have any other angles or options because the battle left her off balance and surrounded with Coates behind her Mitchell on her right and Cliney directly in front. KLS pass was actually tipped by Cliney but Kia caught it cleanly right at the half court line. Before Kia could complete one dribble Mitchell stripped her cleanly. So give KLS credit for making an incredible steal. Give Cliney credit for tipping KLS' pass and give Mitchell credit for reacting to a tipped ball a fraction of a second faster than Kia. They are all on scholarship, one of them is even an ALL-American. The play starts at the 4:54 mark of the 2nd quarter once the replay gets posted. Watch it in slow motion and you 'll see there is very little blame (if any) to go around. If you watch the game at normal speed you will not even see Cliney tip the ball. I am a little obsessive about these things I actually chart tipped passes.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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Rewatching the game, I can see why Geno was not overly impressed with Napheesa's cameo appearance. Most of the time that she was in, she was paired on offense and defense against Sarah Imovbioh, and she got beat almost every time, not only by Imovbioh's shot attempts, but also for rebounds on defense. At one point just after Wilson got injured, Napheesa guarded Imovbioh unsuccessfully on one defensive possession, and on the next possession, Napheesa was guarding Coates and Stewie had Imovbioh.

I noticed something else on the replay: After Morgan got her second foul in the first half and before Wilson got injured, Coates and Wilson were in the game simultaneously. Stewie guarded Wilson and Gabby was left to guard Coates. I wonder how that would have worked out if she had not been bailed out by Wilson's injury. I think Geno might have decided that he needed Napheesa (or possibly KLS) in the game to guard Coates if Morgan was unavailable.

Another observation: For the last 5-6 minutes of the game, Gabby replaced KLS in what was otherwise the starting lineup, that was still on the floor at that point. Apparently Geno decided that he could trust Gabby more than either freshman in those critical minutes where the game was in hand if only big mistakes were avoided. And Gabby did not disappoint. Not only did she avoid mistakes, but she got some contested rebounds and also got one runout for a key field goal when she beat Tiffany Mitchell down the floor.

I think both KLS and Collier are "close enough" to being ready for prime time that they will be part of the rotation even in competitive games for the remainder of this season, although I would expect Gabby to get more minutes than either of them. And I am sure Gabby is letting them both know that she got the same treatment last year before becoming a core player this year.


Mad Man
Aug 28, 2011
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Note to self: Never commit a crime when there is a potential for a Boneyarder to be a witness. You will go to jail.
Jan 5, 2013
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Rewatching the game, I can see why Geno was not overly impressed with Napheesa's cameo appearance. Most of the time that she was in, she was paired on offense and defense against Sarah Imovbioh, and she got beat almost every time, not only by Imovbioh's shot attempts, but also for rebounds on defense. At one point just after Wilson got injured, Napheesa guarded Imovbioh unsuccessfully on one defensive possession, and on the next possession, Napheesa was guarding Coates and Stewie had Imovbioh..

You are comparing an off the bench freshman to a taller senior who was the leading rebounder in the ACC last year ??? OK then.
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