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OT: walking dead


Feb 16, 2012
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Another interesting theory is maybe Milton is the executioner. They gave him a little bit of juice for this when he commented to Andrea that the Gov's hit on the prison is not the strategy he'd choose. I tend to think not as the tattletale on Andrea was completely consistent with what we've seen from his character so far in being a mouse and wanting only to gain favor with the governor. But at some point he has to be smart enough to understand that the guy is psycho in his dealings and Milton wasted his damn time trying to bring dead zombie's back to life (physically impossible notwithstanding the physical impossibilities of zombies in general) versus trying to figure out exactly what the zombie virus is and if there is any cure/prevention. I don't think the actor is that strong though and they haven't given the character enough depth to carry-on, so maybe 5% chance that he offs the governor but if he does he likely dies in the act or soon thereafter.

Governor Killer Odds
Rick - 49% - still leader, most satisfying for viewers
Andrea - 25% - maybe low given that she's standing over him with a knife as I type, but I fear he's about to wake-up and grab said knife
Merle - 15% - Allows him to stay on show via building trust with Rick's group
Milton - 5% - see above
Darryl - 5% - because he's the baddest mofo out there
0.5% Glenn - How dare you look at my girlfriend's boobies!
0.25% Maggie - How dare you look at my boobies
0.125% Herschell - How dare you look at my daughter's boobies
0.125 - Field/Rick Jr - Just to write boobies one more time
I'm going with merle!


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow. One of the better episodes they've had. Very well written and very well acted. Especially Lenny James (Morgan).

And for lot's of fans....no Andrea to complain about. ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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Need to get Morgan into the group. He is batsh!t crazy but great character/actor.

Andrea is repulsive. Can Michonne behead her soon please?

So Rick was sheriff and did not know about a prison that apparently is near how hometown??


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Need to get Morgan into the group. He is batsh!t crazy but great character/actor.

Andrea is repulsive. Can Michonne behead her soon please?

So Rick was sheriff and did not know about a prison that apparently is near how hometown??

I don't think it is all that near. 2-3 hours away, maybe more. I read something about Kirkman talking about Kings County (not sure if that's that town or a county) was north of Atlanta. And they consider the prison to be south of Atlanta now.

But yea it does make you wonder. Eh, it's a TV show about zombies. Everything isn't going to make sense. :rolleyes:

I read an interview with Reedus (Daryl) also about him riding a motorcycle (noise) in the apocalypse. He laughed and said it was good on gas......and cool.

I kind of hope they keep Andrea around for awhile, just to irritate people. My wife can't stand her either.

Lennie James (Morgan) is pretty busy as an actor, he is in a BBC TV series and has a couple movies coming out. I guess they wanted to bring him back last season, but he was too busy. Maybe they can bring him back in a season or two. And yea, he was really good in that episode.
Aug 29, 2011
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Agree - I liked the most recent episode a lot even though I had to calm my bloodlust for a battle between the Prison & Woodbury. Michonne and Carl stuff was great - she was excellent and not bad to look at either. Rick was easily the weakest link performance-wise in this episode. Telling that in the final exchange Michonne actually made someone speechless!


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Agree - I liked the most recent episode a lot even though I had to calm my bloodlust for a battle between the Prison & Woodbury. Michonne and Carl stuff was great - she was excellent and not bad to look at either. Rick was easily the weakest link performance-wise in this episode. Telling that in the final exchange Michonne actually made someone speechless!
I thought they all did a nice job performance wise.

Well next week, Rick and the Governor meet face to face.

Loved Michonne's "the mat said welcome."
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
I thought they all did a nice job performance wise.

Well next week, Rick and the Governor meet face to face.

Loved Michonne's "the mat said welcome."
If the previews are at all true I'm going to have a hard time believing that Rick agrees to a Camp David summit talk with the governor and expects no blood. Heck Rick's stated his goal is to kill the governor. And he's got Michonne & Merle to interview about his treachery and modus operandi. Both parties should come to Camp David expecting a fight/trap all of the above.

I guess if its done well enough I will buy it. After all I accepted that William Wallace sniffs out dozens of traps and outsmarts the british army throughout the movie and then walks into a fort unarmed & unaccompanied?!
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
In a ho hum season filled with boring and poorly written storylines, I actually really enjoyed this weeks episode. Hopefully Michonne is utilized much more going forward.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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If the previews are at all true I'm going to have a hard time believing that Rick agrees to a Camp David summit talk with the governor and expects no blood. Heck Rick's stated his goal is to kill the governor. And he's got Michonne & Merle to interview about his treachery and modus operandi. Both parties should come to Camp David expecting a fight/trap all of the above.

I guess if its done well enough I will buy it. After all I accepted that William Wallace sniffs out dozens of traps and outsmarts the british army throughout the movie and then walks into a fort unarmed & unaccompanied?!
Yea not sure how Andrea is going to talk Rick or the Governor into "peace talks". Unless she lies to both, which she might well do. Or the Gov lies to Andrea, she is pretty gullible. I don't think either would come without some other plan. Some trap. Like when Rick met with the Vatos - having T-Dog on the roof.

Looks like Rick brings Daryl and possibly ?Hershel?. Although he was pretty good with a shotgun and I suppose you can't bring Glenn, Merle or Michonne or Maggie to meet the Gov. Certainly wouldn't put your son Carl in that spot. Guess that pretty much leaves Hershel, Carol or Beth (oh yea or Judith :rolleyes:). We already know Carol's plan. So yea I guess Hershel. He can probably drive and shoot.

I suppose the Gov brings Martinez and a couple other henchmen. I imagine it'll explode into a gun fight. Gov and Rick won't get hurt (well die), but everyone else is fair game. (Well TWD/AMC won't get rid of Daryl either, too popular.) Maybe the Gov brings that asthma kid and he gets killed. That'll piss off his mom. Either at Rick or the Gov. Or maybe Tyreese gets involved. Although it looked like he and Sasha were on the wall in one of the previews.

Also it looks like there might be trouble back at the prison while Rick's and Daryl are away between Glenn and Merle.

This could be interesting without a full out battle royal. Not even sure if we are going to get the full battle until next season. Would be a good season opener.
Aug 29, 2011
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In a ho hum season filled with boring and poorly written storylines, I actually really enjoyed this weeks episode. Hopefully Michonne is utilized much more going forward.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
What was great about that episdoe is even though it contained only 4 people and took place essentially in one location it is one of the few times they thematically addressed the zombie apocalpyse big picture issues. Perhaps bringing back a character from the pilot stimulated these thoughts. Unlike season 2 rather than talking things to death they used equal parts action and dialogue to illustrate the big picture issues. And it wasn't overlty obvious in form of 'what have we become' debate over a group decision, rather a simple conversation about one person's choice (so less frustrating if they choose unwisely and that we can't control it). Also satisfying because even though its almost certainly futile*, the booby traps are the first time any character in the history of the show has done anything to try and to the zombie plague.

* but maybe we can imagine a nationwide 'clear' movement. Hate to always criticize, but a smarter show might have at least hinted at that rather than make it only about an individual character that had totally lost himself. I get it that there is no hope, but tease us with hope then pull it away sometimes to hammer the point home rather than just dismiss it from the storyboard.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
What was great about that episdoe is even though it contained only 4 people and took place essentially in one location it is one of the few times they thematically addressed the zombie apocalpyse big picture issues. Perhaps bringing back a character from the pilot stimulated these thoughts. Unlike season 2 rather than talking things to death they used equal parts action and dialogue to illustrate the big picture issues. And it wasn't overlty obvious in form of 'what have we become' debate over a group decision, rather a simple conversation about one person's choice (so less frustrating if they choose unwisely and that we can't control it). Also satisfying because even though its almost certainly futile*, the booby traps are the first time any character in the history of the show has done anything to try and to the zombie plague.
I read some really good reviews on this episode. The best thing about this episode is it was written by Scott Gimple (sp?) who is set to become the show runner next year. He also wrote "18 Miles Out" last year (the one where Rick and Shane took Randall out to leave him). Another good "bottle" episode.

Kirkman, the creator, said in one interview that he was embarrassed by this episode. Because he's been writing the comics for 10 years and he never thought to use rats/pigeons as bait to catch zombies. Hopefully Team Prison can use this knowledge to help defend the prison. hmmm?

* but maybe we can imagine a nationwide 'clear' movement. Hate to always criticize, but a smarter show might have at least hinted at that rather than make it only about an individual character that had totally lost himself. I get it that there is no hope, but tease us with hope then pull it away sometimes to hammer the point home rather than just dismiss it from the storyboard.
As for the nationwide/worldwide view, I don't think they want to look at that. Notice we get very little outside our little group. I think that's on purpose. We, the viewer, are supposed to be finding things out about the apocalypse as do the characters. This isn't a movie/show about a world wide zombie apocalypse, it's a show about survivors who happen to be in a zombie apocalypse. And actually I like that much better than "what's going on in the rest of the world?". They gave us a little at the CDC and about like Nebraska, Fort Benning, but not much.

As in the comics, I think as the series goes on they run into more groups and other areas. So we'll see how that plays out.
Aug 29, 2011
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As for the nationwide/worldwide view, I don't think they want to look at that. Notice we get very little outside our little group. I think that's on purpose. We, the viewer, are supposed to be finding things out about the apocalypse as do the characters. This isn't a movie/show about a world wide zombie apocalypse, it's a show about survivors who happen to be in a zombie apocalypse. And actually I like that much better than "what's going on in the rest of the world?". They gave us a little at the CDC and about like Nebraska, Fort Benning, but not much.

As in the comics, I think as the series goes on they run into more groups and other areas. So we'll see how that plays out.[/quote]
That's fine, but I can't help but occasionally wonder WTF is going on and it is baffling if the characters aren't doing the same. So when things happen like the little sister wanting to kill herself it'd certainly help to have her express specific doubts or curiousity about whether there is anything out there beyond what's in front of their noses.

The only worldk review I recollect is Andrea once alluding to a possible island refuge for her and Michonne.

Its way easier in different genres, but 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy had its characters move across an apocalyptic landscape in search of life/sustenance and although virtually every turn yielded grey nothing-ness, their search convinced you they were trying and provided the necessary exposition that there was likely nothing else out there. I knew not to bother to see that movie, could make an equally engrossing TV show though.

So even though Atlanta is sacked, it is reasonable to expect a character to occasionally mutter some wonder about the country & rest of the world, ie "Are there zombies in Japan? With their density they must be screwed!" Also occasional hairbrained idle talk to freaking drive as far as they can in hopes of finding refuge. Or since they mentioned Stone Mountain last episode, maybe during guard-tower post-coital pillow talk Glen suggests leaving the prison and driving into the Smoky Mountains = less populated = less zombies. They can use all the arguments you are about to shoot at me to dismiss this as crazy talk, but it'd help establish the survivor brains aren't just zombie lit.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Its way easier in different genres, but 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy had its characters move across an apocalyptic landscape in search of life/sustenance and although virtually every turn yielded grey nothing-ness, their search convinced you they were trying and provided the necessary exposition that there was likely nothing else out there. I knew not to bother to see that movie, could make an equally engrossing TV show though.

So even though Atlanta is sacked, it is reasonable to expect a character to occasionally mutter some wonder about the country & rest of the world, ie "Are there zombies in Japan? With their density they must be screwed!"

1) In Japan, ninjas killed all the zombies. Duh.

2) I had the exact same reaction to the movie version of "The Road". The book was so well-written, but so unrelenting - I just didn't need to endure that on the big screen.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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1) In Japan, ninjas killed all the zombies. Duh.
And the Samurai helped. Oh wait, Tom Cruise was the last one of them. Nevermind.

2) I had the exact same reaction to the movie version of "The Road". The book was so well-written, but so unrelenting - I just didn't need to endure that on the big screen.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ;)

Was that the one where they end up on the coast/beach and the father dies? (I know "Spoiler")


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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That's fine, but I can't help but occasionally wonder WTF is going on and it is baffling if the characters aren't doing the same. So when things happen like the little sister wanting to kill herself it'd certainly help to have her express specific doubts or curiousity about whether there is anything out there beyond what's in front of their noses.
Well I think the comics take the same approach, so I wouldn’t expect that part to be different. But sure I can see them wondering. And I think Rick has expessed that, at least during the first season. And Andrea/Amy talked about Florida in that one episode (Vatos). Until they hit the CDC and found out it was world wide, so I guess they assume it’s pretty much like they are everywhere. Mostly though I think they are at this point trying to survive day to day. I guess you might expect it more from residents of Woodbury since they have returned to more normalcy.

Its way easier in different genres, but 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy had its characters move across an apocalyptic landscape in search of life/sustenance and although virtually every turn yielded grey nothing-ness, their search convinced you they were trying and provided the necessary exposition that there was likely nothing else out there. I knew not to bother to see that movie, could make an equally engrossing TV show though.
I think I saw that movie. It wasn’t bad. I would think it would be tougher in this scenario though to do a lot of traveling, especially walking. It wasn’t like half, ¾ of the population was wiped out, it was turned into killing animals roaming the country. Gotta figure 350 mil people in the US, there are some survivors, but obviously not many, a few million? Bunch must have gotten put down by the military, bunch eaten, but still must be 100+ million out there wandering around.

Speaking of which, one of my problems is it’s been a year, I would figure more overgrowth, more animals (deer, wild dogs, etc.) would be prevalent. IDK, maybe the walkers are keeping the animal population in control????

So even though Atlanta is sacked, it is reasonable to expect a character to occasionally mutter some wonder about the country & rest of the world, ie "Are there zombies in Japan? With their density they must be screwed!" Also occasional hairbrained idle talk to freaking drive as far as they can in hopes of finding refuge. Or since they mentioned Stone Mountain last episode, maybe during guard-tower post-coital pillow talk Glen suggests leaving the prison and driving into the Smoky Mountains = less populated = less zombies. They can use all the arguments you are about to shoot at me to dismiss this as crazy talk,
Well some arguments, at least for Team Prison, it’s gonna be pretty hard to leave the prison with a baby. And they’ve discussed that. 3-4 hour zombie alarm. (by the way I doubt the baby survives the Gov/Rick “war”) Also the further out you go, the less supplies you have too. Not too bad if you are a hunter with 1 or 2 mouths to feed, but with a whole group, makes it tougher. And they’ve already established, living on your own isn’t good (see Morgan), need to be in a group (see Michonne).

They did have some people (Nebraska episode) that had people traveling. Those two Rick shot in the bar where from NJ and had tried for DC but where now in GA. They seemed to think it was pretty much the same everywhere. You can keep looking, but if you find a refuge, hold onto it. The Farm, The Prison, Woodbury.

Later in the comics they do try for DC and then a couple other places, so I don’t expect them to stay at the prison too long. Maybe into next season. But something will get them out.

but it'd help establish the survivor brains aren't just zombie lit.
I think part of the overall theme is that they aren’t that much different. In the comics Rick has an iconic line, which they haven’t used yet in the show…yet. He says of the survivors, “We are the Walking Dead”. The title of the show isn't meant to describe the zombies, it's meant to describe the survivors.
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
What was great about that episdoe is even though it contained only 4 people and took place essentially in one location it is one of the few times they thematically addressed the zombie apocalpyse big picture issues. Perhaps bringing back a character from the pilot stimulated these thoughts. Unlike season 2 rather than talking things to death they used equal parts action and dialogue to illustrate the big picture issues. And it wasn't overlty obvious in form of 'what have we become' debate over a group decision, rather a simple conversation about one person's choice (so less frustrating if they choose unwisely and that we can't control it). Also satisfying because even though its almost certainly futile*, the booby traps are the first time any character in the history of the show has done anything to try and to the zombie plague.

I thought the booby traps were awesome and that hideout was better than the prison which was surrounded by zombies.

I am not a fan of frank and it might just be because the actor isn't very good or the writing is poor.

Hoping Rick is coming back to sanity (and i think he is, as the encounter with morgan showed him the path he was on) because his scenes were difficult to watch.

Definitely the best episode of the season.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I am not a fan of frank and it might just be because the actor isn't very good or the writing is poor.

Hoping Rick is coming back to sanity (and i think he is, as the encounter with morgan showed him the path he was on) because his scenes were difficult to watch.

Yea I think that was one of the main points of the episode to snap Rick back.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry. Had brain freeze. I meant Carl.
Ok, I was wondering if I missed someone.

Yea I really like Carl, the character. I think Chandler Riggs does a pretty good job. Compared to some others on the show, I can see he might pale somewhat.
Aug 28, 2011
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Oof. Another poor episode. I am sure the inevitable battle with the Governor will be a great episode, but there have been a ton of duds in season 3.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Oof. Another poor episode. I am sure the inevitable battle with the Governor will be a great episode, but there have been a ton of duds in season 3.
Completely disagree. While not as good as last weeks (which had to be in the top 5 of the series), it was really good. Very tense the whole time. Some great character development. Let the antagonist and protagonist meet face-to-face. Saw the Governor try to play with Rick's mind, because he knows it's not in the right place now anyway. And Rick knows it too. Rick trying to be the cop and see through the BS.

The Martinez/Daryl interaction was brilliant (lieutenants), and the Milton/Hershel (the scientists/voices of reason) was also good. Let them get a look at the enemy as people.....before they kill them.

Also, finally (and yes this should have happened episodes before), got through to Andrea. She'll be up to something, we'll see who she enlisted to try and pull it off. Milton? Tyreese?

Nice that they also didn't have to go through the lead up to how the meeting came to be. Besides that would have meant more Andrea and until she starts trying to kill the Governor, people really don't want to see her. It was a nice touch that both the Governor and Rick told her she was not needed or really wanted at the negotiation table (or with either group). Kind of how a lot of fans feel.
Aug 24, 2011
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Oof. Another poor episode. I am sure the inevitable battle with the Governor will be a great episode, but there have been a ton of duds in season 3.

Absolutely agree. I came late to the party and ripped through Seasons 1 and 2 in about 10 days. Caught up to Season 3 about 4 episodes ago and have hated anything to do with Woodbury, the Governor or Andrea.


- Andrea could be the worst actress I've ever seen and every single scene with her and the Governor is cringeworthy.
- The forced "Anytown, USA" look of Woodbury, with kids riding their bikes 10 ft from the wall is ridiculous.
- Do not get me started on the Thunderdome gladiator fight scenes.
- I rewatched just about every scene with the Governor and his daughter because I was giggling so much the first time.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Absolutely agree. I came late to the party and ripped through Seasons 1 and 2 in about 10 days. Caught up to Season 3 about 4 episodes ago and have hated anything to do with Woodbury, the Governor or Andrea.
Well you might as well stop watching now. Unless of course someone is forcing you to. The prison/Woodbury/the Governor are pretty iconic in the Walking Dead comic books. So you are going to get a lot of them. Maybe even into next season.

- Andrea could be the worst actress I've ever seen and every single scene with her and the Governor is cringeworthy.
You obviously haven't seen too many actresses then. Not that she is the best, but she has been nominated for a couple awards, which pretty much ensures there are worse ones.

I understand the character may not have endeared herself to you (or a lot of people), but that is probably more on the writing than the acting.

- The forced "Anytown, USA" look of Woodbury, with kids riding their bikes 10 ft from the wall is ridiculous.
- Do not get me started on the Thunderdome gladiator fight scenes.
- I rewatched just about every scene with the Governor and his daughter because I was giggling so much the first time.
All stuff pretty much straight out of the comics. Since that is where most of the content is based out of, and you don't seem to like it, maybe this isn't for you??

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