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OT - New Baylor Lawsuit.

Aug 26, 2011
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4. Don't get intoxicated - bad stuff usually happens then.

5. If you dress immodestly you are sending a signal to men you are open to advances (screw the feminists telling you can dress any way you want. Wrong. That line has gotten more girls raped than anything).

I want to live in a world where women, like men, can wear whatever they want and get drunk and not be sexually assaulted. I hope you tell any son(s) you have that women are not sending "signals" about advances and that they are to be respected no matter how they dress or how drunk they are.

Your kids are going to get drunk. It's college. Let's teach our men about consent.
Aug 27, 2011
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I want to live in a world where women, like men, can wear whatever they want and get drunk and not be sexually assaulted. I hope you tell any son(s) you have that women are not sending "signals" about advances and that they are to be respected no matter how they dress or how drunk they are.

Your kids are going to get drunk. It's college. Let's teach our men about consent.
You can want to live in any world you want. But, there is a real one. The inference you draw is incorrect, implying that men are off the hook. Young men need to start acting like men of good character and treat woman with respect. If I had a son I'd slap him upside the head if he disrespected a female. But, I'm from a different generation.
May 30, 2012
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You can want to live in any world you want. But, there is a real one. The inference you draw is incorrect, implying that men are off the hook. Young men need to start acting like men of good character and treat woman with respect. If I had a son I'd slap him upside the head if he disrespected a female. But, I'm from a different generation.

You are 100% correct. Generation shouldn't matter, though it unfortunately may.

BTW, with our recent moves, does Jesus still lead PrezSusan by a touchdown?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I want to live in a world where women, like men, can wear whatever they want and get drunk and not be sexually assaulted. I hope you tell any son(s) you have that women are not sending "signals" about advances and that they are to be respected no matter how they dress or how drunk they are.

Your kids are going to get drunk. It's college. Let's teach our men about consent.
Absolutely agree that young men should be taught to respect women as a subset of treating everyone with respect.

That said, anyone who does not teach their children about the risks involved in having severely diminished capacity is doing them a dangerous disservice in my view.
Aug 27, 2011
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You are 100% correct. Generation shouldn't matter, though it unfortunately may.

BTW, with our recent moves, does Jesus still lead PrezSusan by a touchdown?
Lol- need to update...
Aug 26, 2011
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Absolutely agree that young men should be taught to respect women as a subset of treating everyone with respect.

That said, anyone who does not teach their children about the risks involved in having severely diminished capacity is doing them a dangerous disservice in my view.

It's college. Everyone gets drunk. Only women are told they aren't allowed to.

When my sister was sexually assaulted in college, she wasn't drunk. She wasn't wearing revealing clothing. She was just on a date.

My girlfriend was assaulted by a professor. She was neither drunk nor wearing revealing clothing. But luckily, the professor called her a liar and the University backed him so hey, no harm, right? If only she'd maybe dress even LESS sexy? Or maybe never gotten drunk in her entire life? Then maybe?

This whole idea that women need to never get drunk and not dress a certain way is garbage. Rapists don't care. They view women as objects meant for pleasure, and society reinforces that by reducing women to their value as visual pleasure.

At the end of the day, the onus is on society to teach men that women are actual human beings who don't owe you anything and are entitled to get as drunk as anybody and wear what they want.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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It's college. Everyone gets drunk. Only women are told they aren't allowed to.

When my sister was sexually assaulted in college, she wasn't drunk. She wasn't wearing revealing clothing. She was just on a date.

My girlfriend was assaulted by a professor. She was neither drunk nor wearing revealing clothing. But luckily, the professor called her a liar and the University backed him so hey, no harm, right? If only she'd maybe dress even LESS sexy? Or maybe never gotten drunk in her entire life? Then maybe?

This whole idea that women need to never get drunk and not dress a certain way is garbage. Rapists don't care. They view women as objects meant for pleasure, and society reinforces that by reducing women to their value as visual pleasure.

At the end of the day, the onus is on society to teach men that women are actual human beings who don't owe you anything and are entitled to get as drunk as anybody and wear what they want.
Check your PMs.

I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your sister and your girlfriend. I'm sure that those words ring somewhat hollow. Everyone is sorry, but being sorry doesn't change what happened.

Very respectfully, I will suggest that education isn't going eliminate violent crime. One would think that most of the perpetrators fully understand that they are acting wrongfully. So while I support reinforcing behavioral norms, hoping that alone will protect victims is reckless in my view.

Kids going into college need to be educated about putting themselves in situations where they cannot protect themselves. Drinking to excess puts you at risk, for both men and women. Travelling alone is inherently risky. Being separated from your support group is risky. These are the things that need to be reinforced to college freshmen especially those who come from the beatific existence that we all try to create for our kids.

Even if you follow everyone of those suggestions to mitigate risk bad things can still happen and failing to do any of them does not mean that the victim invited assault but, in my view, it better to educate a law biding person to avoid risky situations than to expect that education will prevent sociopaths from exploiting situations that have left people vulnerable.

So sure educate young men on proper behavior, but educate young women (and young men) to limit their risk to the extent possible.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's college. Everyone gets drunk. Only women are told they aren't allowed to.

When my sister was sexually assaulted in college, she wasn't drunk. She wasn't wearing revealing clothing. She was just on a date.

My girlfriend was assaulted by a professor. She was neither drunk nor wearing revealing clothing. But luckily, the professor called her a liar and the University backed him so hey, no harm, right? If only she'd maybe dress even LESS sexy? Or maybe never gotten drunk in her entire life? Then maybe?

This whole idea that women need to never get drunk and not dress a certain way is garbage. Rapists don't care. They view women as objects meant for pleasure, and society reinforces that by reducing women to their value as visual pleasure.

At the end of the day, the onus is on society to teach men that women are actual human beings who don't owe you anything and are entitled to get as drunk as anybody and wear what they want.

I am sorry to hear about your sister and girlfriend. It is very unfortunate we live in a society that promotes this kind of behavior from men. The movies and TV shows constantly promote this behavior. America just voted in a president who behaves exactly opposite of how men should behave toward women. I don't care about Trump, but the election says more about where we are as a society.
Oct 2, 2013
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I am sorry to hear about your sister and girlfriend. It is very unfortunate we live in a society that promotes this kind of behavior from men. The movies and TV shows constantly promote this behavior. America just voted in a president who behaves exactly opposite of how men should behave toward women. I don't care about Trump, but the election says more about where we are as a society.
Your comment about Trump belongs in the cess pool. I voted for trump and I like to respect women. No woman should be taken advantage of. ...but I'm old school, I hold a door open for a woman, and half the time I'm told by the woman, I can do it myself. I usually respond with, I'm sure you can, but I was doing it to be nice not to show caveman strength, oh wait caves don't have doors! Try to have a nice day, you look better when you smile!


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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Could Baylor get the death penalty? This is arguably worse than Penn State because everyone involved covered it up. If Baylor getting kicked out of the Big 12 is what it takes for us to go P5, I won't complain.
Aug 27, 2011
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Could Baylor get the death penalty? This is arguably worse than Penn State because everyone involved covered it up.
Baylor may get the death penalty by default if the Feds hit them hard in their Title IX investigation.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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Baylor may get the death penalty by default if the Feds hit them hard in their Title IX investigation.
The question then becomes would the Big 12 kick them out and could Baylor legitimately fight it?
Aug 27, 2011
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I want to live in a world where women, like men, can wear whatever they want and get drunk and not be sexually assaulted. I hope you tell any son(s) you have that women are not sending "signals" about advances and that they are to be respected no matter how they dress or how drunk they are.

Your kids are going to get drunk. It's college. Let's teach our men about consent.

Trust me - I've had that conversation with my son who is heading off to college next year. Doesn't mean I won't tell my niece everything that BlueDogs said. We live in the actual world, not the world we want to live in.

And unfortunately, the ramifications of sexual assault (knowing many women that have been through it) echo throughout everything that happens for the rest of their lives. Better safe than sorry.
Aug 27, 2011
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I would add - that without targeting young women specifically, the best advice that I give (including to 45 year old married guys) is this:

If you proactively keep yourself out of risky situations, more likely than not you will avoid bad things from happening. This is not a cure-all, but rather common sense.

- If a 45 year old married guy spends his time on business trips hanging out in hotel bars till 1am, it is more likely he will cheat on his wife
- If someone drives home from a bar after a few drinks and is only "buzzed", it is more likely that he/she will get in an accident or get pulled over
- If someone goes to buy drugs in the north end of Hartford at 2am, it is more likely that they will get the crap beat out of them and they will get robbed
- If a college girl is out, alone, drunk, at 2am - lots of bad things can happen

What I talk to my boys about all of the time - is to be cognizant of the world and how it works, and what situation you find yourself in. Make good decisions. You can't control what other people do, so you have to proactively ensure good outcomes by managing your own behavior. That's life. I worry about outcomes. I'd like the process to be different, but I'm not god.
Aug 26, 2011
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If a college girl is out, alone, drunk, at 2am - lots of bad things can happen

The point I want to make, and then I'll leave it alone, is that the situation you've fabricated, where a woman is walking alone at night and is abducted by some stranger, is not typical. Over 80% of assaults are by people the victim knew, often either in their house or the perpetrator's house.

These are people they know. People you know. People you might think are alright. But maybe they make mildly misogynistic remarks and you think it's not a big deal and we let it go. I don't know.

The point is, we need to stop thinking about "Stranger Danger" and realize that most people who commit these crimes are friends and colleagues and professors and others who have come to believe that women are not "real" people, that they are not valuable for their minds and their personalities and their ambitions and dreams.

I see things on the Boneyard regularly where the only time we discuss women is to value their appearance. That's what people mean when they say "rape culture." It's all connected. When we, as a society, value women only for what they can give to men, whether their appearance or status, then we should not act surprised that many men out there don't value them as the autonomous, free-willed people they are.
Aug 27, 2011
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The point I want to make, and then I'll leave it alone, is that the situation you've fabricated, where a woman is walking alone at night and is abducted by some stranger, is not typical. Over 80% of assaults are by people the victim knew, often either in their house or the perpetrator's house.

These are people they know. People you know. People you might think are alright. But maybe they make mildly misogynistic remarks and you think it's not a big deal and we let it go. I don't know.

The point is, we need to stop thinking about "Stranger Danger" and realize that most people who commit these crimes are friends and colleagues and professors and others who have come to believe that women are not "real" people, that they are not valuable for their minds and their personalities and their ambitions and dreams.

I see things on the Boneyard regularly where the only time we discuss women is to value their appearance. That's what people mean when they say "rape culture." It's all connected. When we, as a society, value women only for what they can give to men, whether their appearance or status, then we should not act surprised that many men out there don't value them as the autonomous, free-willed people they are.

You aren't wrong. And I have exactly those discussions with my kids. And they see the way I treat their mother and other women, so I don't set bad examples for them.

But I wasn't specifically talking about strangers. What I will tell my niece is this: being anywhere drunk at 2am other than being alone in your own bed with a locked door is an invitation to trouble. Because you can't control other people's behavior. And if you think you can trust some guy you are dating, someone from the dorm, some guy you met at a frat party that "seems" like a nice guy - you are sorely mistaken.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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Given that this is Baylor's second brutal criminal scandal, they should be kicked out of the NCAA and should join the NCCAA to actually learn what it means to be a Christian university.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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From the article:
Another time, Colin Shillinglaw (the former assistant athletic director who filed the most recent defamation action against the regents) texted Briles that one of his players who got a massage in a spa exposed himself to the masseuse and asked for "favors." Briles responded and asked if the woman was a stripper and, when told she was not, responded "Not as bad."

There are other examples of players who were doing drugs, selling drugs, pulling a gun on another student, assaulting another student. Briles' responses via text and e-mail all show he was allowing his players to act above the law. He never pursued proper disciplinary actions against any of them.
Aug 26, 2011
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Unfortunately this provides a great opportunity for the NCAA to slide the UNC scandal under the rug once and for all and then give Baylor a 1 year Bowl ban.

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