OT: Need Some Weed? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: Need Some Weed?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Weed is stupid I know people who smoke this crap like cigarretes and barely get high. If this crap becomes legal young kids going be smoking it and sooner or later they too will stop getting high of this crap which will lead them to other drugs which will lead them to doing some rather stupid crap.
All the people who support this are simply pot heads who just think ab out them selves and not the effect it will have to others who dont feel or have the need to get high.

We have kids hanging on the streets punching pregnant women or whoever for the fun of it in a game called " Knock Out Game" cant imagine what they would on drugs. Weed is the gateway to other drugs, and whoever says other wise are in denial the same way alcoholics deny being alcoholics.

legalizing this crap is bad I'll even say is worse then my grammar
Alcohol is the real gateway drug. Because it's legal.
Aug 27, 2011
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Guys I'm warning you...:)

Aug 26, 2011
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Here's the deal. I don't even engage the anti weed opposition now. there are so many absolute facts now about medical benefits and banality of recreational use that it is pointless arguing against the anti's as obviously they just don't want to get it.

BTW some of you who know me may find this hard to believe given I'm a deadhead and musician, I haven't smoked but 2-3 times in the last 18 years. It's not for me anymore. However, I couldn't be more pro-legalization. It is one of the great hypocrisies in this country.

I will say one thing that I think is going to hurt legalization is the Relatively new use is Butane Hash Oil , aka Dabs, shatter, wax, whatever you want to call it. It is 80% THC and that is strong as heck. In the 70s you were lucky if you got 5% in your grass and I mean lucky. It is way too strong if you are not pro stoner with huge tolerance and people who are not are having unpredictable reactions to it. Plus the preparation and oil rig used to smoke reminds people of smoking crack. Not the public perception you want after making after all this progress.

The same with edibles. Edibles can be a bad time to an inexperienced person who eats too much. Just read Maureen Dowds NYT piece about her experience: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/06/04/opinion/dowd-dont-harsh-our-mellow-dude.html?referrer=&_r=0 It could have been a glowing pro legalization piece if she ate the right amount. We

Dude, you are so right on the edibles. If anyone offers you a "Goo Ball", don't eat the whole thing...or so I've been told by a dude who likes to go to Phish concerts, with his wife, and loves the Huskies and Colorado.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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There are real issues with pot,especially on the developing brain. Also dangers if you are susceptible to depression and schizophrenia. The stoner notion that it is a benign, cancer-curing , wonderful thing because it is natural, is as stupid as the Reefer Madness stuff of my youth. Not saying it is worse than alcohol. Just that all drugs have problems. And saying you smoked for years w/o a problem is like saying there are no problems with alcohol because I drank for years and nothing happened to me. Medical research is based on studies of many people,not anecdotes. Turns out that about the same percentageof people have a serious
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Aug 26, 2011
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It will be legal for recreational use in a few years because they will make millions in taxes.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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HuskyBandDad said:
It will be legal for recreational use in a few years because they will make millions in taxes.

Colorado raised 21 million dollars in taxes the month of June alone


Foot Stays on Gas
Jun 27, 2012
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Just so we're clear, you do know that that is Peter Dante, right?
haha in all honesty I didn't know his name was Peter Dante...this changes everything for me


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
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David 76 said:
There are real issues with pot,especially on the developing brain. Also dangers if you are susceptible to depression and schizophrenia. The stoner notion that it is a benign, cancer-curing , wonderful thing because it is natural, is as stupid as the Reefer Madness stuff of my youth. Not saying it is worse than alcohol. Just that all drugs have problems. And saying you smoked for years w/o a problem is like saying there are no problems with alcohol because I drank for years and nothing happened to me. Medical research is based on studies of many people,not anecdotes. Turns out that about the same percentageof people have a serious

No one is saying that minors with a developing brain should be smoking. Just like the drinking age is 21.

Pot can cause anxiety in some. Which is why I don't smoke anymore. It relieves anxiety in many others . It's not for everyone, just like everything else in life . Adults should be able to choose for themselves though. If you can choose tobacco and alcohol, both of which are far more dangerous, then you should be able to choose whether to use marijuana.

There are absolute documented medical benefits that are not anecdotes. I have a personal one from a direct family member but I will need to get permission to share. It will blow your mind. It blew mine and I believed in this beforehand.


Waiting for the Snow and 3 pointers to fly
Oct 10, 2013
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Weed is stupid I know people who smoke this crap like cigarretes and barely get high. If this crap becomes legal young kids going be smoking it and sooner or later they too will stop getting high of this crap which will lead them to other drugs which will lead them to doing some rather stupid crap.
All the people who support this are simply pot heads who just think ab out them selves and not the effect it will have to others who dont feel or have the need to get high.

We have kids hanging on the streets punching pregnant women or whoever for the fun of it in a game called " Knock Out Game" cant imagine what they would on drugs. Weed is the gateway to other drugs, and whoever says other wise are in denial the same way alcoholics deny being alcoholics.

legalizing this crap is bad I'll even say is worse then my grammar

Stupid, I'd say more like ignorant. As being one of the few Colorado residents on the Board, a former District Attorney in Middletown and in Colorado and currently an attorney for the marijuana industry, I couldn't be happier with the way Colorado has chosen to regulate and tax marijuana rather than criminalizing a large percentage of the population. When I was a DA, I never saw somebody come in for beating their wife or fighting in a bar when they smoked up. Can't say the same for alcohol.

Our state has raised millions of dollars in tax revenue over the past few years. The industry has helped bolster the real estate, construction, and other professional markets/industries. At the same time, there really hasn't been much of a change to anyone's daily life. Plus, people who really do benefit from it medically (I.e. preferring pot to opiates or going through chemo) can consume it legally. If a community doesn't want dispensaries in it, they have the ability to ban it and public consumption is not legal.

I hope the rest of the country comes to their senses. Prohibition is stupid, consenting adults being able to make choices about what they consume is not.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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No one is saying that minors with a developing brain should be smoking. Just like the drinking age is 21.
Alcohol taxes
Pot can cause anxiety in some. Which is why I don't smoke anymore. It relieves anxiety in many others . It's not for everyone, just like everything else in life . Adults should be able to choose for themselves though. If you can choose tobacco and alcohol, both of which are far more dangerous, then you should be able to choose whether to use marijuana.

There are absolute documented medical benefits that are not anecdotes. I have a personal one from a direct family member but I will need to get permission to share. It will blow your mind. It blew mine and I believed in this beforehand.
There are some great medical uses.Most exciting is brain seizures for kids.
People shouldn't get too excited by tax revenue. First, I'm still waiting for the lottery to pay for our schools. Second,

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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(excuse me, ha to go smoke up)
But tax revenues for tobacco & alcohol equal 10% of the costs associated with tobacco & alcohol costs
Aug 31, 2011
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problem with pot as with alcohol.
you are not high and it still took an additional post for you to finish your original thought...I am not even going to address the ignorance of this statement, but maybe I should... Saying all drugs have problems is more of a grounds to make alcohol illegal than to keep weed illegal...the problems and risks of etoh greatly outweigh that of weed. Also in terms of medical research, medical research on pot is extremely limited in this country to do the very outdated and asinine laws outlawing weed that limit the amount of research that can be done on the topic. Hence this country is way behind on their understanding of the topic. If you referenced some Israeli studies then maybe I would pay attention to you, but you did not, and I highly doubt you had a clue that they are actually the world leader in research on the topic. Also, nobody said weed is benign cancer curing drug. It actually is beneficial in allowing those undergoing debilitating cancer treatment (chemo) that induce nausea and anorexia to overcome those horrible side effects and be able to tolerate day to day life in their struggle to add days, months or years to their lives. In terms of referencing predisposition to depression and schizophrenia, read the insert (fine print) on just about any pharmaceutical industry pushed medication and you will see the same and even worse risks (many psychological) with most medications. Heck, even SSRI's (used to treat depression) can put you at higher risk to suicide. In terms of issues on the developing brain, this is why patients are counseled not to drink during pregnancy, not to smoke during pregnancy, not to drink until 21 (even though we know binge drinking starts way earlier than that and nobody is calling to outlaw alcohol) etc. The same counseling can be provided about pot without outlawing it, overcrowding prisons, and on and on and on. Are you even aware that pot is schedule 1 drug and herion is schedule 2, please try to defend that... Get some facts and come back and see me...you have been respectfully pwned.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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this is worse than reefer madness

Also, "can't imagine what they would (do) on drugs"? what do you consider alcohol? tobacco? are they now nutritional supplements?

Reefer Madness was awesome.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Stupid, I'd say more like ignorant. As being one of the few Colorado residents on the Board, a former District Attorney in Middletown and in Colorado and currently an attorney for the marijuana industry, I couldn't be happier with the way Colorado has chosen to regulate and tax marijuana rather than criminalizing a large percentage of the population. When I was a DA, I never saw somebody come in for beating their wife or fighting in a bar when they smoked up. Can't say the same for alcohol.

They were too busy watching nature channel on the couch and hunting for chips during commercials.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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you are not high and it still took an additional post for you to finish your original thought...I am not even going to address the ignorance of this statement, but maybe I should... Saying all drugs have problems is more of a grounds to make alcohol illegal than to keep weed illegal...the problems and risks of etoh greatly outweigh that of weed. Also in terms of medical research, medical research on pot is extremely limited in this country to do the very outdated and asinine laws outlawing weed that limit the amount of research that can be done on the topic. Hence this country is way behind on their understanding of the topic. If you referenced some Israeli studies then maybe I would pay attention to you, but you did not, and I highly doubt you had a clue that they are actually the world leader in research on the topic. Also, nobody said weed is benign cancer curing drug. It actually is beneficial in allowing those undergoing debilitating cancer treatment (chemo) that induce nausea and anorexia to overcome those horrible side effects and be able to tolerate day to day life in their struggle to add days, months or years to their lives. In terms of referencing predisposition to depression and schizophrenia, read the insert (fine print) on just about any pharmaceutical industry pushed medication and you will see the same and even worse risks (many psychological) with most medications. Heck, even SSRI's (used to treat depression) can put you at higher risk to suicide. In terms of issues on the developing brain, this is why patients are counseled not to drink during pregnancy, not to smoke during pregnancy, not to drink until 21 (even though we know binge drinking starts way earlier than that and nobody is calling to outlaw alcohol) etc. The same counseling can be provided about pot without outlawing it, overcrowding prisons, and on and on and on. Are you even aware that pot is schedule 1 drug and herion is schedule 2, please try to defend that... Get some facts and come back and see me...you have been respectfully pwned.

Was this all written during one inhale? Paragraphs man. Paragraphs.
Aug 25, 2011
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Turns out that about the same percentageof people have a serious

I'm not sure how you're gauging what constitutes a "serious problem" but I call horse**** on that assertion. I'd love to see some sort of evidence to back it up.
Aug 31, 2011
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Was this all written during one inhale? Paragraphs man. Paragraphs.
My paragraph of truth does not even compare to the volumes of BS that have been spewed about this topic from people that have entirely no clue what they are talking about...inhaling clear air man, some people can have intelligent things to say about this topic believe it or not...

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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you are not high and it still took an additional post for you to finish your original thought...I am not even going to address the ignorance of this statement, but maybe I should... Saying all drugs have problems is more of a grounds to make alcohol illegal than to keep weed illegal...the problems and risks of etoh greatly outweigh that of weed. Also in terms of medical research, medical research on pot is extremely limited in this country to do the very outdated and asinine laws outlawing weed that limit the amount of research that can be done on the topic. Hence this country is way behind on their understanding of the topic. If you referenced some Israeli studies then maybe I would pay attention to you, but you did not, and I highly doubt you had a clue that they are actually the world leader in research on the topic. Also, nobody said weed is benign cancer curing drug. It actually is beneficial in allowing those undergoing debilitating cancer treatment (chemo) that induce nausea and anorexia to overcome those horrible side effects and be able to tolerate day to day life in their struggle to add days, months or years to their lives. In terms of referencing predisposition to depression and schizophrenia, read the insert (fine print) on just about any pharmaceutical industry pushed medication and you will see the same and even worse risks (many psychologic

Typical. My tablet wasn't working so I had to go to my lap top. That was the break you noticed. I am not ignorant on this topic but if calling me names makes you feel better go at it! I never said alcohol is worse than pot. Just that there are uninformed people who who talk about pot as less than harmless.They don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit what they "learned" on the internet from pro-pot sources. Not sure if this fits you. But I will agree that medical research here should be increased and add that medicine should not be smoked and it should have a dosage.

Research from Israel shows potheads are 80% more aggressive on the internet than they would ever be in person.
Aug 31, 2011
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Typical. My tablet wasn't working so I had to go to my lap top. That was the break you noticed. I am not ignorant on this topic but if calling me names makes you feel better go at it! I never said alcohol is worse than pot. Just that there are uninformed people who who talk about pot as less than harmless.They don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit what they "learned" on the internet from pro-pot sources. Not sure if this fits you. But I will agree that medical research here should be increased and add that medicine should not be smoked and it should have a dosage.

Research from Israel shows potheads are 80% more aggressive on the internet than they would ever be in person.
Aug 31, 2011
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Typical. My tablet wasn't working so I had to go to my lap top. That was the break you noticed. I am not ignorant on this topic but if calling me names makes you feel better go at it! I never said alcohol is worse than pot. Just that there are uninformed people who who talk about pot as less than harmless.They don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit what they "learned" on the internet from pro-pot sources. Not sure if this fits you. But I will agree that medical research here should be increased and add that medicine should not be smoked and it should have a dosage.

Research from Israel shows potheads are 80% more aggressive on the internet than they would ever be in person.

I never called you ignorant. I said your statements are ignorant. I do not need to make myself feel better, that is not what this is about. This is about letting the science speak for itself. You also felt the need to make a sarcastic comment at the end of your post that adds nothing to your argument and only serves to inflame proving you have nothing of real substance to say.

I know you never said alcohol is worse than pot, but you really should have because that point should no longer be up for debate. Alcohol use is linked directly to depression, schizophrenia, wernicke's encephalopathy, korsakoff's syndrome, leading cause of pancreatitis, major contributor to pancreatic cancer, anemia, liver failure, alcoholic hepatitis, among many other pathologic processes. This information is not learned on the internet, because it is well studied in written about in medical literature.

My post is anything but typical and I could not be further from a pothead. The use of that term just proves your ignorance. People who do not have any substantive information to say simply do not know how to respond when someone is able to articulate their position and back it up with real information and you just illustrated that point perfectly. I am not aggressive, I am well studied and well informed based on actual scientific understanding and you will not be able to counter that. The time has come for people to not just get away with baseless posts like the ones you have made tonight.

Aug 26, 2011
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Pot is demonstrably less harmful than alcohol, and it has more tangible benefits, so I'd be surprised if it didn't eventually become a much smaller deal than booze.

Wha?? From which references did you fconclude this?? Every journal article that I've read state differently. It leaves permanent effects on brain development- and brain develops to ~ age 25. Legislation is creating a generation of retards that will further impact the social systems already more than taxed. A liberal utopia?


Aug 26, 2011
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Dude- if anyone on this board needs a good hit of weed it is you.
I have smoked for over 25 years- never abused it- I am running my third successful company that I created. Not everyone that smokes is a idiot.
If you abuse weed it can have a negative effect on your life- same as alcohol- if you eat poorly even that can kill you over time.
Advice- switch to decaf- it seems coffee might not be your thing either.
You hiring? :)


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Wha?? From which references did you fconclude this?? Every journal article that I've read state differently. It leaves permanent effects on brain development- and brain develops to ~ age 25. Legislation is creating a generation of s that will further impact the social systems already more than taxed. A liberal utopia?

Where are yours? I've never seen a journal article that says pot affects the developing brain to a greater degree than alcohol (which is what we are talking about here).
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