Navy Football | The Boneyard

Navy Football

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Aug 29, 2011
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Historic day folks, for football people on the east coast of the U.S.A, and nationally. Navy football drops independance for the Big East conference.

Something near and dear to me, just behind UConn football - Navy. I'm psyched to have them joining the big east and to have annual games. Wowee wow.

Some things from Admiral Miller, and AD Gladchuck today that I"m sure will be in print soon.

Both had very high praise for the leadership of John Marinatto. I've been telling you all for a while now, that the big east leadership isn't the bunch of clowns the media makes them out to be, the problem for two decades, is that there priorities when it comes to the driving force in intercollegiate athletics revenue streams has been misguided. I have no doubt, after today, that the leadership over there in Providence has finally changed, and understands completely, without a doubt, that football is the driving force in intercollegiate money, and if the basketball baby they created is going to live as an adult, it will be becasue of football. Took a long time, but they get it.

Marinatto is to thank for the continued existence of the Big East conference, the conference we all know and love, in basketball, in football, in all sports.

What also stood out to me today, is that the concept of a national intercollegiate football conference, is a big deal, and that having a conference championship game is a stated goal. I can only hope that championship game, for a nationwide conference, will become a fixture in New York City.

There is no media force in the world, even in the current information tech age, that has the power of new york city.

Anyway, I"m frigging psyched that Navy is on board. The fact that this institution, the United States Naval Academy, and institution that has been independant since 1879 in football, and has it's own network broadcasting contracts, worldwide fanbase, etc.....

that the U.S. Naval Academy has committed its football program to the big east conference - is all I need to know that our leadership is finally on the right track, and the big east conference is going to be more than fine, for many years to come.

There are some schools out there, that are going to be very happy, that they managed to get on board this train, and many schools out there, that are going to be regretting hopping off.

What they say about actions and history, if you don't know it, your doomed to repeat it. Marinatto paid attention to his history in the past year or two, and changed the actions, and in the history of this conference, behind only the founder - Gavitt, Marinatto stands to be the most important guy in the history of the conference.

Some other presidents, and AD's and conference commissioners, did not pay attention to their history.
Aug 26, 2011
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USAFA will have to reply in kind...I predict they'll be onboard soon.
Aug 29, 2011
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It is a nice photo there, that girl.

T & A, and football. Two of my favorite subjects. All we need is to figure out a way to get helicopters into the discussion and I'm a pig in today. :)


Aug 26, 2011
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I appreciate your optimism Carl. Not sure that I agree 100%, but... until the situation changes, this is what we've got to work with. Lemons, lemonade, and all that. Curious who #12 will be, and curious how the TV situation will play out... Good get though with Navy. That'll be a fun away game.
Aug 29, 2011
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It is a nice photo there, that girl.

T & A, and football. Two of my favorite subjects. All we need is to figure out a way to get helicopters into the discussion and I'm a pig in today. :)

Wouldn't that be three subjects, T, A, Football?


Aug 24, 2011
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at this point, i say ecu! over temple. that state has 4 bcs teams that combined couldnt win a bcs bowl. time for that huge fanbase down there to run with the big dogs. they have some of the best fans on the east coast, the recruit area will be great. add them for all sports. baseball and others are also great there. they may be a usf type project in bball but what beats having uconn on tv down in duke/unc land?!?!the school is also looking to dump more$$ into athletics. the close big city for a tv mk isn't special, but they will get good rating all around that state. that will be enough tv wise for a good add. they are my pick

a east of uconn/ruty-navy/ecu-usf/ucf would be great for this fanbase as a last resort if we dont land somewhere.
a west of cincy/lville-smu/uh-bosie/sdsu would be 3 nice zones/teams to play out of division every year. replace teams like lville as they leave with others...
Aug 29, 2011
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I appreciate your optimism Carl. Not sure that I agree 100%, but... until the situation changes, this is what we've got to work with. Lemons, lemonade, and all that. Curious who #12 will be, and curious how the TV situation will play out... Good get though with Navy. That'll be a fun away game.

Well, let me put it this way. I have no idea what actually was discussed behind closed doors, but it was my feeling, up until today, that it would have been more likely for Notre Dame to join the Big East for football, than any of the service academies, let alone Navy.

This is a HUGE deal, dont let the ESPN/media empire play it down. With this move, Notre Dame, BYU, and Army are now the only independant programs in the country playing at the 1-A level.

Army is goign to have some serious internal discussions going on for awhile now, that probably started an hour ago. BYU is tied to ESPN, with an entire religion of follower to support their network, and Notre Dame has NBC and their pride.

BUt the key to all this conference stuff, that is lost on the media, and the people driving it, is the simple matter of - scheduling. It doesn't matter what names you line up on a posterboard, if you can't schedule the freaking games.

WIth the agreements that the Pac 10 and Big 10 have put in place regarding scheduling, and now Navy going to conference in 3 years, Notre Dame, and BYU and Army are going to find themselves having a harder and harder time scheduling a full slate of opponents.

Eliminating the existence of independant football programs in the intercollegiate landscape, is the first step to establishing a true playoff system of determining a national champion.

The big east, has taken the first step. The big east, I"ve said this many times, can really erase all the damage it's done to college football in one sweep, by laying the foundation to creating conference champion playoff system to determine a national champion.

WIth a conference that spans coast to coast, and taking the first step in eliminating those independants, it's somethign that might actually happen in my lifetime. A true playoff for a national champion where every 1-A team in teh country has the same road to getting that title.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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This is a sad day for UConn football. Excitement because Navy is joining? Are you kidding me?
Aug 29, 2011
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This is a sad day for UConn football. Excitement because Navy is joining? Are you kidding me?

That's a basketball fan talking. Take the shorts and tank top off and strap up your jock and buckle up your head gear.

Navy joining the Big EAst for football is frigging HUGE. Seriously. It's a big deal.
Aug 29, 2011
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Wouldn't that be three subjects, T, A, Football?

No idea how you go about your T&A, but I get mine at the same time, it's all happening at the same time. Kind of like there's a whole lot of stuff goign on at the same time in football.

Two separate things.
Aug 27, 2011
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To me the biggest benefit for the Big East is not that just we've pulled an independent from the ranks, although that is a coup. It's that it will now be a lot harder for the BCS grand poohbahs to screw with the Big East. There are a lot of congressional and military types who wont want anyone to mess with the Midshipmen's chance for national glory. What it also means is that if AQ's survive the latest BCS tweaking, we are set as an AQ conference.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm a FB fan and I agree that it's a very, very sad day for a once-proud conference that they're celebrating the addition of a program who has spent the last 40 years surprising people by not being awful due to the permanent obstacles they face.

It does not bode well for their future development, not in any way whatsoever.

With that being said, Syracuse, WVU and Pitt can piss off.


Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with you, Dan... I know folks don't agree for a variety of reasons, but I know that ECU fanbase is crazy passionate, and not just in Greenville.

Waquoit... I get why you say that. I do. But what other team or conference options are on the table?
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm a FB fan and I agree that it's a very, very sad day for a once-proud conference that they're celebrating the addition of a program who has spent the last 40 years surprising people by not being awful due to the permanent obstacles they face.

It does not bode well for their future development, not in any way whatsoever.

With that being said, Syracuse, WVU and Pitt can piss off.

You're basing that on what happened with Army I suppose. Blanket statement?

It's always about recruiting, doesn't matter who or where you are. If there's a level of competition you ant to be at, you need to recruit to be at that level. Army failed. They've been failing for a long time. Not sure what the hell happened to the football program over there at West Point.

When Navy has had problems, it's been when they've failed to recruit adequately for the level of competition on the field. No different than any other football program at any other level of competition.

They've got a huge challenge in front of them, b/c they don't recruit with the same playing field than a civilian private or public university. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the application/admissions process to a service academy, but I am. Huge challenges, that the average high school football player that is looking at playing 1-A football isn't going to want to go through, plus there's the whole service to your country thing that comes after you graduate.

But joining the big east, it's no different really, than what they've been doing all along, because the opponents they play regularly over the years, aren't going to change that much by joining the big east and SMU is actually a program they have a long standing rivalry with and we've played them many times, as has Rutgers, etc. etc. What's different, is that the money and revenue streams from being independant - are what they've given up, and it has huge ramifications on the national landscape of 1-A football.

THey probably won't be able to continue the Maryland series, but that's just an added personal bonus.

I'll tell you what, you line up two football teams with identical phsycial characteristics, or as close as possible, and I'll take the football team that's constructed with individuals that ahve been mentally and emotionally selected to be trained as naval and marine combat officers as my football team any day of the week. They'll be a competitive program in the big east. They might not be the biggest, strongest and fastest program, but they will be competitive in the big east.
Aug 30, 2011
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I'm glad Navy is on board, it offers a fabulous destination for road games, but it is hard to get excited about 2015.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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That's a basketball fan talking. Take the shorts and tank top off and strap up your jock and buckle up your head gear.

Navy joining the Big East for football is frigging HUGE. Seriously. It's a big deal.

I've been a ticket holder for hoop longer but I haven't missed a home football game in 10 years. It's not a big deal. It's Navy and Roger Staubach is not walking through that door.

The irrational exuberance here reminds of that the classic Iverson press conference. But instead of practice, I hear Navy. We're not talkin about Notre Dame, we're talkin about Navy.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I appreciate your optimism Carl. Not sure that I agree 100%, but... until the situation changes, this is what we've got to work with. Lemons, lemonade, and all that. Curious who #12 will be, and curious how the TV situation will play out... Good get though with Navy. That'll be a fun away game.
I've never seen a game an Annapolis. I'm looking forward to it.
Aug 26, 2011
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They may be competitive in the new big east and if that's not a nightmare scenario for the BCS and the BE, I'm not sure what is. Nothing the BCS wants more than a service academy in a BCS game - you think the UCONN/OU game was less than ideal for the BCS and the BE perceptually, wait until it's Navy. The service academy kids are hands down the best kids out there and they likely get more out of what they've got than anyone else, but to think that anyone (saving those that went to the USNA) will be stoked to see them play a #1 or #2 team from the SEC, B12, or B10 in a bowl game is unlikely.

The idea that there is a big Navy fan base is a misguided. Outside of the Army/Navy game, do we think the servicemen that didn't go to the academy care about Navy football versus home state U? Maybe they do, but I'm not sure that Navy football on TV is appointment viewing for many folks that didn't attend the academy, the exception would be Army/Navy. It's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black which I realize as I'm not sure that UCONN football is appointment viewing except for those that attended UCONN, meaning I'm not sure that UCONN football has yet indoctrinated the entire state the way tOSU has with Ohio, or the Huskers have with Nebraska. We'll get there over time, but I'd rather be playing with those programs than bringing in a parity or a weaker program at this stage of our development.

Navy's inclusion does provide some footing to the conference, I just don't love it perceptually because it's not an elevator for the BE in my opinion, but as someone else pointed out we're late to the party and the pickins are slim so you got to grab a dance partners when there are still some available.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Today make me a bit more hopeful that the conferences will squeeze ND out of the NCG picture (subtly, of course :)). The next step would be scheduling them less. No marquee games, no top ten BCS ranking.
Aug 26, 2011
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We can either whine about what we don't have or accept what we do have. I choose the latter.

Wait until we get our first beating by Houston or Boise then...
Nov 13, 2011
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Conference is like the friggin Brady bunch! Maybe we could add Hawaii next for those real long trips.
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