Mo! | The Boneyard


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Oct 17, 2011
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Our favorite team is so balanced and so unselfish, it's almost unfair to single out any one player for special commendation. But every great team needs an engine, a firestarter that sets the pace that leaves opponents gasping for air. For this team, in my opinion, it's #4! Great team performance, but Mo, you are the bomb!!
Jul 19, 2013
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How about those ridiculous moves? Almost like she was saving that for a big nationally televised game. There were at least 3 plays that had the crowd ooohing and ahhing. That one 3 by K where the Carolina kid was basically hanging off her leg was pretty great too.
Apr 1, 2013
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I am so damn proud of MoJeff. This is why I love watching these kids play. We get to see the progression.

Frosh year- she improved as the season went and wound up being a vital contributor for the title.

Soph year- She played solid ball. Her whole game improved. But 2 interesting points:
1--- At the end - two teams -- Stanford and ND left her wide open. To MoJeff's credit she worked around it an still was a solid contributor. Bu tin a fun way - for a potential superstar that MoJeff is (and superstars are NOT just good at one thing. I've always disagreed wih "her job" is not to shoot - she's the pg blah blah blah . . .), I emphasize "a fun way"- it was an INSULT to the eventual superstar that they would leave her WIDE Open. She was fine as I said -- but an issue she needed to work on in order to be the superstar we know she can be. IMO it's a bit disrespectful to her talent.
2----- Doris Burke last year CRITCIZING MoJeff for taking an open 3 and CRITICING her again in same game for taking a little runner in the lane. Can they win without her shooting? Sure. But you also come to UConn to challenge yourself individually too. Those shots were NOT bad shots. IMO Doris's comments were a bit disrespectful to her talent.

Jr year-- points:
1-- Early in year she struggled a bit with turnovers and her shot. So much so - Stanford again left her wide open.
2-- She went home and once she came back she's been a giant. Something clicked or she became fed up and said to herself "no more . . ."
3--- She's now elevated herself imo the best pg in America. I can't believe there is another pg better.
4--- After watching tonight' game == let's see a matchup game again vs Stanford or ND and let's dare them to leave her wide open like they've done in the past. MoJeff isn't going to let that garbage junk defense off the hook- she's too good for that crap now--- no more.
5--- Listening to Doris Burke this game -- no more do we hear her babble about/ CRITCIZE MoJeff for shooting the damn ball. Our supreme pg has settled this nonsense.
6--- While MoJeff still has over a year left it's time to start doing something that is done once every 10-20 years. And that is to start comparing her to Sue Bird. Not Sue yet. But MoJeff since coming back -- has just been off-the-charts. It's a pleasure/privilege watching her play.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Both last season and this season, Moriah got off to a slow start. She turned it on in January 2014 and then again in December 2014. When she's good, she's up there with Jen and Sue.
Aug 15, 2014
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Not sure I've ever seen a more athletic play in WCBB than the one where she started to drive from the top of the key, realizing she didn't have her defender beat she pulls back and by doing so stands her defender up which allowed her to blow by the defender for an easy layup. You can not teach that and it is a very rare person that can execute that move. We are incredibly lucky to witness such gifts.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll say it again, Moriah Jefferson was the MVP in last nights game. Didn't go to the bench until the end when Geno put in the Role Players. All other players got some limited rest during the game, while Moriah ran the offense and was a terror on defense

However as Geno said, KML, Breanna, Moriah and Morgan all brought their A Game last night. Impressive Win against a Quality Team.
May 12, 2014
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How about those ridiculous moves? Almost like she was saving that for a big nationally televised game. There were at least 3 plays that had the crowd ooohing and ahhing. That one 3 by K where the Carolina kid was basically hanging off her leg was pretty great too.
Opens the game with money and then she goes all Kemba Walker on her defender. She made Doris gasp at one point.
Mar 26, 2012
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How about those ridiculous moves? Almost like she was saving that for a big nationally televised game. There were at least 3 plays that had the crowd ooohing and ahhing. That one 3 by K where the Carolina kid was basically hanging off her leg was pretty great too.

The things I love is; she looks like she is 12 years old, always calm, and is tough as nails.

The two plays that stood out were the crossover with the hesitation/ head lift had the SC tripping on her feet. - Then she got a tough rebound in traffic, and turned on the jets, then finished with an uncontested lay-up.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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In 2011, Mo was considered the best PG recruit in many years and at least the #2 prospect of the 2012 class. If you look at her high school highlights against mostly other home-schooled kids, she was putting on ankle-breaking moves that made unable to wait for her arrival. I was ecstatic when she committed, and two and a half years later against Duke in Durham, she exploded on the scene. Against South Carolina, she put moves on top college players she was doing against home-schooled opposition in high school. That is actualization.

The whisp of smoke from Glenn Heights, Texas, is showing every other recruit from the Lone Star why a college career in snowy Storrs comes with a unique set of benefits- benefits of which she is taking full advantage. And thank heavens for that.


flowers die
Jul 20, 2014
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Over at could only manage to read 18 pages, whew!--there was high praise for MoJett, particularly in regard to her supersonic speed on the court. The fastest ever, omg !

But there was a lot of talk that she consistently "carries the ball". Any thoughts out there ?


Aug 24, 2011
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Hope Mo makes 1st team AA status. If she leaves UConn without her name on that wall, I'll be disappointed.
I may be wrong but... There are several AA teams announced and some of them have 2nd or 3rd team (ie. 15 players) on them. I believe if a UCONN player makes ANY AA team, they are on the wall. Mo IMHO is almost a sure bet to win the Nancy Lieberman award for the premier PG in the nation. Anyhoo, if she's a 2nd team AA on one of the lists, I think she still makes the wall. AND if she's not a 1st team AA this year, for sure she will be next year.


Aug 24, 2011
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Over at could only manage to read 18 pages, whew!--there was high praise for MoJett, particularly in regard to her supersonic speed on the court. The fastest ever, omg !

But there was a lot of talk that she consistently "carries the ball". Any thoughts out there ?
Yeah I have a thought. NO. :)
Jan 13, 2014
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Over at could only manage to read 18 pages, whew!--there was high praise for MoJett, particularly in regard to her supersonic speed on the court. The fastest ever, omg !

But there was a lot of talk that she consistently "carries the ball". Any thoughts out there ?
My thought is if she carried the ball for every one of her 7 field goals (resulting in 15 points), and if not allowing her to do this would have resulted in her getting "0" field goals, then we would only have beat them by 10.
Jan 13, 2014
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I may be wrong but... There are several AA teams announced and some of them have 2nd or 3rd team (ie. 15 players) on them. I believe if a UCONN player makes ANY AA team, they are on the wall. Mo IMHO is almost a sure bet to win the Nancy Lieberman award for the premier PG in the nation. Anyhoo, if she's a 2nd team AA on one of the lists, I think she still makes the wall. AND if she's not a 1st team AA this year, for sure she will be next year.
Don't they have to be first team WBCA AA?


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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Re palming or carrying, Geno and CD have commented on this on several occasions. They say that the rule in the book on that subject is consistently not enforced, and is therefore disregarded. I wasn't watching for it last night, because it simply isn't called on any guard on any team. So even if Moriah was palming the ball, she was just playing by the de facto rules that are being enforced, as any sensible guard would do (and as any sensible coaching staff, such as UConn's, would coach their guards to do).

The same applies to displacement in the paint -- the rule exists but is not enforced. If an offensive player or a defender can shove an opponent out of her preferred position (even if she has already established herself there), as long as it is done with the torso and not with hands or elbows, the refs in any game will NEVER call a foul. So everybody does it, including UConn. It is only sensible behavior, given how the games are being called.


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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Yeah I have a thought. NO. :)

Unless they've changed the definition of carry, yes.

There was even one time, just after passing halfcourt that she actually rested the ball on the palm of her left hand momentarily before passing it over to the right. I was stunned there was no call. But I've seen players in many games put their hands under the ball during a dribble, so I guess either something has changed or the zebras have given up calling it.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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She definitely does carry it, as did Bria quite often, and it's definitely not enforced except on very rare occasions. Of course, Jordan (yes that one) carried it with regularity so Mo is in good company ! :)

For the most part it's part of the modem game now on both men's and women's sides of the sport although oddly enough (considering their hands are much much bigger and the ball is only slightly bigger), the guys are much 'worse,' in that a greater % of them carry the ball pretty egregiously.

Random thought: one of the worst offenders in my memory was Kenny Anderson of GA Tech and then the Nets, IIRC.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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The carry call is judgement and is generally only called if the player not only touches the underside of the ball, but uses that touch to also displace the ball in a direction other than toward the floor. As long as the players hand has moved to the top half when the redirection occurs it generally is not called. Bria did this all the time and seemingly has taught Moriah, who did it only occasionally as a freshman.

Yes they must be first team AA to get to the wall and there is one 10 member first team - the others are 5 member with 5 member 2nd team and 5 member 3rd team lists. Not sure what would happen if Moriah won the Lieberman award but was not named first team which I actually think might happen because of all her competition on her own team and voters not wanting three or four AAs on a single team.

Moriah is going to blow away the A/TO ratio of players like Sue, DT, Jen, and Rene and be among the leaders in assist and steals. Those players may have flirted with 2:1 A/TO. Mariah is flirting with 3:1. She may also end up challenging DTs record for assists. She will end this year somewhere around 450 and would need around 200 assists as a senior - a number she flirted with last year
Jan 13, 2014
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Yes they must be first team AA to get to the wall and there is one 10 member first team - the others are 5 member with 5 member 2nd team and 5 member 3rd team lists. Not sure what would happen if Moriah won the Lieberman award but was not named first team which I actually think might happen because of all her competition on her own team and voters not wanting three or four AAs on a single team.

Moriah is going to blow away the A/TO ratio of players like Sue, DT, Jen, and Rene and be among the leaders in assist and steals. Those players may have flirted with 2:1 A/TO. Mariah is flirting with 3:1. She may also end up challenging DTs record for assists. She will end this year somewhere around 450 and would need around 200 assists as a senior - a number she flirted with last year
If somehow Moriah won the Lieberman Award but didn't make AA, she would at least start out her senior year as a super-visible AA candidate.
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