Mark Blaudschun: Orange Bowl Update... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Mark Blaudschun: Orange Bowl Update...

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Aug 29, 2011
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Sheesh. In a world in which conference members have no loyalty to one another (including us, as we have made clear we're out at the first opportunity), how unrealistic is it to think a non-member should be acting in a more loyal manner?

The Irish is a football independent. Any thought that that won't or shouldn't be acting, as a football program, solely in its own best interest is bizarre.
Well, sure. But the fact that their football independence has been a problem for the Big East almost since Day 1, and that the Big East brings more to their non-football programs than they bring to the Big East, doesn't make their flirtations with the ACC any more acceptable or make them any more likeable. Not sure why that is so hard to understand...
Aug 24, 2011
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Well, sure. But the fact that their football independence has been a problem for the Big East almost since Day 1, and that the Big East brings more to their non-football programs than they bring to the Big East, doesn't make their flirtations with the ACC any more acceptable or make them any more likeable. Not sure why that is so hard to understand...

You don't? How about because UConn invited them to join the Big East as a non-football member. The Big East football schools can leave the Big East or not. WTF does that have to do with Notre Dame's behavior.

I don't understand it because the only reason for this constant whining about the Irish is jealousy, and it makes our program look small time that we are blaming someone else for our problems.
Aug 27, 2011
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What happens if ND and the ACC agree on a partial membership (FB 6 games and rest of sports in full-time)? Do they add a 16th team for all sports or stay with the 14 plus ND?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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This the Irish's way of stabilizing college football. They flirt a bit with someone because it causes that conference to hestitate unsure of whether they'll snatch the brass ring (or golden dome) of college football. ND to the ACC doesn't make sense so it won't happen. For the time being ND's goals align with ours. We aren't an ally, we're just a coincidental beneficiary of their actions.
Aug 29, 2011
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This the Irish's way of stabilizing college football. They flirt a bit with someone because it causes that conference to hestitate unsure of whether they'll snatch the brass ring (or golden dome) of college football. ND to the ACC doesn't make sense so it won't happen. For the time being ND's goals align with ours. We aren't an ally, we're just a coincidental beneficiary of their actions.
I'm not so sure that it doesn't make sense. ND to the ACC for everything else makes about as much sense as Notre Dame in the Big East. maybe more. If they could get the guarenteed games down to 4 per year, maybe even 5, they can still play all their historic and semi-historic rivals, play at least one "national" like Oklahoma or Texas, then play a one off against someone at home. If they get BC and or Pitt some of those years, it actually gets them more flexibility in scheduling since they both show up often enough. So if they could get: 4 ACC games, USC, Michigan, Michigan State, Navy, Purdue, Stanford, National team, lower BCS, it would probably work pretty well. And they could probably work it to play certain ACC teams with whom they have long relationships, on a pretty regular basis if they wanted...say BC and Pitt in alternate years.
Sep 3, 2011
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So the ACC is gonna be ND beeyatch like the BE has been. These conferences all need to tell ND,all in or all out. No more living as Independent. Besides, they haven't been good for years now. Navy beats them now and they've become a trap game for schools facing much better opponents the following week.
Sep 20, 2011
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The Orange Bowl might get our #2. But our Champs bowl will play the CUSA/Sun Belt #1 at best. Or perhaps the ACC or B1G #4/5.

I would rather have my foot in the door with powerful, well established bowl than have to start over with the Chico's Bail Bonds Florida Bowl.

It's not even a given that we'll hold onto the Pinstripe long term.

If the BE creates it's own bowl, it will create the rules as well. This means that if the BE champ is invited to one of the elite/BCS bowls then the new BE bowl would get our runner up. Just like how the other conference champs get out of their tie in bowl if they are invited to a playoff bowl.
Aug 26, 2011
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I expect them to do that. But they shouldn't have been in the Big East for anything. We gained nothing from an association with them. And they had far more influence than they ever should have had. That's the whole point.

Sheesh. In a world in which conference members have no loyalty to one another (including us, as we have made clear we're out at the first opportunity), how unrealistic is it to think a non-member should be acting in a more loyal manner?

The Irish is a football independent. Any thought that that won't or shouldn't be acting, as a football program, solely in its own best interest is bizarre.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I expect them to do that. But they shouldn't have been in the Big East for anything. We gained nothing from an association with them. And they had far more influence than they ever should have had. That's the whole point.

But that is criticism of the Big East leadership, not Notre Dame. The Presidents of the schools are much more a fault for that dynamic than ND.
Aug 24, 2011
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But that is criticism of the Big East leadership, not Notre Dame. The Presidents of the schools are much more a fault for that dynamic than ND.

You would think that would be obvious. You would also think people would at least admit of the possibility that the football school presidents may not all be stupider than this board, but might have specific information that makes the arrangement make sense.
Aug 26, 2011
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You would think that would be obvious. You would also think people would at least admit of the possibility that the football school presidents may not all be stupider than this board, but might have specific information that makes the arrangement make sense.

Aside from tbe initial credibility the association brought the league, I suspect it has been more of an ego boost to most. Just look at the instant activity generated by any far fetched ND
rumor. Recent benefits have been hard to quantify.
Aug 24, 2011
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Recent benefits have been hard to quantify.

Yup. But so have recent detriments. Because the bottom line is that (i) ND never had any interest in playing football in the Big East and would not have, and (ii) no one has yet made a case that anyone is better or worse off because ND plays hoops in the conference. But if we were much worse off, they wouldn't have been invited.
Aug 29, 2011
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Personally, I suspect that what made sense in 1995 no longer makes such sense. But there is no really feasible way to undo the 1995 decision unless Notre Dame chooses to leave or the football schools do. Thus far, the football schools have been unwilling to go it alone for reasons I get, at least to some extent. Notre Dame has continued to have it both ways so they have no incentive to leave at least thus far. Much as many of us would like to toss them to the curb, the Big East contract really has no mechanism for such a move. I would guess if the same proposal were brought forward today, Notre Dame would not be granted the same benefits--it would be all in or all out. But in the world of the early 1990s, adding Notre Dame for all sports but football made sense.
Aug 24, 2011
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Personally, I suspect that what made sense in 1995 no longer makes such sense.

That may be 100% true. So why do people here hate Notre Dame so much because a deal that we voluntarily took in 95, which made sense then, no longer is appealing because of how the college athletics word has changed? Why is that ND's fault?
Aug 29, 2011
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My perception is that Notre Dame, is now invested, in not just the survival of the Big East conference, but invested now in creating a thriving Big East conference. Remains to be seen if my perception equates to reality, but that time is getting shorter every day to when reality takes over perception regarding the Big East conference.

So - that said, and assuming my perception turns out to be correct, I reserve the right to be mad as hell at Notre Dame for how long it took, and what measures it took, for them to get to that position.....but at the same time, I'll have to figure out a way to be thankful that the conference and Notre Dame have found a way to create a true mutually beneficial arrangement.

We'll all have a better idea about it all come end of 2012 football season.

As for the bowl game, the natural partner for the ACC champion in the Orange Bowl - is the big east conference champion. Swofford has his head so far up his own ass, that he'll never do it, and wouldn't it be ironic, if as a result of Swofford's arrogance......the Big East does create it's own bowl destination, and subsequently ends up surpassing the orange bowl.....when it comes to the measureables......
Aug 29, 2011
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That may be 100% true. So why do people here hate Notre Dame so much because a deal that we voluntarily took in 95, which made sense then, no longer is appealing because of how the college athletics word has changed? Why is that ND's fault?
Pretty much because it is very frustrating to be stuck with a situation that is no longer beneficial to the Big East, and may never have been more than marginally so, but remains beneficial to Notre have to live with it. You don't have to be happy about it. And when they go around flirting with other conferences it both reminds you of the bad deal you made, but also of what they could have done that would have been hugely helpful to the Big East!
Aug 24, 2011
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Pretty much because it is very frustrating to be stuck with a situation that is no longer beneficial to the Big East, and may never have been more than marginally so, but remains beneficial to Notre have to live with it. You don't have to be happy about it. And when they go around flirting with other conferences it both reminds you of the bad deal you made, but also of what they could have done that would have been hugely helpful to the Big East!

I'm sure my wife feels the same way about still being married to me thirty years later. But she walks around blaming herself for her decision, not me for being who I am.

Tomatoe, tomato
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm sure my wife feels the same way about still being married to me thirty years later. But she walks around blaming herself for her decision, not me for being who I am.

Tomatoe, tomato

Wait - here it comes soon....the next analogy from BL is going to be how he would love to sleep with who is it lately? Jessica Alba I think? But the reality is that no matter how much he wants to, it's not happening.

I love when that analogy comes up. :)

Anyway, you're a lucky guy - I guess I"m not at that stage of marriage yet, four kids, and many, many years later, my wife still blames me and tries to change me, I think it motivates her out of bed in the morning.....probably motivates her into bed too, come to think of it. Anyway......

is it football season yet?
Aug 24, 2011
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Wait - here it comes soon....the next analogy from BL is going to be how he would love to sleep with who is it lately? Jessica Alba I think? But the reality is that no matter how much he wants to, it's not happening.

I love when that analogy comes up. :)

Anyway, you're a lucky guy - I guess I"m not at that stage of marriage yet, four kids, and many, many years later, my wife still blames me and tries to change me, I think it motivates her out of bed in the morning.....probably motivates her into bed too, come to think of it. Anyway......

is it football season yet?

I never claimed to have a large inventory of funny lines.
Aug 29, 2011
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Wait - here it comes soon....the next analogy from BL is going to be how he would love to sleep with who is it lately? Jessica Alba I think? But the reality is that no matter how much he wants to, it's not happening.

I love when that analogy comes up. :)

Anyway, you're a lucky guy - I guess I"m not at that stage of marriage yet, four kids, and many, many years later, my wife still blames me and tries to change me, I think it motivates her out of bed in the morning.....probably motivates her into bed too, come to think of it. Anyway......

is it football season yet?
Well done Carl!
Aug 26, 2011
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Aside from tbe initial credibility the association brought the league, I suspect it has been more of an ego boost to most. Just look at the instant activity generated by any far fetched ND
rumor. Recent benefits have been hard to quantify.

More like impossible.
Aug 26, 2011
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But that is criticism of the Big East leadership, not Notre Dame. The Presidents of the schools are much more a fault for that dynamic than ND.

So you let Notre Dame off the hook for being morally hazardous with the overall health and well being of the conference? I fully understand that our Presidents have been imbecilic in their handling of both the affairs of the conference and Notre Dame's parasitic relationship. But that doesn't mean we can't hold Notre Dame accountable for not putting anything whatsoever on the table.
Aug 24, 2011
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So you let Notre Dame off the hook for being morally hazardous with the overall health and well being of the conference? I fully understand that our Presidents have been imbecilic in their handling of both the affairs of the conference and Notre Dame's parasitic relationship. But that doesn't mean we can't hold Notre Dame accountable for not putting anything whatsoever on the table.

I truly don't understand that theory. If Company A buys sugar from Company B at $1 a pound, which is the negotiated price that both folks thought was fair at the time, a non-party can "hold Company A accountable" if it turns out they got the better of the deal? What does that even mean?
Aug 26, 2011
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I truly don't understand that theory. If Company A buys sugar from Company B at $1 a pound, which is the negotiated price that both folks thought was fair at the time, a non-party can "hold Company A accountable" if it turns out they got the better of the deal? What does that even mean?

I would think the original poster when mentioning "we" hold ND accountable he means not a boneyard poster but Uconn and its partners. If the BE at one time decided to have an on going relationship with ND to allow ND to rent a parking space a for its Olympic teams in return for allowing the partnership to rub elbows with the pretty green lepreacon owned by ND so be it; until either side decides it isn't worth it. Temple found out what it was like when the BE decided it wasn't a good deal any more to rent space to Temple for its football team. Nothing keeping the BE from deciding that its no longer beneficial to rent space to the ND olympic sports.
A member of the BE (Uconn) can request the other partners to vote the renter (ND) no longer be allowed to rent a parking space for its Olympic teams (sure there is way to do this, most it could do is cost some money, no judge would make the BE keep ND's olympic sports). This is not a deal in perpetuity, just like ND can decide it no longer wants to rent; the BE can also decide it no longer wants a renter (ND).
If the renter (ND) is no longer worth having; get rid of them; if they want to offer more "rent" let them (ND) offer up something more.
Easy to do; change rules that if any BE team has an NCAA div 1a football team it must play in the BE to be a member of the BE for any sports.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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So you let Notre Dame off the hook for being morally hazardous with the overall health and well being of the conference? I fully understand that our Presidents have been imbecilic in their handling of both the affairs of the conference and Notre Dame's parasitic relationship. But that doesn't mean we can't hold Notre Dame accountable for not putting anything whatsoever on the table.

I don't know if Notre Dame flirts as much with other conferences as we see reported. I think the Big 12 and ACC fall over them and they have no intention of joining either. I see leagues trying to pressure Notre Dame and the Irish just sit back and watch.

I'm don't know if I agree that Notre Dame is a 'parasite'. They certainly helped the Big East in terms of bowl access and they carry their own weight in the sports where they compete in the league.

Notre Dame signed up for this arrangement, if the league's presidents didn't think it was a good deal they shouldn't have made it.
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