Larry McHugh | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Larry McHugh

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Aug 26, 2011
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No one that I have spoken to fails to see the implications of inaction. None have even attempted to come up with a scenario or reason for waiting on this. They are not all fb fans, just smart professional people. Kind of like the people who are supposed to be in charge right now.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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At some point incompetence becomes a deliberate effort by McHugh, Herbst and Manuel to destroy Uconn's athletic program. We crossed over that line today.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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At some point incompetence becomes a deliberate effort by McHugh, Herbst and Manuel to destroy Uconn's athletic program. We crossed over that line today.

There's evidence of aliens in Roswell too...


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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You're close to where I am man. Close. I have lost complete faith in the administration when there was no announcement this morning. I honestly ahve no idea where to turn right now. The only thing that we really can do right now, is get our football alumni together.

Let me get this straight:

As recently as five days ago you hadn't yet lost faith in the coaching staff yet because at less than 30 hours after the opening kickoff of the Buffalo game we haven't yet heard that the head coach was canned you no longer have any faith in the administration. Wow!!!!!!!!!!

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion but there should be more balanced levels of accountability. It appears that you were giving the coaching staff a whole lot more slack than you are giving the administration.
Aug 29, 2011
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Let me get this straight:

As recently as five days ago you hadn't yet lost faith in the coaching staff yet because at less than 30 hours after the opening kickoff of the Buffalo game we haven't yet heard that the head coach was canned you no longer have any faith in the administration. Wow!!!!!!!!!!

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion but there should be more balanced levels of accountability. It appears that you were giving the coaching staff a whole lot more slack than you are giving the administration.

Until the Buffalo game yesterday, I had not yet seen what I believe to be players completely disconnected, and no longer playing for their coaches. Believe it or not. Go back and re-read everythign I wrote and discussed after the Michigan game, if you can stomach it. THis Buffalo game was key.

I had hoped, very much so, that our players would go on the road, the upperclassmen, and the freshmen, and take out all the frustrations of losing, and all the anger and frustation with their coaches on that Buffalo team. Because to do so, would mean that they have a fighing chance to make something of this season, of themselves, and they had the leadership among themselves to do it.

I'm not going to get on the team for not having the leadership among themselves to overcome what they've been dealt for the past 2 1/4 seasons. It's up to the coaching staff to develop those young men, into leaders. Yet another thing they failed at.

I held out hope, and there was plenty to look at, real stuff to look at online in video, that showed significant improvement from the disaster of week 1 through the effort that was put forth against Michigan. There was plenty to build on. If there was leadership to do it.

But we got blown out by 29 points by Buffalo. Might as well have been 60 points, and we had players jogging on the field during live balls.

I've seen, adn known players, that have intentionally run their coaching staffs out of the programs. I don't believe that to be the case with these 2013 Huskies and I responded to you with this message already once today, maybe you missed it, but that's my reason for being where we are now. I did my about face on PP after Towson. BUt I wrote then, and do again, now, that I would reserve final judgement pending how the season turned out. It took four games. They players have spoken loudly and clearly with their actions on the field.

THe players had the chance, to take what they did to start the season, build on it on the road, and get home for homecoming on a winning note. They tanked, adn without a doubt, Pasqualoni and Deleone, must go. NOW.
Aug 28, 2011
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I STILL don't understand why anyone gives Pasqualoni credit for the effort the players showed against Michigan.

We played a top 25 team, with more wins than any program in the sport, saturday night, on national television.

Why was anyone surprised at our level of intensity, or worse, why would anyone give credit to P for it?
Aug 29, 2011
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Let me get this straight:

As recently as five days ago you hadn't yet lost faith in the coaching staff yet because at less than 30 hours after the opening kickoff of the Buffalo game we haven't yet heard that the head coach was canned you no longer have any faith in the administration. Wow!!!!!!!!!!

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion but there should be more balanced levels of accountability. It appears that you were giving the coaching staff a whole lot more slack than you are giving the administration.

As far as your comment - slack.......the amount of slack people get in real life, is determined by their real life superiors, bosses, judges, family, etc......the amount of 'slack' i give anyone is meaningless.

That said - How can you justify that the administration deserves "slack" on what's happening with this football program? Are you only saying that because of your personal feelings toward me and my opinions?

I've seen you write that it would be a good idea to wait to get rid of Pasqualoni? Why?
Aug 29, 2011
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I STILL don't understand why anyone gives Pasqualoni credit for the effort the players showed against Michigan.

We played a top 25 team, with more wins than any program in the sport, saturday night, on national television.

Why was anyone surprised at our level of intensity, or worse, why would anyone give credit to P for it?

I'm not giving Pasqualoni credit for that, so don't lump me in. The past 2 weeks, as a reduced denominator of the previous 18 games, have proven positive that the players are playing like a ship without a rudder, and riding the biggest wave, and the coaches are fumbling around with the toilet paper in the head.

My point, is that I was hoping, beyond reason, last week, that the players would find a way to maintain that level, without the leadership they clearly don't have. Because if they were able to, they would have a good chance to still have a winning season.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I don't believe anyone deserves slack for what is going on. I do however believe that it was no longer too soon to view the coaching staff as not worthy of any confidence once we reached halftime of the Syracuse game last season. The administration can feasibly wait until ~ November 25 to can P and still be worthy of confidence.
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm not giving Pasqualoni credit for that, so don't lump me in. The past 2 weeks, as a reduced denominator of the previous 18 games, have proven positive that the players are playing like a ship without a rudder, and riding the biggest wave, and the coaches are fumbling around with the toilet paper in the head.

My point, is that I was hoping, beyond reason, last week, that the players would find a way to maintain that level, without the leadership they clearly don't have. Because if they were able to, they would have a good chance to still have a winning season.

You didn't explicitly say it, and I thought you were implying it, my mistake. Others have said it outright, and it boggles the mind.

I'm surprised you thought they'd show up this week. I said it last week this felt like it was going to be WMU all over again. I only wish my love of the team didn't prevent me from betting against them.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't believe anyone deserves slack for what is going on. I do however believe that it was no longer too soon to view the coaching staff as not worthy of any confidence once we reached halftime of the Syracuse game last season. The administration can feasibly wait until ~ November 25 to can P and still be worthy of confidence.

If you have reason to believe why waiting until then is a good idea, beyond the normal, that's when more coaches are available, etc. kind of stuff, I'd love to hear it, and feel free to PM about it if you want instead of out in this forum.

In my own life and experiences, when it's time to make a personnel decision, and the decision is made, the very worst thing you can do is wait.

The only intermediary step, IMNSHO, that can explain anything (and everything) is that the decision actually has yet to be made, because in every other aspect of the current president's tenure, once the decision has been made to change personnell, it's done - quickly.
Aug 29, 2011
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You didn't explicitly say it, and I thought you were implying it, my mistake. Others have said it outright, and it boggles the mind.

I'm surprised you thought they'd show up this week. I said it last week this felt like it was going to be WMU all over again. I only wish my love of the team didn't prevent me from betting against them.

I hoped they would show up. I didn't say I thought they would. Big difference. :)
Aug 26, 2011
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This season is all on Warde. Not McHugh or Hathaway or Herbst. P should have been gone last December. What has happened to date was entirely predictable to anyone paying attention.
My heart wants to agree with you. My head says next year and beyond is on Warde. I wanted P gone last season, but understood giving him the 3rd year. This year is a fecunditying abomination and he can't be fired soon enough. Warde is on the clock for when it is handled and who he hires to take the ripe ins next season. Everything that happens here on out is on WM.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm very confident (and posted it earlier today) that the decision was made much earlier than yesterday and it is merely a when, not an if. For the record I also believe that Warde had made this decision long before this year's summer camp began and while he did give a positive public spin on giving P year three, it wasn't his first choice and he went into this season believe that P needed to convince him that he was better than someone WM could find on the open market in order to keep his job after this season. The Towson game left P needing some miracle to pull that off, now even a few miracles won't be sufficient.

I'm guessing that (for many minor reasons, which when added up can have some value) Warde is being overly deliberate and will wait until late November to pull the plug. The biggest part of this equation is having a large window in shopping for the next head coach and that will not change at all if the window opens today or in seven weeks.

If I had my way P & GDL wouldn't have been allowed back on the team bus after the players' post game showers. I would have given them cab fare and told them they could pick up the boxes with their belongings on Tuesday and if they set foot on campus prior to that they would be arrested for trespassing. That is me however and I am do not have the sufficient diplomatic skills to hold a position as public as the one Warde holds.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm very confident (and posted it earlier today) that the decision was made much earlier than yesterday and it is merely a when, not an if. For the record I also believe that Warde had made this decision long before this year's summer camp began and while he did give a positive public spin on giving P year three, it wasn't his first choice and he went into this season believe that P needed to convince him that he was better than someone WM could find on the open market in order to keep his job after this season. The Towson game left P needing some miracle to pull that off, now even a few miracles won't be sufficient.

I'm guessing that (for many minor reasons, which when added up can have some value) Warde is being overly deliberate and will wait until late November to pull the plug. The biggest part of this equation is having a large window in shopping for the next head coach and that will not change at all if the window opens today or in seven weeks.

If I had my way P & GDL wouldn't have been allowed back on the team bus after the players' post game showers. I would have given them cab fair and told them they could pick up the boxes with their belongings on Tuesday and if they set foot on campus prior to that they would be arrested for trespassing. That is me however and I am do not have the sufficient diplomatic skills to hold a position as public as the one Warde holds.

Thanks for sharing. I kind of figured that's what you thought. We did touch on this earlier today. I"m no diplomat either, and when it comes to things like job searches, and recruiting, there is validity in what you're saying. But I would have fired these coaches last night, I would have given P the opportunity to pack up, but I would have made the call before taking off from Buffalo, to have the locks changed on Deleone's office and had all his stuff in boxes in the hall. I've changed locks on buildings before.
Aug 26, 2011
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Can we get Jeff Jacobs to write a piece on how Larry McHugh was such an influence in this garbage coaching staff being put in place?
Oct 9, 2012
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anyone else think that WM might be hurting is own image at this point? Can't tell me his only plan is to stay UC forever
Sep 3, 2011
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This season is all on Warde. Not McHugh or Hathaway or Herbst. P should have been gone last December. What has happened to date was entirely predictable to anyone paying attention.

Said that then. Saying it now. So now? Fire Warde, Fire Warde, Fire Warde!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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