It was a great season | The Boneyard

It was a great season


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Congrats to Miss St they played great and good luck to them against SC. Should be a great game.

I am very disappointed with the no call at the end of the game when the ref was standing right next to Lou and no call until what ever happened seconds later. This isnt an ordinary game this is the Final Four and that call shouldve been made immediately. Then a no call when Saniya drove the lane and the defender clearly had no position and she ran her over and no call again. Hey Im not a sore loser but both those plays needed to be called immediately especially in a Final Four game. Again its not some ordinary game. Yea MS played a terrific game and not taking anything away from them but to let those calls go was wrong. The game isnt over til the buzzer sounds .

Congrats to Williams for making the shot and what a great story for her and Coach Schaefer and the Miss St team.
Nov 28, 2011
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Congrats to Miss St they played great and good luck to them against SC. Should be a great game.

I am very disappointed with the no call at the end of the game when the ref was standing right next to Lou and no call until what ever happened seconds later. This isnt an ordinary game this is the Final Four and that call shouldve been made immediately. Then a no call when Saniya drove the lane and the defender clearly had no position and she ran her over and no call again. Hey Im not a sore loser but both those plays needed to be called immediately especially in a Final Four game. Again its not some ordinary game. Yea MS played a terrific game and not taking anything away from them but to let those calls go was wrong. The game isnt over til the buzzer sounds .

Congrats to Williams for making the shot and what a great story for her and Coach Schaefer and the Miss St team.
Exactly TonyC. The fact that noone even wants to address the no call amazes me most. But, the upset is the better story, I guess, plus the fact eveyone is sick of uconn.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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Tony- The Saniya contact I'm glad they didn't call- I thought she cut back into the defender. That one would have been tough to win this game on for me. Unfortunately Napheesa looked like a deer in the headlights all game. Collier couldn't stick any of those put backs in the lane all game. Other than Gabby, they didn't handle mentally, the pressure, rebounding, etc... that Miss State threw at them. We couldn't even hit foul shots like normal. They controlled that game and deserved the win. Losing this gm doesn't shock me a bit. Louisville beating Baylor was Huge upset- this wasn't to me. It was a great great season. I enjoyed this season much more than dominating the last couple seasons w Stewie.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is my first post after years (10+) of lurking.

I just wanted to congratulate Miss. State on the win. They had a great game plan and their players had the physical and emotional skills to carry it out - under the pressure of the Final Four and in spite of UConn clawing their way back in.

UConn had opportunities to win. They uncharacteristically missed layups and free throws. At times, individual players seemed overwhelmed by the moment.

The refereeing was pretty even, I thought. There were missed calls on both sides.

I came into this season thinking that the team would lose a couple games and that if they got to the Elite Eight, it would be a successful season. I thought they overachieved and I loved every minute of it!! Sorry to see the season end a game early, but it was a great ride and I can't wait for next year!
Sep 9, 2015
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Congratulations to MissSt. Their defense was a thing at which to marvel.
What makes the inevitable inevitable is that it's got to happen sooner or later. This was a magical ride and an unexpected one. So much good work was done by everyone, and, we the fans, were the beneficiaries. How proud this team made us, demonstrating so many of life's best qualities: aspiration, hard work, success. Also, you couldn't have asked for a finer group of young women, class acts from start to finish. The future is astonishingly bright. Talent next year will elevate the quality of this team in every way it was shortchanged this year: height, depth, experience. We are blessed to have wonderful players returning. I wish I could hug every girl on the team and tell each how much pleasure their play gave me. Winters w/out UConn are unthinkable, but now the boys of summer take the field, and we put behind a wonderful WCBB season. Take heart: the best is yet to come.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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The morning after. Looking back at last night's game - Did Mississippi State win the game, or did UConn lose it? That's something that can be debated all summer. I find it interesting that the comments here span from one end of the spectrum to the other. From thanking and appreciating the team for their efforts (and sacrifices) during that incredible run, to assigning blame to various players and Geno. Questioning maturity and on-court awareness in the final moments of the game. Some felt that Williams was the only player that showed up last night. The help she was use to getting from her teammates did not materialize. The team that took the floor for UConn last night was not recognizable. We had not seen this particular group all season. Other than the familiar UConn uniforms they wore, they bore no resemblance to the team that won 36 games this season. Geno said (and I agree), they had lots of chances to win it in regulation. A loss like this stays with you. The returning players won't forget last night, not by a long shot. Three weeks from now, everyone (including us) will be OK, realizing that the sun will rise in the morning. Life for us will return to normal, and we'll begin to focus on next year's team, and the possibility of winning next year's championship.

The box score numbers corroborate what the eye test told us. This was a very un UConn like game, by far, their worst game of the season. I've been reading posts and comments for the last three hours, trying to get a feel of the tenor of the Boneyard's emotional posture last night and this morning. Like most others, I'm numb!!! Like the rest of you, I didn't see this one coming. Buzzer beaters are always devastating. Especially when you're on the losing end. While there was not an appreciable amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth in the yard, there was in the UConn locker room.

Looking at Gabby ad Kia during the post-game presser last night, you could tell they had both been crying. Neither one of them have a poker face, as they wore their emotions on their sleeves. That was a presser none of the girls wanted to attend. Kudos to both of them for pulling it together long enough to face the press corp, and represent the team. I'm glad none of the reporters asked the girls "how they felt having just lost the biggest game of the year". Reporters have a bad habit of doing that. Geno said to his players (paraphrasing) This is what you've done to a lot of other teams. This is what it feels like to come up short.

I've read a lot of comments that are understanding, consoling and congratulatory in nature. For the mos part, posters are holding back their real feelings on last night's debacle (look at the game the thread, you'll see what I mean). Those comments are "hot blooded" and spur of the moment reactions. It's been said many times that you should never make decisions when you're angry. The same can be said for writing posts or comments. Softer and more gracious comments can be composed after one has had time to step away for a moment, sleep on it, take a deep breath, then begin to organize their thoughts and rationalize their feelings.

I am a die-hard UConn fan. This hurts. It was interesting to read the comments of those that broke away from the crowd, and from being "politically correct", to share what they saw, their bewilderment, angst, and dispair. Many of us feel the exact same way, but we won't go that far to get our inner most feelings off our chest, but rather take the high road, and internalize our deepest feelings of disbelief and disappointment. I can only imagine the joy and excitement other women's basketball programs are feeling now. No doubt Notre Dame fans are reveling like it was Mardi Gras in New Orleans, celebrating UConn's loss, just like we tend to do whenever they lose. To Irish Nation, I say enjoy the moment, this too shall pass. That 111 game win streak that lulled THIS team into a false sense of security, is over. Mississippi State awoke a sleeping giant. Things will be different next season.

Last night, Geno proved once again why he is one of the greatest coaches in WCBB. He was gracious at every turn. He gave coach Schaefer and his team all of the credit in the world. He knew what this victory meant to Schaefer, his team, and to WCBB. He didn't rant, rave, throw chairs, point fingers, or throw any of his players under the bus. He knew at some point, this would happen. He just didn't want it to be THIS weekend. THIS is the game he wanted the team to play earlier in the season, winning streak be damned. He had his eyes on the bigger prize. Losing a game galvanizes a team's focus and resolve like nothing else. Look what it did for the 2014-2015 team. Nobody was thinking about that early season loss to Stanford when as team was raising the championship trophy and congratulating each other, and cutting down the nets after the game.

Geno said many times during pressers that he wished his girls would get a little meaner for two hours. They're too nice. Last night, they met a team from the south that were tougher than they were, with a lot more resolve, that went about doing what they had to do to win. This was the first loss for the freshmen and sophomores. A tough loss to be sure. A loss that would have better served them earlier in the season. A loss that will fuel resolve, summer workouts and conditioning for every UConn player (returning and incoming), to prep them for the task ahead next season of returning the program to glory. The task of bringing another championship to Storrs.

Congratulations to Vic Schaefer, his staff and players on a well played game. They made history last night. Not only has he put his program on the map, but they will forever be remembered as the team that ended UConn's 111 game win streak.
Feb 15, 2017
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The morning after. Looking back at last night's game - Did Mississippi State win the game, or did UConn lose it? That's something that can be debated all summer. I find it interesting that the comments here span from one end of the spectrum to the other. From thanking and appreciating the team for their efforts (and sacrifices) during that incredible run, to assigning blame to various players and Geno. Questioning maturity and on-court awareness in the final moments of the game. Some felt that Williams was the only player that showed up last night. The help she was use to getting from her teammates did not materialize. The team that took the floor for UConn last night was not recognizable. We had not seen this particular group all season. Other than the familiar UConn uniforms they wore, they bore no resemblance to the team that won 36 games this season. Geno said (and I agree), they had lots of chances to win it in regulation. A loss like this stays with you. The returning players won't forget last night, not by a long shot. Three weeks from now, everyone (including us) will be OK, realizing that the sun will rise in the morning. Life for us will return to normal, and we'll begin to focus on next year's team, and the possibility of winning next year's championship.

The box score numbers corroborate what the eye test told us. This was a very un UConn like game, by far, their worst game of the season. I've been reading posts and comments for the last three hours, trying to get a feel of the tenor of the Boneyard's emotional posture last night and this morning. Like most others, I'm numb!!! Like the rest of you, I didn't see this one coming. Buzzer beaters are always devastating. Especially when you're on the losing end. While there was not an appreciable amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth in the yard, there was in the UConn locker room.

Looking at Gabby ad Kia during the post-game presser last night, you could tell they had both been crying. Neither one of them have a poker face, as they wore their emotions on their sleeves. That was a presser none of the girls wanted to attend. Kudos to both of them for pulling it together long enough to face the press corp, and represent the team. I'm glad none of the reporters asked the girls "how they felt having just lost the biggest game of the year". Reporters have a bad habit of doing that. Geno said to his players (paraphrasing) This is what you've done to a lot of other teams. This is what it feels like to come up short.

I've read a lot of comments that are understanding, consoling and congratulatory in nature. For the mos part, posters are holding back their real feelings on last night's debacle (look at the game the thread, you'll see what I mean). Those comments are "hot blooded" and spur of the moment reactions. It's been said many times that you should never make decisions when you're angry. The same can be said for writing posts or comments. Softer and more gracious comments can be composed after one has had time to step away for a moment, sleep on it, take a deep breath, then begin to organize their thoughts and rationalize their feelings.

I am a die-hard UConn fan. This hurts. It was interesting to read the comments of those that broke away from the crowd, and from being "politically correct", to share what they saw, their bewilderment, angst, and dispair. Many of us feel the exact same way, but we won't go that far to get our inner most feelings off our chest, but rather take the high road, and internalize our deepest feelings of disbelief and disappointment. I can only imagine the joy and excitement other women's basketball programs are feeling now. No doubt Notre Dame fans are reveling like it was Mardi Gras in New Orleans, celebrating UConn's loss, just like we tend to do whenever they lose. To Irish Nation, I say enjoy the moment, this too shall pass. That 111 game win streak that lulled THIS team into a false sense of security, is over. Mississippi State awoke a sleeping giant. Things will be different next season.

Last night, Geno proved once again why he is one of the greatest coaches in WCBB. He was gracious at every turn. He gave coach Schaefer and his team all of the credit in the world. He knew what this victory meant to Schaefer, his team, and to WCBB. He didn't rant, rave, throw chairs, point fingers, or throw any of his players under the bus. He knew at some point, this would happen. He just didn't want it to be THIS weekend. THIS is the game he wanted the team to play earlier in the season, winning streak be damned. He had his eyes on the bigger prize. Losing a game galvanizes a team's focus and resolve like nothing else. Look what it did for the 2014-2015 team. Nobody was thinking about that early season loss to Stanford when as team was raising the championship trophy and congratulating each other, and cutting down the nets after the game.

Geno said many times during pressers that he wished his girls would get a little meaner for two hours. They're too nice. Last night, they met a team from the south that were tougher than they were, with a lot more resolve, that went about doing what they had to do to win. This was the first loss for the freshmen and sophomores. A tough loss to be sure. A loss that would have better served them earlier in the season. A loss that will fuel resolve, summer workouts and conditioning for every UConn player (returning and incoming), to prep them for the task ahead next season of returning the program to glory. The task of bringing another championship to Storrs.

Congratulations to Vic Schaefer, his staff and players on a well played game. They made history last night. Not only has he put his program on the map, but they will forever be remembered as the team that ended UConn's 111 game win streak.
Nice post, thanks!

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