Irish fan on why UConn belongs in the ACC | Page 23 | The Boneyard

Irish fan on why UConn belongs in the ACC

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Aug 28, 2011
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Like I said, since 1978 Miami and Florida have played 16 times in football with Miami winning 75% of the games.

Unfortunately none of that really matters. We've got winning records against Pitt and Saracuse in football.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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While true, we'd all be happy to have ' Bama's " problem " re. football attendance. These SEC schools charge for their Spring Exhibition football intra- squad games, and get in the order of 50,000- 80,000 to show up each year for the thing. Its a whole different ballgame in SEC country.

Oh I know. I was just surprised when I read this, that's all. In no way am I questioning SEC or Bama fans passion. And hell yeah, I'd LOVE to have Bama's "problem". Well, actually, we already kind of do - our student section is not exactly known for its game day vigor.
Aug 26, 2011
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btstimpy said:
Tampa did not support the ACC Championship Game. They lost it after 1 year too.

Isn't that picture of Jacksonville?
Aug 26, 2011
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Tampa did not support the ACC Championship Game. They lost it after 1 year too.
That picture is from the game in Jacksonville, not Tampa. Neither location supported it. The ACC CG should have been in Charlotte all along.
Jan 15, 2014
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Oh I know. I was just surprised when I read this, that's all. In no way am I questioning SEC or Bama fans passion. And hell yeah, I'd LOVE to have Bama's "problem". Well, actually, we already kind of do - our student section is not exactly known for its game day vigor.
I'm a BC fan, and I think cobwebs are beginning to form in the seats at Conte Forum for basketball there. The only thing that keeps the spiders out entirely are the hockey games. Quidditch might be the fastest growing sport on campus re. the student body there.
Oct 2, 2013
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I do recall those online posts. From what I remember, that Board member bitterly accused BC of reneging on a "hand shake" to remain in the BE and move forward. Do I have that correct?

Good thing no other school has since reneged on a strong public commitment to their league (sarcasm included here).

Seriously, if I recall that post correctly, what the post did NOT speak to was when BC was back involved with the ACC. If I recall correctly, it only made the statement that BC reneged on the handshake WHEN it jumped to the ACC. That's different, IMO, than stating, for example, that BC had been secretly negotiating with the ACC over the summer of 2003 when it was at the same time involved with the BE reorg.

While certainly not pretty or elegant, BC would hardly be the first school to make a commitment to a conference only to abandon that commitment and jump when a better opportunity came. (SEE: every other school that has jumped conferences.)

That said, if someone can show me that such meetings did in fact occur during the summer of 2003, then I would probably concede your point.
Probably??? Hey everyone lets do research for the BC guy who by his statement is likely to concede nothing but will only argue further. You like BC - BC did nothing wrong, guess what, ask how UConn feels when Randy Edsall left for a "better opportunity". It is how he left, it is how BC left. You don't like how UConn and more importantly our AG proceeded with the case. He has always been a guy to go after headlines. It is also true that the case cost more to process than it got back. There were people in CT suggesting to Blumenthal to stop processing the case. He said it was not a matter of money but rather principal. I for one wished he had not processed the case any further than a threat to do so. But I was not in charge and no I don't like BC either. So, when I discuss my sentiments with BC fans, I tell them straight out, we need to agree to just disagree but bad things happened on both sides but you can't fix what one side doesn't want fixed. So I have moved on, I expect no help from BC and see no reason to support them. I don't mind when our top athletes go to UF or some other SEC or Big Ten team...I just don't want them at BC.
Oct 2, 2013
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For one, there is no discussion among BC fans anywhere regarding Uconn football. Plus, I have friends and relatives in Connecticut. There is more talk on BC football here than on most of the ACC football boards, and they're not knowledgeable on all the league realignments updates that Uconn fans seem to be able to post here. Plus, I havn't seen any Uconn posters at all on the AAC fan base sites, and havn't figured out why they are talking more re. ACC teams here like BC, Syracuse, Pitt, but not about their current league teams.
Really, are you excited about the AAC, perhaps you should visit the boards of teh other AAC schools instead of our or Cincy's considering both those school's fans are unhappy where they are. And in the case of Cincy, their new AD is very vocal about leaving!
Oct 2, 2013
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I assume you're meaning it was UVa who brought the fans?lol...I don't know why we bother talking with one who knows ALL the answers? Is there anything else you can educate us on?
...Recall Cheers, I think BSTIMPY is a Cliff Claven imposter!
Jan 15, 2014
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You like BC - BC did nothing wrong, guess .
Well, I stopped reading your assessment about at the word " wrong" ( or maybe it was " guess" ), as your observation on my comments are inaccurate, as I've never stated that BC " did nothing wrong ", so thats that,. But thanks for saving me some time anyway on reading about some position I don't have.
Jan 15, 2014
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. And in the case of Cincy, their new AD is very vocal about leaving!

I don't know a soul in Cincy, and only a handful from Ohio. Every school thats not currently in a P5 Conference wants out of their current league and into a P5 Conference, including every school in the AAC, and of course, Cincy too. I don't hold anything against any school that attempts to better themselves by going to another league, nor by hook or by crook. If Uconn makes a pack with the devil, lies its its teeth to everyone, but it gets them the hell out of their gawdforsaken current league and into the ACC or the BIG, then its worth it, and who cares HOW they get it done. If I'm looking for moral high ground, loyalties, handskakes, purity of thoughts, actions, and deeds, etc and so forth, the LAST place I look for any of THAT is in FBS college football. Among ANY of these schools, for that matter. So thats my 2 cents worth on all these off the field machinations and so forth.
Apr 10, 2014
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I don't know a soul in Cincy, and only a handful from Ohio. Every school thats not currently in a P5 Conference wants out of their current league and into a P5 Conference, including every school in the AAC, and of course, Cincy too. I don't hold anything against any school that attempts to better themselves by going to another league, nor by hook or by crook. If Uconn makes a pack with the devil, lies its its teeth to everyone, but it gets them the hell out of their gawdforsaken current league and into the ACC or the BIG, then its worth it, and who cares HOW they get it done. If I'm looking for moral high ground, loyalties, handskakes, purity of thoughts, actions, and deeds, etc and so forth, the LAST place I look for any of THAT is in FBS college football. Among ANY of these schools, for that matter. So thats my 2 cents worth on all these off the field machinations and so forth.

Obviously any school in the AAC will leave the split second an offer comes from any of the P5. The trick lies in acting to position yourself to get an invite. If you are lucky enough to be located so that you might be able to get interest from 2 P5 leagues, then you must work both without offending either.
Jan 15, 2014
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Obviously any school in the AAC will leave the split second an offer comes from any of the P5. The trick lies in acting to position yourself to get an invite. If you are lucky enough to be located so that you might be able to get interest from 2 P5 leagues, then you must work both without offending either.

True. While I think the musical chairs game of league realignments have stopped for awhile, I don't think its done by any means. The next school selected for the Big or the ACC, is coming out of the AAC, imo.. Uconn seems positioned well to take advantage of this for themselves if they play their cards well from here on in. Yes, they were dealt a bad hand in the beginning, and lots of stuff happened beyond their control in recent years, but the future is ahead of them, and they control what happens over the next few years if they take care of business in the AAC which they should be able to, imo.
Jul 17, 2013
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HHmmmmm....I thought i gleaned that from your said post? Maybe I'll reread it but Im relieved to hear "Swofford considered/perceived by many the top commissioner in the P5 conferences" that u haven't lost your mind lol...I've come to enjoy and watch most everything u post because you seemed honest and sincere(unlike some)!! Just disregard this post as a misunderstanding SC. Maybe I took something out of context?

No problem at all, Nicky. Its all good.

Believe me, we question Mr Swofford as much as those outside of the ACC, but, we have little avenue for redress, since we do not give millions to one of the athletic
Jul 17, 2013
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From my limited understanding but knowing people involved in some of the inside going's on I believe that RU had longtime B1G ambitions and friends inside the B1G and Swoffy probably knew that if offered the PR disaster it would have brought on his head if they were quickly snapped up with an counteroffer from the B1G and accepting before the envelope hit the proverbial floor !?! Everyone interested knew of RU's unique relationship with a B1G school(PSU). Glen Mason,Gerry DiNardo and a few others I forget not to mention Jopa. Thats why I always say..its all about developing relationships in the CR wars.

I believe Carolina has a good rapport with the powers that be in the B1G. But, the administration would have a very difficult time selling the B1G to the Carolina fanbase at large.

They see UNC as an east coast school, while the fanbase see it as a Southern school. That might sound a bit silly to those not from NC, but, believe me, It makes a HUGE difference.
Jun 14, 2012
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Those Miami fans sure loved the Tim Tebow fest in their stadium.

Q: Are you in touch with reality?

Very much in reality and reality in Miami. In 2009, when Florida played Oklahoma in Miami with Tim Tebow, Florida stayed at the Diplomat in Hollywood. Hardly a Gator fan to be found in South Beach the whole week. They did drive down to sell out the Stadium though.

Tim Tebow has love fests everywhere he goes as a NFL player. He did well in Denver, didn't get a chance at the Jets, and he flopped at New England. Don't know where he is now. SEC Network I think.
Jul 17, 2013
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Nicky, I think there may have been a typo in Southron's post. I think he meant to say that "Swofford might not be perceived to be the best coference commissioner in the land..." Otherwise, the part after the "but" doesn't make sense (to me anyway).

You are correct, sir. It was 100 percent a typo on my part. Serious brain freeze on that one. Now, I see why Nicky responded like he did.

Sorry guys, for the clusterpluck on that one.

The part after the 'but' is strictly my own opinion, FWIW. :)
Jun 14, 2012
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That picture is from the game in Jacksonville, not Tampa. Neither location supported it. The ACC CG should have been in Charlotte all along.

Jacksonville didn't support the game either unless Florida State was playing. Tampa was worse than Jacksonville. The ACC Championship Game just didn't work in Florida, so it has been moved to Charlotte, and it does much better.
Jul 17, 2013
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Miami was always in play because, at the time of the original expansion, they were an annual Top 5 program nationally. For a conference looking to improve football, that add was a no-brainer. They crashed at the same time FSU struggled. Had they both been able to maintain what they were, Swofford would've been called a genius.

Their baseball program is also first-rate, and, that is a sport the ACC cares a lot about, too. Plus, they are a good fit academically.

So is BC. At the time they joined, they had a solid program. I know they catch a lot of hell over here...rightfully so... but, they did perform well here initially. They went to the ACCCG in both 2007 and 2008. The Spaziani years ended badly, but, otherwise, they've held their own.

Outside of Miami winning the ACC in 2013, neither have been all that great in hoops.

Miami was the glitzy convertible of its day, that was for sure. The problems I have with what Swofford did were first, he wasn't in the convertible driving business at that time. He was in the conference building business. Heavy lifting would be involved. He needed a couple of serviceable Ford F150s even if they weren't showroom spiffy and one had a couple of dings and some rust (UConn) and the other had more dings and more rust (Rutgers). Second, Miami wasn't going anywhere. The southeast corner of the southeast state just wasn't in play. Better to lay the foundation for the master plan before looking around for shiny baubles.

Your point about baseball is well taken and fits with the objective you offered about content for the network. The academics aspect was good as well up to and including the rejection of WVU. I'm sure you can see where I would be going next so we'll just leave it at that.

We all know of the ACC's interest in UConn. I do not think I've ever heard Swofford ever mention Rutgers, even in passing. Maybe they were in his plans at some point. I do not know that for certain. For some reason, RU was never viewed as a viable option.
I, too, never heard any rumors of Rutty to the ACC. In fact, as long as I've been, following the various versions of the UConn board, all I've ever heard was Rutgers to the Big Ten. I makes me wonder why such discussions never materialized. (You don't suppose the answer is kept in Area 51, do you?)

UConn and Syracuse would've made the ACC unquestionably the best basketball conference in 2011, and, that was for sure one of Swofford's goals. Albeit unstated. I believe both would thrive in football here. But, thats just my view.

Truthfully, had it not been at Miami's insistence, BC would've never gotten even a passing glance, IMHO. UConn was in long-range plans, but, I cannot speak on Rutgers. Maybe they were, and, I just never heard it.

As I've said (or implied at any rate) previously on this thread, Swofford is just too myopic for my tastes Too often, his moves seem unrelated to his presumed goals. Why, for example did he decide to monitor the laying of a foundation along the Atlantic seaboard from the shores of the Finger Lakes and the confluence of the Monongahela and the Allegheny? It's not the acquisition of Syracuse and Pitt that I fault. It was the timing. The foundation hadn't been completed. I get that there were member institutions with goals of their own. But it was his job to conceive, articulate, and sell a vision. Failing that meant failing, it was that simple.

Swofford's failure probably won't be immediately apparent. There's far too much current turmoil for that. But he has consigned you guys to the second tier of the P5 for as far as the eye can see. What happens if the SEC decides 16 teams make a better configuration than 14? What happens if they decide to finally fulfill their destiny as the "South East" conference by adding a North Carolina and a Virginia (no offense to Stimpy thinking of VA as a mid-Atlantic state) school. How much does NC State identify with Texas A&M's desire to climb out of Texas' shadow and want to climb out of yours? How fast would VaTech be dialing a good divorce lawyer in their haste to kick UVA to the curb? I don't know those answers but the questions sure would worry me.

-About the SEC, neither Carolina nor State could just up and leave for the SEC on their own. The UNC Board of Governors would never allow that. Period. They will not allow one of them to prosper, while the other is left in a gutted ACC. TBT, Carolina would get first choice of whether or not to leave. That said, if they wanted to go to the SEC, but, State has no solid landing spot, then they stay in the ACC.

We've spoken about UVA in the past. Their Board of Visitors would NEVER allow them to join the SEC, and, its not even a question. I believe stimpy would back me on that. VPI would scoop up an SEC invite in a second. Ditto NCSU. Although, I have read some of the B1G boards in passing, and, both of them would be acceptable, but, neither is AAU, that I know of.

Let me conclude by again stating my admiration for the University of North Carolina and that a conference affiliation with them would not merely be a "well, it's better than the American" but a truly desirable destination, one that I would quickly warm to. UNC, Virginia, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Florida State, and the others...very desirable indeed.

As an optimist, I still hold out hope that you all will be here.

I do, however, understand the disdain of the ACC, and, the desire to join the B1G, because of how UConn was treated in CR.
Jan 15, 2014
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, real ND fans don't debase themselves discussing conference strength. .

Re. ND,... its neat to know that the long and lengthy journey of ND football' " independence " has now officially come to an end. Swofford and the ACC undeniably accomplished this much anyway.
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Jun 14, 2012
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Unfortunately none of that really matters. We've got winning records against Pitt and Saracuse in football.

It does when you call the winning record holder Second Fiddle like Nicky was trying to do, especially when the comparison isn't even close over a 35 year period. And it does regarding UConn to have winning records and continuing to do well in football.

This recent addition of Syracuse is the third time that the ACC has tried to add Syracuse. The First Time Jake Crouthamel wanted to join as a football only and stay in the Big East for basketball. The ACC said no. The Second Tim Jake Crouthamel said Yes, and then the whole debacle with Virginia Tech and UNC/Duke getting cold feet to allow Virginia Tech in. This last time was the third time. The ACC has been determined to add Syracuse for 30 plus years. They are finally here.

The other school that the ACC has been trying to add for 30 years is Notre Dame. Pittsburgh just happens to have played Notre Dame in football 69 times. Pittsburgh helped to make it easier for Notre Dame to join the ACC, and Pitt football and basketball are good enough.

None of this reflects negatively in any way on Connecticut.
Jan 15, 2014
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Very much in reality and reality in Miami. In 2009, when Florida played Oklahoma in Miami with Tim Tebow, Florida stayed at the Diplomat in Hollywood. Hardly a Gator fan to be found in South Beach the whole week. They did drive down to sell out the Stadium though.

Tim Tebow has love fests everywhere he goes as a NFL player. He did well in Denver, didn't get a chance at the Jets, and he flopped at New England. Don't know where he is now. SEC Network I think.

I know from reading your posts here that you have a love for Miami over Florida, but Florida is a whole 'nuther step up in college sports than Miami, including football. Yes, I do know their records head to head, but Florida from the SEC is higher up on the college football pecking order than Miami is these days. I don't think you'd find many fans, sportwriters, network executives, etc from outside the ACC, thinking that Miami football is on the same plain as Florida is. If you ask any TV network exec. who he'd want for his investment buck, he'd take Florida in a heartbeat over Miami.
Sep 22, 2011
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Re. ND,... its neat to know that the long and lengthy journey of ND football' " independence " has now officially come to an end. Swofford and the ACC undeniably accomplished this much anyway.

Well, to the degree of five games per year, perhaps it can be seen as such.

Funny, when fans talk ACC football and want to denigrate the conference, they will never concede that ND is a member.

They say "ND merely has a scheduling agreement with the ACC, nothing more." It can't work both ways.

ND traditionally played three games a year against the Big Ten for decades, so it is a two game increase.

Those three games per year with the Big Ten didn't make ND independence "come to an end".

Five games with ACC schools does not, either.

ND still independently has the NBC contract, will qualify (or not) for the playoffs and the Orange Bowl as an independent, and will still schedule seven games a year as an independent.

ND takes no football money from the ACC, cannot play in the ACC championship game and will have no "ACC" logos on the field at ND Stadium or on their uniforms.
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