I dont blame MCENTEE | The Boneyard

I dont blame MCENTEE

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Aug 28, 2011
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he is who he is a walk on qb, he would be fine behind a solid O-line which we are far from solid, also the coaches dont put him in a position to play to his strengths, im all for giving him a chance and yes he does deserve to play some but to say he has won the job by far is just ridiculous, I was mad at Mac during the game but I expected him to play the way he did, how do you not put Mccumings in on goal line where the coverage is more tightened up and he is more accurate then Mccentee knowing that they will honor the run more just stupid.
Sep 3, 2011
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Yeah, he just had the misfortune to be part of a program that just doesn't do QB's well. Not since DanO and just keep getting worse and worse with who they bring in. So don't blame him for being a walk on in a program that is so bad, he actually emerged as their best bet at that position.
Aug 28, 2011
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I blame the coaches for letting him last this long... It's CLEAR ( Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder sees it ) that McEntee would be one heck of QB... at Western CT State University...
Aug 27, 2011
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I was a supporter of Mac but not anymore. The first half was horrible and it was all on him. He missed receivers and he panics in the pocket. Most of the sacks were his fault. I now agree with others that he is just not a D1 QB. Time for a change. We will never improve with him. Nice guy but not a D1 QB.
Sep 5, 2011
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Do we have a D 1 QB currently on the roster? Obviously the coaches see what we see.....and more, when they review game and practice films. And its easy to pick on any QB when he has a hand in every play.....success or failure. Maybe Mac's not the one, but there may not be a better choice right now.

Maybe the same could be said about any number of limited and/or inexperienced positions right now.

The team is just not that good wherever you look.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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maybe we should let him play blindfolded

evidently that skit really impressed the geezer
Aug 27, 2011
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All in all, he is doing better than I expected but he obviously has a lot of work ahead of him. Of course the entire blame cannot be placed on him, but he takes too many sacks and misses too many open receivers. I don't expect him to hit every guy but he needs to connect with the open guys (especially 10-15 yds from the line of scrimmage). On one sack last night the entire right side of the backfield was clear but he ran left right into the pressure. I know things are happening very quickly during the game, but other QBs seem to have a better sense for where the pressure is.

I am okay with McTee as the starter but wish UConn would use McCummings more. Also, once the season becomes a total loss (1 or 2 more losses), Coach PP may want to rethink the McTee experiment and start giving the younger guys more experience to see what they can do for the remainder of the year and forward.
Aug 28, 2011
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Do we have a D 1 QB currently on the roster? Obviously the coaches see what we see.....and more, when they review game and practice films. And its easy to pick on any QB when he has a hand in every play.....success or failure. Maybe Mac's not the one, but there may not be a better choice right now.

Maybe the same could be said about any number of limited and/or inexperienced positions right now.

The team is just not that good wherever you look.

We MUST recruit better at the QB position.. Being a BCS level program warrants this... inexcusable... Hopefully Cochran's our guy... If not, we need to bring another kid in to compete with him....
Aug 24, 2011
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I put it on the coaches. Mac was horrid last night and other than avoiding turnovers, he did little to help his team's cause. Wilts under any type of pressure. Any drive they put together usually fizzles out with punts or settling for FG attempts. The TD pass to Kash was just a blown coverage play. When the QB doesn't have it, he doesn't have it. The coaching staff should have picked up on this and pulled him second half. At least ScottMc or Nebrich might have given the team an emotional spark. The whole team (except for a few who had solid games) just seemed lifeless last night.

I've been supportive of JMac and the coach's decision to start him this year, but at some point, you have to say to yourself that it's not working.
Aug 24, 2011
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He holds the ball way too long in spots, has very poor pocket awareness and, it's hard to tell, but I don't think he can make his progressions before he panics. He is very imobile.

A lot of those sacks are on him and not the OL. Also, we do very little with the short passing game and I have no idea why that is.

Another loss and bowl eligibility will look extremely doubtful and I think we will see a lot of McCummings and possibly Nebrich. Mac seems like a great kid, but I don't think he's the QB next season - my guess for fwiw.....
Aug 28, 2011
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We're not going bowling this year bro... reality has already kicked in...
( I know.. it ain't over until it's over, but does anybody really believe we deserve to go anywhere? Ideally I'm hoping we run the table and at least make it to the Pinstripe Bowl .. I just don't see it... )


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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If McEntee is going to miss open receivers like Nick Williams in the first quarter and one of the Moore's in the endzone in the third, there is really no reason to play him. He is limited athletically and doesn't have a great arm.

I realize our QB choices are not Elway, Marino and Favre, but McEntee started his 8th game last night. Time to take the training wheels off. Very few STARTING college QB's ever start more than 15-20 games in their career, so inexperience is not an excuse. He got the job because he had been on the team for 3 years so he had the most practice experience and seemed to have some skills. He is a redshirt junior approaching his 9th game as starter, so what you see is what you get. He has had 1 really good game in his career, against Western Michigan. Other than that he has fluctuated from mediocre to pretty bad.

I expected him to get better after the WMU game, and he has regressed. Pitt is not a great team. They may have won their last game of the year last night, and they looked like the 2002 Baltimore Ravens against us. I think it is time for a change.
Aug 30, 2011
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One way to get the crowd motivated and excited for Cuse would be to announce Nebrich as the starter. A switch to a backup QB can at times spark a season that has flamed out.

Honestly if P doesn't make the switch he is a stubborn mule. If it doesn't work at least you tried something different.

As Palatine has pointed out many times, the original criteria for picking the starting QB was "Production" and that aint happening.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't blame Mcentee either. He is performing to the best of his abilities. It is the coach's fault he is still playing and not sitting on the bench.
Aug 29, 2011
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McEntee is what he is. A walkon who could probably have played at some 1AA program. In a normal situation, he should be doing what he did the last few years, hold a clipboard. I'm not sure why anyone would have expected him to be much better than he has been. He was a walkon for a reason. The real problem here is that we don't have a real quarterback who is ready to step in. Probably should have looked for a JUCO kid and probably should take that route for next year. Maybe Nebrich is ready, but I wouldn't want to go into the season without a serious alternative. As far as the rest of this year, I think it is just itme to make a change, even if it is just for the sake of making a change. McCumming has shown he can play at least a little. Nebrich has already lost his redshirt. there are 10 days before the next game wihich ought to give Pasquoloni plenty of time to work someone into the mix.
Aug 28, 2011
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at the very least McCummings should always be in whenever we are in the Red Zone where the coverage is tightened up more, Mccummings has a more accurate arm and defenses have to honor his running ability, use him like Florida used Tebow his freshmen year.
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