Disappointed in Kim | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Disappointed in Kim

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Funny, now I mostly play guitar
Aug 26, 2011
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She did what she should do...it was up to the refs to call fouls.
Beg to differ. with the talent she had on the team she didn't need to tolerate or encourge cheating. She's a Hall of Fame coach and has a great, taented team, I would expect better from her.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I said to my wife, when Richards pulled up lame, that she popped a hammy. On the slow mo replay, you could see just a slight movement of the hamstring. I knew there was no way she could continue.

When Richards went back in, I knew she couldn't continue. She was limping up the court.

I have pulled my hamstrings more than once. You don't just bind it up and continue. It hurts a whole lot.
Done that a few times myself, although even worse imo, is blowing out a quad, which happened to me back in HS running sprints.
Apr 19, 2020
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What about giving credit to your opponent? Certainly it is a matter of bad sportsmanship, poor leadership, bad/wrong model for her team and a lost teaching opportunity.
I agree totally that’s why I said she could have handled it better. I just also can understand where she is coming from after a gut wrenching loss.
Apr 19, 2020
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Beg to differ. with the talent she had on the team she didn't need to tolerate or encourge cheating. She's a Hall of Fame coach and has a great, taented team, I would expect better from her.
Playing physical is not cheating, fouling is not cheating. It’s apart of the game, it’s on the refs to call that, not the players. If you’re talking about playing dirty, yeah that’s wrong. But I don’t understand why you’re saying cheating? Fouling can be a strategic part of the game.


Funny, now I mostly play guitar
Aug 26, 2011
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@Heytherego. Playing physical is not pulling on jersey's, grabbing arms, making plays on the body - not the ball, tripping, flopping like a fish out of bounds - did you see any of the pictures in this thread??? It's not a part of the game. UConn doesn't rely on that type of play.
Feb 3, 2018
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Thought people might like to know what Geno thinks of Kim’s COVID comments

It was a case of Geno having Kim's back! Geno is on the top of the mountain and everyone else is free-climbing the mountain face. Kim had about 2 fingers hanging on for dear life and Geno threw her a life line. Geno knows it is good for the game and his own comfort at the twilight period of his career to have some allies even with rivals. He once was the "loose cannon", now he lets the others "open mouth, insert foot". He is the voice of reason in WCBB and often sports in general.
I would wager that he does not agree with Kim on much of anything, much less Covid-19 protocols. IMO he should get major props for his actions, especially after Kim's behavior regarding the end of the game.
After all that nonsense, UConn and Geno rightfully looks like the classy program and Baylor not so much. Geno would not permit his players to play dirty/cheat. That is coaching!! End of story. Toughness is one thing, dirty is another.


like a dog with a bone
Aug 18, 2016
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Beg to differ. with the talent she had on the team she didn't need to tolerate or encourge cheating. She's a Hall of Fame coach and has a great, taented team, I would expect better from her.
She did what she should do...it was up to the refs to call fouls.
(Apologies quotes are in wrong order.)
Also beg to differ. Fouling isn't always cheating. It is a part of the game. In some circumstances it is strategic.
Is it cheating to foul an opposing player near the end of a game when you have a foul to give and need to stop the clock?
Is it cheating to foul a poor free throw shooter on a layup, preventing a sure 2 points and sending them to the line?
The list goes on, all coaches use fouls.
I do agree that it is unethical to use fouls in a way that elevate the risk of injury to an opponent.

Edit: sorry @Heytherego I was writing my post when you put up yours. Nearly identical, great minds and all that.
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Aug 27, 2011
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I honestly feel for Kim. I do think she was trying her best to hold her tongue during her interview and clearly that was difficult for her. Could/should she have handled it better? Absolutely. I do recall though her making a point to say the story of the game was how we lost Didi. She’s a human, she’s going to make mistakes. She did her best to remain composed after an intense game that she lost. She’s a character, that’s why people love/hate her. It’s apart of her whole persona.
What I think the real travesty is, is the way she let her kids handle it. Going on Twitter right after the game to tweet/retweet/favorite things indicating Baylor got robbed is so unsportsmanlike. An emotional game but let’s give everyone a break, because Geno came out on top once again! And hey guess what, everyone was talking about women’s ball after that. That’s what the game needs to get some exposure. Oh well
What she did after the game hurt the women's game. Brought more attention to one call, which live didn't look like a foul. Her team's behavior the same.


Aug 27, 2011
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What I was getting at was not necessarily the decision to put Richards back in the game, but simply whether or not she was effective after her injury. I think that’s pretty clear whether or not you’re a doctor or simply stayed at a Holiday Inn.

Something worth considering. UConn started their 19 point run, scoring the first basket with Richards on the floor. It was immediately after that basket that Richards blew out her hamstring pushing the ball up the court with a minute or so left in the 3rd qtr. UConn continued to close the gap with several scores in the 3rd qtr. Shortly after, Richards was being taped up on the sideline with the intention of getting back into the game.

I don’t remember if it was right at the start of the 4th qtr or within the 1st minute, Richards was back in the game. For the 2+ minutes of the 4th qtr when Richards was back in the game, UConn continued to go on their 19 pt run, expanding their lead to 9 pts. I would suggest that Baylor was at a distinct disadvantage effectively playing 4 on 5 during that time

UConn almost forced another turnover with 7 1/2 minutes left in the game, knocking the ball out of bounds. Only then did Mulkey sit Richards down for good, at which time Baylor started to fight their way back into the game.

There may be no clear answer to this question. As I said, I would have erred on the side of caution.
When DiDi was in and healthy it was a 4 on 5 when Baylor was on offense, half court. Her strengths defense and on fast breaks. When AE and ONO were off the court because of "foul" trouble, the same applied to UConn.
Feb 3, 2018
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Everything we do in life has ethical and non-ethical aspects to it. If you're driving your car and you're in a hurry and you force a slower driver off the road, should we say, "well, where were the cops?" That would be wrong! If you butt in line in front of another person at the deli counter , should you say, "well, the deli clerk could have said something". That would be wrong! We teach our children and hopefully a civil society fosters and cultivates ethical behavior.
Sports is no different. Fouling is a part of the game. Dirty, unethical play is not and if it arises, there should be strict consequences. Grabbing Paige's arm on the screen, making a full out swipe at the ball as Paige was driving to the basket by Carrington, flagrant foul, free throws and the ball and possible ejection.
Simple, straight-forward. Everyone knows the difference between dirty and a common foul. Good/great coaches also teach sportsmanship and respect for the game itself. Coaches that lack integrity struggle with that and when their players cross the line, they end up with "egg on their face". Notice I did not accuse her of teaching dirty play.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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The photos of her players grabbing jerseys and hooking elbows - you really think they were freelancing? The real Kim is the one who dismissed Kavanaughed on her campus because she contended it was on all campus. Then there is the moment in a whip um up rally where she said parents who would not send there girls to Baylor should be hit. She has fine coaching skills but that should not obscure the ugliness that lies within.

Called out in a press conference a week later Kim said she was "sorry for the choice of words" and "the timing wasn't good", essentially saying she wasn't sorry for the substance of what she said.

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Aug 27, 2011
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Seems to be a lot of speculation going on? About arm hooking intent and other things.
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