Coaching | The Boneyard


Bald Husky

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Jan 17, 2021
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Okay, here I go again, with maybe a controversial topic. Assistant coaching. When Shea became a UConn coach she was very young and did a great job, when Jamelle first coached for us (before Cincinnati job) she was pretty young and did a great job, Tonya very young, and Marisa, very young, the same. Now, we have an older Jemelle, older Tonya, backing up our older, but still great, CD and Geno. The question is, do we need younger assistant coaches, people who are not too removed from their playing days, people who understand today's young players, NIL, and the wants and needs of todays High School girls. Todays players identify with Geno because of his continued success, but they probably never heard of our assistant coaches. The game is changing, with more skilled and bigger girls coming out of high school. Do they still trust and believe our coaching staff? Are they up to date with the abilities of these new and improved recruits, can they still really help them to be the best in the country like they have in the past? As I said, controversial thread, but am I really out there with my Question?


Aug 24, 2011
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Just my 2 cents: when one of our current assistants moves on I think it would be appropriate for Geno to consider young replacements....among several other [more important] factors. Incoming players might be influenced by an 'older
sister' type...who has a great background of character and coaching abilities.
Dec 23, 2022
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Okay, here I go again, with maybe a controversial topic. Assistant coaching. When Shea became a UConn coach she was very young and did a great job, when Jamelle first coached for us (before Cincinnati job) she was pretty young and did a great job, Tonya very young, and Marisa, very young, the same. Now, we have an older Jemelle, older Tonya, backing up our older, but still great, CD and Geno. The question is, do we need younger assistant coaches, people who are not too removed from their playing days, people who understand today's young players, NIL, and the wants and needs of todays High School girls. Todays players identify with Geno because of his continued success, but they probably never heard of our assistant coaches. The game is changing, with more skilled and bigger girls coming out of high school. Do they still trust and believe our coaching staff? Are they up to date with the abilities of these new and improved recruits, can they still really help them to be the best in the country like they have in the past? As I said, controversial thread, but am I really out there with my Question?
In short ... ABSOLUTELY!
Jan 30, 2023
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Only Geno can answer this question. From the outside it does appear that Geno makes all the decisions and the others including CD don't get into his space during games. They are all accomplished coaches and all have strengths that are vital to the development of the team but it is up to Geno to MAKE them contribute to the product on the floor.

Like it or not this is the coaching staff and changing them at this point won't help anything. They, like the players, need to work better as a team. Geno can't do all the in game coaching any more than Paige can score all the points. They need all of them to win big games.


Midwest Husky
Jan 14, 2018
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Okay, here I go again, with maybe a controversial topic. Assistant coaching. When Shea became a UConn coach she was very young and did a great job, when Jamelle first coached for us (before Cincinnati job) she was pretty young and did a great job, Tonya very young, and Marisa, very young, the same. Now, we have an older Jemelle, older Tonya, backing up our older, but still great, CD and Geno. The question is, do we need younger assistant coaches, people who are not too removed from their playing days, people who understand today's young players, NIL, and the wants and needs of todays High School girls. Todays players identify with Geno because of his continued success, but they probably never heard of our assistant coaches. The game is changing, with more skilled and bigger girls coming out of high school. Do they still trust and believe our coaching staff? Are they up to date with the abilities of these new and improved recruits, can they still really help them to be the best in the country like they have in the past? As I said, controversial thread, but am I really out there with my Question?
What I am confused about, it is mostly older people on the boneyard, saying that the coaches are too old. I am wondering if the age of the fans could be a factor in judging the coaches. Not meaning to offend anyone, just as many of you are not meaning to offend the coaches, by saying they may be too old.
Mar 21, 2021
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The game is still the game. I've seen skilled players fail because they didn't learn...the game. Kids want to succeed, and I don't think they care if the coach doesn't understand their obsession with social media or if the coach is older or younger. And NIL. If a player voiced concerns, I would respond this way. If you're as good as they say you are Nil will take care of itself. Lastly, seems to me that the "old" folks keep raising that trophy?
Nov 21, 2018
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Just my 2 cents: when one of our current assistants moves on I think it would be appropriate for Geno to consider young replacements....among several other [more important] factors. Incoming players might be influenced by an 'older
sister' type...who has a great background of character and coaching abilities.

I though Chloe Pavlech would be a great choice. She played at Maryland and she was a grad assistant for us for 2 years.

She moved on to Baylor in an assistant coach role and I think also to help in the NIL department. I was surprised to see she's not with Baylor this year.

She says she's still really close with Geno and CD. Maybe one day she will fill a role back at UConn.
Nov 21, 2018
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I though Chloe Pavlech would be a great choice. She played at Maryland and she was a grad assistant for us for 2 years.

She moved on to Baylor in an assistant coach role and I think also to help in the NIL department. I was surprised to see she's not with Baylor this year.

She says she's still really close with Geno and CD. Maybe one day she will fill a role back at UConn.

Scratch that, she's apparently still listed as assistant coach for Baylor. I haven't seen anything on her social media regarding Baylor for awhile and assumed she moved on.
Aug 26, 2011
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Okay, here I go again, with maybe a controversial topic. Assistant coaching. When Shea became a UConn coach she was very young and did a great job, when Jamelle first coached for us (before Cincinnati job) she was pretty young and did a great job, Tonya very young, and Marisa, very young, the same. Now, we have an older Jemelle, older Tonya, backing up our older, but still great, CD and Geno. The question is, do we need younger assistant coaches, people who are not too removed from their playing days, people who understand today's young players, NIL, and the wants and needs of todays High School girls. Todays players identify with Geno because of his continued success, but they probably never heard of our assistant coaches. The game is changing, with more skilled and bigger girls coming out of high school. Do they still trust and believe our coaching staff? Are they up to date with the abilities of these new and improved recruits, can they still really help them to be the best in the country like they have in the past? As I said, controversial thread, but am I really out there with my Question?
Great article.
Mar 5, 2015
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Get Carla B on the coaching tree, but doubt she would be only an assistant
Mar 6, 2021
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Okay, here I go again, with maybe a controversial topic. Assistant coaching. When Shea became a UConn coach she was very young and did a great job, when Jamelle first coached for us (before Cincinnati job) she was pretty young and did a great job, Tonya very young, and Marisa, very young, the same. Now, we have an older Jemelle, older Tonya, backing up our older, but still great, CD and Geno. The question is, do we need younger assistant coaches, people who are not too removed from their playing days, people who understand today's young players, NIL, and the wants and needs of todays High School girls. Todays players identify with Geno because of his continued success, but they probably never heard of our assistant coaches. The game is changing, with more skilled and bigger girls coming out of high school. Do they still trust and believe our coaching staff? Are they up to date with the abilities of these new and improved recruits, can they still really help them to be the best in the country like they have in the past? As I said, controversial thread, but am I really out there with my Question?
reasonable questions.
Feb 9, 2021
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We had a younger assistant a couple of seasons ago who left early in her first year for personal reasons and never came back. I think this is how Jamelle came back.
Coaches spend a lot of time together and I think Geno likes people he knows and knows how things are done.
But yeah, your point is well taken and “new blood” could be inserted next time an opening occurs….


Aug 18, 2020
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I know that all players coming to UCONN know who all the coaches are. The asst coaches all have different aspects of the game as their specialty, which has worked pretty well. In the last 2 years we ha ve had threads like Geno is too old, Geno can't recruit. as well as he used to. Plus many other suggestions as why we haven't had a Natty recently. Now it's are the assistant coaches over the hill. In my mind I say bunk to this age thing of the coaches. If I were to look anywhere it would be recruiting players with so many pre-know medical problems, then seeming surprised when we have players sitting unable to play. Hate on this if you choose, but facts are facts.
Aug 8, 2013
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Years ago, I can no longer remember who said it, but one of the candidates/ political commentators came up with a catchphrase that described the key to winning the presidency! The phrase was; “It’s the economy, stupid!” Well, I think a slight moderation serves us well, “It’s the injuries, stupid!”
While we all desperately want to find a reason for our beloved Husky’s struggles, and while there are likely many contributing factors, the big reason we find ourselves in this situation, is pretty self-evident! No team, no matter who is the coach, or who the players are, could continue to dominate the game with the same string of injuries that UConn has experienced over the past three years.
Having said that, I do agree that the losses of Shea and Marisa have really hurt this program. Not to cast shade on any of the current coaches but they imo, were simply better coaches! What is the solution? I have no idea. However, I do know that even now, if our full team were healthy, we would almost assuredly be ranked #1 and driving towards yet another Final Four! Make of that, what you will!
Oct 21, 2013
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Just one guy's opinions:
  1. Both JJ and Tonya IMO were at least as underappreciated by the schools where they coached as they are appreciated by Husky Nation and Geno. Together they comprise as savvy and experienced a coaching staff as you'll find in WCBB, a dream team to vie for a national crown.
  2. Even if we don't win another championship while they're here, UConn's endorsement will enable them to go where they want afterwards.
  3. Only Geno and CD know how much of this, if any, is succession planning, but remember they can only recommend and not hire. That's the AD's choice. Hand-picked successors in sports and business tend not to fare well, so don't be surprised if UConn goes in a different direction.
  4. Shea and Carla appear to be blessed with programs that love and support them. In their sneakers, would you trade that to follow in the footsteps of the best ever coaching duo? How would you define a "successful succession"?
  5. Whoever eventually takes over the program will decide its vision, hence which assistants he or she wants.
Jan 26, 2016
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I personally don't love the idea but at some point, UConn may have to consider bringing in a younger "recruiting specialist" with a proven ability to sign top-rated talent from the ranks of the Nike and Adidas appears many of the major WBB programs competing for the best players have had them on staff for years.........
Nov 13, 2013
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I personally don't love the idea but at some point, UConn may have to consider bringing in a younger "recruiting specialist" with a proven ability to sign top-rated talent from the ranks of the Nike and Adidas appears many of the major WBB programs competing for the best players have had them on staff for years.........
They are already signing top talent from those circuits. Bueckers, Brady, Shade, Samuels, Arnold, Cheli, Fisher, and Ziebell all are from the Nike EYBL circuit and Fudd is from the Under Armour league. They’re doing pretty well.
Jan 29, 2012
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In today's computer age I wouldn't doubt that if recruits are really interested in UCONN for their college choice they will research all the coaches attached to the program!
Where they played, other schools they coached, etc.
So IMHO there are no surprises of their coaches ages or knowledge!
Jan 26, 2016
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They are already signing top talent from those circuits. Bueckers, Brady, Shade, Samuels, Arnold, Cheli, Fisher, and Ziebell all are from the Nike EYBL circuit and Fudd is from the Under Armour league. They’re doing pretty well.
I don't know that the competition for great WBB talent has ever been as strong as it is now..........Geno still gets stars but any recruiting advantage that UConn can gain (legal of course) might make the difference between a Final Four disappointment and an NC......
Nov 13, 2013
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I don't know that the competition for great WBB talent has ever been as strong as it is now..........Geno still gets stars but any recruiting advantage that UConn can gain (legal of course) might make the difference between a Final Four disappointment and an NC......
I agree that the competition for the pool of players that UConn has to recruit to play at their level is tougher than ever. That pool is small and it’s why it’s so ridiculous for people to claim that it’s a recruiting failure if they don’t get every kid they want. And the supply of 6-3 or taller bigs that can play there and want to compete for PT is minuscule. That’s why Auriemma takes these lottery tickets like Gabriel, DeBerry, and the 2025 kid Gandy knowing they’re projects and hopes they pay off. He brought in Jasmine Lister in 2018 and now Morgan Valley as younger recruiting specialists and they’re getting their share of top players but I don’t think age is a big factor yet. A lot of people think this supposed recruiting guru at LSU, Gary Redus, is wonderful. Did you know that he is 67 years old? As long as Auriemma and this staff is together they’ll get their share but they’re not going to get them all because of home state appeal, NIL, PT assured etc.
Jan 22, 2020
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Geno and CD apparently are happy with their assistant coaches as they are still working for them. If there was a problem with one of them program loyalty would only go so far and business is business would prevail. It would be handled quietly and the announcement would praise the departing assistant coach, explain the coach was leaving for pick your reason and wish her the very best in the future.

As to whether there should be some assistant coach changes, I really have no idea. I'd need to watch them in the gym and see how their coaching skills are, how they relate to the players, other coaches, administrators and donors and, most importantly, how successful they are at recruiting. Since I won't be able to do that, and since the younger coach has an advantage hypothesis lacks data to prove it or way or the other, I'm good with letting Geno and CD hire who the heck they want.

However...were Geno whisper in Susie Bird's ear that if she were to be a UConn assistant coach for some indeterminate period of time, say for however long before he and CD call it quits, that he and CD would recommend her highly to the AD when the head coaching job opens up, I'd be OK with that. Sue has all the attributes of a successful coach with the exception of the experience thing. She's young, personable, famous, successful, and passionate about basketball. Convincing Sue's wife Megan that life in rural central CT is just peachy might be beyond even Geno's considerable charms.

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