Coach P | The Boneyard

Coach P

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Sep 1, 2011
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I remember when coach P, was givin the job, this board bash Uconn Hathaway for doing this, well I think we should give prop 2 both since Coach P, been here look at Uconn recruits or transfers, QB , 2 WR, lineman, 2 LB, and these kids r big time players, under Coach Edsall this wasnt happing, so 2 Coach P, continue 2 play it by your rule, go Uconn


Aug 24, 2011
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i'm a big fan of what PP and staff are doing off the field as you guys know. but until we break thru on the field i can't be happy in the end. bottom line after all the other good stuff(local fever, recruiting, relationships, selling etc) is results. last year considering everything was what it was(rahrahrah) and i have faith that this year were going to turn heads. if we do, then i'm all in.
Aug 28, 2011
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The jury's still out on Coach P... He's only been in it with us thru 1 season... Let's see how things go this upcoming season before we give major props to him... No disrespect here intended... I just wanna see how we improve on the field FIRST before judging...
Aug 30, 2011
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Coach P has ON PAPER, significantly improved our recruiting prowess in a very short 15 months. He has done this after being away from college football for 7 seasons and he did it during a time of extreme Big East turmoil. I can't wait to see what happens after we win the league this year and see our conference prospects improve by leaps and bounds.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I remember when coach P, was givin the job, this board bash Uconn Hathaway for doing this, well I think we should give prop 2 both since Coach P, been here look at Uconn recruits or transfers, QB , 2 WR, lineman, 2 LB, and these kids r big time players, under Coach Edsall this wasnt happing, so 2 Coach P, continue 2 play it by your rule, go Uconn

I was thinking the exact same thing, and I was a little bit timid to start a thread on it for fear that I would have a hundred people down my throat about it (so way to step up). At the time, people were clamoring for Leach, Whipple, and Addazio (who had already been hired by that point). I was more than pleased with the announcement of PP. And with all due respect to ktuck911, what jury is still out on the guy?? The man is the winningest coach in Big East Conference history. There is no jury out on Pasqualoni, except for the jury of public perception that he's too old or has been away from the college scene for too long. His record, his rapport with high school coaches in the northeast, and his ability to attract talent have all been demonstrated for 25+ years. It just took a couple of high-profile in-state athletes and a couple of high-profile transfers to prove it to some. And keep in mind that my statement is less of a slight on Edsall as it is a testament to Pasqualoni's strengths.
Aug 24, 2011
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Initially, I thought coach P was a safe pick, but not the best pick. I think coach P is moving in the right direction and I expect Uconn to move well beyond where Edsall left off.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Initially, I thought coach P was a safe pick, but not the best pick. I think coach P is moving in the right direction and I expect Uconn to move well beyond where Edsall left off.

Just out of curiosity, which coach did you want to be selected when the decision for Coach P was made? Was it either of the people I mentioned, or was it someone else? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually curious to hear the answer.
Aug 24, 2011
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Just out of curiosity, which coach did you want to be selected when the decision for Coach P was made? Was it either of the people I mentioned, or was it someone else? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually curious to hear the answer.

I was hoping for VT defensive coordinatoor Bud Foster.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I was hoping for VT defensive coordinatoor Bud Foster.

I've seen his name tossed around in other HC positions, but I'm not sure that UConn ever looked at him seriously (I could be wrong about that). I am wondering if the fact that he is still an assistant at VT is more bad luck or more that he might believe that he is the heir apparent to Beamer. The only problem with the latter is that Foster is 53 already, so how long would he want to wait.
Aug 24, 2011
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Just out of curiosity, which coach did you want to be selected when the decision for Coach P was made? Was it either of the people I mentioned, or was it someone else? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually curious to hear the answer.

I know you weren't asking me, but I wanted McGee from Arkansas first, but I'm happy with having Coach P.

He's won before, he knows what it takes to succeed.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I know you weren't asking me, but I wanted McGee from Arkansas first, but I'm happy with having Coach P.

He's won before, he knows what it takes to succeed.

That's fine. I guess my point was two-fold; I was first commenting on those that thought that Coach P wasn't at least a solid hire based on his coaching history, and also commenting on the type of fan that says "we deserved better!" only to follow it up with something crazy like, "we deserved someone like Nick Saban!" :confused:
Jan 29, 2012
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I was thinking the exact same thing, and I was a little bit timid to start a thread on it for fear that I would have a hundred people down my throat about it (so way to step up). At the time, people were clamoring for Leach, Whipple, and Addazio (who had already been hired by that point). I was more than pleased with the announcement of PP. And with all due respect to ktuck911, what jury is still out on the guy?? The man is the winningest coach in Big East Conference history. There is no jury out on Pasqualoni, except for the jury of public perception that he's too old or has been away from the college scene for too long. His record, his rapport with high school coaches in the northeast, and his ability to attract talent have all been demonstrated for 25+ years. It just took a couple of high-profile in-state athletes and a couple of high-profile transfers to prove it to some. And keep in mind that my statement is less of a slight on Edsall as it is a testament to Pasqualoni's strengths.
I laugh when I see that people say he is too old. That guy is in shape. I would like to see whoever criticizes his age to maybe go running with him first
Aug 28, 2011
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I remember when coach P, was givin the job, this board bash Uconn Hathaway for doing this, well I think we should give prop 2 both since Coach P, been here look at Uconn recruits or transfers, QB , 2 WR, lineman, 2 LB, and these kids r big time players, under Coach Edsall this wasnt happing, so 2 Coach P, continue 2 play it by your rule, go Uconn
Hathaway was an unmitigated disaster. He left the athletic department in disarray.

I love everything that P. has said. His actions do not yet match his words. The only thing that matters are Ws. He has been a little light there.

BTW, I am on record as having liked the P hire.
Aug 28, 2011
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until we break .500 it's a little early to pat ourselves on the back about the hire. FTR i liked the hire then and continue to like it, but let's keep things in perspective
Aug 27, 2011
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until we break .500 it's a little early to pat ourselves on the back about the hire. FTR i liked the hire then and continue to like it, but let's keep things in perspective

I agree. P has a successful track record, but this is about a lot more than bringing in recruits. If it weren't, Rutgers would have something of substance to pound their chests about and Ron Zook would still have a job.

Win games.


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Aug 25, 2011
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I was hoping for Tom Bradley. I was lukewarm to P but hearing the regional coaches endorse him helped. I did not want a guy who would be around for a couple years only to move on to greener pastures, and Coach P is not that guy (success or not). As good as Edsall was for us, he rubbed a lot of people in the HS circles the wrong way. We need CT HS football to embrace this team. I think we need to get top CT kids(and top kids from everywhere of course) not strictly because we'll be successful, but also because it raises the profile of UConn in the eyes of the HS fb crowd and builds fan interest. I am happy with P's recruiting successes thusfar (based strictly on the ability to entice kids earlier in the process, since we can't tell how good they are yet) and also the way he appears to have increased interest in UConn at the HS level. He did not impress me with his on-field performance - still lukewarm there. P's brought more of his guys in potentially filled some holes. 6-6 or 7-5 next season, I'm still on the fence. Anything better than that and he moves to the "solid hire" category. Of course, gotta maintain success too.....
Aug 26, 2011
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I know you weren't asking me, but I wanted McGee from Arkansas first, but I'm happy with having Coach P.

He's won before, he knows what it takes to succeed.

I bet a year from now McGee will be head coach in the SEC or Big12.
Aug 26, 2011
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I loved the P hiring, but he has to do better than 5-6, he gets a pass because the best he inherited at QB was a walk on, and a 160lb Freshman Tailback, but to my eyes the overall talent on the team was better 5-6. I do like that he doesn't make you hate him every time he appears before a camera. That is a refreshing change. Like Palatine said, its all about the W's.
Aug 26, 2011
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Thinking of McGee, he turned out to possibly be several months and one weekend cruise short of being an SEC head coach. Instead, he's still coaching UAB.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Some of you crack me up. Since my last post, I have read at least 3 different people say, "Well, he did okay, but..." Look, do I wish we did better than 5-7? Of course. But here is the hand of cards he was dealt:

2010 to 2011 Roster losses:

Quarterback: Everyone. (Frazer graduated, Endres transferred, Box wasn't better than McEntee and left)
Runningback: Everyone. (Todman went to the NFL, the Sherman tank went to the NFL, Robbie Frey transfers [and goes to NFL], and Shoemate gets injured....thankfully, McCombs has turned into a stud)
Offensive Line: 2 starters (Zach Hurd and Mathieu Olivier, both all Big-East team picks)
Linebackers: Almost everyone (Lutrus, Wilson, and Lloyd to the NFL, leaving Sio Moore. Thankfully, Smallwood is a stud).
Wide Receivers: Our star receiver (Mike Smith, to academics).
Other notables: Alex Polito on the DL, Greg McKee (a budding offensive line star who was sent off for a pretty disgusting reason).

So Coach P took a severely diminished roster from the previous year, with none of his own recruits, teaching a system that is vastly different from the previous coach, and you're ultimately using the 5-7 record to judge his coaching ability instead of his long career?!? Wow, people. Wow.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Oh, by the way, take Blidi Wreh-Wilson off of the above list for the majority of the season due to injury....just to add a little more to the pot...
Aug 27, 2011
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I think most of us agree with only slightly better execution or play calling in certain spots we would have been 6-6 or 7-5. I put that on PP. But I believe he should and will do better. I'm putting a floor on 8 wins this year.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I think most of us agree with only slightly better execution or play calling in certain spots we would have been 6-6 or 7-5. I put that on PP. But I believe he should and will do better. I'm putting a floor on 8 wins this year.

Sure, but none of the victories had anything to do with him, though....right? I mean, that is what you are saying. You're saying that his 5 wins would have all been achieved by Edsall (or someone else), and only his losses were in the balance, right? Does another coach beat a favored USF with this roster? Does another coach beat a very competitive Syracuse team with this roster? Does another coach absolutely whallop a favored Rutgers team with this roster??

The answer is, "I don't know." I'm not trying to give him a free-pass for anything. I'm trying to call it as fairly as I can. But I can't just say that the losses are on him, and not give any credit for the wins. And I don't think anyone else should either.


Mar 30, 2012
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I loved the hire and still do. I don't see any other available coach matching P for proven ability and Connecticut connections, and I love his personality. I think the time in the NFL is a positive, he's probably a better coach now than he was at Syracuse, and a better recruiter for the NFL experience and connections. We need those UConn-NFL relationships for the program to get where it needs to be. I think we should be grateful he was available and wanted to come back to college football and represent his home state.


Aug 24, 2011
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we lost to vandy by 3, ist by 4, wm and cincy by a td. all could have been different easy. and if any 1 or 2 of those were, then we would all be going nuts right now. rah rah guy comes in with a new system, everyone buys in were bowling right away with a walk on qb. now were bringin in jucos and transfers, in state kids are here now recruiting is great. can't wait to go beat the crap out of ruty and cuse etc etc...but becuase we came up a little short were not...

PP took over the team. had 2 good wr's on the roster, only 1 played(kash). had no qbs and we played a walkon who would go down quick or toss the rock up for grabs. we found a rb but just 1 and we had no others. we had a young fb and ok OL i guess we could say. thats a brutal O to start with, brutal. and we almost/should have gone 6-6 with that. thats with PP and staff coming in and changing the playbook and everything from RE stuff to his. come on guys. we had good talent here on D but not that good. were the the ravens. our d had several good players but they had to do a 180 on the playbook. the kids told us many times its was tough to learn everything so quick and alot of youthful mistakes in the system happened. coaching changes take time. the kids PP was left with spent years in RE's bend dont break system on d, now there out looking for blood on ever snap. the O had nothing left besides the 2 wrs and 1 was sat down. i wasn't happy with 5-7, who would be? but lets be real about it. PP needs to win, but lets not say hes brutal coaching wise just yet. were going to rip mothertruckers apart this year. cuse, pitt, ruty and temple are all quietly thinking about us. bank on that . those staffs know the name and game PP brings to the table, there not stupid. You guys should notice that also. You wana know why we have had several kids commit then decommit? becuase PP has the connections and respect of alot still even years being out of the game. So he finds the kids who will be stars and other programs piggy back off knowing that a kid commiting to uconn isn't the same as it was 5 years ago. i can't wait for this fall and to see this board buzzing and foaming at the mouth.
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