Chief’s Briefs - PC Edition | The Boneyard

Chief’s Briefs - PC Edition

Feb 20, 2021
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Thank God for Stephon Castle who scored 20 as the Big East refs true to form took our MVP Donovan out of the game both halves. 46 combined fouls tonight.

The Big East ref UConn handicap is alive and well with an inept League Commissioner. Donovan picked up 2 touch fouls early in the first half and was on the bench with 4 fouls two minutes into the second half.

Other than Castle and Karaban we shot poorly as the number #1 team in the country got screwed on their home court by the Big East refs against a very mediocre team.

Tristen and Stephon have a nose for the ball and that helped tonight winning ugly.

Despite challenging Big East ref handicap outshooting was poor, about 18% from 3, around 69% !from the FT line and 39%!FG. Not good numbers.
Tristen as usual did what he needed to do to win with 17 points and 10’rebounds and good plays late but some
It was an ugly brand of basketball and the clueless league commissioner seems to endorse that brand knowingly or not.

Thank God Cam going 7 for 7 from the line tonigh and helped us win by 9.
Dec 15, 2011
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Thank God for Stephon Castle who scored 20 as the Big East refs true to form took our MVP Donovan out of the game both halves. 46 combined fouls tonight.

The Big East ref UConn handicap is alive and well with an inept League Commissioner. Donovan picked up 2 touch fouls early in the first half and was on the bench with 4 fouls two minutes into the second half.

Other than Castle and Karaban we shot poorly as the number #1 team in the country got screwed on their home court by the Big East refs against a very mediocre team.

Tristen and Stephon have a nose for the ball and that helped tonight winning ugly.

Despite challenging Big East ref handicap outshooting was poor, about 18% from 3, around 69% !from the FT line and 39%!FG. Not good numbers.
Tristen as usual did what he needed to do to win with 17 points and 10’rebounds and good plays late but some
It was an ugly brand of basketball and the clueless league commissioner seems to endorse that brand knowingly or not.

Thank God Cam going 7 for 7 from the line tonigh and helped us win by 9.
The officials didn’t take DC out of the game, he took himself out of the game
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction Score
Thank God for Stephon Castle who scored 20 as the Big East refs true to form took our MVP Donovan out of the game both halves. 46 combined fouls tonight.

The Big East ref UConn handicap is alive and well with an inept League Commissioner. Donovan picked up 2 touch fouls early in the first half and was on the bench with 4 fouls two minutes into the second half.

Other than Castle and Karaban we shot poorly as the number #1 team in the country got screwed on their home court by the Big East refs against a very mediocre team.

Tristen and Stephon have a nose for the ball and that helped tonight winning ugly.

Despite challenging Big East ref handicap outshooting was poor, about 18% from 3, around 69% !from the FT line and 39%!FG. Not good numbers.
Tristen as usual did what he needed to do to win with 17 points and 10’rebounds and good plays late but some
It was an ugly brand of basketball and the clueless league commissioner seems to endorse that brand knowingly or not.

Thank God Cam going 7 for 7 from the line tonigh and helped us win by 9.
All of DC’s fouls were obvious fouls. DC took himself out each half.
Oct 20, 2016
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You guys can complain about the refs all you want but there was fouling all over the place on both teams. That’s the Big East. Go back and rewatch the 4 fouls on Clingan. They were all legit fouls. Maybe if Clingan wants to stay in the game, he should stop dropping his arms on top of the shooter, right?


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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The refs scored 50, not 46. Uconn won with 74, and the Fryers came in second with 65.

The refs could have gotten their numbers up if they had called all of those obvious fouls that Donny seemed to think were "good no--calls".

How an offensive player plowing into the defender 8 feet above the arc is a good no-call is anyone's guess, but the league wanted a rock fight and the refs certainly delivered.

Still, the refs probably could have scored 60, easily. They just need to up their game a little and they could have come in second.
Jan 14, 2012
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Thank God for Stephon Castle who scored 20 as the Big East refs true to form took our MVP Donovan out of the game both halves. 46 combined fouls tonight.

The Big East ref UConn handicap is alive and well with an inept League Commissioner. Donovan picked up 2 touch fouls early in the first half and was on the bench with 4 fouls two minutes into the second half.

Other than Castle and Karaban we shot poorly as the number #1 team in the country got screwed on their home court by the Big East refs against a very mediocre team.

Tristen and Stephon have a nose for the ball and that helped tonight winning ugly.

Despite challenging Big East ref handicap outshooting was poor, about 18% from 3, around 69% !from the FT line and 39%!FG. Not good numbers.
Tristen as usual did what he needed to do to win with 17 points and 10’rebounds and good plays late but some
It was an ugly brand of basketball and the clueless league commissioner seems to endorse that brand knowingly or not.

Thank God Cam going 7 for 7 from the line tonigh and helped us win by 9.
The worst officiated game of the season. Clueless refs lost control early and set the tone for the entire game.

Only thing worse than the refs was having to listen to Brando and Marshall call the game. 2 of the worst
Aug 28, 2011
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The Big East ref UConn handicap is alive and well with an inept League Commissioner. Donovan picked up 2 touch fouls early in the first half and was on the bench with 4 fouls two minutes into the second half.

Sorry Chief but its call a pump fake and Clingan bit on it every time. What DC did is called joining the "paratrooper club." He jumped at the pump fake for at least two probably three of those fouls. He definitely deserved the fouls.

Yes, it affected the game but don't blame the refs for it, they had to call it.
Jan 4, 2014
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The truth is that there are always more fouls than can be called. This allows the refs to control the game by selecting the fouls they call or don't call. Donovan got screwed. Who gets 4 fouls in his first five minutes in a game? Nobody.
May 21, 2017
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The truth is that there are always more fouls than can be called. This allows the refs to control the game by selecting the fouls they call or don't call. Donovan got screwed. Who gets 4 fouls in his first five minutes in a game? Nobody.
Sorry, but I have to disagree, as I think he committed each of those fouls. He played defense pretty dumbly. Same goes for SJ.
Apr 13, 2018
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That was the longest 2nd half EVER. I am going to be polite and say the officiating was not good.
In one sequence TN is dribbling the ball towards the top of the key gets shoved and the ref who is litterally 2 feet swallows his whistle while the ref on the opposite side of the court blows the wistle. C'mon man
Jun 8, 2014
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He most definitely is - we are the #1 team and he totally changes the game when he is on the court moving us from very good to dominant!
Maybe most impactful-I’d even argue that’s still a stretch. But most dominant? Simply, nah.
May 15, 2014
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DC played recklessly in the second half.
Picked up a stupid quick one. Could have been called on a moving screen the very next play and then comes down and gives an extended elbow in the paint before he picked up his fourth foul.
He was not playing smart.

Bizarre that we had a foul to give in the last seconds of the first half( when does that ever happen) and committed so many fouls in the second half.
Refs tried to assert control but were too late
May 15, 2014
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2 fouls in the first 2 minutes of the second half for 4 combined fouls by the most dominant player in the country. What is the Big East’s goal?
He deserved them. Better he learns now than in the tourney.
He was a mess defensively. For UConn to have a serious chance of winning it all he needs to be on the court. We are a leaking sieve of a defense with him on the bench. He has to play smarter

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