Caroline NOT in the dog house... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Caroline NOT in the dog house...

Dec 1, 2016
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Both Nika and Caroline Ducharme were having foul issues against UCF and became a liability in that game as both had been missing foul shots recently. Combined with the play of others that kept them on the bench for that game. They are needed healthy for tomorrows game and the larger guard and the motor playing against a more classical team. It could be a great time for both.
Caroline played only a few minutes and had no fouls
Oct 29, 2021
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honestly, i wouldn't mind seeing caroline matched up with grace berger some tommorow. She has been sneaky with her length and blocks all year. 6'2 might frustrate her a bit.
I was thinking the same thing. Berger has those little upper post moves in front of the foul line which are tough to stop. She's channeling her inner Ashlyn Shade. I think Caroline is the player to put on her if possible ( I know we play a modified zone mainly ). I'm not buying that Caroline was taken out of the game for match up reasons or other considerations other than she missed 2 mega easy bunnies. She was speeding up and Geno couldn't take a chance in her not being able to adjust in time. It could have been a 2-12 shooting day before you snap your fingers.

This is Geno trying to restore her confidence and get her to lock in. Caroline is terrific. She's going to need a little time to adjust but she will get it. These are huge games with thousands of people in the stands and national TV. These are life changing games and she has a lot on the line. Somehow she needs to forget about that. The pressure on all these kids is off the charts. Imagine the pressure on Paige after all her hype and she would be the headline if we make it to Minnesota. Too much pressure.


Looking forward to next season
Mar 6, 2017
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Both Nika and Caroline Ducharme were having foul issues against UCF and became a liability in that game as both had been missing foul shots recently. Combined with the play of others that kept them on the bench for that game. They are needed healthy for tomorrows game and the larger guard and the motor playing against a more classical team. It could be a great time for both.
Not sure what you are referring to. Caroline was 0 for 2 FGs and the rest of her stats line were 0. Yes, 0. She missed 2 layups and then sat for the rest of the per Geno's design.
Missing foul shots recently??? How did you come up with Caroline has become a liability??? Mercer 0 - 0; Villanova BET 0 - 0; Marquette BET 0 - 0; Georgetown BET 1 - 2; Providence 1 - 1; Need I go on??
Sorry, but I sometimes just want some facts.
Mar 23, 2022
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There was no way she was in the dog house. However, her shooting woes are definitely why she didn't play more. We needed points and we needed shooters to space the floor. On one hand, I get what Geno was doing. However, I think we could have generated more offense by full court pressing and Caroline would be great in a 2-2-1 press. UCF is prone to turnovers. By choosing half-court offense, I think Geno actually got less scoring because we could have generated more offense off our defense.

The real issue in this game was the front court. Our front court generated 12 points and 14 rebounds. The UCF front court generated 19 points and 16 rebounds. Also, we were out-rebounded 35-29 overall. These are common threads in games were we struggle to score.


Looking forward to next season
Mar 6, 2017
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I have spent some time this week watching replays of most games in which Caroline started or scored in double digits. Of course only games that we won. Two games are not available on YouTube.
I am coming to the conclusion that Caroline can take some time to get warmed up on offense. Nothing wrong with that, especially in the games she started. But she does warm up nicely. And I like that and look forward to that going forward.
Jan 5, 2022
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Caroline is too talented a basketball player to be classified as a young freshman, even tho she is. When the time comes she will shine like the Phenom she is. Again I say that she will be another Katie Lou Samuelson and make her NO.33 star again.GO HUSKIES!!! No.12
Jan 16, 2018
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Makes perfect sense. The UCF player match ups were just not good for her. Nika also wasn't a good match up because she isn't a major scorer and she was foul prone so didn't want to put UCF on the line.

This is the beauty of a 9 player rotation. Every opponent is going to bring favorable and unfavorable match ups. You just go with what is favorable.
Nov 14, 2021
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It was pretty much a case of Azzi was playing great, so was Aaliyah. Evina settled the team down after it go too hyped up by the crowd. So, who do you pull - Paige? Geno is trying to get her back into game shape. It was just the flow of this particular game that there were no minutes for Caroline.
Actually, he could have pulled Edwards for a few minutes and put Caroline back in to get a feel for an intense game. Caroline, is a Basketball player and as Geno says: nothing compares to experience in games like the UCF. Re-entry works two ways.
Nov 22, 2017
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I did not mean Caroline was a liability overall. Just that she was not the best option to use in that particular game against UCF, I love her game even though her shooting has been off since returning. She and Nika are foul prone. I should have looked up her recent foul shooting instead of using my memory. Senility may be setting in. I definately worded that post poorly. Sorry.
Nov 24, 2011
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See? Sometimes, it is about matchups. Coaches might see something on the floor and go with their gut feeling. Just because a player isn't getting minutes, is not always because they are in the doghouse or the coach has lost confidence in that player. Coach or the coaching staff will go with the five best players for that moment. Today. Who knows what might happen. Coach G might go with a zone (3-2) with Dorka, Liv, Piath in the front and Amari and AE in the back, just to spice things up a little. Let Dorka bring the ball up on offense with Liv and Aaliyah on the Wings and Amari and Piath on the blocks. Folks would lose their minds if they saw a line up like that. "Is Geno mad at Paige?" or "Has Coach G lost confidence in the guards?"


Aug 27, 2011
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Makes perfect sense. The UCF player match ups were just not good for her. Nika also wasn't a good match up because she isn't a major scorer and she was foul prone so didn't want to put UCF on the line.

This is the beauty of a 9 player rotation. Every opponent is going to bring favorable and unfavorable match ups. You just go with what is favorable.
With Nika on the court UCONN came from 8 down to take the lead. Zero UCF points scored after her fouls.
Nov 13, 2013
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You aren’t actually ignorant enough to believe she missed multiple games with a non-concussion head injury? Right? Especially when there was video of her throwing up after the hit.
If you’re capable of reading, try reading the article. She was tested negative for concussion by medical staff.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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With Nika on the court UCONN came from 8 down to take the lead. Zero UCF points scored after her fouls.
i see you no GIF by Shalita Grant

When Nika came into the game UCONN was down 4 the score was 18 to 14.
When NIka committed her second foul and was removed from the game UCONN was up two & the score was 22 to 20.
With Nika on the bench UCF took the lead three additional times before UCONN took control of the game.
Apr 18, 2021
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honestly, i wouldn't mind seeing caroline matched up with grace berger some tommorow. She has been sneaky with her length and blocks all year. 6'2 might frustrate her a bit.
Thanks for the idea of Caroline on Grace Berger ( 6'0" ). I was originally thinking
of Aaliyah covering Ms. Berger ( and others on Berger, also). But the availability of
multiple players harrassing Grace Berger ( 6'2" / 6' 3" ) brings to mind the containment that
Creighton applied to Caitlin Clark ( no modest feat!). Let the game begin!


Aug 27, 2011
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i see you no GIF by Shalita Grant

When Nika came into the game UCONN was down 4 the score was 18 to 14.
When NIka committed her second foul and was removed from the game UCONN was up two & the score was 22 to 20.
With Nika on the bench UCF took the lead three additional times before UCONN took control of the game.
Not lying misrememberd, actually 18-13. Looked at gamecast again. Cute GIF. Left game score UConn up 22-20.
Dec 6, 2021
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If you’re capable of reading, try reading the article. She was tested negative for concussion by medical staff.
Honey, again if you believe that I have got a magic pen to sell you. You gotta develop some critical thinking skills.
Dec 15, 2016
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8 mins
2-3 FG
4 pts
2 assists
1 reb
0 fouls
1 TURNOVER (OH MY GOSH -some folks acting like she is falling apart..LOL)

Winning is the most important thing and trust Geno but still wondering why all starters getting over 30 mins and he cant get 2nd all conference 15-20 mins.... i just think it would help starters if nothing else.
Apr 7, 2016
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Thank you for starting this thread. Caroline has not been the same player since getting banged up two games in a row and suffering a concussion resulting in her missing games. Concussion are tricky to return from- please give her some time.
Everyone has their opinion. Mine is that she is physically fine. She played pretty well both defending and on offense. The thing is; who do you take out for her? Not Williams; not Edwards, not AZZI ( though her shooting was mostly terrible ) ; not Paige and not LIV or Edwards. And Muhl is the sub for Paige; Also, you have a steady senior in Westbrook who needs minutes. So CD got little court time to do her thing. The same was true for Dorka. Who has been great up to now, but Geno saw too much productivity from Liv and Edwards. Geno said that different players need more court time than others to " settle in" and get their machinery working. But in the Big Dance, the luxury of time to do that does not exist. He didn't mention Caroline, but he may have been referring to her ( maybe Westbrook as well ). We'll never know. But I don't get the sense that her injury is holding her back. Nor is she in a dog house.

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