Batman vs Superman Trailer | The Boneyard

Batman vs Superman Trailer

Sep 2, 2011
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There's almost 0% of a chance that the movie will be decent. And yet . . it is probably one of the few movies I will go to see the movie theaters in 2016. I guess there's the prospect of Han Solo parking the Millennium Falcon in a handicap spot to look forward to, too.


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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I thought Man of Steel was pretty good until they spent what seemed like eight hours destroying Metropolis. Then it got insanely boring. Hopefully the directors learn some restraint this time around.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Meh. It doesn't look good. The Batman/ironman suit is pretty lame as well.

I have to say I saw the Star Wars trailer and that actually looked pretty good.
Dec 25, 2011
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Was not impressed by the Batman/Superman trailer. I am a Batman fan over the Avengers; but, DC/Warner Bro. needs to improve the quality (perceived) of this tentpole movie or Batman/Superman is going to be eaten alive by Captain America Civil War.
Sep 2, 2011
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I'm not a fan of The Man of Steel movie at all, and that trailer looks like it's going to double down on a major problem---the creators' fervent wish that Superman comics were a little less cheesy and more angsty and dark.

Superman has always been pure Americana cheesiness. He's a boy scout, who fights for truth, justice and the American way, and everyone from the President on down knows it and trusts him. He doesn't have the same ambivalent relationship with the public like Batman. The man is loved and hailed as a hero by adoring crowds, welcomed in the Oval Office, etc.

If you want to make Superman work on screen, like Christopher Reeves did, you gotta get over the embarrassment and embrace the hokiness. You can't make Superman something he's not. Kevin Costner was wrong---the public is ready for Superman, even if Hollywood isn't.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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There's almost 0% of a chance that the movie will be decent. And yet . . it is probably one of the few movies I will go to see the movie theaters in 2016. I guess there's the prospect of Han Solo parking the Millennium Falcon in a handicap spot to look forward to, too.

The movie is banking on Ben Affleck to save it. The trailer did the movie no favors.
Aug 26, 2011
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Man of Steel was a great movie. I think they are going in the wrong direction now however.

The Superman from Man of Steel was enough to carry a movie when you have some good villains for him to fight. He doesn't need Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Batman to help out. I think they are diluting a good thing.

This movie seems like they are following the Dark Knight/X-Men model. He's too powerful and he can't be trusted yada yada. Plus the Ben Affleck thing has sufficiently PO'd everyone.

Here is how a fight between Batman and Superman ought to go. Superman flies into Batman at Mach 2, Batman is atomized. Of course Superman isn't a killer so he should find another way to subdue Batman. But of course that wouldn't make a good movie, but I would bet 10 bucks that Batman has a krptonite infused batsuit. Boring.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not a fan of The Man of Steel movie at all, and that trailer looks like it's going to double down on a major problem---the creators' fervent wish that Superman comics were a little less cheesy and more angsty and dark.

Superman has always been pure Americana cheesiness. He's a boy scout, who fights for truth, justice and the American way, and everyone from the President on down knows it and trusts him. He doesn't have the same ambivalent relationship with the public like Batman. The man is loved and hailed as a hero by adoring crowds, welcomed in the Oval Office, etc.

If you want to make Superman work on screen, like Christopher Reeves did, you gotta get over the embarrassment and embrace the hokiness. You can't make Superman something he's not. Kevin Costner was wrong---the public is ready for Superman, even if Hollywood isn't.

I am a fan of Man of Steel. I thought that it was a good modern take of Superman as an American. He's from Kansas, how much more American can he get? And yet he isn't going the PC "Citizen of the World" route. I thought it worked pretty good.
Sep 2, 2011
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I am a fan of Man of Steel. I thought that it was a good modern take of Superman as an American. He's from Kansas, how much more American can he get? And yet he isn't going the PC "Citizen of the World" route. I thought it worked pretty good.

It's funny, but what you think they're going to try and do, go the Batman/X-Men route, is what I think they tried to do with Man of Steel. I actually deleted a sentence making that point because my post was overly long as it was comic-book movie commentary.....


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Here is how a fight between Batman and Superman ought to go. Superman flies into Batman at Mach 2, Batman is atomized.

I think it ought to go like chapter 4 of The Dark Knight Returns. Isn't that why Batman is older here?
Aug 26, 2011
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It's funny, but what you think they're going to try and do, go the Batman/X-Men route, is what I think they tried to do with Man of Steel. I actually deleted a sentence making that point because my post was overly long as it was comic-book movie commentary.....

How did they do that with Man of Steel? There was a period where he had to establish trust with Earth but they quickly moved past it.

I thought it was a good movie. Good action, good subplots, I like how they portrayed Clark as getting his values from Costner and Crowe picking up where he left off. I also thought the extended part at the beginning with more insight into what happened on Krypton was really good.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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The Bat Armor is from Frank Miller I believe. I loved the trailer, 11 months can't come soon enough. Also, there is a rumor that this takes place after the Jason Todd robin is killed by Joker and that's why Bruce Wayne is looking so conflicted.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Here is how a fight between Batman and Superman ought to go. Superman flies into Batman at Mach 2, Batman is atomized. Of course Superman isn't a killer so he should find another way to subdue Batman. But of course that wouldn't make a good movie, but I would bet 10 bucks that Batman has a krptonite infused batsuit. Boring.
Superman flies toward Batman at Mach 2, and suddenly fall to the ground rolling like a plane wreck. Batman pulls a green glowing crystal out of his utility belt and starts monologing (in a low gravelly voice) as to how no can be trusted. So he wondered what if a 'super' alien with nearly god like power came to earth. How could he be stopped, how could he be destroyed.... Batman was always about intellect and detective work (aka the world' greatest detective') so how he'd try to beat Superman would necessarily be a long those lines. Reason out, who is is where he came from, reason out that if Earth has elements that can hurt earthmen, then Krypton should have elements that can hurt Krytonians and then come up with a practical way to weaponize it, in a non-lethal but debilitating form.

Dramatic tension comes from the villian, who left clues to convince Batman that Superman was threat, waiting until Superman is immobilized to take out both heros in one coup de grace wile monologing about his brillance. Batman, apparently, dead or otherwise imobilized, gets up and along with Superman defeats villain because Batman noticed inconsistancies in the villain's plot and so only appeared to bring down Superman to draw out the villain.
Aug 26, 2011
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Superman flies toward Batman at Mach 2, and suddenly fall to the ground rolling like a plane wreck. Batman pulls a green glowing crystal out of his utility belt and starts monologing (in a low gravelly voice) as to how no can be trusted. So he wondered what if a 'super' alien with nearly god like power came to earth. How could he be stopped, how could he be destroyed.... Batman was always about intellect and detective work (aka the world' greatest detective') so how he'd try to beat Superman would necessarily be a long those lines. Reason out, who is is where he came from, reason out that if Earth has elements that can hurt earthmen, then Krypton should have elements that can hurt Krytonians and then come up with a practical way to weaponize it, in a non-lethal but debilitating form.

Dramatic tension comes from the villian, who left clues to convince Batman that Superman was threat, waiting until Superman is immobilized to take out both heros in one coup de grace wile monologing about his brillance. Batman, apparently, dead or otherwise imobilized, gets up and along with Superman defeats villain because Batman noticed inconsistancies in the villain's plot and so only appeared to bring down Superman to draw out the villain.


Superman and Battle Armor Batman meet for a fight in the beginning third. They fight to a stalemate because Superman exercises restraint and because Kansas is playing UConn in basketball (in this world UConn is in the Big 12). During the game, Clark Kent figures out that Lex Luthor has been manipulating Batman, so he flies back to Gotham, activates the bat signal and the two heroes talk. Batman goes back to his cave and figures out that Luthor lives in a secret lair in the bottom of the ocean. Scuba Suit Batman (merchandising!) and Superman travel to said secret lair where they run into Aquaman, they have garbled conversation about Leonardo Dicaprio and they figure out that Dicaprio has invaded the dreams of US Govt officials and somehow planted the idea that Superman can't be trusted.
Sep 2, 2011
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How did they do that with Man of Steel? There was a period where he had to establish trust with Earth but they quickly moved past it.

I thought it was a good movie. Good action, good subplots, I like how they portrayed Clark as getting his values from Costner and Crowe picking up where he left off. I also thought the extended part at the beginning with more insight into what happened on Krypton was really good.

Ah. I see we have interpreted Earth's reaction differently. I thought events proved Costner's fear may have been right. I know when the hit the fan, after he surrendered, there were folks who trusted him. But that is the same as in X-Men and Bat man. I seem to remember it being ambiguous at the end---some love him and some fear him. Maybe that's off? I disliked it so I only watched it the once. Bottom line, just having it be so large a part of the plot at all (it was the theme set down by his own dad) was off for me. It just isn't supposed to really even be an open question with Superman. He's universally loved. President for life if he likes, etc.

I know that because I have seen the movie! Good flick, with Christooher Reeves, Gene Hackman and even Marlon Brandon.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Superman flies toward Batman at Mach 2, and suddenly fall to the ground rolling like a plane wreck. Batman pulls a green glowing crystal out of his utility belt and starts monologing (in a low gravelly voice) as to how no can be trusted. So he wondered what if a 'super' alien with nearly god like power came to earth. How could he be stopped, how could he be destroyed.... Batman was always about intellect and detective work (aka the world' greatest detective') so how he'd try to beat Superman would necessarily be a long those lines. Reason out, who is is where he came from, reason out that if Earth has elements that can hurt earthmen, then Krypton should have elements that can hurt Krytonians and then come up with a practical way to weaponize it, in a non-lethal but debilitating form.

Dramatic tension comes from the villian, who left clues to convince Batman that Superman was threat, waiting until Superman is immobilized to take out both heros in one coup de grace wile monologing about his brillance. Batman, apparently, dead or otherwise imobilized, gets up and along with Superman defeats villain because Batman noticed inconsistancies in the villain's plot and so only appeared to bring down Superman to draw out the villain.
(...sorry had to work ...)

So in the end Batman and Superman realize that they are good team and plan to work together on an ongoing basis. They decide to seek out a super powerd female because hanging out so much was starting to feel a little too much like a sausage fest...end of credits Wonder Woman teaser.

You're welcome DC. Send me the intial scripts and give me a piece of the gross and I'll walk you all the way through. Hope you didn't spend too much time and money on that dreck you did the teaser trailer for...its got to be scrapped.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ah. I see we have interpreted Earth's reaction differently. I thought events proved Costner's fear may have been right. I know when the hit the fan, after he surrendered, there were folks who trusted him. But that is the same as in X-Men and Bat man. I seem to remember it being ambiguous at the end---some love him and some fear him. Maybe that's off? I disliked it so I only watched it the once. Bottom line, just having it be so large a part of the plot at all (it was the theme set down by his own dad) was off for me. It just isn't supposed to really even be an open question with Superman. He's universally loved. President for life if he likes, etc.

I know that because I have seen the movie! Good flick, with Christooher Reeves, Gene Hackman and even Marlon Brandon.

I love both movies. The orginal is a classic, it's not on Star Wars' level but its up there. Can't get enough Gene Hackman.

But I thought that the new one was an updated take, with a nice nod to the orginal. My only beef was that that some of the fight scenes were too frenetic. Which is why I think a movie like Pacific Rim did so well. The story was good and the robots and monsters moved at a more perceptable pace.

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