B1G | Page 18 | The Boneyard


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Nov 28, 2012
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Unconfirmed, obviously - A CBS outlet in Washington, DC is reporting that Virginia and Georgia Tech will leave the ACC, join Big Ten
Aug 27, 2011
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It's almost evening on Saturday.

There would be a lot more smoke right now if this were true.

I would not be holding my breath.
there is smoke, not billowing everywhere, but dont forget most media outlets are reporting on games going on now, not necessarily realignment. also, most GT people probably aren't saying or leaking a dam word until after their game tonight.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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The scary thing is, I'm starting to buy into Huskyfandan's largely incoherent, rambling, alcohol-fueled thoughts that accord with the nutso wvu "insiders".

Herbst sent us a signal, not intentionally, though. When she was quoted by the AP the day before the vote (btw, we never did find out what reporter got that quote, including its context), she spoke nonsense about making "the s-a her priority", and then was said to have no comment.

The statement that she put out after the acc vote, if you read it from the perspective of her authorship, could easily be read to mean she had information about UConn invite.

--Similar to Rutgers, Big 10 approaches, says other schools involved, we'll let you know

--Warde Manuel's comment in the USVI : "When they'll act..."

--Use of the words "research" the post acc statement

--broader hiring of >250 professors, many of whom in hard $ciences w/ research grants when other schools are cutting*
(I believe Herbst believes AAU and Big 10 are linked in the sense Big 10 membership fast tracks AAU invite. So she didn't hire the profs to get into the Big 10, but to use the big 10 to get into the AAU)

--her state of the University address which failed to mention conference affiliation, but went overboard on research, research

--the jackson lab

--the white paper produced by uconn re AAU

--Manuel's use of "captive audience" for tv subs directly on point with our argument of uconn as a footprint state

--Delany's slip of southern NE to northern Virginia

My sense, there might be something to all of this.

I say full steam ahead, sink or swim, and get on this crazy train boat to the big 10.
Are you claiming that even a drunken squirrel can find an acorn?
Aug 28, 2011
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Umm, did the B1G have representative there today? Hopefully not between the game and the crowd. Can't fault anyone, freakin' freezing and not for much.

SEC is big because they are warm weather and end Conf play in Nov
Sep 2, 2011
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Does this man know the future of the ACC?
@Mr._KevinJones sits in WUSA studio reading twitter around 8:30 pm est., December 1, 2012.

Nov 2, 2011
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FWIW, CT is currently the highest populated State without a school in a "Big 5" conference.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have no problem with the "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" approach to the big ten and the AAU. The ACC has made it abundantly clear they don't want us until the absolutely need us.

F them. Pursue B1G membership with everything you have Susan. It beats the alternative of staying put.

If the ACC comes calling (and I believe they will) take it if absolutely necessary but I wouldn't waste another minute pining/courting the ACC.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
Sep 2, 2011
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Herbst and manuel are both set to speak at the IMG sport's forum in NYC this week. Delany and mark silverman will be there too, as well as a bunch of other presidents, ad's, webster bank president, learfield sports, Aresco.

UConn is one of IMG's top properties which is probably one of the ressons uconn has a pretty prominent role.
Nov 2, 2011
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I have no problem with the "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" approach to the big ten and the AAU. The ACC has made it abundantly clear they don't want us until the absolutely need us.

F them. Pursue B1G membership with everything you have Susan. It beats the alternative of staying put.

If the ACC comes calling (and I believe they will) take it if absolutely necessary but I wouldn't waste another minute pining/courting the ACC.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2

^^^^^^^^ This, absolutely.

For the record, I put our current chances as follows:

50% Go to ACC
35% Go to B1G
15% Stay in NNNNNBE

That is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.

This thread was originally created in response to the unbelievable negative that filled this board both before and after Louisville's selection to the ACC. People were acting like we were totally screwed, and without any options.

You may say we're unlikely to go B1G, but I say the likelihood is far greater than many here would have you believe. Is it a lock? Of course not. But it isn't some far fetched lunatic theory, and it doesn't require a substantial leap of faith or twisting of facts to at least consider it as a real possibility.

Dare to dream. ™


Mar 30, 2012
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If 16-18 team conferences become the norm, then the ACC leftovers will merge with the NBE. The conference will have a new name, most likely.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I have no problem with the "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" approach to the big ten and the AAU. The ACC has made it abundantly clear they don't want us until the absolutely need us.

F them. Pursue B1G membership with everything you have Susan. It beats the alternative of staying put.

If the ACC comes calling (and I believe they will) take it if absolutely necessary but I wouldn't waste another minute pining/courting the ACC.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
I am a bit angry that you stole my line (which I happened to steal) from 20 pages ago in this thread.

The USS Hartford however can use a skilled second in command. We're targeting Raleigh NC (more specifically a few if its inhabitants) on Tuesday. Are you in?

I am personally requesting the honor of captaining the USS Hartford (Admiral Farragut's ship). I've always wanted to say "Damned the Torpedoes, full speed ahead!".

What good could a Connecticut fleet be without the USS Hartford?
Aug 26, 2011
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What the B1G should do:

Go to 18 teams and be done...for now. This conference realignment has proven that expansion is all about getting into big markets and gaining new cable subscriptions. The B1G has made it clear that they want a large presence in NYC and Baltimore/D.C. They also seem to want to go a little farther south.

1. So first they should take UVA. Them with Maryland is about the best they can do for the Baltimore/D.C. market.

2. Grab UConn to help supplement the NYC market (banking in on the 1 million in Fairfield County and the fact that Penn State, Rutgers, Notre Dame, & UConn are the 4 most followed teams in NYC)

3. That leaves the B1G's want to go farther south. The most talked about options are UNC and Georgia Tech. Let's look at both those options. Georgia Tech is basically like the N.C. State of Georgia in that it will always be overwhelmingly behind the main state school - UGA. The only people who care about Georgia Tech are students, staff, and alumni. The state of Georgia and Atlanta as a whole are UGA fans. Because of this, UNC is the next most logical get. Let's face it, North Carolina residents are either UNC or Duke fans. N.C. State is the red-headed stepchild that only alumni care about (much like Georgia Tech). Since UNC is the big prize of the B1G's southern expansion, you give them what they want - even if that means taking Duke. UVA, UNC, & Duke are a great package and would love to be in the same conference.

By adding UConn, UVA, UNC, and Duke, you are further taking control of the northeast (NYC), the mid-atlantic (Baltimore/D.C.), and the want to go south (basically gaining all of North Carolina minus the N.C. State alumni).

In addition to a great market expansion, which is what football is all about, the B1G instantly becomes the best men's basketball, women's basketball, men's soccer, and lax conference in the country. It is also academically superior to any other conference.

And all of this doesn't have to piss off the current B1G members' rivalries. Why? Because with 18 teams, you get 3 divisions of 6:

Western: Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Northwestern
Central: Indiana, Purdue, Michigan, Michigan St, Ohio St, Penn St
Eastern: UConn, Rutgers, Maryland, Virginia, UNC, Duke

The orginal B1G doesn't get stuck in divisions with "watered down" football opponents.

3 conferences is doable with a conference playoff championship. There are 2 ways. Either the overall number one team gets a first round bye and the other two division champions play for a spot in the championship. Or you take the 3 division champions and add the fourth best team from whatever division its from (like the NFL wildcard).

This 18 team conference would thrive financially, academically, and athletically. And if Notre Dame ever decided to join, you could add them with Syracuse and take complete control of the NYC market. Done and done!

NCAA rules permit conferences >= 12 to have a conference championship game. I don't believe they allow a multi-round conference playoff.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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NCAA rules permit conferences >= 12 to have a conference championship game. I don't believe they allow a multi-round conference playoff.
To pull that off, after the regular season ended, each school (in order to compete in the first round, would need to be at eleven games. Unless they are willing to wing it and pair up all remaining schools to fill out their schedule (and keep fans hostage until the weekend before Thanksgiving on the last game of the year) in order to allow the top four to play-off for the title, they cannot hold multi-level playoffs.
Dec 1, 2012
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NCAA rules permit conferences >= 12 to have a conference championship game. I don't believe they allow a multi-round conference playoff.

They may not allow it now. But if a conference were to go to 18 and as other conferences increased to 16+, NCAA rules would most likely be altered. They just accommodated a national playoff. Only a matter of time before that trickles down to conferences.


Aug 26, 2011
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If we do end up with 4-5 super-conferences with a total of 80 schools (5x16=80=4x20), what's to stop those conferences and their 80 schools from joining together and telling the NCAA to take a hike? Can't they just start their own governing body?


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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If we do end up with 4-5 super-conferences with a total of 80 schools (5x16=80=4x20), what's to stop those conferences and their 80 schools from joining together and telling the NCAA to take a hike? Can't they just start their own governing body?
Why do you think the NCAA is as afraid of the SEC as they are?


Aug 26, 2011
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Why do you think the NCAA is as afraid of the SEC as they are?
Okay. That's what I thought. That's why I was confused reading a few posts up-thread that expressed concern/regard for NCAA rules. I figured the rules will be whatever the new conferences want them to be.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Okay. That's what I thought. That's why I was confused reading a few posts up-thread that expressed concern/regard for NCAA rules. I figured the rules will be whatever the new conferences want them to be.
There is one caveat here (which is why It hasn't happened yet).

As an athletic association, the NCAA has to have a set of criteria where any school that meets such criteria can apply for and receive membership. USF as a school did not exists until the 1950's yet today they compete at (supposedly) the highest level of competition in every sport they participate in at a varsity level. What the (four or five) major conferences want is exclusivity (so they have fewer schools to share the money with). If those conferences left the NCAA, began their own association (in which the roughly 80 participating schools were the only initial members) and dominated television revenues, other schools (likely nearly all, if not all current D-1 programs) would immediately apply for admissions and the criteria for admission (similar to the above USF example with the NCAA) would have to be something that can be viewed as reasonable. The attempt to add exclusivity would in fact make it far less exclusive, which is the last thing these schools want.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The ACC's version of "Conspiracy Kitty".

Conspiracy Kitty says:
Bah, redneck wanna be.
Dec 1, 2012
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I think had Georgia Tech been getting a B1G invite today (as it was questionably reported), news of a press conference or a leak would have occurred by now. Most Boneyarders weren't really buying Georgia Tech to the B1G anyways. A small victory for UConn...for now at least.
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