Ticket Prices


Received this email today from the UConn Athletic Department.  I get what they’re trying to do.  They want to entice people to buy season tickets.  However, the team’s performance the last few years doesn’t warrant people spending their money on UConn Football.  In my opinion, you’re only having the diehards buy season tickets this year.  The casual fan doesn’t care about this team, and really has no reason to until they start winning.

What really strikes me as odd here is that they honestly are going to charge $35 for a single ticket to one of these games?  Are they serious?!?!?!  Who would spend that kind of money to see UConn play any of these teams on the schedule.  This really is stupid.  I can’t speak for all UConn fans who go to games regularly, but I’ve never known anyone to buy a single game seat through the box office.  Maybe this is why.  Who would spend $35 when one could probably scalp a ticket in the parking lot for a third of the price at most.  UConn has got to do something about this, to at least entice people to make it to one game this season.  Offer a children’s discount, a free parking pass for every 4 single tickets bought, coupon on concessions, etc.  Anything!  If they want to grow the season ticket base, they’ve got to give the casual fan a great experience on gameday.  A reason to keep coming back and for the casual fan to say, “Wow, I could do that 6-7 times a year? So worth it!”  UConn definately took a step in the right direction taking care of their season ticket holders with the added perks for this upcoming season.  Unfortunately, the reality is our season ticket base isn’t big enough to fill the stadium.   Have to try something else in addition to what they’re doing.

As I always say, it all starts with winning.  Win games and the people will be happy to come.  But until then, you’ve got to run gimmicks that will put people in the stadium.  #FillTheRent



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