Will the full court press become the new trend this year? | The Boneyard

Will the full court press become the new trend this year?


Dec 3, 2021
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Last year everyone saw UConn succumb to the full court press used by Ohio State.
Do you think that employing a full court press against UConn will become the new trend this year?

Also, during the European tour it seemed that UConn was working on employing some type of full court press.
It didn't seem to create too much pressure as it resembled more of an umbrella defense by an NFL team at times.
But nonetheless, I think we all expect UConn to polish its execution & to use it more often then in recent years probably as a result of the Ohio State game.
Considering that UConn will be using it more, it would make sense that other teams will also be using it against UConn as well in an attempt to slow down UConn's offense.
Will UConn be able to handle the pressure of the full court press as well as we can dish it out?
Do you agree that other teams using the press against UConn will become a trend this year?
Do you have any concerns about UConn's ability to handle the pressure of other teams using the press?

Other teams using the press could affect our game plan & our substitutions to some degree.
Only the better opponents with more depth will probably try to do it.
Hopefully it doesn't cause more fouls by UConn players & rushed or haphazard play.
But it will cause more fatigue & the need for more substitutions.
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bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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You will see some pressing. UConn will use several different versions of it. But any team that tries to press UConn when Paige is on the court will be shredded with layups and open shots at the other end of the court. You can not press a team run by Paige Bueckers!


Creeker in fact
Aug 26, 2011
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Last year everyone saw UConn succumb to the full court press used by Ohio State.
Do you think that employing a full court press against UConn will become the new trend this year?

Also, during the European tour it seemed that UConn was working on employing some type of full court press.
It didn't seem to create too much pressure as it resembled more of an umbrella defense by an NFL team at times.
But nonetheless, I think we all expect UConn to polish its execution & to use it more often then in recent years probably as a result of the Ohio State game.


if they press -- and i assume they will because of their personnel (and it would be awesome and the players would love it) -- it will have zilch to do with ohio state
Considering that UConn will be using it more, it would make sense that other teams will also be using it against UConn as well in an attempt to slow down UConn's offense.
Will UConn be able to handle the pressure of the full court press as well as we can dish it out?
are you kidding?
Do you agree that other teams using the press against UConn will become a trend this year?
not likely, unless they enjoy surrendering layups.
Do you have any concerns about UConn's ability to handle the pressure of other teams using the press?

Other teams using the press could affect our game plan & our substitutions to some degree.
Only the better opponents with more depth will probably try to do it.
Hopefully it doesn't cause more fouls by UConn players & rushed or haphazard play.
But it will cause more fatigue & the need for more substitutions.
Dec 7, 2011
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UCONN will have too many ballhandlers to press this season. Paige, Muhl, KK Arnold and a sophomore Bettencourt equals four PG's, and if I was a opposing coach I would be terrified of a wide open Azzi Fudd at the three point line once the press is broken or layup city with Aubrey Griffin in the open court.
Apr 24, 2022
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UCONN will have too many ballhandlers to press this season.
Yup. As I never seem to tire of saying, if you review videos of games from the Gabby-Katie Lou-Phee seasons, you see a team that moves the ball up and down (and side to side) the court too fast to press. In fact their team movement is practically a natural press in itself. I expect we'll be able to do something like that this season.
Feb 21, 2022
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It looked to me like when we were pressed last year by Ohio State we over thought it too much. We tried to pass our way out of it and thats exactly what the type of press was designed to stop. Once Nika started taking the inbounds pass and just going hard up the court that press collapsed. The problem after that was we couldn't buy a shot.
If we would have had a healthy Azzi, Paige, Lou, Carolyn plus Aaliyah wasnt in foul trouble that game would have been ours.
Aug 8, 2013
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Last year everyone saw UConn succumb to the full court press used by Ohio State.
Do you think that employing a full court press against UConn will become the new trend this year?

Also, during the European tour it seemed that UConn was working on employing some type of full court press.
It didn't seem to create too much pressure as it resembled more of an umbrella defense by an NFL team at times.
But nonetheless, I think we all expect UConn to polish its execution & to use it more often then in recent years probably as a result of the Ohio State game.
Considering that UConn will be using it more, it would make sense that other teams will also be using it against UConn as well in an attempt to slow down UConn's offense.
Will UConn be able to handle the pressure of the full court press as well as we can dish it out?
Do you agree that other teams using the press against UConn will become a trend this year?
Do you have any concerns about UConn's ability to handle the pressure of other teams using the press?

Other teams using the press could affect our game plan & our substitutions to some degree.
Only the better opponents with more depth will probably try to do it.
Hopefully it doesn't cause more fouls by UConn players & rushed or haphazard play.
But it will cause more fatigue & the need for more substitutions.
I do think Geno will employ the press more this season!
I hope other teams try to press us!
I doubt it will become a trend!
I’m sure we will not only handle it, we will make them sorry they used it in the first place!
Ohio State was playing an emotionally and physically drained short handed team that really bears very little similarity to this years team! This team will have a full complement of healthy guards led by imo, the best one in the entire country, in addition to whom we will have Azzi, Nika, Caroline, Ines, Ashlynn, and our newest press busting secret weapon, KK Arnold! Bring it on! If anyone does press us, I predict they will change their mind very quickly after seeing a run of uncontested layups at the other end of the court!


Dec 3, 2021
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are you kidding?
The coach of a team playing UConn in March would want to at least try to use a formula that worked in the past.
Look at how Missouri beat Scar 2 years ago before they won the NC.
Sometimes the pressure works if a team has the right personnel to pull it off.


Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
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Our goal is to win championships, not beat a particular team. OSU beat us, but the press did not get them to the FF. The UConn men had some great pressing teams, but they became championship material when they played lock down, half court defense.

Live by the three, die by the three is an adage that applies to the offense. The corollary to defense would be live by the press, die by the press. A championship caliber team wants to make judicious use of the three and the press, but not depend totally on them. We will press sometimes, but that is not likely to become our main defense.

Both Bueckers and Muhl had stretches when their A/T ratio approached 4, Bueckers her sophomore year before injury to her, Muhl her junior year against good competition, before injuries to just about everyone. Bueckers alone would be enough to thwart a press, I suspect the two of them together will create rarified offensive efficiency. Presses against us will not last long.
Jan 5, 2022
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Yup. As I never seem to tire of saying, if you review videos of games from the Gabby-Katie Lou-Phee seasons, you see a team that moves the ball up and down (and side to side) the court too fast to press. In fact their team movement is practically a natural press in itself. I expect we'll be able to do something like that this season.
Again I agree with you 200%. Geno is too good a coach to ever let what happened when they played OSU, to ever let it happen again.OSU caught us at the right time for them because we were exhausted from being short-handed almost ALL season. But!! with the team Uconn has this year there will be NO fatigue or tiredness any where. It will be "NO,12 is ours and there is no-one that will stop us!" Now all the naysayers can jump on the bandwagon and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My answer is "time will tell" I have the time and Uconn is the team to beat. I will pay no attention to the polls unless Uconn is No.1 GO HUSKIES!!!!
Apr 23, 2019
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UCONN will have too many ballhandlers to press this season. Paige, Muhl, KK Arnold and a sophomore Bettencourt equals four PG's, and if I was a opposing coach I would be terrified of a wide open Azzi Fudd at the three point line once the press is broken or layup city with Aubrey Griffin in the open court.
Very true, but also we will frequently have two very good PG's on the floor at the same time. Paige and Nika will play a lot together, and KK may team with Paige quite a bit too, and sometimes with Nika although less so in that case. If Geno wants to give the scoring stars a break (Paige and Azzi) and full court press I would love to see a pressure lineup featuring KK, Nika and Aubrey at 1-3.
Jun 7, 2020
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I said it at the time and still believe it, if Aaliyah was not in foul trouble and was watching rather than being part of breaking theOSU press we win that game and as likely as not get #12. This season it is ours to lose, which isn't going to happen. Both Nika and Aaliyah had incredible junior seasons and they are not going to be satisfied with anything less than winning it all in their senior year. Azzi was hands down the best player in wcbb to start last season and then the injuries started, that setback is in the past, she will come back focused and hungry. Aubrey played the best bb of her career last season and she, fully healthy this season, will be even more lethal. Does anyone doubt that Paige will reclaim her role as the best wcbb player in the country, I don't.

Then lets throw in a Caroline, Ines, Amari and Ayanna who will all be ready to take it to the next level. If that isn't enough we have Ice, KK, Ashlyn and Q who have all shown that they will all get in on the fun this season (unfortunately Jana will have to wait to join the party for number thirteen).

If somebody wants to try to press this squad God help them, they'll abandon that strategy quickly. And God help those that have to face our press, we have the heart, talent and numbers to execute it at will. Barring key injuries, this team will score at will and totally disrupt the opponents game plans.

We are the luckiest fans in the country because this squad is going to make everyone recall that Uconn wcbb is bad for basketball, except of course the ones in the realm of the best fanbase in wcbb. That's how I see it. This season can't start soon enough and will end way to fast. This group will surely be one to remember, lets savor every single second!
Jul 25, 2018
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If teams press Uconn this we will lead the nation is scoring between Paige, Nika, and KK all great passers with Paige and KK legit scorers along with slashers Aliyah Aubrey CD Azzi Qadence and Slade it will be pick your poison the smart way to defend them is with a box and one with the one on Azzi and making the others hit shots I know you may say they can all hit shots but no one is as automatic as Azzi and "hopefully" the rest will be off but a full court press will be suicide here's hoping they do press us and if the over under is 100 points Ill take the over.
Apr 11, 2020
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The coach of a team playing UConn in March would want to at least try to use a formula that worked in the past.
Look at how Missouri beat Scar 2 years ago before they won the NC.
Sometimes the pressure works if a team has the right personnel to pull it off.
I agree. If I was an opposing coach with UConn on my schedule and after watching replays of the tOSU game the thought of pressing UConn would certainly go through my mind. Many months to practice it and if tried and it leads to easy UConn scores it could be abandoned. But I think I would give it a shot.

Then again, if a prior UConn 2023 game produced multiple easy baskets by breaking a press, maybe I wouldn't even try it.


Dec 3, 2021
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UConn was warned about Ohio State's press.
During last year's Big 10 Tournament, Ohio State overcame a 24 point deficit by using its press to beat Indiana by 4 points.

When a team is down they have nothing to lose by trying it & everything to gain.
It worked by making it difficult to inbound the ball & by forcing rushed shots.
It could force a team like UConn to change personnel & to make fouls & turnovers which can alter its game plan.

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Aug 18, 2020
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In a word or two, At times. We will see the press much more this year. Isn't it obvious. No need for a thousand-word dissertation on the question. We have the players now, Geno loves to press therefore, he will employ it.:cool:


That's big-boo-TAY
Dec 16, 2016
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UCONN will have too many ballhandlers to press this season. Paige, Muhl, KK Arnold and a sophomore Bettencourt equals four PG's, and if I was a opposing coach I would be terrified of a wide open Azzi Fudd at the three point line once the press is broken or layup city with Aubrey Griffin in the open court.
That's pretty much what I was going to say. I think it likely that UConn will have two legitimate point guards on the floor at most times. I've been really impressed with how well Nika and KK are playing together on the tour. I'd expect any freshman to have problems picking up the motion offense and knowing instinctively which role she's filling on any given trip up the court, but KK just seems to get it. I think she has something innate that can't be taught. A year overlap with Nika and a year or two with Paige and KK has a bright future.

Ines seems to have used the off season well. She still looks herky-jerky at times, but I think that's just the way she moves. I think the game still needs to slow down just a bit for her, but she should be a real contributor this year.

As for UConn pressing. I think Old Dude has it right further up. UConn won't be pressing all the time, but when they do they have a lot of options. In addition to known great open-court defenders Nika, Aubrey, and Paige, I think KK and Ashlynn have already shown that they're willing to give defense their all. Aaliyah and Ice are both mobile bigs that can serve as insurance against long passes.

Obvious but unstated in all this is, nobody needs to play 35 minutes. KK subs in for Nika; Q subs in for Aubrey, there's a fresh set of legs, similar degree of athleticism, and very different look on both offense and defense.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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I believe you mean Amari and not Yana. Yana didn't play last year and is out for the season this year.
Aug 8, 2013
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I believe you mean Amari and not Yana. Yana didn't play last year and is out for the season this year.
I believe you are referring to Jana being out for the year?
Jul 20, 2021
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I said it at the time and still believe it, if Aaliyah was not in foul trouble and was watching rather than being part of breaking theOSU press we win that game and as likely as not get #12. This season it is ours to lose, which isn't going to happen. Both Nika and Aaliyah had incredible junior seasons and they are not going to be satisfied with anything less than winning it all in their senior year. Azzi was hands down the best player in wcbb to start last season and then the injuries started, that setback is in the past, she will come back focused and hungry. Aubrey played the best bb of her career last season and she, fully healthy this season, will be even more lethal. Does anyone doubt that Paige will reclaim her role as the best wcbb player in the country, I don't.

Then lets throw in a Caroline, Ines, Amari and Ayanna who will all be ready to take it to the next level. If that isn't enough we have Ice, KK, Ashlyn and Q who have all shown that they will all get in on the fun this season (unfortunately Jana will have to wait to join the party for number thirteen).

If somebody wants to try to press this squad God help them, they'll abandon that strategy quickly. And God help those that have to face our press, we have the heart, talent and numbers to execute it at will. Barring key injuries, this team will score at will and totally disrupt the opponents game plans.

We are the luckiest fans in the country because this squad is going to make everyone recall that Uconn wcbb is bad for basketball, except of course the ones in the realm of the best fanbase in wcbb. That's how I see it. This season can't start soon enough and will end way to fast. This group will surely be one to remember, lets savor every single second!
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