Funny thing is I remember playing with the web suspension helmets and then they transitioned into the padded type ( some water with foam and some just foam until they all transitioned to the version still worn). Having suffered many concussions, from high school into college, the one thing I remembered is I never had a problem with a loose fitting helmet, and only started having problems when the protocol was a tight fitting helmet. I begged to keep my old helmet as a senior in HS and they wouldn't let me. It was only after moving to the snugly padded helmet that I started getting nasty head contacts with blackouts, stars and head buzzing. Every hit is channeled right into your head, even glancing blows, whereas the older, loose fit web suspension helmets would move and twist with impact, redirecting it. I really think there is something to making these helmets be able to pivot and move upon impact with being fully connected to the skull.
One problem with soft helmets is they are sticky and blows do not slide off and force doesn't get redirected during my impact.
One thing is for certain, the size and speed of players has increased so significantly that the impact forces are much higher than they have ever been. I hope they find a solution without ruining the game. It is meant to be a violent physically and psychologically painful battle of wills.