Wichita game almost sold out on the ticket site | The Boneyard

Wichita game almost sold out on the ticket site


I like winning
Apr 12, 2018
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Please click the "2018 Season Tickets" link above.<STATICMSG>", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[2]= new makeGroupForTree("GCB", "<a href=https://wwws-usa2.givex.com/Merchant_pages/17683/>Check Your Gift Card Balance</a>", "", "GC", "0") ; fullGroupList[3]= new makeGroupForTree("GS", "UConn Events", "", "", "14") ; fullGroupList[4]= new makeGroupForTree("H", "Men's Ice Hockey Discounted Season Tickets", "<b>Prorated Season Tickets Still Available! BUY NOW!<STATICMSG>", "HOC", "0") ; fullGroupList[5]= new makeGroupForTree("MBBSE", "Men's Basketball Season Tickets", "<b>Click here to buy and pick your own 2018-19 Season Tickets!.<STATICMSG>", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[6]= new makeGroupForTree("B", "Basketball", "", "GS", "8") ; fullGroupList[7]= new makeGroupForTree("GCP", "Purchase a UConn Ticket Gift Card", "<STATICMSG>Click Here to Purchase a UConn Athletics Ticket Gift Card! Gift Cards can be used toward the purchase of any UConn ticketed home event. For questions and additional information please contact the Athletics Ticket Office at 877-288-2666 or email athtickets@uconn.edu.", "GC", "0") ; fullGroupList[8]= new makeGroupForTree("IHFLEX", "Ice Hockey Flex Voucher Packs", "<b>A package with the flexibility to exchange vouchers as you wish for the games you want to attend. Use all vouchers for one game, or split into several games! Significant savings when compared to single game ticket prices.<STATICMSG>", "HOC", "0") ; fullGroupList[9]= new makeGroupForTree("ST-BB", "Student Basketball", "<STATICMSG>Student Season tickets will need to be picked up in the Athletic Ticket Office with a valid student ID. The Ticket Office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 4:30pm. <BR><BR> Student tickets may only be used by UConn Students!", "", "0") ; fullGroupList[10]= new makeGroupForTree("TOR", "<a href=https://Post original url/2IDyKCb>Husky Value Season & Single Game Tickets", "", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[11]= new makeGroupForTree("WBBSE", "Women's Basketball Season Tickets", "<b>Click here to buy and pick your own 2018-19 Season Tickets! <STATICMSG>", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[12]= new makeGroupForTree("FMP", "3 Game Mini Plan", "", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[13]= new makeGroupForTree("HOC", "Men's Ice Hockey", "", "GS", "4") ; fullGroupList[14]= new makeGroupForTree("HS", "Men's Ice Hockey Single Game Tickets", "<b>Single game tickets this year are reduced in each price zone and start at just $12 for all home games!<STATICMSG>", "HOC", "0") ; fullGroupList[15]= new makeGroupForTree("HV", "<a href=http://Post original url/2CmzXj1>Husky Value Discounted Season Tickets</a>", "", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[16]= new makeGroupForTree("BBFLEX", "Basketball Flex Pack Voucher", "<b>A package with the flexibility to exchange vouchers as you wish for the games you want to attend. Use all vouchers for one game, or split into several games! Significant savings when compared to single game ticket prices.<STATICMSG>", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[17]= new makeGroupForTree("CAMP", "Football Camps", "<b>FAQs:</b> <li><u>Registration:</u> Open to campers entering grades 9-12, post grads, and junior college students. Includes lunch and Nike t-shirt. <li><u>Day of Registration:</u> Limited walk-up spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis. Cash only. <li><u>Camp Location:</u> Burton Family Football Complex (505 Jim Calhoun Way, Storrs, CT 06269) <li><u>Camp Hours:</u> 8:00am-2:30pm <li><u>Parking:</u> South Garage. Hourly rates apply. <li><u>What to Bring:</u> Athletic shoes and cleats. Helmets not required. <li>NO REFUNDS will be given after June 1st. <li>Parents are welcome to watch from designated areas. <br> <br> <i>Registration confirmations will be emailed to all campers.</i> <br> <br> For additional information, please call the football office at 860-486-2718 or email uconnfootballcamp@gmail.com", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[18]= new makeGroupForTree("FBFLEX", "Football Voucher Flex Packs", "", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[19]= new makeGroupForTree("MIHADA", "</a>Accessibility Seating", "<STATICMSG><br><font size=4><b>Men's Ice Hockey</b></font><br><br> <a href=http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MIHADAWC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's Ice Hockey Wheelchair Accessible Seating<BR><BR> <a href=http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MIHADANC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's Ice Hockey Mobility Impaired Accessible Seating", "HOC", "0") ; fullGroupList[20]= new makeGroupForTree("FS", "Single Game Tickets - Home Games", "", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[21]= new makeGroupForTree("GC", "UConn Gift Card Center", "<STATICMSG>Looking for the perfect Gift for a Husky Fan? A UConn Athletics Ticket Gift Card is it!<BR><BR>", "GS", "2") ; fullGroupList[22]= new makeGroupForTree("MBBS", "Men's Basketball Single Games", "", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[23]= new makeGroupForTree("AWAY", "Away Football Games", "", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[24]= new makeGroupForTree("MP", "Purchase Seats For Soldiers", "Tickets will be provided to Military Personnel through a partnership with Vet Tix. Vet Tix is a national 501c3 nonprofit organization. The Vet Tix mission is to provide tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities aimed at improving mental welfare and enriching the lives of military service members and veterans. <br><br>With your purchase, Vet Tix will send you an "In Kind Gift Receipt". <STATICMSG>", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[25]= new makeGroupForTree("WBBS", "Women's Basketball Single Games", "", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[26]= new makeGroupForTree("BBADA", "</a>Accessibility Seating", "<STATICMSG><br><font size=4><b>Basketball</b></font><br><br> <a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MBBGADAWC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's Gampel Wheelchair Accessible Seating<BR><BR> <a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MBBGADANC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's Gampel Mobility Impaired Accessible Seating<BR><BR> <a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MBBXLADAWC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's XL Center Wheelchair Accessible Seating<BR><BR> <a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=MBBXLADANC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Men's XL Center Mobility Impaired Accessible Seating<BR>", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[27]= new makeGroupForTree("FBADA", "<a>FB Accessibility Seating</a>", "<STATICMSG><a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=FBADAWC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> Wheelchair Accessible Seating<BR><BR> <a href= http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?prc=FBADANC&caller=PR&linkID=uconn&RDAT=&RSRC=>CLICK HERE</a> for Mobility Impaired Accessible Seating", "F", "0") ; fullGroupList[28]= new makeGroupForTree("JH", "Junior Husky Club", "", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[29]= new makeGroupForTree("CT", "<a/>COURTSIDE SEATING", "To receive further information regarding courtside seating for the 2018 Basketball Season please click <a href=http://www.uconnhuskies.com/tickets/ticket-information-request.html target=_blank> HERE<a/><STATICMSG>", "B", "0") ; fullGroupList[30]= new makeGroupForTree("GT", "</a>Group Tickets", "For information regarding special ticket pricing for parties of 15+ please contact <a href=mailto:groupsales@uconn.edu>groupsales@uconn.edu</a> or call 860-486-8499. <STATICMSG>", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[31]= new makeGroupForTree("MS", "Men's Soccer", "<STATICMSG>", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[32]= new makeGroupForTree("WS", "Women's Soccer", "All seating for Women's Soccer is General Admission.<STATICMSG>", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[33]= new makeGroupForTree("STUDENTS", "<a href=http://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?linkID=uconn&groupCode=&RSRC=&RDAT=&url=http%3A//ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList%3FgroupCode%3DGS%26linkID%3Duconn%26shopperContext%3D%26caller%3D%26appCode%3D&shopperContext=ST>UConn Students</a>", "", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[34]= new makeGroupForTree("PACMON", "PACMON", "", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[35]= new makeGroupForTree("DEV", "<a href=https://tinyurl.com/l6x2klp target=_blank>Donate to UConn Athletics</a>", "", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[36]= new makeGroupForTree("HIDDEN2", "HIDDEN2", "", "GS", "0") ; fullGroupList[37]= new makeGroupForTree("RSF:GRP", "RSF Group", "", "", "0") ; //The root element var groupTree = new makeGroupNode("", "All Groups", ""); 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regExp = /(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\.\d{6}/ ; if(!regExp.test(str)) return "Bad Date" ; arr = str.match(regExp) ; return new Date(arr[1], arr[2] - 1, arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], arr[6]) ; } function Event(number, eventCode,configCode, description, comments, eventTime,isMultiDay,eventEndTime,facility) { this.number = number; this.eventCode = eventCode; this.configCode = configCode; this.description = description; this.comments = comments; this.eventTime = convertTimeStamp(eventTime); this.isMultiDay = isMultiDay; this.eventEndTime = convertTimeStamp(eventEndTime); this.facility = facility; } function TicketItem(number, eventCode, season, groupCode, configCode, tConfig, description, comments, pyos, eventTime, isMultiDay, eventEndTime, timeFrom, timeTo, timePYOS, pyosTF, price, fee, max, onSale, type, required, allocEnabled, facility, promoSeasonName, facDescription, promoName, srdFlag, allowOverLapping, eventGapTimeMin, groupSeatingEnabled, specialHandling) { this.number = number; this.eventCode = eventCode; this.season = season; this.groupCode = groupCode; this.configCode = configCode; this.tConfig = tConfig; this.description = description; this.comments = comments; this.pyos = pyos; this.eventTime = convertTimeStamp(eventTime); this.isMultiDay = isMultiDay; this.eventEndTime = convertTimeStamp(eventEndTime); this.timeFrom = convertTimeStamp(timeFrom); this.timeTo = convertTimeStamp(timeTo); this.timePYOS = convertTimeStamp(timePYOS); this.pyosTF = pyosTF; this.price = price; this.fee = fee; this.max = max; this.onSale = onSale; this.type = type; this.required = required; this.allocEnabled = allocEnabled; this.facility = facility; this.promoSeasonName = promoSeasonName; this.facDescription = facDescription; this.promoName = promoName; this.srdFlag = srdFlag; this.allowOverLapping = allowOverLapping; this.eventGapTimeMin = eventGapTimeMin; this.groupSeatingEnabled = ""; this.specialHandling = ""; } eventInfo = new TicketItem( "10132618", "GS:UCONN!M:BB18:MB08:", "BB18", "MBBS", "BB18:GP:MBB", "MBB", "MBB VS. WICHITA STATE", "<PYOWITHFAC>", "1", "2019-01-26 18:00:00.000000", "0","2019-01-26 18:00:00.000000", "", "", "", "1", "", "", "", "", "SE", "", "1", "GP", "", "Gampel Pavilion", "", "", "", "0","0" ); eventInfo.groupSeatingEnabled = "0" ; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function makeFacility(number, description, addr1, addr2, addr3, mapFile) { this.number = number ; this.description = description ; this.addr1 = addr1 ; this.addr2 = addr2 ; this.addr3 = addr3 ; this.mapFile = mapFile ; } facility = new makeFacility("3355022", "Gampel Pavilion", "2095 HILLSIDE ROAD", "Storrs, CT 06269", "", "") ; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function makeArea(plNum, code, description, ratio) { this.plNum = plNum ; this.code = code ; this.description = description ; this.availRatio = ratio ; } areaList = new Array ; areaList[0] = new makeArea("19500524", "BB18:GP:MBB:CS", "COURTISDE", "") ; areaList[1] = new makeArea("19500524", "BB18:GP:MBB:MBRE", "MEN'S BASKETBALL RESERVED", "") ; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function makePriceLevel(number, code, description, ratio) { this.number = number ; this.code = code ; this.description = description ; this.availRatio = ratio ; } priceLevelList = new Array ; priceLevelList[0] = new makePriceLevel("19500524", "MB08:1:BB18", "Reserved", "") ; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function makePrice(code, sequence, description, message, cost, max, plNum, plCode, perTicket, facFee, savings, cscMessage, plptMinQty, plptMaxQty, plptMulQty, plptQtyType) { this.code = code ; this.sequence = sequence ; this.description = description ; this.message = message ; this.cost = cost ; this.max = max ; this.plNum = plNum ; this.plCode = plCode ; this.perTicket = perTicket ; this.facFee = facFee ; this.fee = perTicket + facFee ; this.ticketAmount = cost - perTicket - facFee ; this.savings = savings ; this.cscMessage = cscMessage ; this.plptMinQty = plptMinQty ; this.plptMaxQty = plptMaxQty ; this.plptMulQty = plptMulQty ; this.plptQtyType = plptQtyType ; this.minRequiredDonation = "" ; this.maxRequiredDonation = "" ; } priceList = new Array ; priceList[0] = new makePrice("BB18:A", "1", "ADULT", "ADULT", "43.50", "99", "19500524", "MB08:1:BB18", "3.50", "2.00", "", "", "", "", "", "") ; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function makePriceType(code, description) { this.code = code ; this.description = description ; } priceTypeList = new Array ; priceTypeList[0] = new makePriceType("BB18:A", "ADULT") ; //--> </script> <!-- Price dependency list for ticket '10132618' not available --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- /* ================================================== Not really necessary - function applied to dateTimeFormat2 in www/core/functions.js ================================================== */ var dow = new Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); var moy = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); function twoForm(n) { return (n < 10 ? "0"+n : n) ; } function format_hm(p_time, p_md) { var m = p_time.getMinutes() ; var h24 = p_time.getHours() ; var s = p_time.getSeconds() ; var h = h24 > 12 ? h24 - 12 : h24 ; var hm = ''; if(m == 59 && h == 11 && s == 59) hm = "midnight" ; else if(m == 0 && h == 12) hm = "noon" ; else if(m != 0 && h == 0) hm = "12" + ":" + twoForm(m) + " am"; else hm = h + ":" + twoForm(m) + (h24 < 12 ? " am" : " pm") ; if(p_md) duckhm = ("time TBA" != "") && (hm == "midnight") ? " " + "time TBA" : " " + hm else duckhm = ("time TBA" != "") && (hm == "midnight") ? " " + "time TBA" : " at " + hm return duckhm; } function format_date(p_time) { return (dow[p_time.getDay()]+", "+moy[p_time.getMonth()] +" "+p_time.getDate() +", "+p_time.getFullYear()); } function singledayformat(p_time) { var singledaytime = format_date(p_time); singledaytime += format_hm(p_time); return singledaytime; } function multidayformat(p_time, p_endtime) { multidaytime = format_date(p_time); multidaytime += " to "; multidaytime += format_date(p_endtime); multidaytime += " from "; multidaytime += format_hm(p_time, 1); multidaytime += " to "; multidaytime += format_hm(p_endtime, 1); return multidaytime; } function timeFormat(time, ismultiday, endtime) { var formatedTime = ""; if(!ismultiday) { if(time != "" && time != undefined) { formatedTime = singledayformat(time); } } else { if(time != "" && time != undefined) { if(endtime == "" || endtime == undefined || time.toString() == endtime.toString()) { formatedTime = singledayformat(time); } else { formatedTime = multidayformat(time, endtime); } } } return formatedTime ; } function checkPriceByArea(price, area) { return price.plNum == area.plNum ; } function checkPriceByLevel(price, priceLevel) { return price.plNum == priceLevel.number ; } function getPrices_(n) { // helper function var prices = new Array ; for(var i = 0 ; i < priceList.length ; i++) if(priceList[i].plNum == n) prices[prices.length] = priceList[i] ; return prices ; } function getPricesByArea(area) { return getPrices_(area.plNum) ; } function getPricesByLevel(priceLevel) { return getPrices_(priceLevel.number) ; } function getPrice_(t, n) { // helper function for(var i = 0 ; i < priceList.length ; i++) { if(priceList[i].code == t && priceList[i].plNum == n) return priceList[i] ; } return null ; } function getPriceByAreaForType(priceType, area) { return getPrice_(priceType, area.plNum) ; } function getPriceByLevelForType(priceType, priceLevel) { return getPrice_(priceType, priceLevel.number) ; } function setArea_(area) { this.area_ = area ; this.priceLevel_ = null ; } function setPriceLevel_(priceLevel) { this.priceLevel_ = priceLevel ; this.area_ = null ; } function clear_(pCode) { if(document.reserveForm_["qty_" + pCode] != null) { document.reserveForm_["qty_" + pCode].value = ""; return ""; } else { return "Cannot reset the quantity of the current field."; } } function add_(price, qty) { if(qty <= 0) return "Quantity must be greater than zero" ; if(this.area_ == null && this.priceLevel_ == null) return "Area or price level must be set" ; if(this.area_ != null) { if(checkPriceByArea(price, this.area_) == false) return "Price is not valid for area '"+this.area_.description+"'" ; } else if(this.priceLevel_ != null) { if(checkPriceByLevel(price, this.priceLevel_) == false) return "Price is not valid for price level '"+this.priceLevel_.description+"'" ; } found = false ; n = document.reserveForm_.elements.length ; idx = 0 ; while(idx < n && found==false) if(document.reserveForm_.elements[idx].name == "qty_"+price.code) found = true ; else idx++ ; if(found == false) return "Programming error on Web page" ; document.reserveForm_.elements[idx].value = qty ; this.added_++ ; return "" ; } function prepForSubmit() { if(this.area_ != null) { document.reserveForm_["areaCode"].value = this.area_.code ; } else { document.reserveForm_["eventPLNum"].value = this.priceLevel_.number; } } function submit_() { document.reserveForm_.submit() ; } function Reservation() { cart.cookie = Number(cart.cookie) + 1; document.write( '<form name="reserveForm_" action="/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEAddOrder" method=post>', '<input type="hidden" name="ticketNum" value="10132618">', '<input type="hidden" name="linkID" value="m-uconn">', '<input type="hidden" name="maxCartItems" value="10">', '<input type="hidden" name="submitID" value="', cart.cookie, '">', '<input type="hidden" name="areaCode" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="eventPLNum" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="bestAvailable" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="baar" value="0">', '<input type="hidden" name="locPref" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="groupCode" value="MBBS">', '<input type="hidden" name="cartNum" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="pc" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="shopperContext" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="comments" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="groupSeatCode" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="itemType" value="', eventInfo.type, '">', '<input type="hidden" name="itemQty" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="gcAmt" value="">', '<input type="hidden" name="seatInfo" value="">' ) ; if(typeof(priceTypeList) != "undefined") { for(var i = 0 ; i < priceTypeList.length ; i++) { document.write( '<input type="hidden" name="qty_', priceTypeList[i].code, '" value="">') ; } } if(window.eventList) { for(var eventListIdx = 0 ; eventListIdx < eventList.length; eventListIdx++) { if( eventInfo.type != "CT") { for(var eventIdx = 0 ; eventIdx < eventList[eventListIdx].events.length; eventIdx++) { document.write('<input type="hidden" name="Ev', eventListIdx, ':', eventIdx, '" value=""> '); } } else { document.write('<input type="hidden" name="Ev', eventListIdx,'" value=""> '); } } } document.write('</form>') ; this.setArea = setArea_ ; this.setPriceLevel = setPriceLevel_ ; this.clear = clear_; this.add = add_ ; this.submit = submit_ ; this.added_ = 0 ; this.area_ = null ; this.priceLevel_ = null ; } function timerDisplay_(formNumber) { var remaining = eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_.seconds.value") ; var min = Math.floor(remaining / 60) ; var sec = Math.floor(remaining - (min * 60)) ; var time = "" ; if(min < 10) time = "0" ; time += min + ":" ; if(sec < 10) time += "0" ; time += sec ; timerCountdown_(formNumber) ; return time ; } function timerCountdown_(formNumber) { if(Number(eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_.seconds.value")) > 1) eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_").seconds.value -= 1 ; else { clearInterval(timerID) ; timerSubmit_(formNumber) ; } } function timerInit_(cartListItem, formNumber) { eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_.cartNum").value = cartListItem.cart.number ; eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_.seconds").value = cartListItem.cart.expire ; } function timerSubmit_(formNumber) { eval("document.timerForm"+formNumber+"_").submit() ; } function Timer(cartListItem, formNumber) { var formName = "timerForm" + formNumber + "_" ; document.write( '<form name="', formName, '" action="/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEUpdateCart" method="post">', ' <input type="hidden" name="returnUrl" value="/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?linkID=m-uconn&shopperContext=">', ' <input type="hidden" name="cartNum" value="">', ' <input type="hidden" name="linkID" value="m-uconn">', ' <input type="hidden" name="after" value="error">', ' <input type="hidden" name="remove" value="expired">', ' <input type="hidden" name="seconds" value="">', ' <input type="hidden" name="delMode" value="">', '</form>' ) ; this.display = timerDisplay_ ; this.submit = timerSubmit_ ; timerInit_(cartListItem, formNumber) ; } function Timer_ajax(cartListItem, formNumber, sharedCartId, evrxOrderId) { console.log("Inside Timer_ajax with " + sharedCartId + " and " + evrxOrderId); var formName = "timerForm" + formNumber + "_" ; jQuery("body").append( '<form name="'+ formName+ '" action="/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEUpdateCart" method="post">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="returnUrl" value="/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetGroupList?linkID=m-uconn&shopperContext=">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="cartNum" value="">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="linkID" value="m-uconn">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="after" value="error">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="remove" value="expired">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="seconds" value="">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="delMode" value="">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="sharedCartId" value="'+sharedCartId+'">'+ ' <input type="hidden" name="evrxOrderId" value="'+evrxOrderId+'">'+ '</form>' ) ; this.display = timerDisplay_ ; this.submit = timerSubmit_ ; timerInit_(cartListItem, formNumber) ; } function amountFormat(amount) { var amtFmt = Math.round(amount * 100) / 100 ; amtFmt = amtFmt.toString() ; var ipos = amtFmt.indexOf(".") ; if(ipos == -1) amtFmt += ".00" ; else if(amtFmt.substr(ipos + 1).length == 1) amtFmt += "0" ; return amtFmt ; } var usePLButtons = "" == "" || areaList.length == 0 ; //--> </script> <!-- ============================================================ New for 6.95 - template flavors separated ============================================================= --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _template = "ALL"; //alert("BB18:GP:MBB") </script> <head> <title>UConn Huskies | Online Ticket Office
Everything is single or low surprisingly. Go pack Gampel fellow yarders...
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction Score
I'll be there.

Only other game I've been to this year was the Iowa loss so hoping for first witnessed W this year.


Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
I feel ya OP



Universal remote, put it down on docking station.
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
I clicked hoping to be RickRolled so I am disappointed.

Im on the manufacturing floor today. Youtube blocked (by me) through the wifi and LAN. couldnt grab a link.

Otherwise you know it was going right there.

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