Why did Maryland fire Friedgen? Ouch... | The Boneyard

Why did Maryland fire Friedgen? Ouch...

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Aug 26, 2011
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Apparently, the key to coaching is yelling loud and giving a good peptalk.

That's why Herm Edwards has been a much bigger success than Bill Belichick.

You missed his point. What the author implied was that to be successful you need to either be a good tactician and a winner or at least inspire others.

Edsall doesn't seem to be either according to the author.
Aug 28, 2011
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this pretty much sums up what most of us said when the hire was announced. it's really just a bad fit. you have to love that BC gets thrown into the mud in helping to attract the worst crowd in recent memory.
Aug 28, 2011
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The 'author' loses all credibility when he says that someone like Edwards is a great coach because he is a great motivator....coaches need to be judged on wins and losses, period (except if they allow sexual predators on the staff....but that is a story for another day)....Herm Edwards's career record is 54-74 (.422 winning percentage). His time-management was embarrassing as Jet coach, so much so that he hired a time-management coach (I kid you not) and they still screwed up the clock at end of games. He appears to be a very nice man who was a below-average coach
Sep 21, 2011
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Haber's placement of "Was" at the beginning of the article already implies his belief that Edsall is a failure. I disagree. The logic he uses to present his story is even more disagreeable. What can you expect from a guy who does play-by-play on the Tennis Channel? You gotta LOVE it. [Pun intended]
Aug 24, 2011
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I laughed out loud at the comment about the face of the program lacking an adjacent neck.

The fact is that a large portion of the fan base wanted Fridge gone, much like here. The problem is hiring an appropriate replacement. The author misses part of the point. He states that Maryland "didn’t call for an architect. It called for a superintendent—a guy who knew how to operate a structure that was already in place and make improvements as needed." The reality is that head football coaches don't do that. They almost always install their own system. What they don't need to do, and what Edsall did, is treat anything that related to the prior regime as poisoned, paint the prior staff and the players who committed to that staff as loose canons without the personal discipline to do things the "right way".
Aug 27, 2011
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Believe it or not, RE will do fine at MD. Everyone wants to install their own system and get their own people in place. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been to go down there and walk in to someone else's place with players and staff you don't know, who are distrustful, unhappy with the coaching change, somewhat insolent, clique-ish, and unsupportive? I'm not saying RE is a Jimmy Johnson or anything like that, but MD will certainly compete for ACC championships with him at the helm.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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In the short term Maryland failed "Firing Coaches 101".

That is, short of a scandal, you don't fire your coach for failing to get to the "next level" unless you have a sure fire replacement who is better. It's a tricky game and the list of coaches available and willing to take one of them jobs is very small. The chances of screwing up, especially short term, is very high.
Aug 26, 2011
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Believe it or not, RE will do fine at MD. Everyone wants to install their own system and get their own people in place. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been to go down there and walk in to someone else's place with players and staff you don't know, who are distrustful, unhappy with the coaching change, somewhat insolent, clique-ish, and unsupportive? I'm not saying RE is a Jimmy Johnson or anything like that, but MD will certainly compete for ACC championships with him at the helm.
I would like to have a gentlemen's bet with you, winner gets the satisfaction of being right, that no way does he come close to a ACC championship.
I am putting a note in Outlook for 2015 to remind to revisit. I hope I'm still around by then.
Aug 27, 2011
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I would like to have a gentlemen's bet with you, winner gets the satisfaction of being right, that no way does he come close to a ACC championship.
I am putting a note in Outlook for 2015 to remind to revisit. I hope I'm still around by then.
you're on! LOL!
Aug 26, 2011
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I would like to have a gentlemen's bet with you, winner gets the satisfaction of being right, that no way does he come close to a ACC championship.
I am putting a note in Outlook for 2015 to remind to revisit. I hope I'm still around by then.

No need. He'll be fired before 2015. His relationship with the fans, the media, the traditional schools that feed them their talent has gotten too toxic, too quickly.
Aug 26, 2011
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Believe it or not, RE will do fine at MD. Everyone wants to install their own system and get their own people in place. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been to go down there and walk in to someone else's place with players and staff you don't know, who are distrustful, unhappy with the coaching change, somewhat insolent, clique-ish, and unsupportive? I'm not saying RE is a Jimmy Johnson or anything like that, but MD will certainly compete for ACC championships with him at the helm.

from your lips to God's ears. Must be nice to be a soothsayer - I am jealous.

I agree it must have been so awful for RE to walk into such an insolent atmosphere with someone else's players and a staff he didn't know. I can only imagine the pain. As has been said before, just give Randy time to get the star quarterback out of the system, either by transfer or graduation, so he can install "his recruits" - he has attracted a couple of guys with no other BCS offers. Should do well.
Aug 26, 2011
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you're on! LOL!

Just as an observer, does compete mean get to the ACC championship game or does a 3 way tie for one of the division titles or being 4th only 1 game behind a 3 way tie for the division title suffice.
In 2008 in Maryland's division 2 teams were 5-3 and 4 teams (including Maryland) were 4-4.
Looks like some years in ACC if you show up to play you are competing for a championship. :D
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